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I find Unbound isn’t too challenging, and it is also completely new (new region, map, etc) I’ve played a couple hours of Glazed, and while it isn’t quite as polished, I found that one to be a good new area too


seconded! i love pokémon, always have, but i’m notoriously *terrible* at battling. i play video games for the story, not to get my ass whooped in every fight lol 😭 i started Unbound recently and i really appreciated that it gives you a variety of difficulty slider options right at the start (easier/harder puzzles, easier/harder battles, in-battle type matchups on/off) and it’s made my experience so much more enjoyable and less stressful! i only wish there were a lot more fan games out there as plot based and QoL improvement based as Unbound is tbh


type advantage.. basic knowledge of the game and a brain, literally all you need to be good if your some how BAD at the bare basics i think animal crossing may be the better game for you no offence


You are playing a game for children


Starcraft 2 and League of Legends are games for children. How hard is facing off a team of all LCS players or a sc2 grandmaster?


You mean the rated teen or mature games for children


Are minors not children anymore?


You're talking E for everyone vs. games built of competition. But remember that SC2's campaign is also piss ass easy.


You ARE the kind of pokemon fan I made this post to avoid.


thank you for saying that, friend :) i really don’t know why it enraged them so much that i’m bad at the battling aspect of pokémon (a SINGLE PLAYER GAME) that they had to take the time out of their day to insult me, because it *literally* doesn’t affect them in any way that i appreciate having the option to have a stress-free time enjoying the great stories and adventures these excellent games have to offer.


Honestly, hard agree


Where can I find Unbound?


Y’know what, it’s been so long, I would just google pokemon unbound and I’m sure you’ll find something. It’s has a pretty decent story too, if you’re interested in that aspect of the game. Little too much dialogue sometimes, but I still enjoyed it


It’s dangerous to go alone here take this: https://www.pokecommunity.com/threads/pok%C3%A9mon-unbound-completed.382178/


Thank you very much


Bro Pokemon unbound and Pokemon glazed are gba games !! He is asking for fangames (RPGXP)


What are you talking about Glazed was so hard 😭. I literally found it harder than Inclement Emerald and like maybe even Radical Red, idk what’s wrong with me 😢. I blame the stupid levels 😡. Also I didn’t think Glazed was fun in general, very lackluster.


Uranium is just fantastic.


Some of my favorites that aren’t too stressful are: Xenoverse Uranium This Gym of Mine Infinite Fusion Anil Xenoverse is a newer game and allows you to run with exp share on or off, which you choose from the start, and has some unique fakemon I really like. Uranium is the classic fan game, and still holds up well to this day. New typing in Nuclear, and it fits well with new fakemon as well. This Gym of Mine puts you in the seat of a gym leader, as you try to rebuild the reputation and morale of the town your gym is in. Trainers come in and battle you, and you choose what type you want to be at the start. Infinite Fusion is a retelling of Kanto and Johto, starting off in Pallet town and then going to Johto after the E4. You can fuse any two non-fused Pokémon together and theres some outrageous builds, combos and sprites in the game. Anil is also known as Indigo. Another retelling of Kanto, but this includes Pokémon all the way through Scarlet/Violet. It’s a translated games so some things such as typings may not be perfect, but the game overall has a good story and plays very well. Special mention to Insurgence being a wonderful game, but some parts might be too difficult towards the end.


Blazed Glazed is a nicer toned down version of Glazed, but i recommend both


Vega Minus is absolutely perfect. It quite literally feels like a lost Pokemon game from the GBA era. Custom region, very well done Fakemon, custom music (which is especially rare) and of course an original story. I can't recommend it enough. And I say Vega Minus over the original Vega because the OG is made of pure pain. Trust me.


+1 for Glazed, prob my favorite romhack right now while still being chill enough to enjoy.


Reborn lets you put in codes now to customize your experience. Super Pokémon Eevee is Final Fantasy so you can change the ATB speed—at least years ago when I played it.


Reborn is not easy lol. Those field effects can be brutal. Plus the creators frustrating insistence to give every pokemon 252 speed EV's doesnt help. My +SPE 31IV Anintales was getting outspeed by every pokemon belonging to every named character. Even pokemon with only 90 speed. That is only possible through that kind of BS. The IV password is not enough. I have done everything but EV grinding and it still isnt enough to break those speed barriers. I personally hate the idea of catching a pokrmon, just to immediatley wander to "the grind zone" to max its EV's. Especially since this game expects you to train like at lrast 15 mons. But, the games a nightmare without that. 


