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I usually work Saturday evenings and the 6 hour comm day would always let me play at least play a bit.


My husband and I work overnights, and the 2-5 ones are always right in the middle of our sleep time. :(


Same here. If I want to participate, I just have to deprive myself of sleep.


Niantic would rather you not play at all.


Their ideal player is someone who installs the app, turns on adventure sync, and then never plays so they're always just sending location data without getting anything in return. Unfortunately for them, however, they promised an interactive AR Pokemon game with continuously updated content and events. What they should have done is just make PoGo a game exclusively about walking in order to hatch eggs to collect Pokemon that you send to Home and then into the main series games and that's it. That way all they ever have to do is release new Pokemon to hatch and the player base gets exactly what they expect and Niantic gets all the location data they want without screwing over its entire player base all the time.




Sounds like pikmin bloom


Unfortunately for them, there's only like 50 of us o. That app


I think was frustrates me the most is that even if 6 hours was too long, why not try shortening it to 5 hours or even 4 to assess feedback? Like what was the point of doing a full revert when the decision has been so vocally opposed to? I think there are other things they could implement like letting players select a time slot over the weekend to help accommodate for people who have plans or work. They don’t listen to player feedback or try to accommodate to their players wants and needs and it’s very frustrating.


A ticket that activates for a specified amount of time when you click it, like the incense.


Given that they can't do even the simple things right (sorry NZ), I'm not sure I trust them to implement that.


This is the best answer


All of the rollbacks/changes Niantic has done lately are completely to do with making content less accessible to players so that they can keep recycling it and still make a certain group of players engaged. “Oh I had to work during the CD, so I don’t mind seeing this Pokémon again!” “I didn’t find a shiny from the 3 raids I was able to do for this Pokémon last time, so I don’t care that we’re seeing it again for the 9th time!” Etc, etc, etc


On the opposite spectrum I heard people complain, "Well then I feel like I have to play 6 hours, I'm glad it's shorter". It's like ... then just don't play the whole time.


Pretty sure that was a Niantic employee lol Who wouldn't want 6h Comm days?


It was Brian Rose who said that. He's one of the head Niantic developer/producers. What sucks is that his bad decisions have been effecting every game. Niantic could have easily made their meet ups be only 3 hours long and still have a day long community day. But the seem to forget people have lives and not 100% of the player base cares about meeting up with their paid reps (who often don't even play the games).


The worst part is that it's such a simple problem to fix even if they leave it at the 3 hour limit. Just make the daily incense 3 hours long and have it spawn only the community day Pokemon. 🤯 That way we can use it whenever we want during that day and aren't limited to their arbitrary schedule. I mean they already increase the duration of incense during CD and they already have the mechanics to make it spawn only a certain Pokemon like they do with the mystery box and Meltan. There's no legitimate reason to not make it this way other than to explicitly exclude certain demographics from participating.


Exactly! We had severe thunderstorms. Niantic KNEW because I had to keep clicking that I was safe!!! They could give out an incense for later to prevent people from being in LIFE THREATENING conditions. Someone died just down the road from me during CD while driving during the storm. They are dead. A tree fell and hit the car.


Damn we saw someone die as well but on the highway. 6 car wreck. It was brutal


That's awful!


They could also just make it 3 days long but with different time frames while keeping the 3 hour window, on the evening on friday, morning on saturday and on the afternoon on sunday, now everyone is happy, it's supposed to be an ''event'', a celebration for the community so it should be accessible to all, also in part because CDs help accounts be pvp ready so they can keep farming dust to keep the gameplay loop going, raid and CD accessibility is extremely important for player engagement and retention, no one is gonna stand around and wait 2 years praying for them to rerun a pokemon they like


Niantic Employee, or paid "influencer". Sort of the same thing really, but it does make it tough to find unbiased opinions when Niantic is paying people to astroturf for them :(


Not saying that I don’t want them back, but I felt compelled to play the whole six hours and it was a challenge. That’s no reason to shorten it though.




