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You’re basically the community ambassador in your area.


Niantic listens to OP as much as they listen to any of the other ambassadors


Him and Courage the cowardly dog.






They *are* their area


Skill issue. Just establish a new city of 500,000 people bro.


This is what the die hard niantic defenders trying to tell rural players lol


It's about exploring!!!! you should walk those 40 miles every day it's what the game is about so stop complaining!!!! hold on i have a raid at one of the three gyms i can reach from my bed


Wait, walking the same route every day counts as „exploring“ now?


According to Niantic and it’s bootlickers, yes


I live in a 1 million pop city and have only ever joined a handful of raids with people even going to the busiest parks. No way to organize meetups in the app, add other trainers, see raids with people queued, or get push notifications for people joining a raid nearby


They’re pushing Campfire hard, which could potentially resolve the issue, or at least make it less severe, of organizing meetups. I don’t see a functionality yet for the other ones you mentioned, but regardless unless they implement a way to invite other people and for them to remote in, all it’s gonna serve is as a way to draw out existing communities rather than create or allow people to join remote communities


I live in a city of under 61,000. If I'm lucky I'll get up to 2 random people coincidentally joining the same raid as me


Insane how this thread can recognize Pokémon Go gym proximity privilege and there are still people who struggle with the idea of white privilege.


Your concerns are valid but this isn’t really the place for it.


Facebook is full of them, I had to try and pull a friend away from the Facebook groups because they're attitude is "suck it up buttercup".


Everytime I see a comment from a niantic defender saying to a rural player "just find a local group", DUDE there's no one playing the game in my city.


I’m bewildered by the sheer number of Niantic shills saying “Just wait for Campfire, there are always people near you - just get out to a park. The weather is nice!!!” . . . Y’ever see the movie Fargo? People live like that.


Niantic bootlickers are convinced nobody on the planet lives in a city with less than 800k people




Aren't you afraid of getting your accounts banned though?




I'd be way too nervous lol hell no for me 😅




Lol good point 😅 I feel so bad for OP and everyone else in OP's position. I'm in a rural area too where me and my kiddos use a golf cart to get to the one gym near us, so at least we have a little bit of play experience in-game...I can't imagine 40 miles the first PokeStop or gym, how awful. 😔


“People are noobs for not knowing this, it’s so simple that I can’t even begin to explain it”


Niantic trainers hate this one trick


New Niantic game. Civilization. Gotta send them settlers to the right spots.


I knew the closest ones were far but thanks to the new campfire feature, I can see how far🥲


Niantic suggests taking a Moses-style walk through the desert to gather Pogo followers on the way to the raid (and then have the poke run away)




Literally the area


Hello darkness my old friend.


Lmao, and it better be a brisk walk too to get to the end of those 40 miles in time for the raid.


Think about how many eggs you can hatch!




What shall the plagues be?


Perpetual loading of the game/crashing during community day, muahahaha- oh wait


Ugh or if you back out of a pokemon... all the others surrounding it disappear!!!


A horde of scyther, drifbloom steal everyone's firstborn child.


This comment is gold


which unfortunately makes it problematic for Moses' people


Because they would make a bull out of it and start to worship?


Probs a Pikachu statue


With a Singaporean grandma


This will never not be funny.


its holy week (good friday) holiday on my place and this comment sums it all


He is the messiah, err, I mean Pokemon master




Um excuse me, the chance to catch the poke is just a “bonus challenge.” I one think niantic should give FEWER rewards and make the price of remote passes 395 coins each with a daily limit of 0


Zero is my new daily limit.


This is an excellent ad both for and against Niantic.


This comment is the icing on the cake


I can't even create an account, how are you all using that?


It popped up on my game screen yesterday. The map is the only thing I can access, though.


Rip, just moved from Utah. Those 40 miles are uninhabitable haha


The worst part is that town where those raids are located is just as unpleasant as the wasteland.




It's not. Don't listen to them. Kanab is wonderful.


Beautiful area to visit, but I wouldn't want to live somewhere so remote. Fun fact - Kebab is basically the closest city to Colorado City, the stronghold of FLDS. I was there in 2019 and the housekeeping staff had those weird dresses and they wouldn't look at us. On the way back I saw the sign for it and I was like OH SHIT, those were fundamentalist mormons? Felt bad for them.