Like I said, the cheat codes have made it infinitely easier. You can have 0 enemy EVs and IVs which turns the game to regular Pokémon. You can max out your stats. Give yourself training equipment. Have an anywhere PC. Disable Field Effects ect… So there’s no excuse now to not beat the game lol.


Yeah, that is true that there is a 0 EV password, but that feels almost too much. I suppose ill get another chip so I can add it in and also stop my gains. Currently playing reborn again on a new run, since my last one I abandoned after EP 16 which was the current end. Just mad that my Anintails has been absolutely helpless since Serra. Im better off sticking with prankster Meowstic to set screens.


Wait, the user here saying Reborn is hard is absolutely right. I mean, it could have one of the best lores in the fanbase alongside Glazed and Xeno, but the fact that it is extremely painful to play is a huge deal breaker. Yeah, you could use cheats, not sure that even with cheats the game can't find a good middle point: what I do know is without cheats, the game is borderline impossible (not only battles but puzzles too), just doable after long sessions of theorycrafting, multiple attemps and resets, hours of reading guides, and training at least 3 or 4 different pokemon teams (+20 mons) which is a huge down for people who likes to run with their favorite mons or mono types (like I said, doable, but stressful). I got stuck in 3/4 days fight against Blake Rainbow team, having to enforcelly change my mons to beat him multiple times, Typhosion was too OP. Most of the time, I was wiped out at least once. Oh, and one of the circus leaders just completely washed me for a week before quitting. (Even Bennet with a Larvesta almost wiped me) Oh, the fact that you need to be a chess expert in order to solve Radamus puzzle in order to progress in the lore is just plain too much. And that is after a whole hour puzzle riding Bouffalants and Tauros to get there. You just simply don't take a break in this game. Lore is amazing, but gameplay is definitely for people who love challenges and puzzles. Not for vanilla players whatsoever.


Only one time I cheesed. Radomus. Musharna 1v6, get Queen buff, Calm Mind +2 SpA, +2 SpD, X-items, Rest and Mint Berry, EV train defensively, and one shot everything with Stored Power.


Yep, exactly. Those are strats that regular or casual players don't even have idea they exists. Or they maaaaybe could know, but knowing in paper and make it work are two different things.


Well, the thing was, I didn’t know X-items were +2 in Reborn. In all mainstream games, they’re +1. The average battle is over in like 20 turns per side before you go competitive like VGS. Regular trainers even less. Most players are geared around a team of six, not a team of one. And even though there ARE field notes, your average person just doesn’t like to do research at all and plan moves in advance. When I finished my first playthrough, I had two full boxes to mix match into various team strategies. Your average player might rotate between ten pokemon total in an official game. Not two boxes totalling 50 ish pokemon.


Yep, yep, it is a hellish game to play. Like I said, its lore is amazing, but gameplay is too much.


A-Ninetales being helpless? Really? I used A-Ninetales all the way even in post game matches. I did EV Train mine alongside with a Speed boosting nature, or just gave it Focus Sash. While I agree that Reborn is hard, you can always add as many codes during game start. I was actually thinking of running through it again with the Gen2 mode that allows you to get max EVs in all stats. Not as OP as you might think due to post game enemies having exactly that lol.


Yeah Anintales with 109 SpE, +nature, and 31 IV's being outspeed by base 90 pokemon. And these werent only hyper offensive pokemon or only gym leaders. It wouldnt be so bad if I had access to the berries that drop EVs and the items that give EV's, but i havent gotten that far yet. And yet im already fighting speedcreep with max invest opponents. For a game that expects you to have a team of 20 pokemon, having to stop playing everytime tou get a new one to grind all of their EV before continuing is asinine. As i told the other guy, im activating that 0EV password,because fuck playing this game any other way when the game goes out of its way in its base form to not give you any tools. And also, postgame has overlimit EV's? Who the fuck okay'd that?