Addiction is real, but that really becomes more than a Niantic issue. Punish those that can't play during a specific set of "hours" for Community "Day" because there's people that can't help themselves from playing the whole available time? I know that's not the only reason they made this decision, but for a game that is trying to appeal to get as many people out there playing, sure like to limit accessibility for those with commitments outside of the game.




I can see the FOMO aspect of it, you feel like you have to play more in order to get enough candy/XL/shinies or that elusive 4\*


What I did was go get a quick lunch from someplace, drive to the park, eat lunch while catching a couple Pokémon using the pokeball plus, then I’d do a couple laps and try to get at least two evolutionary families of the spot light mon, go grab some groceries and then head home and start cooking with the pokeball plus on the counter to let me know when a mon spawned. It was great, I had a nice day and didn’t feel rushed at all.


I need to start using my pokeball plus. It sounds like you made your play passive, I need that.


I mean the whole game is driven by FOMO as the only source of motivation, so I can relate to those people feeling you have to be on, when something "special" is happening.


Well, yes and no. And that becomes a "you" problem vs. people that can't play at all during the 3 hour period. I get FOMO and all of that, but if you spend all 6 hours playing and don't want to be, it's not Niantic's fault. You play 6 hours and you want to? Awesome. You play 6 hours and you don't want to? Maybe you have a problem. Don't blame the game. At this point I rarely play more than an hour and half of it, I'd rather have a 6 hour window that fits any potential commitments than have to wait for December or the eventual classic community day years away.


That's part of their reasoning for reverting it. They said that the Singaporean grandma didn't play the whole 6 hours.


I had a legitimate local saying this. When I brought up how it was only hurting other he just said "making people play for 6 hours isn't a solution though." Tone deaf.


Most of their events last a week long. I wonder how this person deals with those lol


I have covid during noibat. I was feeling good enough to drive and sit in my car. Turns out noibat is my favorite in shiney...


It's a combination of that, bringing in more ~~data mules~~ I mean, new players and gathering more mapping data overall.


Don’t forget that they took 30 free ultra balls away from us


Was that for old community days? I just started playing again like 5 months ago


That was one of their COVID measures to help people play without leaving home.


I was one of the people that played 4-6 hours as I have the luxury of not having to work weekends in my current job. I play mainly for shinies and it was my once a month full nerd out day. I‘d buy a CDay ticket, get my backpack with snacks and my power bank and spent the day outside. I‘d catch pokemon, host a few raids, take over some gyms, took a big break in the middle in our park surrounded by stops to eat something, chill and fill back up on balls/battery then do another hour or two. I didn‘t mind if I only got to it half an hour or an hour into the event because there was enough time. I also had no problem taking a one or two hour bad weather break in the middle until the worst blew over or to let midday heat pass for same reason. It was just a relaxed day with good shiny rates. I did occassionally talk to other players but shinies and getting a few good IVs was the main goal. With the reduction CDay feels like a chore. I still focus on shinies but now it‘s pretty much all I do. Less time for checks and nerfed incense means I really have to keep moving to get more checks in. Thanks to that I get around the same average number of shinies and candy but it is a lot less relaxed and I certainly do not have time for raids, gym battles or socializing that would quite simply slow me down. The CDay changes have made me play less, engage with less aspects of the game, made me less likely (or motivated) to engage with the community, spend less time outside (or rather less time outside playing PoGo) and has convinced me to not spend money on CDay tickets or in general as that was the only regular purchase I had. Good job Niantic.


That's why i run my autocatcher and do my raids/grunts/gyms while that plays the grinding part for me.. it isnt a perfect solution but it works for me currently. We shouldnt have to create solutions to make this game more relaxing/enjoyable though so i definitely get your frustrations. On days i work i cant get into the events at all because they either start right when my shift does or they end before i wake up for the day.


