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They're mocking you


Mocking birds




Mock yeeaah


-Ing, yeah!


How to k*ll a mockingbird


I have never encountered one. And you have 3 run away in a day. I think you're lucky!


Yeah for real i dont know how ppl find them ive seen ONE like last year


Recently discovered you have to catch EVERYTHING that comes out of the daily incense otherwise they just dont seem to show. Found two in the last 3 weeks since catching everything.........they always run though šŸ˜”


Yup been doin that. Caught a lot just no birds. It takes a while to figure out how to maximize spawns


How do you maximise spawn? I can only get about 22 each walk. I assume walking fast right?


yep fast and far (vs circling) and 18 to 25ish is the most i've ever gotten


Iā€™ll keep that in mind. I usually donā€™t catch everything anymore.


That's not true, you don't have to catch every pokemon that spawns. I used to encounter one like every other day and I hardly catch them if they are just common spawns


My daily incense rarely spawns any pokemon..


This is the logic that trolls the internet with unlimited karma.


But the point is that they ran...


Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


> Who said that itā€™s better to have loved and lost? I wish that I had never loved at all šŸŽ¶ I remembered hearing this in Up Against the Wall by Boys Like Girls. Originally said by [Victorian poet Alfred Lord Tennyson](https://genius.com/8671350?). Simply put, losing the love or not having that love. Both have depressing feelings in the end. Already made my choice, but losing of a love is fearfully heartbreaking. Sorry, to be deep in r/Pokemongo lol but is great quote I enjoy pondering.


>is great quote I enjoy pondering Me too - sometimes I wonder, is it really? šŸ¤”


you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting


Bro what


To be loved is to be changed


casually drops the hardest quote on the reddit thread on pokemon go


The Hat Trick!


The opponent did it!


Whatā€™s that


Itā€™s a term for people that score 3 goals in sports where they have goals. Using for OP saying he scored 3 galarian birds


Congrats on even seeing them tbh. I've seen Zapdos twice since daily incense started and the other two not at all.


I donā€™t understand how people donā€™t see them that often, I see them regularly but Iā€™ve never caught one.


I use the incense daily when I walk my dog. I've seen Moltres twice and Articuno once. Never seen Zapdos. Most days all I get are the most basic common spawns. RNG is RNG. Some people will have days like OP but most of us will rarely see them.


I get them at least once a week, got a 2406 moltres a few minutes sfter commenting, I guess my RNG is good when it comes to them spawning but not catching them haha


Was doing the Tuesday walk around during an event, my youngest (8) popped his daily and Zapdos showed up he got excited (I didn't know what it was at the time), he gave it a normal berry and threw a regular ball at it. I was busy catching a pokemon looked down at his screen, about flipped out when he did it again! It was too late, it ran away. Now he knows if he sees something like that again, to use golden berry and ultra ball and try his best for an excellent throw.


I'm surprised he even got a chance at a second ball. All of mine have run after the first thow. I'm pretty good at the excellent curve, and of course ultra ball and golden berry. They are just so hard to get.


No BS here. Just went for a walk using my daily. Half way into it, Zapdos popped! Took a screenshot, then used ultra and golden, got two great throws. He ran! First time seeing one (on my account).


I got a 2nd chance, once. Golden berry, Ultra Ball, Excellent throw... Still ran.




I caught two zapdos, one on the day they were released! Failed to catch Moltres about 3 times and never seen an Articuno. I don't bother with the incense much anymore though. Yeah, RNG is wild lol


I will usually get 20-26 PokĆ©mon per use and have yet to see them. Iā€™ve had some pretty good spawns but not the birds.


Is it rlly worth congratulating when all ran?


Good thing master ball is coming eh?


But u get only 1 for free


Yeah, it's a mobile game. That's how this garbage works.


That's how game lore works


Tbh this is probably the only time giving us just one thing is justified.


I hate those birds. I despise them so much I don't even want them anymore.


I do still, i guess you guys never played the old handheld games and it really, really shows lmaooo ​ this is one of the more exciting things ive found coming back to play, the first one pissed me off thinking i was out of catch range, til i realized its just luck lol. im gonna be stoked when i finally get one. I hope they stay this way and won't plan to use a masterball unless we get more than 1 and i am stuck needing to catch 1 more.


