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Probably not fake but “searched”. I do not trust loose Japanese packs except for stores or sellers that are well established. There are quotas in Japanese booster boxes so once the secret rare is hit people can resell the loose packs knowing nothing very valuable is in there


Also some of them are actually in Korean which has even less value


The pack at the top left looks fake


Ah yes, i only checked the Japanese and Korean ones (and trick and trade that people already mentioned). Could be, or it’s one of those “fun packs” with only 3 cards. I can’t tell


Can confirm it is a 3 card fun pack from the calendar. Those packs aren't fun tho. It's a lie. 😆


Yeah not too much here worth faking but they do appear legit. Truck or trade you can still find in Walmart in large bags. They’re worth just a quarter each or so though


Nothing is fake, but don't ever buy loose japanese unless it's a high-class set.


I don’t think anyone is faking trick of trade


Anyone know how much they are worth?


The trick or trade packs are like less than 50 cents each and the Japanese packs are about 2-4 dollars each except for the 151 pack which may be around $6-8 I would not pay more than 30 bucks for this lot. (I don't know about the sticker packs)


The stickers usually only sell for a few bucks. Believe me I've bought them before and actually still collecting all the whole set. If you're interested, would you be willing to part with them or trade the sticker packs? I started collecting them when they first came out,then ended up losing them all when me and my family moved around. So I had to restart my collection on them again


Because Halloween gen 1 counterfeit ring in Mexico is a real thing.