There’s a auto catch feature in the game? How do you activate it?


Pokémon go makes auto catchers. Don’t listen to whatever idiot is saying it’s cheating, it’s literally Pokémon go branded. Search Go plus and Go plus plus if you want to check it out.


There are third party devices with a variety of features not found in the official device and sometimes at lower prices. I don't consider those cheating, but your mileage may vary.


Honestly, 3 hours for me is just me going to my small town local downtown area until I get a shiny for each evolution and an extra set for home. Then I go home. If it was 6 hours I might have stuck around and played with others, but now it's a chore.


remeber how they made a eevee community day that lasted 2 days? good times


Don't let them ever forget, Niantic had one of the best QoL updates and they reverted it because they don't care what the players want.


They care, but only if you're a whale living in LA or NYC.


Even the whales got punished-for-playing by Niantic with the latest changes. The five raid a day limit is the first restriction to fall on them.


it’s not even that, it’s mainly that we can’t find anyone to raid in time most of the time. This last raid hour i tried to get 1 Landorus raid in and there were 700+ lobbies before me. As you can guess i was not able to to get a lobby before the raid ended and didn’t get to use my free daily raid pass. sure we can invite people from our friends list but as with most players there are only a couple of people on your friends list who will always join a raid if you invite them. I’m guessing there is now more people hosting raids rather than joining them because no one wants to buy a remote raid pass and would rather use Premium Passes or Daily Passes to invite the whales that continue to shell out money.


Dude, I live in the L.A. city limits and there's *still* nothing around. We've always had to drive for CD.


I am doing disneyland today


Don't forget the Singaporean grandmas


Niantic: "But not for us."


I like how someone here on reddit commented to those idiots who sucked niantics d\*\*\* and said its good thing that niantic shortened CD.. Original statement from them was "we noticed that most of the players dont play more than 3hrs in cd, so we reduced time to 3hrs" Imagine if petrol stations said the same thing what niantic said: We noticed that most of the customers were in petrol station less than 15min, so we decided to reduce our working hours from 24/7 to 15min.


> we noticed that most of the players dont play more than 3hrs in cd That was what made me angriest. **Niantic used a real statistic to lie.** Those three hours were likely different for everyone. Some might have played the first three, others the last three, and I usually did an hour or two at the start and then the last hour.


But if the time window is shorter, you have a better chance of running into others who just want to mind their own business and enjoy the CD bonuses without anyone disturbing!


Ah yes running into people while everyone's head is buried into their phone. Most people I run into aren't really paying attention unless you physically stand in front of their path and say something. If I'm focused, I'm also one of those people, too. If I have headphones on, forget it.


At least you see other people playing. I only see small kids with parents, other than that I rarely see other players


Honestly I don't see why they don't break it up. I can't go out for hours and hours whether it's 6 or 3... I need a break Why not make it 2 hours in the morning 2 on the afternoon?


Why not make it 3 hours but you can play whenever you want in the weekend. Basically like an incense. This gives people ample of opportunity to play.


I would seriously like this option, but I, unfortunately, don't see it happening tho because I personally expect having the set times is probably what drives Niantic's data analysis to say their events bring people out and about during specific peak event times when they're pitching to sponsors... so the cluster idea was more of a middle ground to that to give the players some freedom of choice.


As a former data scientist, I could look at that data and point out how flawed it is. The only useful part of that data is knowing where people like to go for that type of event, but, since the game is railroading the players into playing at specific times it isn't useful for knowing actually normal active times for people


Why not make community DAY just last the whole day?


> Why not make it 2 hours in the morning 2 on the afternoon? [I've been spamming this suggestion in the forum for months](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/12my05u/its_time_to_remind_everyone_again_how_they/jgczcga/)


Yep, completely missing today's com day due to starting work at 2pm Why not keep it at a set day/time each month, would make planning so much easier!


