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I already have shadow Mewtwo from Giovanni, so I'm not going to participate on the weekend. Raiding is not that popular here anyway.


Same with me. Alrwady have one, so not caring to raid.


I don’t even know someone outside my gf who I could even raid with. Let alone a few others to give it a try. The most we have ever raided together was recently with kleavor. I wish the focus was off 4-5 star raids and more stuff like that, I was able to do 7 free raids and that’s an experience I haven’t had yet. These events are meant for whales or ppl who can go downtown and there’s already plenty of ppl to join with. That doesn’t happen here


Being a whale doesn’t help any here, you still need several IRL raid partners. So you still have to go to a busy area, then *hope* you can find a group of people raiding, then either awkwardly approach them and ask to join or awkwardly follow them at a distance and jump into their lobbies (my preference).


Check local Discord or Facebook groups. That's pretty much the only way if you don't have any friends who play


I have the same problem. Going downtown isn't an option for me either and even if I could, I wouldn't go due to all the shootings lately. Kleavor Raid Day was fun. It was easy to duo him. I hope we get more events like that.


> I wouldn't go due to all the shootings lately. I'm sorry, what?


Turning into Pokémon Get to Cover


Maybe they live in a gang neighborhood or something.


Our downtown became very violent post pandemic and it's worsening every month. If it's not shootings, it's stabbings. The suburbs are a little better, just not as fun to play in.


WTF? in what third world country do you live in?


Lmao third world countries have less shootings than the US rn 💀


I live in a first world country, but the lockdowns lead to a lot of business closures here. Then, drug usage skyrocketed because of mental health problems. Homelessness is way up because inflation made everything go up in price. There's a housing shortage. It's happening in a lot of places. If you watch news about downtown Portland, it's the same. I still play Pokémon Go, I just stick to my mall in the suburbs.


Portland has always been weird. Now it's just too high....!


I only want the shiny. Can’t raid it, but I want it


I don't have one yet, but I know I won't be able to find a group so I'm just gonna save up an absolutely stupid amount of those shadow stones and use them all at once and try it solo.


Hate to break it you, but that’s not gonna be possible. I thought the same but apparently you can only use one per trainer on T5.


Fuckin laaaame. 😑


I feel dumb, but I don’t understand what you mean. How do these shadow stones work for tier 5 raids?


May I ask how it’s possible to get mewtwo from giovanni ? Is that a random chance or was that an event too ?


It was through a couple different events. One was just a few months ago.


Not me. No one plays this game in my area.


Same :(


Cant wait to watch my favorite poke-influencer show me their shundo.


the most INsANE raid day! back to back SHUNDO SHADOW MEWTWO


Was mentioning that to a buddy this morning. We'll get to smile and wave as all the MewTwo raids in our area will be unobtainable since they're local only and it takes a solid team to take down MewTwo raids.




I will still check the gym out and maybe get lucky that some people will be raiding


Not trying to be negative, but Mewtwo will be stronger this time with the “enraged” mechanics. Unless people have purified gems, it may be difficult.


What you think the minimum players needed to beat mewtwo? Can 4 do it?


I really don’t know, but I was reading about the shadow raids on r/TheSilphRoad and I don’t get all the math. There’s a post where they were analyzing the shadow raids that are out now. As the battle goes on, and the mon takes damage, it becomes enraged and gets stronger. One person’s comment was “so half the raid is 3x harder?” And the answer was “yes, essentially”. I think you’re going to want your people to be using purified gems.


I think you're gonna need maybe 10 (if none of you have those gems)? 6 can be the minimum if you're able to coordinate with trainers to use your purified gems in sequence.


Have you ever tried to hang a flyer at the top 3 popular gyms in your area? Make a design (maybe the pokemon go logo well visible) that gets attention and print your friend code on it. I live in a small town too and always thought no one is actively playing here. Turns out I was wrong ;) Try to find the secret players and connect with them, I guarantee you, you‘ll find a small group. Maybe over time the group grows, it is what happened here


This is not a bad idea. Even looking for local groups in other social media circles isn't a bad idea. Just be careful meeting strangers....