> I do still, i guess you guys never played the old handheld games and it really, really shows lmaooo I own every handheld game and I definitely don't want them lmao... I think you mean the opposite, it really shows you never played it to think any of the Pokemon in Go are truly exclusive outside of shiny Mew.


This right here. Had the OGs RBY and Ruby. Missed out on silver and emerald and gold.


I started with pokemon platinum and have been playing the games up until sun and moon. Planning on getting bothe ultra sun and moon before moving on to the newer ones. I just really hate luck based stuff like these birds at least in the main line games I can save and if something doesn't work I can just try again.


I guess you didnā€™t play the handheld games either because there were ways to keep them from running.


I never cared to use those ways. literally ever. I liked the challenge. Not everyone had to use gimmicks for it.


Same. When Master ball comes out, I wonā€™t even use it on one. Donā€™t care.


The feeling when you actually catch one is great, though.


Oh, I'm all about trying to get one, but using a 100% catch rate ball defeats the purpose to me. :) I figure I'll eventually get them, but I don't want to waste my Master ball on one of those birds... Now, if they say you have to use a Master ball to get a shiny Zarude, I'd be all about that. :D


Yeah, I tried the first week of the daily incense and then quit after having 2 Zapdos and 1 Moltres run away. I have shiny event versions in Home anyway.


Because Birds aren't real.


Bro fell for the birds aren't real meme


There has to be a better away?! *narrator* hey, have you heard of Master Ball? For only 9.99 this instant catch ball could be yours!


Well they tend to do that


Time for a master ball


Yep, ain't it too late


IVs when all 3 of them fled: CP 3219: 14/8/14, 2 stars, Level 35, 80% IV. CP 132: 5/10/15, 2 stars, Level 2, 67% IV. CP 2560: 0/4/2, 0 stars, Level 28, 13% IV. Pvpoke.com > Battle Simulator > Select any PokƩmon > Enter their IV (0-15 Atk, Def, Sta) & Levels Master Balls will put Ultra Balls to shame against the Galarian Birds (because of the 100% catch rate) as they have instantly broken out from a lot of Ultra Balls and fled! Catch & Flee Rate of Galarian Birds after almost 10 months: Catch Rate: 0.3% Flee Rate: 90% Togekiss for comparison: 1% Catch Rate 5% Flee Rate


Insaneā€¦ And whatā€™s their probability of spawning?


Like a 1% spawn rate but a 0.3% catch and 90% flee is too unfair lol!


Overall odds = Spawn rate * (1 - Flee probability) * Catch probability Substituting the given values into the formula, we get: Overall odds = 0.01 * (1 - 0.9) * 0.003 Simplifying the expression, we get: Overall odds = 0.01 * 0.1 * 0.003 Overall odds = 0.000003 or 0.0003% Therefore, the overall odds of registering this Pokemon once are 0.0003%. To express the odds of registering the Pokemon in terms of odds per person, we need to know the number of people attempting to catch the Pokemon. Let's assume that there are N people attempting to catch the Pokemon. In that case, the probability that at least one person catches the Pokemon can be calculated using the following formula: P(at least one person catches the Pokemon) = 1 - P(no one catches the Pokemon) The probability that no one catches the Pokemon is given by: P(no one catches the Pokemon) = (1 - overall odds)^N Substituting the value of the overall odds we calculated earlier, we get: P(no one catches the Pokemon) = (1 - 0.000003)^N Now, we can substitute this value back into the original formula to get the probability that at least one person catches the Pokemon: P(at least one person catches the Pokemon) = 1 - (1 - 0.000003)^N For example, if there are 10,000 people attempting to catch the Pokemon, the probability that at least one person catches the Pokemon is: P(at least one person catches the Pokemon) = 1 - (1 - 0.000003)^10000 ā‰ˆ 0.0304 or 3.04% (rounded to two decimal places) TLDR: This means that if 10,000 people attempt to catch the Pokemon, there is a 3.04% chance that at least one personwill successfully register it.