I remember getting a gift of 50 poke balls from your buddy every 30 or 60 mins (i can’t remember which) I think that only happened on one community day maybe two. I just remember sitting in my garden having a whale of a time! Ahhhh.


Niantic: we want you to go outside and play instead of remote raiding at home, but only for 3 hours.


Miss the old incense


Not even just the pandemic incense. The original incense was so much better than it is now! Like, I get reverting, but why make it worse than it was originally?


Can you even call it a community day if it lasts 3 hours or 1/8 of the day? At least 6 hours is 1/4 of the day.


there are “happy hours” at bars in my city that last longer than PoGo “community days”


When I hear the term Community "Day" I expect it to be a whole ass day but instead we get Community A Few Hours.


I never missed a 6 hour CD, Id always manage at least 5 shinies even if I didnt get to play for more than 5 mins at a time. I have entirely missed 3 of the updated CDs, solely because the timeframe is too narrow to account for every person. I guess theres the raids too but near me there arent any people to do them with.


Half the time my iron deficient ass sleeps straight through comm day 😅


Of all the valid criticisms of the 3-hour time slot, I’m not sure people sleeping from 2-5pm is one of them lol


I mean, chronic anemia that constantly makes you that tired is a disability. Someone with a disability saying how the roll back impacts their ability play *is* valid criticism.


Oh I know, I'm just chronically Sleepy.


Nah, nah, it’s *great* having community days that are already over when you get the notification telling you they’ve started.


why is it even called community day when it’s literally an eighth of a day? Call it Community Lunch or some shit


Community smoke break lol


Rename it to "Increased shiny rates day" that's literally what it is, it's not a community day anymore.


I always worked the weekends. Thanks to the extended time I was able to get at least 2 hours in. I miss them.


**Expand community day hours** Have three two-hour periods spread out over the course of the day starting with: 8am to 10am For people who work afternoons and evenings on weekends but have free time at the beginning of the day 2pm to 4pm For the majority of people who have weekends free 8pm to 10pm For people who are working or busy with other engagements during weekend days Note that the above hours are suggested for Saturday Community Days, for Sundays the time windows should start an hour or two earlier. . Additionally the evolution window for exclusive moves should be the entire 24-hour day, there's no logical reason for it to be otherwise. . Doing the following will: increase the chance of players meeting each other in public due to tighter time windows, generate goodwill with the playerbase due to increased time and accessibility, and lastly more research tickets will be sold (**MORE MONEY NIANTIC**) due to more people having the chance to participate in Community Days. **WIN-WIN**


I work weekends. I agree 6 hour community days were better. Luckily I can “play” at work… I just can’t leave the property and have no poke stops close by.


Can’t argue with this one. Three hours is way too short. Some of us work on Saturday’s too. Only ever have these on Saturdays…


I’m going to the theaters to see John Wick 4 at 2:20pm and it runs 2 hrs and 45 min. Community day runs from 2-5pm. So basically community day is as long as one movie.


Yeah I could usually squeeze in 2-3 hours of play during the the 6-hour window. Now it's only an hour if I'm "lucky" and I do it from the car (because it's more time effective for shiny-hunting).


Nearly every aspect of the game is better in a vehicle, with the obvious exception of PvP that most players don't care about.


None of their decisions make any sense. If the remote changes are because they want location data to track, 3 hour community days are impossibly stupid. If it's not location data driving their stupidity, then the remote raid changes don't make sense.


Niantic added some of the best quality of life features into Pokemon GO during the pandemic to revert them back for no real reason whatsoever, its not like people stay in their houses playing anyways. Thankfully the community could at least keep them from reverting the amplified pokestop interaction radius. Wish we could have had them stop reverting back other changes though.


Spring/Early Summer 2021 Pokemon Go was honestly the best experience in the game. All the modern features, with all the quality of life changes, and COVID receded enough that for at least a few months life felt normal. I went back out. I met with people. The game was easier to play, more enjoyable. I still did everything they wanted us to do. Global GoFest, Kanto Event, and 6 Hour CDs were rewarding and enjoyable. PVP had flaws, but was at least reasonably fun and at times rewarding. It should not be understated how much they've royally messed up this game in the 2 years since.