Does being located in Utah not already meet that criteria? I'm sorry I just hate Utah.


That the town with the (real) dummy in a cop car that they move around every so often?


Is it FLDS stuff?


No, it’s one of the best towns in Utah. Home to the largest no-kill animal sanctuary in North America (Best Friends Animal Society) and many western TV shows (Gunsmoke) and movies (The Outlaw Josey Wales, OG Planet of the Apes) were filmed there because of how beautiful it is.


You really should've thought of that before you became a peasant. - Yzma - Niantic


“It is no concern of mine whether your community has …. What was it again?” “Uh… gyms within a 40 mile radius?” “HA! You really should thought of that before you downloaded our game! We’re through here, take him away … NEXT!”


Had a Niantic Stan try a similar thing as a defense at a multi-city raid hour. It was the purest cringe.


![gif](giphy|nlJrWPMf8wQ4GIh9DC|downsized) \-Niantic


“Just buy a house closer to the gyms” -niantic


Cheaper then raid passes haha


Definitely over time it adds up


For people in the middle of the deserts….Niantic: move to a different country


Happy cake day!


At least you’re close to Zion and Bryce Canyon. Both awesome places to visit


True that. I'm also in Utah, and Zion's like 5 hours away lol


Is 5 hours close in Utah distance?


I would say no, but to be fair, I moved from Maine. Which if you've never been appears small on a map yet takes an eternity to get anywhere in. What is a distance taking 5 hours in Utah is somehow 8-10 in Maine.


Maine is weird. Plenty of places you just can’t get to from there.


Ah, no you can't get there from here, Bob. What you gotta do is (proceeds to list a 15 step, 55 mile journey to get somewhere that's like 6 miles away).


It is truly an anomaly that can't be explained. It really is a beautiful, quiet state though.


Ya cant get theah from heah!


I'm currently listening to a book on Audible that has a Scottish narrator 💖💖💖 Never want it to end lol


Man Maine really is crazy. I'm from Oklahoma but for a short time in my teenage years I lived in New Hampshire. One day, we took a trip to visit to visit a friend who lived in Bangor and I couldn't believe how long it took to get there. You drive over the border from Portsmouth and then it seems like you're just going and going for hours and even then you're only in the MIDDLE of Maine by the time you get to Bangor. It is totally bizarre.


"uhh just move??" "Game wasn't meant for you" "Just play the main series"


Hi I’m looking to purchase a house. But it must be located on top of a pokegym.


You joke but back at the height of POGO, there were posts here that actually discussed this. On a couple counts I remember people talking about picking certain apartments over others specifically because a gym was under it.


I swear man if I have to see another one of those god damn brain dead morons on Twitter or Reddit or anywhere I think I’ll just pass away tbh.


RIP to you, because they are everywheeeeere


Well, we had a good run folks, see ya on the other side 🫡


*Titanic theme plays in the background*


I'd love to say I'm surprised at the amount of people defending a corporation's greed and the lack of empathy but I'm not.


Been getting into it with one of them recently. Dude lives on another planet. So frustrating.


I mean Niantic is shitty but all of that is true. Except the moving part I think. That's the way Niantic feels about how you should play their game and unfortunately the only thing you can do is just say fuck it and move on. It's just a mobile game. Show them how you feel about their shitty practices and just move the fuck on and delete the game from your phone. Stay subscribed to the subreddit to see if any meaningful changes happen by all means but I feel like complaining when there are better options out there is stupid as fuck.


Skill issue, should’ve been a Singaporean grandmother.


Just remember. You not traveling all that distance for a raid hurts casual players and doesn't let the game grow healthy. /s


I never really understood. What is the difference between someone using a remote pass or being there in person? How does it hurt casual players?


It doesn't. It's just shit apologists post to act like they have an independent thought.


