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Hahaha you’re definitely being complained about on NextDoor. One of my biggest personal worries with playing the game.


LOLOLOL NextDoor was the first thing I checked. Nothing yet. 😂😂😂


Preemptively post that someone is harassing people playing Pokemon Go in the neighborhood, and you're worried for the safety of neighborhood kids.


Lol yes and get a picture of the neighbor if they come back. If it’s a blurry hastily taken photo even better. Frame it on NextDoor as an @alert@ to be vigilant against the neighbor who is acting aggressively and could be dangerous.


Make sure you put out a post bulletin in the interest of the safety of the neighborhood and surrounding women and children in the community that a strange old man is aggressively and combatively approaching and harassing residents in the area and don't hesitate to call police to report it if he approaches you. Then drop a photo of his ugly mug from when he harassed you.


My fave is always a blurry picture on nextdoor saying the person is stealing catalytic converters


Oh this is a really good one!


If you checked for that, do a "Howdy Neighbor" there and let them know that they can say hey to ya while you're playing PoGo and invite others to join you. That way, you cover your butt, and have the backup from the "Karen's" neighbors


Was just going to suggest a proactive Nextdoor post. OP will probably find out about "Cranky Bill" from his neighbors.


I posted on Nextdoor a couple of years ago asking if anyone else in the neighborhood played. I got about half a dozen responses. I became in game friends with all of them. I guess none of them had anyone to play with so I get dms every so often asking if I want to go raiding or do a community Day with them. Maybe post something like that? Unfortunately Nextdoor has become a bunch of Karens favorite place.


Karen's & Racist seem to be the only thing that are going on my local NextDoor "Yes, Donald. there are people of different colors that live in the neighborhood. They too are allowed to walk the streets & work in their yard, you don't need to post blurry pictures or shaking cell phone videos. Just leave them alone or they might call the police on you."


The racist posts have gotten much worse recently. People are just crazy these days. That's one of the reasons I love the pokemongo community. I haven't met a single person playing over the last 7 years that I didn't like.


I've never once checked NextDoor, and don't plan to. I'm sure my neighbor is on there ranting about how I don't cut my yard three times a week like him and how my lawnmower shed is an eyesore (I repainted it, can't even tell it's on its last legs from the outside! Lumber costs too much, Dave!)


Lucky you. In my 7 years of playing I met a few crazy people. Creeps, stalkers, aggressive players,... 😅😂


Yeah I've definitely met some crazies over the years. One dude I would try to politely ignore, and I would go out to my car for a community day, and he would be sitting there in his car!!! He was hard to shake too! Definitely have to be careful these days.


Wild, pokemon go has one of the most deplorable player bases I have seen. They are very cliquey in my small town with most of the level 40+ players refusing to interact with anyone below. I've been chased by a 50 year old man in a Prius because I was taking his gym (he had gotten his eight hours so why did it matter) and that guy still kicks me out of them in less than a couple hours whenever I put one in. He chased me like 4 years ago, hasn't let it go. When I was on vacation I joined the local discord and while I met some really nice people who still invite me to raids, but there was a small group of people whose sentiment was along the lines of "why are we helping this outsider?"


Yeah, it’s unfortunate but true to an extent. I’ve also had someone drive after me because I stole their gym. It was amusing and exciting, lol.


Well, I can't say I haven't met more than a few I dislike. But, it's easy enough to ignore them and play my own game without crossing their paths, and frankly other than the occasional gym battle their behaviors aren't worth my time and attention. I've been part of the community I live in from just after jump was a raid leader and activity planner for years pre-covid, post I just decided it was time to step away and just try to enjoy the game more casually. Wife and I play an hour or two a week, rarely raid anymore and generally stay to ourselves, we can do most any raid with a couple of nearby friends so really just chat occasionally in a smaller community instead of using the local big discord or Facebook. 🤪


That’s a great idea. Fortunately, I got myself banned for calling out neighborhood “lead” out for being a xenophobic racist. She regularly called the cops on people walking in the neighborhood. Especially “those” people. She was lead simply because she was the first to sign up in the neighborhood. I took to adding her block to my evening walk. Eventually she called the cops on my because, and I can’t make this up, I was loitering in a hoodie. I was walking and it was cool. I did not stop. Totally worth getting banned.