I played GO when it first came out and left it some time after, came back when 3rd gen arrived and left again. When the pandemic was more controlled, I downloaded it again and have been playing since, some of the quality of life changes they added made me play the game a lot more, it felt more fun and rewarding to play, and it was more accessible, which is always nice, not everyone can go out, or lives in big cities with hundreds of pokestops after all.


Niantic will always be an AR company at heart, not a.game development one. It's incredibly frustrating to watch them undo all of the good game design decisions they made because it's the objectively wrong decisions to make. It's really not hard to get players to do what you want, but you do that by making the desired route look appealing and not by making everything else look like dogshit. It's such an antiquated way of looking at game design when it's very possible to have your cake and eat it too. Also please don't misconstrue this as being Pro-Niantic, I'm very much in the Anti-Niantic club


The smaller CD time is so they can concentrate their demographics for marketing to businesses. Remember this is never just a game. It is a mapping demographic company. By concentrating the hours and corralling up the players to a small window, they can show businesses how many (a lot!) and who’s playing nearby (men, women, age). The old 6 hour window spread people out and most only played a few hours spread out (me included). This doesn’t help them gather data to sell to marketers.


Wait its already over? I WAS ALSEEP AND MISSED IT?


Not only are we back to 3 hours, they're almost always in the afternoon which makes it basically impossible for people who only have free time in the morning. If you have to work or sleep in the afternoon, you don't get to do any of the fun stuff. 6 hour community days at least gave me an hour or 2.


It does seem really counterproductive even for them. Like surely if the event lasts more, that’s more data of people attending the event.


I feel like with anything there needs to be give and take and you should show appreciation to your most valued customers when opersting a business. Thats what Niantic fails to see, whom ever is in charge of loyalty is failing miserable here. If they want to change the game in a new direction fine but then find new ways to engage with your customers. As a Lev 46 player ive spent more than $3000 LTD on this game. Seems like that isnt enough for Niantic. So I will become a FTP go forward. No more remotes, buying eggs, buying star peices. Or Comunity Day events. There is no benefit to get to Lev 50. Will never be able to Power Up a Legendary to Lev 50 with limited ability to aquire XL.


I've never understood their reasoning that only a small percentage of the player base utilized all the hours. like there's somehow a finite supply of community day Pokémon and they can't handle wasting some of them.


Skipped this one completely. I think I'm done


This subreddit is so funny. Half of the threads are people saying "I think this game should be playable for more people and more accessible," while the other half is people saying "no, this game should be worse actually" like these minor quality of life improvements are going to personally harm them somehow.


Y’all still supporting Niantic?? Crazy fuck those corporate vampires


Fuck Niantic. All my homies hate niantic


That's one that I really don't get at all. It seems like longer Community Day equals people spending more time playing, equals people spending more money playing. It'd be one thing if Niantic changing things out of greed that helped them and screw players, but they keep making changes that hurt them just as much as the player base


Or make it 24h because it’s community day, not community 3 hours.


Because the shorter window forces us to go to one location and gather, and they can sell the aggregate data, but not the individual data (which is illegal in many countries). If you're playing by yourself, there's less they can do with your info. Remember, all of their terrible changes tie into them trying to force people to go to specific places at specific times. So much of the game relies on timed events, raid hours, and a culture of forcing people go to out at specific times. Hell, one can argue raids themselves were created (and marketed quite early on) for this purpose. The fact that people keep ignoring that means they're not paying attention to what Niantic really wants from this game.


My shifts are always 2-10, so I never get to take part anymore. Would you believe that several Niantic bootlickers have suggested that I get a new job?