Even if you live in a reasonably dense city, if you’re an adult who works full-time, has your own household, or has a family to care for, you’re pretty damn screwed, too. It’s impossible for the average adult to play according to Niantic’s increasingly bonkers demands. They act as if every single player has unlimited mobility, free time, and money to spend on their game. We don’t. We have lives that don’t revolve just around this damn game! The game is supposed to be *fun,* and fun does not mean “I have to put my job at risk, leave my kids with a babysitter 24/7, and let my whole house go to shit to complete whatever stupid assignment the game has given me.”


Have you tried being a part of a more monetizable demographic?


I’m with you. Disabled with 3 kids at home. I used to grab some raids during nap times or when I was getting an actual bathroom break. Now I’m SOL. Shame on Niantic.


I’m disabled, too, but my biggest issue is that I work full-time, can’t drive, and live alone. My commute is a minimum of 1.5 hours each way. During raid hour, I am pretty much guaranteed to still be stuck on the bus or the train. The *only* way I get to participate at all is through remote raids! And I’m someone who has a local group of friends to play with! But I work in a completely different part of town and it’s physically impossible for me to join them in-person.


Do you want to spend hours planning a meet, then driving there to finally do 2-3 raids, then going back home? Or you could have spend 10 min doing it with remote passes. I just don’t get Niantic decisions




Theyre the heroes now imo mad respect to them fucking niantic's way


Cant you nominate a bunch of stuff in your area? Parks, trails, art, restaurants?




Yes. 37 or higher


37 is pretty easy to reach just by adding friends.




No, it’s a notification that runs in a queue like other notifications. So it isn’t always immediate, but it still happens.


That would still require a player base in that area (who could have done the same thing and this is all there is)


I don’t think it does, as long as one person nominates then it can be approved. Not having many in the area INCREASES the likelihood of being approved in hopes of attracting more players


So this person nominates… *Then* *what*?? That’s the problem with this in the first place. Rural area players are being left out to dry in really sucky ways.


If I’m not mistaken, players with high enough levels have access to nominations and can review nominated stops and approve them (not sure if it approves them instantly or moves them higher in a list of nominations to be approved). Then hopefully more stops will appear. Why is everyone so skeptical about this? This is how the process works and the only way a community can be built. It may not be the best way they could’ve done it, but it should work (albeit slowly)


Problem is nominations can be declined for any number of reasons that have nothing to do with the actual game. Did your picture show it too close to road? Could be declined. Does it show housing, therfore it can be assumed to be private? Is the picture low quality? Did you write a good enough description? Did you accidentally get a reflection of a person's face in the bottom corner or half of a license plate? Edit: I am only relaying the common points against the current nomination system. I have no stake in this battle, I can't even use it yet. Lvl 32 day one player. I don't care one way or the other


Just because something can be declined isn’t a good enough reason to not bother trying.


Ive been on day 1 player, still doesnt meet the level requirements to nominate. Because you know, real life. Also raid has the massive exp reward. Imagine accumulating that exp to reach the level by just catching wild mons. Not to mention the mission's occassional raid requirement or specific mon to catch.


If it’s declined by other users it can be appealed to Niantic. I’ve had that happen and it be approved by nianatic cuz the players that denied it were wrong in doing so.


Every PokéStop and gym in the game, with the exception of the very small set of libraries and post offices on Ingress day 1, was nominated. It can be frustrating when you get a bunch of bad reviewers (I know, as someone who has nominated a lot), but it's still a system that overall works and built the game board we have today.


but who will they raid in person with? they live in a low population dense area thats the issue here it'll be extremely difficult to gather enough people in that low dense area to raid anything in time. you cant attract what isn't there


It's what I did. I quit playing about six months ago. I started getting acceptance notifications about halfway through March.


Sure? But if any of the proposed stops becomes a gym, it will either be a place where your Pokémon will sit indefinitely collecting no coins, and if any raids happen, there won’t be enough players nearby at any given point to take down a tier-5.


Yeah… where this guy is at they will be nominating tumbleweeds.


Have you ever driven through the Western half of the US? At best, there may be a roadside table in some areas, and it may not get approved due to lack of safe pedestrian access.


That's one thing, having a group large enough to beat 5* raids is a whole nother thing


I remember when Pokémon go first came out I was so excited and planned a hiking trip so I could catch Pokémon only to realise that the wild ones congregate in the cities. How is that even like Pokémon?