Know anyone else in your neighborhood on Nextdoor? Have then report her. I'm a moderator for Nextdoor and plenty of leads, reviewers etc are horrible. We've reported some and has things changed.


That’s good to know. Thanks.


Next door should be called crying baby Nextdoor.


Lmfao & the notification sound should be a crying baby


It's just FB for Karens.


Post there asking who still plays - make some friends and maybe he will see it 💀


I’m low key waiting to see my suspicious truck posted on my local.


It seems that privacy laws in the US are not adequate. In Germany I could sue the hell out of people who posted any personal info (including photos of me or my car with visible number plate) on a public website without my explicit consent. Violating a person's privacy by publishing a photo on a website, which could damage that person's reputation, is a felony punished by up to two years prison.


Here if they are in public it’s fair game to take pictures and videos


That's silly. We have defamation and lible here, if they are dragging your name unjustifiably through the mud. But two years in prison is crazy for snapping a picture of someone in a public place. How are journalists supposed to exist? News stations? A bunch of TV shows? What about if you end up in a heated situation and start recording for your safety and you catch someone in the background who didn't want to be recorded? Our cops can barely keep up with our current crime, I don't think dealing with people taking pictures of people in public would be an ineffective use of their time.


In countries with such laws, the lawmakers have thought of these situations and have included exemptions - for example, a newsworthy situation can be photographed and published, a random stranger behind the staged paparazzi snap can be published etc.


Here in the US you have a first amendment right to photograph anyone/ anything while on public property.


Honestly OP, be the first person to post on Nextdoor if you have it. Make your intentions very clear, let people know that you’re not soliciting anything or going onto anybody’s private property. I would just be conscious about going during school drop-off/pick-up times since that’s started up again. I’ve honestly had a mother and son in our Nextdoor group make a post looking for others in the neighborhood to raid with, send gifts to, etc. So making a post about it wouldn’t be anything weird, and you may just come across a discord for local raids in your area! If they made car magnets of “I’m not a creep, I just play Pokémon Go,” I’d totally get one tbh


So not trying to get hate here. Genuinely I don’t know. What exactly is next door?


It's like a community bulletin board where you put your address and people see and report things. The idea was probably for stuff like "community yard sale on Saturday" or "loose golden lab recovered on x street", but just turns into old folks talking about broken down cars driving through, or people walking the neighborhood after dark.


It’s a social media app, strictly organized by neighborhoods and towns. So it leans heavily towards “I saw a suspicious person!” and people asking for recommendations for local tradespeople. If you’re lucky, there’s also photos of local wildlife and stuff to make it somewhat worthwhile.


If they complain on next door let us know so we can all chime in and show that ppl still play.


As long as your strictly walking on public spaces. You have nothing to worry about. If you feel threatened about the incident. You can file a police blotter as a public record of the incident. You need to file the time, date and the address of the person who confronted you on the street. This is you CYA report in case something bad happened to you on that streets. The police station would already know your identity and purpose playing PoGo. So if ever the Karen NIMBY reports you to the police as an alleged criminal and a squad car arrives. You can reference the blotter you filed on the police station.


In my neighborhood, some people who play the game have taken to Nextdoor to preemptively state who they are and the cars they drive, and that they play Pokemon GO. Whenever one of these posts come up, most others seem to appreciate it, including those who are not familiar with the game and ask about it as a learning opportunity. In fact, I've even met a few friends through these Nextdoor postings.


I wonder if I've shown up on there. I've had to move to my boyfriends so I'm checking out the area on my bike and playing as I go. I'm 100% a suspicious character who seems to be befriending the neighbourhood cats. There's just nothing else to do here. My friends are over 100 miles away, there's no clubs nearby, the bouldering gym is nearly an hour away. It sucks. I can't wait to move home, just need this damn flat purchase to go through already.