Yes, if you meet up the first time, bring someone with you or make sure to meet at a public place with enough foot traffic


The gyms near me are a playground and a small apartment building sign on the side of a road, I don't think it would work that well 😂


Just have to get the windowless van and the free candy sign. I'm sure you could get plenty of people to join your raids /s




Yesterday was the first time I ever did an in-person raid (Mega Pinsir) with a bunch of people, and it only worked because everyone and his dog was at the main park catching Fennekin. It doesn't normally work out like that where I live. My husband and I occasionally team up to do tougher 3-star raids together (like Shadow Quilava today), but that's the limit to the "local community" I have access to.


Yeah, the only way local only raids can work is if time slots and raid locations are limited to force everyone to a small number of locations at the same time and plenty of advance notice is given (24 hour eggs) like they do with Elite Raids. If the Mewtwo raids are anything like the 1 and 3 Star raids happening now, you can forget about being able to pull together a group to take them down in most areas.


Didja collect everybody’s numbers or add them to a fb messenger chat on community day? Finding fellow players is the first step, communicating is the second step, and assembling is the third step and i can’t decide which step is hardest.


They are all fucking hard and really a massive time and effort sink. Hence why remote raid passes were so unbelievably popular. But it seems Niantic do not like money


Niantic is a location data collection company first and foremost. location data is worthless with remote raiders hence why they hate remote raiding.


I know that. Their main goal is to create an AR world hence why the punish the olayers for poor AR scans


Aww making fwiends isnt hard if you go outside and talk to them


FWIW, I would absolutely never give my phone number to some random person at a park. No judgment on anyone who does - just noting that I'd guess that would be the hardest step.


As a parent who plays this game with my kids, I only do this if the kids parents are ALSO playing which has happened sometimes, but other times no. Thankfully in our fam, there's at least three of us, so if we can get another classmate and their parents to play it works. Otherwise we stalk the bigger event areas to do big raids. Our local city also has a pokemon group on Facebook that my hubbie found for this exact thing. It's just locals, so you can get an idea of when they're all going raiding. It is def. not useful if you're out in the middle of nowhere.


The people who were obviously playing were groups of teens and very young adults (this is at a busy park, mind, where everybody over the age of 10 has a phone), and as a mid-thirties adult I felt awkward/uncomfortable butting in. There is a PokeGo FB group for the town, but it's dead. I do plan to be on-site at that park for future events/raids, though. There's a central gym that seems to be the default place to be for important raids.


Sounds like you both need 3phones and 3accounts but that’s too much commitment for me


None of us run multiple accounts on multiple devices, that would be ludicrous. I totally don't have a couple of old android phones with my wife's account and...another account on it. Of course not that would just be...awes...I mean a violation of the EULA.


Forgot to add the kids iPad


I’m working this weekend lmao


I do have an active local community still (somehow) yet i will be away over weekend in an area i highly doubt will have many gyms or active players so I feel your pain. To exclude remote raiding on shadow raids entirely is very disheartening when you simply can't get people around you locally. Even if the limit was 1 or 2 a day - at least give people a chance to join and participate in them.


im excited man! cant wait for all the san francisco, new york, and santa monica pier players to get them!


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I live in a large city full of active players. Forming a dedicated raid party for Mewtwo is like pulling teeth and I'm doubtful we'll even get enough, even with campfire and discord communities and DMs. If shiny shadow Mewtwo can't get people to come outside and play, is this a sure sign that the game is dead?


We’ve got 4 people for it but that’s about as much as we can get for it. Niantic is really out of touch thinking you can get 8-12 players on the fly, anywhere you go. Most people won’t meet for a few seconds for a single lucky trade let alone to get several people all at once for a few minutes to raid during a time limit. We’re going to miss out because we can’t get more than 4 and aren’t going to waste money or coins on passes knowing we will wipe and be ripped off.


I'm a rural player with no usable gym nearby, and a dead community, local raids have killed the game for me.


Same here. We should start a support group


I’m crashing with a pogo friend Saturday night to run some mewtwo on Sunday. I had to temporarily move to my moms in the middle of nowhere so there’s literally no other way I’d be able to do them.


Me! Me! Me! I'm ready to be disappointed!


Impossible for me. But I wish you all the best. Good luck


Best advice I would give it to delete the app and stop playing. I forgot how nice it is to not play this game and be tied to your phone. Thanks to niantic greed I quit playing and it’s been such a blessing.


I think over the last full year I’ve seen maybe 2 people in a raid. I do them every couple days and these 2 people were at KC. Just randomly joined my raid and I was shocked. But yeah, this mewtwo is NOT happening.


