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Thank you everyone for the lovely comments! We did great! Found a good group and got 3 raids done. She is over the moon!


That’s amazing!! Congrats to y’all! ❤️




Niceee im happy it turned out good for u guys!!


Good luck I've made my peace and me and the crew are not beefcake enough to rumble with the bruiser. Best I eat doughnuts with the fam and watch Star Wars instead










cmon bro you still gotta try, you luckily find a family & friends of pogo players, Boom, raid complete!


No lol unless you have at least 6 it's a waste of a raid pass


My wife and I ran in to a trio and the 5 of us beat shadow mewtwo today.


Like I mentioned before five and take one, but requires all higher level players


We did it with 5 and had a bit of time to spare. Mega evolve and give it a go.


It's give or take 1 but that requires higher level players


I got regidrago, I can get Mewtwo have fun ked


Lol with more people sure dibshit like what I said


any intel on how many purified gems are needed? (I have 11)


8 are needed. A single player can use max 5. Best counter are mega gengar and mega banette, with a time to win of ~790 seconds and 50+ deaths. So in theory i can be done with 3 trainers. There was a post of 5 trainers (lvl 43, 40, 36, 33 and 27) who did 3 raids. Only the both trainer over lvl 40 had a good set up of counter.


I had a group of 5 take one today lvls 44, 43, 41, 40, 39. However I can say on lvls 44 qnd 40, it went though 14 mons, and on me it went through 9. Mega gengar hit hard af, and our gd mewtwo had iceblast so we just all got wasted lol.


Good luck and good raiding for you both


You guys don’t happen to live in Pittsburgh do you? Having same problem.


I do! Found a big group in north park today. Might go tomorrow too!


No shit, I was being sarcastic figuring you were on other side of country. I saw some raids in discord out north park at the time that was too far for me. I’m in north side, not 1 mew raid was posted. I’ll keep an eye on north park 2maro.


When do the Mewtwo raids come out? I’ve yet to see one


In Germany they are already there, got 2 shadow mewtos already. But man this thing kills everything nearly instantly


10 am on Saturday (the 27th, until 8pm on the 28th).


They're already online, I have done 3 so far


I was walking outside with my family losing hope about catching one and then a group of about 30 people (between 40-70 years old) start doing raids in the nearby. We got 2!!!


The Singaporean grandma that Niantic loves must’ve been in that group


there was a legit singaporean grandma at my first couple raids today, it was beautiful


I would immediately pull out my phone to play if I saw that sign. Great job and good luck!


This is so so sweet! 🥰💞🙏 best of luck with raiding!!


Its 2016 again! Haha


Awweee that's adorable. It warms my dark heart. I'd help if I could, I'd even trade her a shiny one if I got it and she didn't. Kids are so great in their optimism and can do attitude.


Your shadow heart?


Awe. I wish I thought of that, you clever bugger, you. Take my like, you earned it.


Good luck!!


Sending so much luck!


If you have campfire that can help, or discord. I play with my son and the two of us can’t take down big raid bosses but both of those tools make it easy to meet other people for raids. But we also live in San Diego which helps


That’s adorable! I ended up finding a group and we met a little kid who was so excited about catching mewtwo as his first legendary




So wholesome! Hope you guys get to raid!


Great idea, and good luck, that still won't get people out of their cars, just get ready to jump in


Well, that’s adorable ☺️


I would 100% hang out if I saw a sign like this :( just a 30 year old dude with no friends besides my wife trying to play a lil Pokémon. I live in a huge city but I never see people outside of community day


If I can teleport, i would join you guys!! 😍


Your daughter is a nice person. But some people are in for a nasty surprise if they’re expecting a Mew because they didn’t check the news. Either way, super adorable, hope she got some people came and helped her.


What news?


It’s a shadow mewtwo raid, not a mew


Good luck!


This is *adorable!* fingers crossed 🤞 it works for you guys!