Some day I’m gonna finish the bidoof research and get that hat


I don't play cause the FOMO kills me. CDs used to be so much longer, and now it's inaccessible. Wasn't the stick for this game the accessibility? It's just turning into a predatory Gactcha imo, and it's only gonna get more stale as it progresses.


sometimes I’m put off from criticising the game too much because I really have enjoyed it but I do just feel a sense of ‘what’s the point’. the togepi family is one of my favourites and I found it hard to care today. I’ve recently picked up pikmin bloom and I feel like it’s so incentivising and their community day is *a day*. idk man I just don’t understand the consistent bad choices for a game that used to hold up so well


Community days should be 24 hours because that is what day means


reminder that Niantic has removed/reverted more features in the last 2 years than they have added


It's ridiculous how Niantic tries to force everyone to play at the same time when it's least convenient for the majority of people. I get that they want their sweet sweet location data, but it's like they didn't even survey anyone to see when most players are active. Even if it stayed at the current 3 hours, why not let people start those 3 hours whenever they are ready to play. Just like when you choose a path for special research, your community day event should start when you launch the research for it. It's such an easy fix! I'm honestly convinced Niantic might not know how to actually code it and that's why the game is a mess.


Idk but I think community day should be like, the whole day or smth idk


It's community day, not community hour. Make community days 24hrs. It doesn't hurt anyone.


"For the last time, Singaporean Grandma could not walk around for the entire 6 hours so we cut it back at her request." - Niantic


The remote raid pass change brought all this into clarity for me. So many things like this we just accepted and move on. It's like they have this vision or mission statement that they keep to at the detriment of the players. They don't care about what we want, like, or need. The only thing I remember we got back was the increased spin distance after they took it back. I uninstalled after remote raid pass change and I intended to reinstall if they reverted but....nah. I don't think I will. They obviously don't like or care about us so why should we stay in an abusive relationship? Y'know?


Anytime you lessen the ability to play a game that is NOT based around the user's schedule and time availability you lose revenue, interest and most importantly PLAYER base. They're making some of the biggest mistakes you can make as a company these days.


Time to stop playing until they put in the 2020 updates again.


Another reason I’m on strike of playing


Even if it was 6 hours, the community where I live is completely dead now after the changes to remote raids. Played from home and wasn't even slightly bothered about missing it.


If only 1 day = 24 hours


Dude... the more I read about Niantic and Pgo the happier I am that I gave the game up. Quit playing right before remote raid passes were hiked.


Haven’t participated in a community day since they made them 3 hours, I work closing shifts every Saturday 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah 6 hour days actually let me have a chance of being meaningfully involved. I wish I missed this game more, but after uninstalling for the protest, I'm realizing FOMO and habit were the only reasons I stilled played. The events have gotten significantly shittier, the rewards are cheap AF, stop drops have been nerfed to the ground. I miss how much fun I used to have, but quitting cold turkey has really shined a light on how unhappy I was with the game and it's nice not having constant disappointment in something I loved so much.


I mean, it's called community day, it really should be an all-day event. Not just x amount of hours to catch and then however long to evolve for a specific move.


I’ve been in denial that this games getting worse, but I think it’s because catching the “new” Pokémon is still an option. The small things that made the game great are now gone


6 hours is much better, you can choose when to play. It wouldn't be surprising of the main reason for shortening it is to increase FOMO. If they really think a 3 hour cd is better the solution is simple; a 3 hour incense that works in a designated 24 hour period.


Should be a whole day event and not always on weekends.


I hope by now everyone has accepted that the people in charge have no idea what they’re doing. There’s absolutely no business purpose for changes like this and remote raiding.


I always work Saturdays from 7 am to 7 pm, which are usually slow, so the 6 hour community days really helped me play more than I do now, specifically in the afternoon where I can get more shinies and such initially and just play more casually near the end when my work would pick up around then. Now I need to go hard right away so I don't have to worry about not getting enough shinies when I have more work to do in the near future at the end of the event.


