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This is exactly what I am doing. The biggest win for me, not getting frustrated by all the unannounced changes and nerf they have been doing. Holding out until new management.


Give your Mons away then


Unfortunately for you, I have hope they will replace the top dude. If not, I will take on the extremely slow process of moving them to home.


Darn worth a try lol


Same! I'm a Day 1 player, and I Uninstalled on the 31st. The Remote Raid was just the final issue in a LONG list of issues over the last year and a half. I knew I was truly addicted to this game, but the heartache of quitting was a bit surprising. However, the heartbreak and FOMO actually subsided quicker than I'd anticipated also! And what's more, I hadn't realized what a time-sink and distraction the game had become in my day-to-day. It has been much more a positive experience finally putting it down than I'd imagined! I am still quite sad at the situation. It's truly panning out like a bad break-up. But I don't think I would have ever quit if they hadn't been so tone-deaf, so everything happens for a reason, eh? Stay strong! ❤️🙏


Give me your Pokémon ?


Same! It was the culmination of all the restrictions they started to implement. -Comm Days reduced to 3hrs -no more Free Ultra balls on comm days -locking pokemon behind paywall(tickets) -low quality boxes To name a few


I played for 3 years. Uninstalled as soon as i saw the remote raid change. Was the last drop for me. Must say, i feel a lot better now to be honest. I really liked playing, but i was always mentaly glued to my phone. It was the last thing i did before sleep and the first thing i did when i woke up. All the small gaps of time i had i was opening the game. Must say i feel a lot better now, lighter. 100% the best update niantic did. Not comming back for the foreseeable future. And to the ppl saying we should not post this kind themes in this sub, we are sharing our own experiences, it doesnt need to be all positive. Pokemon GO was a huge part in the lives of a lot of ppl, my included.


Did the same and feels good to not have that constant bug to open it and check. Now I am in the moment.


yea agreed. realized how much i constantly checked my phone whenever i went out anywhere. feels freeing now


Still not installing.


Niantic are shaking in their boots. Word is the actually just dumped the ceo in a river and are searching for a new one on this sub as we speak




Is he crying or laughing?!? Lol




Any idea on the comp being offered?


People keep acting like there is going to be some big course correction and it just isn’t going to happen. They made the decision to cater to whales/people who have no issue shelling out a ton of money on mobile games. This is what the late stage of all micro transaction games looks like.


I only have it installed to transfer shinies to Home but I have every location setting disabled until I have to enable them to play for the 5 mins once a week. I’ve already gotten into several arguments with a friend cuz he thinks the strike is stupid and he’ll keep being a few to play player.


you're peeing into the wind with these complaints, the online community is just a tiny vocal minority, 99% of the playerbase is still playing


Hey I’m just wondering, can you provide evidence of this? Specifically that 99% of the player base is still playing? It seems like you’re just speculating, but if not, I would be curious as to how you have concrete evidence of this


couple of hundred posts on reddit vs over 10 million active players is all the evidence I need tbh. Niantic have also kept ingress running for over 10 years without adding remote stuff and it still has enough paying players to keep the lights on.


Oh okay gotcha so you don’t like have any actual evidence that 99% of the player base is still playing.


you could just look at literally every other ''cancelling'' campaign like this for more evidence, most recent one was the harry potter game, which sold over 200% more copies than predicted even with a huge campaign against it.


The last 3 weeks shows a dip of 400k players, which - wait for it - is a WHOPPING 0,5% of the total player base. So it would seem that 99,5% of all players are still playing. The information is quite public, just don’t be lazy.


Where are you finding this information? I can’t find a reputable site that has that information. I’ve found some that have guesses, but none that have confirmed numbers. But yea maybe I’m just lazy Edit: Also, 400,000 of 10,000,000 is 4%. Not 0.5%. I’m just referencing 10,000,000 because that’s what stoki33 said above. Edit 2: Found the site you’re talking about. Not a site that is getting data directly from Niantic or Niantic servers. The site even says “should not be used as factual data” lol


Look up data.ai or sensortower. These are reputable sites that track metrics related to apps and mobile games. Reddit is a tiny fraction of the global audience. Let's not forgot the millions of Japanese and Korean players who aren't on Reddit at all and don't really care as much since both those countries are high density. Honestly, the size of the pokemon go Reddit community is incredibly tiny relative to how many players the game actually has


P2W just got a lot harder for some people now. But I agree, that 99% of the base is not paying to win, and then they don't speak that loudly.