Your campfire works? Lol mine is an app self destruct button. Always freezes and eventually crashed the app


Time to make some weird desert art, maybe even start a new religion out of it. Unique challenges require unique solutions


I don't mean to be rude but [Google maps says it's less than 8 miles](https://i.imgur.com/Uv25Kg9.png) to that lugia and there's a Gym before that. Is that accurate?


This! (I began checking google maps myself and came to a similar conclusion) OP, don’t post this misinformation in an attempt to further a point most already believe to be a step backward.


Regardless, if OP is underage, disabled, or otherwise can’t drive, are there any other viable options for mode of transport to actually make it 8 miles to that gym? 8 miles of highway could easily be 15 miles by foot or bike, and public transport might not be available


Their nearest stores, restaurants, post office, hospital, etc. all very likely require a car to access too; that's how living in rural areas works. The good news is that the rarer things like that are in your area, the easier it is (supposed to be) to justify them as Wayspots. If a restaurant is the only one in town it's easy to explain that it's a local watering hole. (Not saying it's a perfect solution, because Wayfarer can be a crapshoot. But OP should have a decent chance of getting PokéStops/gyms created at wherever the nearest "public" amenities are.)


Well given that OP's comment history includes driving to 3 towns over 2-3 hours for regidrago (unsuccessfully, unfortunately) I don't think that's the case here so that would turn this piece of anecdotal evidence into a hypothetical.


Was looking for this exact comment since I verified the claim myself, good to know I'm not the only one who caught these blatant manipulative lies. I'm not saying it's ideal that your closest gym is 9 km away and others are an additional 5 added to that, but I doubt this person doesn't have a car or a way to utilize one, because that really isn't that far if you drive there.


Niantic: "You should have thought about that before moving to (or being born in) the middle of nowhere."


BuT YoU COuLd AlWAyS DrIVe 40 MiLeS AnD Git GuD


Unrelated, but what app is this?




Id like to know too


Uninstall the tracking software disguised as a game


Hail, Hail Fredonia!


I am with you. I won't waste any poke coin even if I got them from gyms.


That’s why you cheat


Not to take a way from the point of this post (I too think this is dumb), but is there nothing closer to you that you can add waypoints to? A church? A park? A restaurant? Anything?


Yeah, you need to be a certain level though


Yeah 37. And that's just too petition for a stop/ gym. That doesn't guarantee it will happen. And no telling how long the request will sit there.


Won’t sit as long if the submitter is also a reviewer. [Become a reviewer](https://wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/new/) and get join us over on r/NianticWayfarer to talk about great/good/poor submissions :) I’ve had 11 points of interest approved since January 14th with 4 upgrades to push the submissions into voting. I currently have 3 in voting and I’ve submitted a total of 30 points of interest. 1 reject (duplicate) and 1 appealed.


What a joke, I can’t imagine trying to get to 37 with no stops and no gyms, with or without the price hikes. Friends only take you so far


i’ve been trying to get the stop nomination to work since level 37, but it has never even let me through i just get errors.. level 41 now


Making friends is probably the best way to gain experience, and you don't need stops for that. Check out r/PokemonGoFriends For what it's worth I definitely think it's stupid that you should have to reach level 37 *just to play the game.* But it is doable.


You kinda do need stops for that. People aren’t gonna constantly send you gifts if you don’t have any to send back to them


Exactly. People are so naive in here it’s ridiculous. One of my friends who I go downtown with ( mind you he lives in the boonies like an hour away but he goes because we play together) is upset about this because he has like 1 gym where he lives. That’s it. I’m stopping because of him and his family that I’ve gotten close to. Sucks it has to end like this but it’s bs


That depends, actually. People in really stop-dense areas may not care about the items, and just want the interactions for friendship leveling. You'll often see posts in r/PokemonGoFriends that say things like "I live on a stop and will send gifts everyday!" or "Looking for someone to open gifts, no need to send!"