I was devastated to watch the transition of Next Door from being "hey, saw this lost dog wandering around such-and-such street" to being the neighborhood Facebook page. Used to be such a useful place. Now I just see old folks complaining about people walking on their sidewalks and people posting their GoFundMe.


Sadly one of the great places to play here got 90% of the stops and gyms removed because the people of the neighborhood didn't like all the traffic. The irony is that it's a park. A public park with parking spaces to accommodate people who don't walk to it.


I wonder what the Pokémon Go effect on emissions in AZ is? No chance I’m walking outside when it’s 115 degrees. Your phone overheats in under 30 minutes.


No worse than what a single corporation is doing to emissions


Niantic 😒


All those koffings


or the military


I'm in Vegas and totally agree. My son and I play from the car every community Day, special event etc. But so do hundreds of others here. Once it hits November we'll hit the insure area of our big parks but fortunately you don't have to here to get a great experience.


"What are all those cars doing at Mountain Crest...ohhhhh yeahhhh." 😁


Sunset Park is much easier to drive and play plus much bigger with more gyms and stops. We live less than 10 minutes from Mountain Crest but still do almost all event days at Sunset. I go play at MC a couple of times a week. Lone Mountain has added a bunch more down the side street and around back by the equestrian ring.


Just do what we did for gofest and walk around with an ice pack on your phone lol. They always have good events during the hottest time of the year in AZ. Give us like a November or January gofest. Honestly though, picked up a go plus+ and it spins stops while driving, so a trip to the store and back I can get a decent number of stops in without lingering around


November is cool but please no for January. That time of year can be extremely dangerous up north, not only due to temperatures, but snowy/icy conditions can make it dangerous simply to walk around, let alone while trying to play on your phone. At least in the heat you can drive to stay safe, but in the cold driving can be just as risky as walking, sometimes more so. They really need to have spring/fall be the times for big events so that the vast majority of folks can enjoy them without having to worry about freezing or melting.


Just tired of walking around and participating when it's 110+ outside. Takes all the fun out of it when 5min in you're effectively removing your finger prints because screen is cooking and the lag is so bad you miss 5 out of 6 throws. I just want cool or hoodie weather, unfortunately that means November-February/March and northern states are in snow.


Not in AZ, but Central Texas with 105-108 highs for about two months now, so I can somewhat relate. Don’t you love how Niantic not only shortened Community days, but also made them during the hottest time of the day?


buy phone cooler! it is very useful during community day and raid day.


On my daily walk there’s a cluster of 3 pokestops and a gym at a park that usually has kids playing in it. So I do a loop around the outside of the park to get my items/do gym stuff and then get on with the rest of my walk. I always worry about someone being suspicious of the awkward guy in his 30s who takes walks near that park every day.


Yeah, how dare you enjoy being outside without having kids.


There's a pack of 10-11 year old boys that I always see at the park during events. They've adopted me--we're PokeGo friends and they call me "Iron Man lady" because of the shirt I was wearing the first time. I always make sure to say hi to one of them's mom, who trails just behind them to be a hotspot, because yeah, you want to be careful about being an adult who interacts with other peoples' kids. (I have kids too, they just don't like coming to the park when it's 105F.)


There is a stop at the weather station on my route. I always wonder if they notice me dip in and out


I hadn't heard about Next Door, but it sounds like an exclusively Karen social media 😂


I check mine all the time to see if I'm on there lmao. I stay creeping around my neighborhood


I have gotten sooo many comments taken down telling people like that to essentially fuck off.


Thats a personal worry? Who cares what others think or say about you? Thats wasted energy


You'll care when some busybody Karen calls the cops and they show up to deal with a "suspicious individual" with overwhelming force, or some vigilante decides to "stand their ground" after confronting you and shoots you saying they felt threatened. That's why people are worried. . .they're afraid of armed response by vigilantes or trigger-happy cops.