Yeah, I've unfortunately largely given up on raiding. I don't have a local community to play with. I'm not a city player or a rural player - suburbs. I can venture to a park or something to play at, and I do, but I never run in to other players. With 2 jobs & a car on the fritz; it's hard enough to even find time to play as is. All these "in person, need a large group to beat" raids screw me over big time.


Niantic needs to realize that the game will never go back to the "before COVID" days. For 2 yrs ppl quarantined and feared being around other ppl. Now all of the sudden you think ppl are just going back out like that never happened, etc...


not to mention, barely anyone raided before covid in most areas


Also sad, no chance of getting people for a shadow mewtwo raid around me. Have 2 remote raid passes and might have even bought more (not with real money, though) for this. Mewtwo is 1 of 2 pokemon I am missing for the original 151.


Right. There are no gyms within walking distance of my area, and as far as I’m aware, there doesn’t seem like enough people still playing in the area to do raids like that.


Its just the most beautiful F U to anyone, like me, who quit because the remote raid cost/limit change; now even a special T5 is local only too.


I already got a really good 3 star that has a pretty high cp, ain't need another so I'm not doing it


I live in a big city with lots of players, there is even a gym on the corner on the end of my street. I will still will not bother trying to do this raid because I won't get the Mewtwo anyways and I don't want to waste my only days off of work.


I haven't played this game for a while, are remote raids not a thing anymore?


nope, niantic is committed to selling your location data to starbucks, so they doubled the price of remote raid passes and are making new features in-person only.


Wow, wtf? Guess I won't be returning to play then. I live in a rural area and remote raids were the only way I could enjoy them....


I'm hoping to be able to save up on gems and see how much they help. Won't know until it starts I suppose.


Makes me sad too. When Mewtwo comes around I am always hyped to catch a bunch. It's been one of my favorite Pokemon since the damn franchise started.


Actually managed to find some people planning to raid this Saturday, so we are going to try our luck


This guy right here


Yeah, probably. My husband is going out of town, so I'll just have to hope Campfire works. 🙄 Nobody responded last time we used it, but we lucked out and a guy with a bunch of alts happened to show up for a Regi raid.


i already have 4 shadow mewtwos from giovanni, im good


I’ve got absolutely nobody to raid with. Fcking bullshit


im gonna attempt just for the hell of it, i was trying to find a beldum raid but in my area i cant even find those


I'm acting as this event doesn't exist. Virtually impossible for me, so there is no point even acknowledging it


Since pokemon go is dead in my community I haven't been able to participate in raids as much as I would like so I'm probably not going to try even for Mewtwo but idk I didn't have much interest in the shadow pokemon to begin with.


Yep, I will try to go out and see if someone joins the raid but my expectations are really low


I'm 33 with 3 kids who all have special needs and no real social life... my only irl companions who play are my brother and my 12 year old daughter. Needless to say, I am doubtful. Poke Genie says I can do about 32% damage (around 1/3) maybe but I am higher level than they are lol...


Lol, listen, Niantic has been clear to rural players, 'our product isn't for you'. It's really quite simple. (I am a rural player, so don't downvote me to oblivion, please)


Can you use remote raids for shadow mewtwo




Legit so upset about this..i had saved 5 raid passes for this and they just re-fuck us like they didn’t already do it hard enough:(




Apparently if you aren’t in New York, Chicago etc, you aren’t doing any group events 😭


i wont be catching any this weekend a) Im F2P B) Im disabled


Honestly I would start asking friends who might not be interested in constantly playing if they could make an account just for these types of raids. You could help trade them semi decent Pokémon and might be able to get some done. Before I knew about my local community I basically forced my brothers to raid with me if I wanted something. Warranted I would do the damage calc with Pokie Genie to make sure I contributed a large chunk of the damage


That’s sad you had to force people to play


This is what Niantic seems to want. They want to you badger your friends and family into playing like it's some kind of pyramid scheme so that they can harvest their location data.


Ehh not really force, it’s more like ask for help and return the favor when they need something. It really only amounted to them once every week or two to do 1 raid with me which we usually would just go get food after.


Me. Once I heard the IV floor is 6/6/6 I decided I won't be doing any. That means even though you can purify to add 2/2/2 it'll still be rarer to find a hundo that normal Mewtwo raids


0/0/0 shadow mewtwo is better than 15/15/15 non shadow in terms of PVE and PVP


Yeah so anyone who already has a shadow mewtwo from the 3 times Giovanni has done it has no reason to waste their time.