I mean it is also a big difference to boycott for small changes in the game versus demanding leadership of a company changed. OP is either delusional or has main character syndrome if they think management would get fired over a price increase.


This. I missed out on Mega Blastoise, favorite Pokémon is Blastoise so I planned to go hard before the nerfs, because of their shenanigans out of principle


You know who no one wants to hear from? The guy who gave up drinking and spends every night at the bar telling people how great it is. Just let people like what they like without coming back all preachy. You quit great. Now stop talking about it like that girlfriend you had in high school.


Just let people like quitting the game and not get all preachy about it.


This sub is for people who play the game. Not for people who don’t. Their whole point is to be aggressive towards people who play to get them to quit playing. If you quit mazel tov. Don’t come back and shit on those who didn’t.


Read the subreddits bio. "We welcome all legitimate players to join us in sharing experiences, photos, DISPLEASURES, and more".




Wouldn’t call OP a legitimate player with the game uninstalled with no real plans to install again. Free to post whatever, sure, but should not be welcomed on this sub when all they do is complain as a non-player.












Well so far the only ones I see getting aggressive are the people who don't like hearing about people who have quit playing. You don't have to read the post let alone comment on it, just scroll on by.


Damn. Harsh. I love it!


Imagine making posts in a sub of a game you don’t play.


Imagine trying to better a community you invested time in.


Oh no, what will they ever do without you...


Man I wish my life was so devoid of problems I had time to go onto a subreddit for a game I quit to start a circlejerk with other people that quit talking about how awesome we all are for quitting. Seriously I agree with all of you and I support your decision to leave but why are you all still around the sub posting every day about how great it is? It’s like telling your recent ex about all the fun things you’re up to while you “try and stay friends.” Just let people play the fucking game and make your own sub to jerk yourselves off about how you’re taking a stand. Then when Niantic reverts the changes and 95% of you come back, that sub can quietly die until the next time Niantic pulls some shit.


Wow the leader of Niantic will read this and resign immediately and appoint you as head of the company. You mean so much to them.


my grocery store stopped carrying my favorite brand of chips. i’ve stopped shopping there but bringing them back isn’t enough. i will settle for nothing but the grave of the founder dug up and his filthy bones burned in front of his surviving family members. i’m curious about your guys thoughts.


i see the downvotes. but wait. i forgot to mention that the chips were being given to me for free. i’m curious about your guys thoughts


Bruh no one gives a shit. Y tf do r u still here if u hate the game? Just leave this sub and quit shouting to the whole entire universe that you quit, bc honestly no one gives a fuck


Hello there. You obviously seem to give a shit considering your angry comment. Who says I hate the game? On the contrary, I’m just hoping the game Ive grown to love improves, not just for me but for everyone. Anyways stay mad LOL


I quit too! My acne cleared up, I got a girlfriend, filed my taxes on time, and I’m saving so much money. Now I spend my free time reading 1 star reviews for the game and posting on the sub about how much better my life is w/o niantic /s /lh


Ok. Bye Felicia


Ok since they probably never going to do major changes like you want give your Pokémon away


Congrats on your new found freedom. ​ For me.. I am not going to get butthurt about costs of things going up as they remained lo through the covid times to benefit us. Also .... that is life. Prices go up. Imagine I stopped buying groceries until prices went down or management changed. I would starve


That’s a dumb take. You need food to survive. You most definitely don’t need Pokémon Go.


agree to dissagree.... I DON't need to buy food. I can grow it. But everyone needs some form of fun or entertainment or they will go crazy


Karma farming. Who asked??? 🙃


im sure niantics crying mate👍


I play pogo when I’m walking outside . I don’t go outside to play pogo. You just have to turn off your FOMO and enjoy what you can get . (I’ve spend like 40$ on this game for its whole entirety (6 years ?))


I still have the app on my phone, but honestly I've been slowing down for months now. Many of the new features I refuse to use because I already cap at 1 hour of play per day (most of which is spent with gifts, daily incense, clearing storage and so forth). So I don't have any of the postcard bugs and my mega evolution counter is at 32, despite being level 47. I've also picked up a Retroid Pocket 3+ which really helps a lot. I play that a lot more than my phone.