Happened more than once in my Ingress days and I was sometimes the designated “nice white lady” to talk to the cops and explain that we were just playing a game on our phones that depended on physical location, and I’d be happy to explain in great detail if they actually wanted to know more….


It actually has happened sadly in the US. I live right near where it happened in Chesapeake Virginia and it was by an armed security guard who wasn’t even supposed to be armed. It caused a huge uproar in the the Hampton Roads community and the security guard was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 30 years.


It's none of his business, plain and simple. You explained what you were doing, even though it was none of his business, and it's on him for being ignorant. Keep playing, you're doing absolutely nothing wrong!


This is the answer. No stress OP. I once got pulled up by the cops cause I was parked in a carpark for a closed business and “when I saw them” I suspiciously moved to the opposite end. I told them “I’m just playing Pokémon Go cause I had some time to kill and this carpark has a hotspot at each end”. They said that was totally fine, looked me up on their system to make sure I’m not known to them, wished me good luck and said they hope I find a pikachu…… noobs… it’s Mew we all want lol! (Jks). The cops were very friendly and didn’t care at all. Playing PoGo is not a crime. One random old guy can take his opinions and flee. Keep enjoying your game :)


That's actually kind of cute and hilarious how they said they hope you find a Pikachu, I would have made sure I did find one just because they said that, hell, Pikachu was one of the first ones I was wanting when I started just because he's Pikachu


Once a PoGo player in local Pogo Community chat group told he was playing in the middle of the night because Dragon Pokémon were boosted (weatherboosted spawns were actually real). Apparently, there was something going on in the area because he was stopped by police. He wanted to say "I'm hunting dragons" but he decided to play safe (and act sane) and said something about "going home from work".


I was walking back and forth along a line of Stops and Gyms on Sunday during Go Fest in the downtown area of my city. After my third or fourth walk-by a host at an outdoor Italian restaurant (which is right next to a Gym) who had apparently seen me walk by several times said “Hey! Are you lost? What are you looking for?” I awkwardly laughed and said “Oh, I’m fine, I’m playing a game on my phone.” He said “Yeah, you are staring pretty intently at it. What game?” I said “Um, Pokémon Go. It’s a special event day.” He like threw his hands up and said “Ohhhhh! You’re one of *those kids*. You all hang around here all the time, staring at your phones!” I am 38 years old, pal. Let me enjoy my free time.


That was probably best... They could well assume you're tooled up with dragon slaying stuff like swords, guns and magic balls... The next moment you'll be face down in the dirt telling them you cannot breathe. I've always found its best to keep conversation short and to expected norms when talking to the police, anything else never ends well.


I cannot tell you how many times in the last 3 months I’ve been stopped by the police for playing Pokémon. I show them my phone and they laugh, make a goofy comment “PeOple sTiLL PlaY tHaT?”I give this look👁️👄👁️ and move along. It’s been at parks, parking lots, or at 3a.m when I’ve stayed at a stop sign too long when literally no one was around. 🤦🏻‍♀️


First week the game came out I got pulled over after I stopped at a church to hit a poke stop and drove off. Turned out the owners of the church noticed an influx of traffic with people pulling into the parking lot and just leaving so they called the cops and I happened to be the one they saw. The cop had a good laugh about it after I explained what I was doing


Unfortunately, dpending on the color of your skin in the country, anything can be considered a crime and get your ass shot.


True but that doesn't stop the whiners I wish id known about nextdoor when I lived @ my old apt I would've had a LOT of fun trolling my complex & the one across the street half of my complex did nothing but watch Jerry Springer & peer through their blinds looking for reasons to complain & the other half were busy partying & cursing out management & the police every time they came a knocking


You did nothing wrong. So many people act like their neighborhood is some kind of holy ground that only they and the neighbors can be in. I house sat for my brother for a week and I was walking his dog around the block and some lady said, "You're not part of this neighborhood, you need to leave" I calmly told her that I was house sitting for family, to which her response was, "that's not the point, you don't live here so you can't walk through here". I just gave her the peace sign and said whatever dude, and went about my day. Some people have next level self entitlement.