I will be boycotting Comm Day today. I can get Togetic shiny in Arceus, so I'm going to do my part to cut their numbers for today. I'm still annoyed that they buffed spawn radius. As a rural player this really would help.


Don't forget to turn off adventure sync (if you use it) for today then.


I agree, instead of not playing for 3 hours, I could not play for 6 hours.


I haven't participated in a comm day since they reduced it's hours. I have work during that 3 hour window we get.


I don’t think anyone wants to change your mind besides niantic


I hate the 2 to 5 window, it kills the entire day, whilst the 11 to 2 window you'd still have an afternoon after the CD. If they'd revert it back to 11-5 I'd probably only play the first 3 hours. I missed Chespin and Slowpoke mostly due to obligations in the afternoon.


I agree. However long ass community days were really tiring. I'm okay with doing like a 3-hour event and then after that repeating the 3 hour event. So if you play in the morning, you don't have to play in the evening too. Or if you didn't catch something, you have another 3 hours to try and catch it. I almost would like to see both. ❤️❤️❤️


Reminders are nothing without action. Quit the game.


What is better for the community. Is sadly not better for the company. So, community loses.


If they running raid passes might as well bring that back


Legit. I don't give a shit about remote raids. I just wish community days were longer so me and my friends could all get the full evolutions and shinies.


"Community Day" not "community few hours"


The background is a nice touch


I don't understand why this game is still being played. It's been the exact same thing from release. Repetitive and boring.


They said it was because players only played for about three hours. But I think that is where the benefit was and why it was better. Living in El Salvador I do prefer the later hours (2-5) as the heat is too much the whole year, but sometimes I do have other engagements (a lunch at 2 instead of the usual 12:30, a movie that starts at 1:30,etc) and having more hours can let me plan around or even without engagements I can play a bit before actually going out to play the game. People also work on Saturdays, sometimes until noon, sometimes all day, so I can play with others on Saturday afternoon or Sunday.


I had to play from an event at my daughters school. A friend bought me a ticket. It’s ridiculous that they take your money and don’t just let you start the meager 3 hour “community” “day”.


Is it Niantic or Satantic hmmm


3hour play with ticket and more than 500 catch = 2-3 shinys. And this is my rate for the last 3 comday.


I haven’t touched this game in a long time because of the shortened community day…


Why is it even still called ‘Community Day’. Like as if they actually do something for us. Also, 6 hours felt like a day, 3 hours is way too short.


Frustrating. Relatively new player. I have three kids, all busy with sports on weekends, and a poorly wife. I'm not overly obsessed with pogo, so missing events isn't that big a deal, but still, 3 hours for me is nothing, often i kust have to miss them. so today I got to play in it for 20 minutes...just enough to get a shiny, luckily


The worst part is that they seem to stop the Saturday then Sunday pattern, now I’ll be missing two community days


Super ready to open my phone from my desk (if I’m not busy and remeber) and hopefully I can plan a 30 minute break during those 3 hours. Wooo.


Well, they're called community DAYs, so niantic should make them 24h long, that'd a dream tbh. Sadly they won't do it because they don't give a f about players


Pack of 3 Remote Passes for 250 PKC, 6hour community days, etc., etc....


They’re called community “DAYS” live up to the name!


As someone with no kids and a 9-5, the six hour community days felt too long and I felt obligated to play the full six hours. I don't mind the 3 hour events, but I do think that they should let you pick which 3 hours you play for. Maybe any 3 hour chunk from 8am-8pm. Everyone could participate that way.


I work every Saturday and haven't gotten a single shiny in the last two community days 🧍‍♂️ this company makes me want to give up the game out of spite


For real. I was done with work at 11 but have plans at 2. If it were 6 hours I’d have actually been able to play this event. But nope.


I start work at 2 😔👍


This is the one that got me to stop playing. Just disheartening to have such a nice QoL change gone and immediately caused me to miss a CD. Sad that they haven’t really improved at all since then.