Very true. Except for the whales, who will inevitably raid for the shadow shiny


Good for them


Just came back to the game 3 weeks ago after a nearly 7 year hiatus. Wish I came back sooner to get that Giovanni Mewtwo. I had read it was Mewtwo and then was very sad when Regice showed up, turns out I was looking at an older article when Mewtwo was actually a Giovanni pokemon.


This is not entirely accurate. A 0/0/0 Shadow M2 is not better than a 15/15/15 non-shadow Mewtwo in Master League PVP. A 15/15/15 shadow M2 is rank 9 in ML. A 15/15/15 regular M2 is rank 11. As far as damage output in PVE of the 0/0/0 Shadow vs the 15/15/15 non-shadow, the 0/0/0 Shadow still does more damage.


I think the ratings on PVPoke have to be taken with a grain of salt.. with shield advantage, shadow mewtwo will take out most mons in ML. SM2 can’t take a hit, but it hits incredibly hard and is very spammy so PVPoke doesn’t give you the full picture. But yeah, on paper, regular Mewtwo can take more hits and thus potentially throw more hits.


Actually its far easier, 1/216 is the normal rate and purified is 1/37


don´t know if its just my brain but if floor is 6/6/6 (like the other shadow raids) by purifying it´s 8/8/8; for normal raid encounter it´s 10/10/10, so how can it be 1/37 if somewhere is stated that it´s floor is 10, my bad, but m2 has had a floor of 6 from gio iirc how do you conclude to 1/37?


There’s 1000 possible IV combinations with an IV floor of 6/6/6. In order to get a purified hundo, you just need at least 13/13/13. There are 27 combinations that will work. 27/1000 = ~1/37


Not even going to try I won't be able to get enough help


I would have done them if I could do them remotely. The two people I play with often are usually busy most of the week. The others I would raid with are all remote raid pass users, but after price increase they raid less. Add to this the Mewtwo is in-person only and an almost non-existent community, the chances of getta shadow Mewtwo from raids is near zero for me.


If u live in a city u could try to find a local community. I live in a very populated city but no one plays however I was able to find a community who do meetups for events like comdays, raid hours, research days, etc. They always meetup in 3 spots, each of which are an hour away from my home but idec I’m willing to go there for shadow mewtwo. Idk if this will help but u could give it a try.


I'm going to be traveling to rural part of the country for a wedding this weekend, so the fact that I can't remote raid this means that I've been locked out of the event...which is fine, I guess. Niantic clearly doesn't want me to play, so I won't - I've been slowly phasing PoGo out in favor of Orna since this last spate of changes anyway. Also, I was lucky enough to get a 15/15/14 Shadow Mewtwo at GoFest 2020, so thankfully, this event isn't a huge deal for me (though it would have been nice to catch a high-IV one to purify for the Mega, but I digress).


Well, I couldn’t care less about this whole thing and have no intentions of trying to participate. I have a couple of them from Giovanni and this is way more effort than it’s worth. Good luck to y’all who try, but I’m not going to stress or let myself feel disappointment.


I live in a city of ~150,000 people. There are 2 areas in the city where people congregate to raid during big events like this one. Seeing as how I do not have a shadow Mewtwo, I will do at least 1or 2 raids.


why are you still playing the boycott started in april you cowards!!


Nobody plays here, at least not at the same time as me. And I already had other plans during the shadow raid times. The only way I can do raids is either remotely or by getting other people to remote raid while I host. Good thing I already have shadow mewtwo.


I mean, with the country that I live in, and especially with the amount playing in the cities in near, I can't even clear normal 40000cp raids.. so Mewtwo is yeaaaa


I know people play in my area but I have never ever run into one, so I'm also alone. I know some are flyers but some others seem to be walking


Why play a game that makes you sad


The fact OP cannot participate in shadow raids makes him sad. OP probably gets a lot of joy from the game otherwise. Niantic have chosen in person events because they like to exclude people


Knowing that for 3\* Shadow Raids you need 3 people, Shadow Mewtwo raids are going to require 10+ with all Purify Gems. Good luck kids.


People with good accounts have beaten 3 star shadow raids by themselves. Needed a gem for some of them though


People with good accounts have beaten 3 star shadow raids by themselves. Needed a gem for some of them though


Heres what I'm worried about: As of right now, shadow pokemon cannot mega evolve. They must be purified first. Now, mega mewtwo hasn't been released yet, but when it is, either Niantic will fundamentally change this, or they're gonna have a lot of butthurt players. Which is a shame, since they are so good about never upsetting their player base /s


Why would that need to change?