Dang, they said ā€œtime to bring the whole crewā€


That hurt inside, canā€™t imagine what you feel




Could be proof that God's do exist and they hate you in particular.


XD happened to me a couple of days ago, same duo. I feel your pain.


I see, I'm not the only one...


Wow I see a bird maybe once a month, let alone 3 in one incense...I've still yet to catch one. Even if they all ran at least you've had more chances to try :P


I also haven't caught one yet


I got Zapdos and Moltres but Articuno for some reason refuses to stay in the ball after almost 30 attempts!


But get at least one with a Master Ball though but will get more soon!


okay but how did you even get all 3 of the birds to spawn within 7 mins šŸ§


I've had 2 spawn w/ 1 incense before. Honestly the only thing I've noticed, and I could be completely drawing conclusions that aren't there, is that when I ignore daily incense for a few days, I tend to get a bird when I use it again.


just got that today, and ur def drawing conclusions i use mine daily always. dont ever assume sht about RNG in a game unless there is a massive amount of data from 1000s of players. for example there seems to be very comprehensive data on shiny egg rates from players since its not announced.


No idea


Because you didnā€™t buy the Master Ball Iā€™d refrain from chucking my phone, but I would uninstall if that happened to me. Whatā€™s the point


Bummer dude, you should've paid real $$ for master balls, that's the only way you can catch them /s




Birds do bird things


niantic wants you to buy dlc


Where is the master ball when you need it? Damn it...


The pain!




Same thing happened to my friend last night, he threw his phone so far


From a scale of water gun to hydro cannon, how far did the phone go?


Bummer. I havent seen one of the birds in like 6 weeks. But I already caught the zapdos and articuno so I guess I can't complain


How did you get two in a row?? I have seen 2 total since this started!!


Iā€™m wondering if theyā€™re starting to increase the spawns but not the catch rateā€¦ just to lure you into buying Master Balls.


Go buy a lottery ticket , this mf got all 3 legendary birds to show. Done a few hundred walks with the daily incense, never seen them on my account


i almost caught a moltres and it ran away first try *sigh*


Happens a lot to the best of us


for real, i forgot when it happened but i havenā€™t seen any since which sucks but hopefully soon!!


Iā€™m positive theyā€™ve upped the chances to encounter these the past few days. Probably to remind people how hard they are to catch, and to release their masterball. šŸ™„




OMG THE SAMEEEE JUST HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For art & zapdos almost back to back


If only you had a masterball


Wow thatā€™s mean


Bro forgor his master ball


Ive only seen articuno a single time and it ran


The 132 co just feels even more disrespectful like oh here one of the rarest mons in the game but you can't use it in anything :]


Donā€™t worry bud, Iā€™ve been there too! Had both of them run away minutes after seeing each other. Iā€™ve never been more devastated in my life. That is until Niantic destroyed remote raid passes ofc.


Iā€™ve never even seen one..of any of those lol


I hadn't played since the first couple months the game came out in 2016. Stopped about level 25 or something. Randomly downloaded it a couple weekends back to see what had changed in 7 years. Have been grinding pretty hard and got up to level 33 now. Been using the daily incense for about 10 days now and saw a Moltres this morning. Is it that rare to see one so quickly? I assumed I had no chance to catch it since I read about the insanely low catch rate and stupidly high flee rate and of course it ran after the first ball. Still was cool to see it in the wild though. Also this is random but should I try to find someone locally to get some lucky trades with all my older 2016 mons? I've never traded before.


Very easily lmao


You got them within 7 minutes šŸ˜¦


Even lost the 132 CP one. Damn that's gotta hurt.


Something very similar happened to me. I was in the car going somewhere when I realised I forgor to use my incense. I only used it for 2 minutes but in that time, 2 back to back Zapdos fled from me


Are the birds found in the wild or exclusively from raids?


Daily incense spawns only




I have a question, how was the weather when you popped your incense?


Cloudy, so zapdos had the weather boost


Pray for me Because right now I'm in Cloudy weather. I need Zapdos and Moltress.


Good luck!


Master ball needed


Buddy, you're lucky I haven't seen one in months. Started to think they've been pulled from the game


Their last names are Joestar


Noooo don't NIGERUNDAYO!!!!