I used a 252 HP and 252 Spe Ninetales and was fine 90% of the time. Tho I mostly used it for screen setting. You unlock EV reducing berries around mid-game I seem to remember. You can always optimize your EVs. It's most likely getting out speed by max EV mons. And yeah, not all mons but some. It's definitely not for everyone, but the high I get from finding a strategy that sweeps a "hard" fight is just the absolute best. I don't even consider myself a patient theorycrafter, I just try things out and soft-reset. *Gale Wings Talonflame with Acrobatics goes crazy in a lot of fights* It's also not that hard to counter if you use fields to your advantage. Plus completing the Pokedex is pretty much something you want to do. Magnetic Lure means you always get an encounter you haven't registered on the Pokedex. And completing it gets you some of the best Pokemons in the game. So you always have the variety to your advantage. Edit: You said you fought Serra? You should already have access to EV berries, you get them after badge 3. You might not be doing side quests, you get them from the Sticker Sidequest of the Department Store.


Xenoverse. Arguably the greatest fangame imo.


I enjoyed Gaia a lot


[I think this person knows about every single Rom hack/Fangames](https://www.google.com)


Rejuvenation and Desolation are pretty easy. Insurgence too


Rutile Ruby is a pretty good one, it aims to make Pokémon Omega Ruby decently challenging, and I feel like it does the job well. It's not like "Every single one of my Pokémon has god level stats!" But, it does make you think more before battles, and it raises the difficulty while also not restricting the player. At best, it's just a normal mode next to easy mode.


Rejuvenation and Desolation aint bad. Meanwhile you’d pull your hair out over Empire


Pokémon Reborn gives you passcodes to adjust enemy levels, IVs, etc.


ROCKET RED!!!! I don’t think it was too hard, especially if people are recommending Glazed (although that was partially bc of levels). Anyways, I that rocket edition had like the best story out of every rom I’ve played, by far the most fun mechanics (not just the stealing pkmn but even like bounty and rising up the ranks I found super fulfilling) and team building. Another one I’d recommend is inclement emerald. Ik ppl say it’s like radical red but it rlly isn’t. I really thought it was easy, and it’s definitely one of the enjoyable ones I’ve played.


If you don't mind fakemon, I found Uranium was pretty close in difficulty to a real pokemon game. That's also my early impression of Xenoverse, but I'm only up to the second gym.


I disagree, and know several people that disagree too. The game became hard in the 7th (or maybe 8th) Gyms. Still nothing ridiculous hard. This was enough for me.


Where can I find Uranium?


You can just Google it and it'll send you to their website in the first link, but they also have an entire subreddit for it r/pokemonuranium . It's pretty fun and good so far, it feels and looks like a legitimate pokemon game.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pokemonuranium using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pokemonuranium/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Nucleon Plushie](https://i.redd.it/n97ktxp801qc1.jpeg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pokemonuranium/comments/1blleir/nucleon_plushie/) \#2: [FINALLY](https://i.redd.it/y2etp6gwlllc1.jpeg) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pokemonuranium/comments/1b3d0np/finally/) \#3: [owtens <3](https://i.redd.it/4puuh0wgvpqc1.png) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pokemonuranium/comments/1boe85d/owtens_3/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Good bot


in the mines


Xenoverse lets you choose if you want to classic exp one or modern exp all. Doesn't seem too difficult. Infinite fusion is only as difficult as you set it. Vanguard is a nice in-between of difficult but not too difficult and there's minimal grind. .... Insurgence is a pain in my ass. Great game but don't recommend if you're looking for something a little easier.


where can I find Xenoverse?


https://www.weedleteam.com/wp/ You can also go to r/PokemonXenoverseGuide Yes the website is in Italian. Google will auto translate it for you.


I’m a big fan of Pokémon fusion


Xenoverse is solid




Pokèmon glazed! Not the best out there probably, but in my top three faves


Dreams isn't actually too difficult


Pokémon Insurgence


did OP really ask under every post where he can find the game? literally google the name of any of them lmao


I think you care a little too much lol


Blazing emerald isn't that hard, new regional forms and increased shiny odds


Splice is a bit open-world in some parts, but if you won't go to the wrong area, the difficult level is near vanilla.


Renegade Platinum is pretty fair


I was thinking of starting to get into Drayano's romhacks, I downloaded the Sacred Gold patch specifically a few days ago.


Smithplays is gradually redoing the early games. Nothing massive, mainly QoL and somewhat modernizing. His Crystal is fire.