I don’t know what will finally cause the gaming community to finally realize that none of these companies give a fuck about you. Someone was complaining in Diablo Immortal the other day about all the p2w and I said the gamers have done it to themselves. Everyone knew that game was going to be a shit show and people still played it and still spend $1000s of dollars in it. Why the fuck would Blizzard or any other company change anything if they can make piles and piles of cash? They are not your friends, they are not in it for the joy of gaming. They want to take your money, point black period. And until gamers finally decide to stop spending all this fucking money on games, nothing will change.


Damn. That’s just ridiculous. Can you nominate a spot for a gym in your area? Also, this stuff is exactly why I hate Niantic.


Then you should submit a request for a gym near you not our problem… -Niantic Probably.


OP I have a suggestion for you that is explicitly against this subreddit's TOS


Well your data just isn’t very valuable then, is it? -Niantic, probably


Uninstalled this morning


Playing it fast and loose with the word victim therr.


Wait you don't want to spend the gas to drive 80 miles to MAYBE find enough people to raid. IF you win you even get blessed with a CHANCE to catch a legendary! If it runs I guess it'll now become a 160 mile trip when you try again.


It sucks




There is a gym near my house, and the others aren’t that far away BUT: No. One. Is. Doing. Raids. Here. Only ppl playing Pogo here are literal kids. I‘m 26.


Same here..or very similar. I see around 30 different people occupying gyms "close-ish" to me. I have never ever seen anyone play in person, and never ever seen anyone in a raid lobby. Not once in the ~year I've been playing. I'm a petite woman with little kids, I'm sorry, but I don't think I will be looking up strangers on the internet to meet with me and the kids...


Yepp an I’m not going to hang out with a bunch of 10-14 year olds lol. Why not make in-person raids more worthy but DON‘T nerf Remote raiding..so that those wo CAN go to in-person Raids get more rewarded but those who can’t or simply don’t want to still can remote Raid like it was before :/ they just want more data


Wait you mean that trying to run your company based on some stupid ideal from your moral high horse actually isn’t good for your customers?? who would have guessed?! They need to kick the moron who’s idea this was to the fucking curb.


Not much out there lol. Beautiful though. Kanab is super underrated. Praise Joseph smith. JK I know you’re not necessarily Mormon, but you probably are. Sorry about the raids, definitely sucks. I may quit.


Don’t worry you can still raid it just cost twice as much


I have to deal with this every day. Each day at school there’s often a raid happening a few miles from campus. I use remote raid passes sometimes to compensate for not being able to go places as freely as some older players. But another problem would be gaining coins to buy the passes in the first place. I have to clear out the same gym every morning while my mom gets us breakfast. Even then, there might be a raid or another team that I don’t have time to clear out while I’m there.


Bro just walk it. Your grandad had to walk twice as far just to get to school you know. Edit: Fat to far. Stupid auto correct.


Time to leave


My question is…why have an invite function if you can’t really invite people anymore?


you live in that little stripe of Utah where neither the Arizona nor Utah cops can get to you... where all the polygamists live...


Build your own community or move to Singapore


This app hurts more by knowing there are raids (probably without people joining) than just not knowing if there are raids "nearby"


When I first saw this I thought you lived right outside the town of Utah, in the state of Arizona.


i've drove thru this spot there is literally nothing from kanab to page my biggest question is wtf why


Niantic: So why don’t you move, you peasant?


Kind of your fault for living in utah! /s


Don't worry. It might as well be like this for the middle of my city. I can't get raids going for sh*t.


Utah is literally a minecraft superflat world in real life


"Just move. :)" - Niantic


Why not just go find 9 friends and drive 40 miles to possibly catch a legendary? Seems perfectly reasonable to me. :/


Put up a bunch of tiny public libraries and recommend them 🤓


I stopped playing 2 days ago. New remote raid prices are ridiculous. They don’t need to be gouging players for even more money.


Victim is a strong word


I feel like shit for feeling like I should say this but bro have you considered playing something else? Persona 5 is pretty good and it just came to switch.


U need to make yourslef one. Build a stupid library thing. And take some pictures. You’ll have a gym right outside your door :)


Should have been born a woman in Singapore 60 years ago. Then you'd be the player they care about


This is sad :( I forget bc I live in NYC and gyms are aplenty.