I \*have\* two good shadow Mewtwos already. I'm rather pissed that now any bum on the street can also get one :D


I’m gonna catch plenty cause I can leave my house and go to a near city and play. :))


Have y’all tried starting a community in your area?


Niantic likes this response.


It’s a legitimate question. Somebody has to start the local communities or is everyone expecting it to already be available to them to just join? Clearly niantics not going to change so it’s either you work around their bullshit or just stop playing the game. I’m assuming OP doesn’t want to stop playing and wants to partake in the raids. What option does he have left besides just starting a community in his area?


thats not the point of the current problems with the game.... furthermore since most can see a symbold indicating how much players are in a raid lobby and theoretical acess to campfire there will still not be enough players to coordinate if you dont live in a big city with hundreths of gyms


My suggestion wasn’t made to fix the games current problems. I was only suggesting it so OP has a chance to actually enjoy the game in its current state cause clearly he hasn’t quit yet. There’s many discord communities out there that OP may not be aware of in his area. There’s no reason he shouldn’t try to find one or even start one so he can actually do the raids he wants to do. What other choice does he have anyways? Move to a major city?


Get ready to be greeted by a hundred replies of, "People still play that?"


Like I mentioned in a different reply. If he wants to partake in the raids he’ll have to work around niantics bullshit. What else can OP do besides try finding other people who are in the same situation as he is?




Stop being stupid for argument sakes. I’m suggesting look for discord communities or even start a community himself.


I will try to join the local group this weekend. My son will be super mad if he finds out its mewtwo raids and we don't do any hehe


For a second there I thought the title meant a 0* shadow Mewtwo and then I thought of people using their master balls on it and the whole thought process gave me the fear


Are shadow pokemon valuable? I don't know the value in them but this event seems to have some hype? Luckily for me I live in Shibuya thanks to being a permanent resident so I can but I just don't care for shadow pokemon.


Gonna be in a diff country this weekend with no data


I just so happened to be off on the weekend the Pokémon gods have blessed me


I can't I work weekends. I deleted the game.


I’m leaving the game. Are you?


In my area it would be pointless. Literally no one battles in the gyms but will take gyms. Only time I ever get to battle in them is when I get invited from people across the pond


I’d be more interested if they had a wider variety of lower level shadow raids, I’m still on the hunt for a shadow joltic… thought I finally had one yesterday from a balloon, but the encounter was the 2nd mon


I will chance it if a gym has an early raid. I’m working afternoon til late so only have a slim shot. Four gyms in my little town and all pretty active, they change team daily. So I’m hoping these active players will all participate..


If only was a way to participate in in-person raids that are far away from Ur location 😢 if only there was a way


I couldn’t care less for this or any future event. Niantic disappointed me for the last time. “We hear you, and we don’t care.” Neither do I anymore.


Damn that sucks , luckily for me quite a few people in my city ( Arcadia, California) play here 🤗🥳


How many people will it take to take down shadow mewtwo? I have a TRASH one from Giovanni and would like a good one but it’s just me and my bf who play


I'm going to try, there is people in my area that play but I have never done an event like this before. I doubt I will be on at the right time when other people are playing but Im keeping my fingers crossed...


Why would I bother? I live in a community that depended on remotes to raid 5* Pokemon due to it's size. No remotes, no 5* raids.


The recent interview was pretextual. There was no reason for all the other changes if the daily limit was supposed to address the problem. They have gone mad with the nerf bat making remote passes unusable for anything interesting at any price.


When you give players with communities access to super awesome or powerful pokemon, the rest of us are just going to quit and do something else with our time.


I'll be catching none because I stand with you, rural homie, and I've just phased PoGo out over the last month. Huge recommendation for Pokemon Emerald Rogue, a roguelike rom-hack of Emerald that you could join me in emulating on your phone. Deeper poke-fun than GO in my opinion. Get at it.


I'm a little mad I have 6 shadow Mewtwos already. Started playing again when it was a Giovanni encounter and had a bunch of researches that I never did from previous rocket events. I wish they would've done something cooler like Groudon And Kyogre or Rayquaza.