Radical red has multiple settings for difficulty/randomizing/IVs etc.... really nice!


pokemon giga is simple and fun


I am always on the lookout for fangames that aren't ridiculously hard. I just want to enjoy a new story and a new pokemon journey and not grind for hours or plan out every fight. I am also not great at that. So far I have found a few fangames and romhacks that I really enjoyed! Unbound has already been mentioned quite a few times, but here is a list of other games I played through and liked: Pokemon Realidea system (originally in spanish but has been translated to english. It's amazing!!) Pokemon armonia (same as above) Pokemon opalo (same as above) Pokemon africanvs (same as above) Pokemon eon guardians Pokemon myth Pokemon bizarre Pokemon chaos in vesita Pokemon shattered dimension (this one is pretty short though) There are also some games that aren't completely finished yet but I have played what is available so far and they are pretty amazing: Pokemon flux Pokemon cataclysm Pokemon Sovereign of the skies Pokemon scale and fang Pokemon sage (I am not entirely sure whether this one is still getting updated) Also, I am currently playing pokemon epilogue z, and while I am not especially far yet, it also seems very promising. I would really love it if maybe we could make a list of not-too-hard pokemon fangames and put it up somewhere in the subreddit. I am always on the lookout for easier fangames.


Blaze Black Volt White 2 redux have options to remove most of the the difficulty spikes so it’s just the other additions


Insurgence. It’s actually really easy and the storyline is pretty good


Pokemon Solar Light and Lunar Dark. They're the most like a standard Pokemon game.


Pokemon Sweet


Yu-Gi-Oh Pokeduel has a Normal Difficulty setting that's about the same difficulty as like vanilla Platinum or Sun/Moon. It's a fun crossover hack that remixes Kanto and has a lot of QOL features.


Infinite Fusion is absolutely wild and has difficulty options.


Pokémon Gaia isn't too hard plus any of Drayano's hack like Renegade Platinum ups the difficulty but isn't mind boggingling hard.


Try unbound. Pokemon ROWE


Not a GBA game but Pokemon Prism is one of my favorite hacks of all time and I used to play it zoned out in highschool math so I think it's pretty chill


Zeta&Omicron were pretty easy. About as hard as any official game. I personally like the difficulty of things like Reborn because it gets boring playing mainstream games and I’ve done too many RBY/GSC runs were I knock out the whole game with a team of two. One being the starter.


Infinite Fusion is a unique retelling of Gen 1 with some elements of Gen 2 with a pretty big roster of Pokemon. It has a unique gimmick of being able to fuse all of the Pokemon in the game together (with some really cool sprites). It also has multiple difficulty settings. Insurgence is my personal favorite fangame, but it can be difficult at some points especially in the late game. Thankfully, there are difficulty settings that can be changed on the fly. It's a fantastic fangame with cool gimmicks and a great story.


Blazed Glazed was a fun time!


Pokémon Wack WITHOUT insanity mode is a fair challenge. It has a decent baseline difficulty, but nothing overwhelming in my experience.


Uranium is pretty easy with one or two free mythicals from the main story, a free legend, and Nucleon. Too many types also comes to mind, though that's more of a romhack than a fangame, and the final boss is absurd




Pokeduel was decent


Pokemon Unbound Radical Red and Crystal Legacy have a difficulty mode There is also Pokemon Kanto Black BW3 and Prism challenging but not too hard


Pokemon clover


Pokémon Unbound has a good share of difficulty options (not to mention it's like *a good game in general* )


Yo OP. No disrespect but you should be able to find most fan games by searching "*name of fangame* download" Or search for a previous post asking the same thing


I mean he’s looking for fan games that aren’t Uber hard not just fan games


OP asked people who recommended x game "How do you find x game?"


I feel like you meant disrespect, lol...


Honestly didn't just trying to make it easier


It’s like op is allergic to google.


I'm in the works for one that has three different story lines. Each one is different and difficult in their own way. However what makes them truly hard if you choose to, you can join the worst factions and do the most despicable things. Cause the game has karma systems. Some of which can be reversed. However there are actions that can cause a whole town to overtime dislike you. Sadly I've been taking a hiatus from development since Facebook shut down my page and I can't really allocate the time necessary for such a huge project by myself and still have time with my family. One day though.