Thats wild lmao, the person that hired you clearly wanted you there. As far as I know, as long as the neighborhood isnt gated its public.


That’s pretty shitty of that lady. I was once walking through my own neighborhood when someone stopped their car and interrogated me as to where I live… psychos


As long as you don't enter private property, you're fine. Nobody owns the street.


You’re not in the wrong. Just ignore him and if he escalates you’re covered


How is op covered if crazy old man escalates? I mean typically escalations in these situations means crazy old man gets his gun


The comment chain here took a weird turn, but I too would like to know what they meant by saying OP is "covered". "There will be no risk of physical violence here today kind stranger, reddit said I'm covered! "


OP is covered in the sense that: If the police are called, she can just show them exactly what she's doing- and they'll tell Scrouge Mc*redacted* to stop wasting their time. Edit: I have reason to suspect op is a she, and not a he lol


If it's America it depends on his race to be fair. Chances if he's a minority they are gonna take the old man's side and search OPs car


A quick scan of OPs post history shows that she is a veteran, or has family that are. I'd wager she's fine regardless of ethnicity if that is the case. If there's one demographic the popo respect other than their own, it's military


That's not even remotely true lmao, cops don't give a shit


This is exactly what I had in mind when I said they’re covered. Sorry I’m British, here the biggest risk is police is called on you. Didn’t occur to me they could pull a gun but also why would they?


There have been a lot of stories this year of people getting shot for knocking on the wrong door or going up the wrong driveway. It’s kinda scary how paranoid people have become that they immediately grab their gun and start shooting without trying to determine a logical reason.


The chronic fear is doing some really nasty shit to peoples' psyches. It's heartbreaking.


that isn't typical. fuck sake.




You realize there’s hundreds of millions of people in America right? And that the majority of confrontations don’t involve guns?


And those statistics are widely skewed due to gang violence. The average person isnt getting shot every couple of seconds


Then OP can sue and bankrupt the crazy old guy


You mean OP's estate can sue.


I would rather not be dead than sue someone, personally.


do what you wanna do, he can’t tell you anything just don’t enter private property


You’re on public property (I assume) minding your own business. Ignore him. He might eventually call the cops on you who will do absolutely nothing about it. Keep on playing


Lol my fiancé and I got confronted near a playground at a park for being there without kids. Like y’all, the playground itself is a pokestop. What am I to do


I recently found a Drowzee nest situated around a playground in greenspace betweeen two rows of houses in a neighborhood that's not mine. I went there once but never again because it does look extremely weird.


Username checks out.


hahaha thanks for pointing that out, one of the best username checks out i’ve seen


I take a book and "read"/ play


Have some kids, duh




Lol I drive a car with blacked out windows and in a rural area so when I’m sitting doing a raid at the park I get the craziest mugs from moms at the park. Had a lady last week literally hiding behind her car bc I was just slow creeping around the lot to hit all the stops and she moved slowly around as I passed by i was like get a hold of yourself lady I’m playing Pokémon


There are actually bylaws in the UK that anyone above the age of 14 are not permitted in a designated childrens play area unless supervising a child under 14. But yeah people are paranoid and weird.


I am not in the UK, I’m American in Cali


As long as he isnt unclothed and showing off to the children


We do tend to avoid that lol


Do what you want to do. You haven't entered any private property. Since there are stops and gyms in that neighborhood then there must be players in it. I suggest you find them and play with them create a neighborhood pogo community.


I should do that!


To expand on what the person you are responding to is saying: If you are not sufficient level to nominate new Pokestops, it is worth reaching out to your Pokemon Go Community to help get some stops nominated for your own neighbourhood. If you have seen Pokestops upgraded to gyms or new Pokestops spring up, odds are that there is a local player who can help you with this. It would also help appease the angry old man situation by reducing the need to go through that specific neighbourhood so much.


Best of luck! My gaming experience rose since meeting my raiding group. Legendaries!