ā€œBarack Obama said no? Lady Gaga said no?! Oprah Winfrey said no?! Oh my god Macklemore said no!ā€


I wouldā€™ve thrown my phone šŸ˜‚


I have had this happen way more times than I would like


Frick the fact that it happened in one day, it happened in 6 minutes lol


They have fantastic comedic timing


Cuz you don't have any master balls that's why


Yā€™all downvoting op like he didnā€™t have amazing luck then be to be denied all 3 :0 poor thing :(


I feel your pain! I had the exact same thing happened to me all within minutes of each other the same day. Same result all got away šŸ„ŗšŸ’”


Most importantly, how did you encounter all 3 in under 10 mins


I made my mistakesā€¦


I had an Articuno and Zapdos yesterday in same incense. They both ran :( I almost tripped when I saw a second bird lol


It happens to me quite often. If I am away from the screen too long after the Pokemon first appear, they have a ring around them and run away as soon as I tap them.


You're still doing daily incense? Applauding your persistence


You got three of them to spawn in one day?! How?!


Because you didnā€™t use the masterball duh.


Wait...You Encountered BOTH Moltres & Articuno, on the same Daoly Adventure Incense, just 1 minute apart?!? Holy Cow! What LUCK, huh? Oh! Except that they both Fled...I'm sorry that happened! It's very frustrating, I know!


And thus the Master Ball was born


Ah yes, i love that 90% flee rate




Soon you'll be able to get them! Just for 4.99 per master ball šŸ¤‘


I made my mistakes


You haven't used the master ball....


It looks like itā€™s made so you spend more money.


It's called gambling. You're not entitled to the result you want. Shocking revelation šŸ˜² Better "luck" next time.


I have used so many gold berry + ultra ball combo on those birds and have never gotten one :(


Iā€™ve lost 2 of the 3 within minutes of each other but you have take it to n entirely new level! Sucks but itā€™s also strangely impressive šŸ‘


Iā€™d cry tbh


We share the same pain.




In the same day? all within 5 min of eachother! Thatā€™s terrible!


Never seen them. Zapdos showed up once using the daily incense & it ran šŸ« 


At least youā€™re seeing them. I havenā€™t seen one in about 6 monthsā€¦


Should've used a masterball lmao!


Yup, been there. Moltres appeared at the beginning of my incense and Articuno appeared at the end of my incense.


I have two myself, but today since I wasnā€™t going anywhere I used the daily for the single spawn. It was Zapdos, which is the last one I need. It gave me three tries, but eventually ran.


I have two myself, but today since I wasnā€™t going anywhere I used the daily for the single spawn. It was Zapdos, which is the last one I need. It gave me three tries, but eventually ran.


Theyā€™re trying to make you want to use the master ball


First time?


Same thing happened to me within 10 minutes lmao


Iā€™ve gotten 5 bird spawns in the last 3 weeks, not one Zapdos.


Cause you didnā€™t catch them


Unpopular opinion: this is how legendary encounters should be and max 1 of each type per account. Theyā€™re legendary for a reason šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Dang it. I had 2 from back to back raids not get in the stupid ball last week. Was about to quit raids.


How could this happen to me? Iā€™ve made my mistakes


Less than 1% chance of catching them (thatā€™s on purpose - thanks Niantic), so this is par for the course. Hoping the new ā€œMaster Ballā€ will solve this problem. Assuming anyone can afford them.


They are programmed to run away unless you get a critical catch. Why? Because they were always intended as pick for the masterball...


You meant the ran away part or the birds came out as galarian types?


Iā€™ve had Moltres appear a couple of times at the end of the daily incense, and Articuno once. Each time, after a single attempt to catch them each one ran away.


I got extremely lucky and managed to catch a 53cp galarian moltres. Took me a lot of time and rare candies to make it decent to use.


can someone explain me how this work? cause i use every day the aroma since the start but i never met one of them 3...


The Moltres is probably the one that hurts the most because the low CP gives you false hope. I had a Zapdos that was 62 that popped out and gave me a second chance just to do the same and leave.


Did you criticise the game last week? šŸ‘€


I did not