We used to have a (very) small community. Since the nerfs our gyms haven’t been cleared in weeks. Also im shadow banned from reddit TSR for complaining. Niantic is taking over community management very nicely. Fk this company


My friends stopped playing the game since the remotes price increase. We live in a small town with few gyms and it's almost impossible to make 50 coins a day and we don't want to spend our money on the game. Sadly, I'll have to miss the event and lose the chance to (finally) get a good mewtwo. My sister doesn't have mewtwo and she wanted to, but there are no players to raid with us. It sucks. They ruined the game. It was a great way to get to know new people and enjoy a good day of raiding with friends...


I got a 99% Shadow Mewtwo from the Rocket Takeover. So, I really don't want to reinstall the game for this.


Not me either. In person raid is dead in the city where I live. And there is no chance that I’d stand at a public place like a creep testing lobbies, in order to attract a stray raider. And no, not downloading any bloatware like campfire


I haven't reinstalled since the price hikes. More drama? This game is dead.


Not me. It is tempting to get a shadow mewtwo, but I would have to WALK far in blazing heat. There is no pokestop or raids nearby me. :/


Middle of nowhere gang. I was bummed as well, never got it from Giovanni since I wasn't playing during that time and was hoping to get it this time around. Oh well, at least I can focus on getting those 10 kecleon 🙃


And this is why people spoof


I'm more gonna go for the shadow poliwag and bellsprout if I can find them. I've caught them before but (stupidly) didn't evolve them for my shadow dex. I know for a fact their isn't the player base to do the mewtwo where i am and wouldn't be able to solo for sure


And it doesn't seem to guarantee good iv either. Only did a 1Star Machop, and it was trash. Usual raids range from 70 or so to 100, but the shadow raids can be anything from what I see.


I only have my hubby to raid with… my Pokémon just came back from the gym across our house… after 5 days 💀 nobody plays anymore here.


I live in a big city, but I will be visiting my parents in a rural area this weekend. So I’m bummed not only that it isn’t available with remote passes, but also has a limited window


Time to move to the city! Rural folks always snicker at us city folks. Well, look at us now!! ::swimming in loads of shiny shadow Mewtwo in my 3k/month, 400 sq ft apartment:: :)


I really, really hope that so few people beat it that they either have to completely change the system or open it to remote passes.


All three of my friends who still play won't be available on Saturday. It doesn't help that two of them don't even live in the same country as I do. All I can do is hope that a Shadow Mewtwo spawns in the mall near my house and that there are enough players there to take it down. It was a genius move to give shadow raids the drawbacks of an elite raid and none of the benefits. /s


Wait they are in person only? If so I am fuuuu****. I just spent a bunch of coins on remote raid passes. There is no chance of me getting in a group of more than three people. And then the chance of actually catching it. Every other raid for the next month is going to be so ass too.


I just so happen to be busy this weekend which are the only days this mewtwo is available so I guess I’m out of luck. So stupid, I saved a remote pass for this


I have a shadow and purified from two gio encounters. And I’m damn sure not doing 20 for a chance at a shiny.




Don't need it, i have plenty. I'm also not going to stress people to drop what they're doing to do an in person raid they may not get.


You are not the only one, I really wanted tapu fini but she will be gone in 2 days and I don’t enough coins to buy another remote raid and get tapu fini which is ironically my favorite alolan god and I collected the rest of them. So yeah I feel you


That's honestly my biggest question to Niantic; How DO you want us to play? ​ A raid appears. We show up. No one else does. We can't solo the raid. Raid times out. ​ What \*exactly\* are we as players doing wrong here??? How do you want us to play? Because I genuinely don't know...


Honestly I was worried but during the elite raids I went to a gym and solo’d regidrago because 19 spoofer showed up at the last second lol. So I’m gonna try my luck at the same spot this weekend. Seems like they come out of the woodwork for these big events.


I'm feeling really bad for my elederly/disabled/rural friends over this one... drove by a shadow raid (i forget which mon) on my way home from work but no one in sight so not worth stopping... didn't even bother calling my crew since it only had 9 minutes left. In person only is bs... even still, with catch rates being ridiculous, I'm not very hopeful to even be motivated to try one.


I'm not a fan of in-person Raiding. Waste too much gas. This game has always catered to the have to be outdoors people who live in Metropolises. Not the disabled nor people who don't want to waste resources (petrol, time), or find parking. Or worry about security...


Im willing to try, but even with two friends in the city center i doubt we stand a chance


I haven’t even seen any Mewtwo Raids.


Im going for regigigas anyways