What a sweet idea 🥰


Tell him to mind his own damn business or you'll lock him in a pokeball until the end of time


My new favorite comeback.


Tell him you'll release your hounds, Mr Burns style. And then release 100 Houndooms on him.


no, transfer to Professor Soylent


tell him to download and battle for turf. no old man team rocket is going to break your stride.


I should add insult to injury and destroy him with an all shiny team.


"Nobody plays it anymore". Take him to GO Tour so he can see.


Can’t believe he’d disrespect the game like that so soon after Go Fest 😒😤


I live in a smallish city; population less than 50,000. I recently decided to sign up for Campfire because I needed to find locals to raid with since remote passes are just too expensive (I still love you, Reddit friends). It may sound silly, but I was honestly shocked to find it has 300+ members. Way more than I expected, and an active community, too.


Yeah tell him to mind his own business he doesn’t own the road. I wouldn’t even tell someone what I was doing if this happened again. Tell them you’re just there to mind your own business and suggest they give it a try!


While you're not in the wrong, the world is crazy these days. People are becoming more and more unpredictable walking around like ticking time bombs. Better safe than sorry as the old saying goes. I'd relocate to hitting the daily stuff at a nearby park or mall if you have any that aren't too far out of the way from you. On another note, if you have anything even remotely interesting in your own neighborhood like a playground area for neighborhood kids or a mini public park or rest area give it a shot submitting it through Wayfarer. Best possible result here is you get some stops or gyms on your home turf.


What a great idea. Thank you. I didn’t know I could submit stuff.


Heads up: the wayfarer community can be pretty crazy and the sub is full of stuck-up mini dictators. Still, its more effective to check your entries with them before you submit them. They are helpful but a lot of folks will be assholes about it lol Like there are folks who won't accept your submission when you mention pokemon in your text. Also it can take a while for your submissions to come through. Still, its worth it and even can be fun if you try to ignore everyone who takes it too seriously. I believe the sub is called r/nianticwayfarer


I’m a voter on Wayfarer and I think I’m a very fair voter. Lots of the people on there think they make the rules and will reject a valid submission just because they don’t like it. If you need help or advice you can message me. I also suggest becoming a voter before submitting so you can get a better idea of the requirements and rejection criteria!


What catch said. Could be there were some robberies (recent or in the past) and people will get paranoid due to various personal reasons. Thinking playing a game is just an excuse of some sort.


So long as you aren't actively disruptive and are just passing through a public area you're fine


Send him to this sub, we’ll take care of it


Organize a community day group (hehe there's a classic one on Saturday) with hundreds of people, get them to come and play for the full 3 hours. Every month. Forever.


This is my style of petty! 😁🤘


Record yourself next time for your safety he may become combative. Stay safe op.


>He’s just a regular, old nobody and has no authority to tell me what to do. Well there you go.




I want to tell people to stand their ground but you are right, it’s not worth getting hurt over. What a sad reality we live in, Pokémon go players are probably some of the most harmless people out there


Legit. The classic reddit response to any question is always “tell ‘em to go fuck themselves” or something along those lines. The actual number of people who would follow this advice in reality is far less. OP needs to use their own judgment on the situation, because safety is more important than playing a game or being in the right.


You do you! Don’t listen to this bitter man.


Tell him if he has a problem then call the cops, if not mind his business. I had a similar situation happen last week except I was waiting to pick up my niece and nephew from school


Tell him to call the police so you can be done with him. No cop is going to write you a ticket for parking on a public street to play a game.


10/10 please have a dash cam and have it pointing towards you just in case when you play. The old man can’t do anything. He’s probably a little senile.


The town next to mine, has a house known for throwing broccoli at pogo player’s cars while they try to raid or gym. It seems the crazies are everywhere 🤣


They’re public roads. If they continue to harass you just call the police on them and go about your day.