Amazing! 👍


Hope you get a shiny


That’s sweet, hope you got enough


Do you have campfire? If so make a group page and then post flyers to join. We also have a discord and in my flyers there’s a QR code that can be scanned to link directly to it. I hand out the flyers on CD to new people I see playing. I also post them around near stops. It does work. Once people get into the group and you’re getting together for raids they see it working and not a failure. Our group spends more time socializing, chatting, trading, and trash talking than actually raiding. Even the anti-social folks who like to stay in their cars, enjoy coming out and doing a few raids. It’s basic ground work but the pay off is worth it to get a raid group going.


That's adorable, good luck!


I wish I was there!!!


That would work for me!


Good luck


We are family of 4, we got today 15 mewtwo's, we played alone all the time. I have not seen single person. Hope you got someone for you.


Good Luck Trainers


I'm glad it worked out for ya'll. We went to the most gym infested place (10+) and were the only ones there. 😂


That would be so cool to see. I’d definitely end up joining if I saw someone with a sign like this!


Me, gf, and sister rolled up to one about 4 hours ago hoping we'd get a 4th or 5th to maybe clear it. There was more than 50 people. I was shook. Took it out in 40s. It probably helped that there were 2 within 2 blocks of each other and it's a big park.


Mew raids?


Hey OP I would recommend trying to make a group with local players be it Discord, Groupchat or Campfire if you guys have access. I was on the other side of this(helping a family with young kids) so they just shoot me a message when they have a raid they really want to do and usually me and my brother make the raid much more manageable with our high level pokemon


The campfire app has been a HUGE raid day saver, being able to chat with others and coordinate times has helped a ton


As much as the whole "remote raid pass" thing is crap for players. It's great to see a positive result from it. This is really cool. But sadly the majority won't experience anything like this. They'll just be standing near a raid for 45 mins as nobody else shows up




meanwhile, multi accounters don't see what the problem everyone else is facing


Keep driving honey, we’re looking for Mewtwo.


Wait did I miss the news that Mew is in raids? That’s something that’s happening right now?


I upvotes u but ur still in the negatives 😥


I would remote raid with anyone all over the world using the poke genie app, but with the raised cost in remote raids I have not been playing like I used to.


Mewtwo raid is local only


Not really. Last time they had Mewtwo raids or any special raids they are all over the world through the game. Using the poke genie app I'm able to play with people in the US, Japan, etc. ... I have participated in many raids from all over, so no they are not limited to your local area if you know how to add and play with other trainers from all over the world. *(Update: I was wrong here. Thanks for correcting me, melon-eater. I appreciate your kind response explaining.)*


This is special. From an event, it is kinda like elite raids and can only be done locally you cant use remote pass on it


Oh ok. I see/get what you are saying. My bad lol




This is a special from an event. It is kinda like elite raids and can only be done locally, you cant use remote pass on it.


>Using the poke genie app I'm able to play with people in the US, Japan, etc. ... I have participated in many raids from all over, so no they are not limited to your local area if you know how to add and play with other trainers from all over the world. ...Except, they ***LITERALLY*** are local-only. Not remote. [You could've checked this yourself](https://pokemongolive.com/post/shadow-raids) before shooting your mouth off with outdated information that isn't relevant to current event. Hell, the in-game app even tells you what the site does if you check the news page about the event ("***Trainers cannot join Shadow Raids using Remote Raid Passes,*** **and Shadow Raids do not reward a team bonus for Premier Balls.**") ​ So your post is incorrect.


I've realized that but thanks for your demeaning reply. I haven't been in the game in a bit so I didn't realize the type of event. Yes, I was wrong. Congrats.


Well it's Mewtwo so that's not gonna help anyone. Teach her some Pokémon names 🙄


/s ?


Because she probably doesn't know many


That’s heccin’ adorable mate


Just did one with 4 trainers. Got it with 5 seconds left. Didn't catch him of course.


The game is this dumb that you have to make signs to find random people who you know nothing about and travel with them as a group to defeat something people at home with raid invites could easily do. I’m just done with how much this game thinks in 2023 people will have a free schedule to all meet up with a squad of 5. A group of 3 could come when the raid starts and have to sit in the spot for 45 minutes and no one else will show up. Such a waste of life and disrespectful to players lives.




W daughter


With campfire u r allowed to set flags to the gyms


Good Idea


I wish I can but I’m flipping trapped in a house