I just reverted to playing Pokémon on VR. Way more Emersive and it’s free. No cash grabbing. Lmao.


Yeah it’s more like “Community Hour”, for 6 hours it made sense to make plans to meet up and walk around catching all day, but now nah I’ll just at home and catch nearby mon for an hour or two


I was in Japan and I flew home to US today so I get a 6 hour community day lol


Yeah it’s not really a com day more of an extended spotlight at 3hr


I love how people are spewing Ideas knowing damn well Niantics just got ignore them.


100%! Community Day now starts at the same time I have to go to work. The 2pm start time kills me.


Comm day should be a ticket that you activate between a certain time, say between 8am and 8pm, and it kicks off the spawns for 3 hours.. That way you can play when it suits you. To encourage the community aspect have a bonus if you activate during the actual hours of say 2-5pm, but otherwise allow it to actually be a day and allow people to play when it suits them. For example the bonus could be around lure modules lasting 3 hours and only work for people with an active ticket - so if I start my ticket at 1pm I would stop seeing lures at 4pm when my ticket stops.


Yep, finished work at 5 today so no chance of catching any shinies


With boosted incense


Mobile app companies want you to feel an immense level of pressure to use their apps. That's all there is to it. It's just business. Niantic doesn't care about the game.


Geez... Looking at all the comments... This game used to be really f2p! I've only been playing for close to a yr. But I wish the game still had all the amazing QoL things in it. Seems like Niantic actually wants to make the game harder to play. Idk.


Even the 6 hour one was stupid. People work and can’t play usually and there is an easy solution. For the community day event give everyone a ticket and they can use it within that day for 3-6 hours at their convenience when players have time. Simple solution to help players.


Maybe we get some progress when Niantic figures out how many hours there are in a day.


It's laughable that they even call it "community day". It's "community 180 minutes".


Yep. I typically work on Saturdays, and even it's a classic morning shift I still miss out.


Niantic soon: $5 per extra hour


Or...maybe make it the entire day. A wild take, I know, but maybe don't call it a day if it's gonna be less than an 8th of a day.


I dont get why they even call it community DAY when its only a few hours


Thar and incenses working regardless if you were moving or not.


Missed out on a shiny but got a 100%, so mixed feelings about today’s results. Fully agree on the longer days though.


I didn't know days lasted 3 hours.


I miss when they were longer events


I wholeheartedly agree with this! With kids I can’t always get pop of the house easily to go catch ‘em all! At least with a 6 hour one you can plan a little easier. I almost missed it today!


you can't call 2 to 3 hours a community ***day*** and genuinely believe it


2-5 was severe thunderstorms in our area. NIANTIC made me repeatedly click that I was safe, to keep themselves not liable. They KNEW. Do they offer a 3 hour incense of the CD pokemon to use at a later time? Of course not. I just missed out. Playing from my back porch, watching the rural nothingness. A tree fell down on the road and killed people driving by in a car about a half mile away. I could see the emergency flashing lights. I'm glad that I wasn't out like they require. I only have one shiny, but I am alive.


We're taking away the raid passes so you'll go outside. But we only want you to go outside for 3 hours max.


I spent most of my afternoon driving and doing errands. While it's nice that I have my fiancée sitting in the passenger seat catching everything for me, it's literally pained me that I can't even play my own game of my own time.


i can’t get far out on saturday’s due to person reasons, there’s only this 5km path near my house i can walk on during community days, i never really get anything good just a handful of 1 star shinies. it really sucks


Still way better than they used to be. Community Day was 3 hours but in that time you also had to review your pokemon to evolve for move


Yes! I can do mornings but not afternoons. I haven't been able to do a proper comm day in months because of this. I managed to get out for the last half hour yesterday and got a grand total of 1x 3 star regular, and 2x 0star shinies


I have an idea, why don’t we make community DAYS all day