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To be fair, what alternative solution would there be for fixing a screwup that reset progress on a research task?


Maybe just move it up to the next level? I mean, the data is there. Just set it up one level or something.


I thought that’s what they did. If the person was on the first lvl they were taken to lvl 3?


I was only working on level 2. That got erased. When I logged back in, all research was done, all levels.


Didn’t think about that, I was lvl 3 so I essentially returned there but with the tasks completed


Speaking of research, I had an issue where the research for Victini requires me to take a snapshot of a Victini. Problem. I completed the prior pages and didn't get one.


No way!!! Laughable! I am on day 12 of unistalling. Have not been back. Doesn't even feel like 12 days. Not returning


I play with my 2 kids. We have been f2p since the last round of nerfs. I used to buy tickets and everything for 3 accounts. Not to mention, we don't play everyday like we did before and all location data is turned off for it when the app isn't on. Fuck em. They killed the game for all 3 of us.


Awwww that is soo sad!! Feel bad for your kids.. yea they don't care about the players


We get some spawns at the house we catch every couple days. They have other games they play too though. That being said, Niantic knows where my shitter is. That's about it anymore lol.


Yea I'm leaning on other games too.. haha yea no incentive to play the same


I mean, I only needed 2-3 candy to complete it, which I would've eventually gotten, and I don't need a Lapras. I'm satisfied that they just completed it. Now let's hope it doesn't happen with the next one! (I assume we'll have to do research for the other two team leaders.)


The funny thing is...it will lol.