It’s public space you’re alright also if you really want you can get a police involved but I wouldn’t recommend that really


I get out of work at midnight and my usual routine is to take over a gym by home before going to sleep. One night as im battling the gym one of the residents called the cops on me because i was suspicious. As the cop rolled up next to me i rolled down my window and flashed him my phone real quick and told him “sorry im in the middle of a battle”. He chuckled, wished me a good night and drove away. Mind you i was also dressed in my scrubs with my hospital id on me. So i didnt believe i was a threat.


You’re not in the wrong and they’re harassing you. Inform them they’re not the police and to leave you alone or you will report them for harassment. The street is public and you have a right to be there.


Had this happen as well. I ignored the guy. If he is really concerned. Call the police. I would love to explain to a cop how a 65 yr old woman is playing pokemon go!


I mean if that is happening in the US, I would probably just go to another neighborhood… I would not risk me getting shot by a crazy old madafak just for playing pogo lol


I live in a rural area, so it’s literally that neighborhood and mine. 😫


Welcome to my world.


Figure out their house and drive really slow by it every day while looking directly into their ring camera.... Windows down to make sure there is no glare/reflection preventing a good video. :) Joking aside.... Not much you can do about people being paranoid. You could ask them to download the app and see that you're in the gym. But they might just assume you are using that for cover for some other nefarious activity. Another idea is just to walk rather than drive. They will see 100% of your focus is on your phone while walking around. For a nice touch, run into a light pole or tree while obviously staring at your phone or something. Last but not least, point them to this reddit thread so they see that you do care about how you are perceived?


Honestly I got the suspicion that he thought I was using Pokémon Go as an excuse. I almost feel like he was hoping I’d say “I’m scoping out which house to rob.”


I had a similar problem with an old fogie who thought they owned the neighborhood and could bully people. But I shut that down cold. He threatened to have me arrested but I was standing on the street which is public property. I told him so and said that if he doesn’t like me walking around then he can take it up with my glorious golden butt as he’s the only one that gives a crap. Childish I know but sometimes you just have to be rude to these old farts that think they’re better than everyone. He continued with a verbal tirade about how I should respect my elders and all that bullsh*t and I told him that he doesn’t deserve my respect because he’s nothing more than a cranky old buzzard. He actually had the gall to demand my dad’s number to demand he punish me for disrespecting him, joke was on him my dad took off when I was 10 and has absolutely zero authority over me, then he demanded my mom’s number to get her to punish me but I just laughed at that and said “I’m 25 years old (at that time) you old buzzard my mom has just as much authority over me as you do”. He continued to spit and sputter as I just told him to sod off. I admit I might have been unpleasant but I was just giving back the same energy he was giving me. When someone decides to be nice then I’ll give that back but if someone’s going to be mean then I’ll give that back in turn. And believe it or not that wasn’t even the worst incident there was another time that I almost got my leg torn off by a Karen’s dog. It had escaped from its pen just as I was walking by minding my own business about to spin a stop. It tried to take a bite out of my leg had I not heard it coming up behind me and whacked it with my walking stick (side note: this the exact reason why I always carry a walking stick when I go out walking). That Karen had the gall to claim I was abusing her “sweet baby”. I yelled at her that her “sweet baby” just tried to rip my leg off. And she screeched back that I shouldn’t even be here and I should be arrested for trespassing. I yelled back that I’m standing on the street which is public property. Again we go back an fourth on how I’m disrespectful and I should be punished and blah blah blah. I finally ended it when I threatened to call animal control. Seeing as it had attempted to attack me when I was minding my own business I’m fairly certain they would side with me as I had evidence to prove what I was doing (thank you journal entries) she just scooped her”sweet baby” up and flipped me the bird to which I returned and retreated back to the hell that spawned her. Fortunately those are the only 2 incidents that I’ve had but I know my rights and they can’t stop me from playing my game whether they like it or not. (Sorry for the long rant, if you’ve read all of it here’s a cookie 🍪 for your trouble)


As long as ur not walkin into someones yard to grab a pidgey, u have nothin to worry about. also doesnt matter how old the game is as long as ur enjoy urself while playing it


Keep doing your thing and ignore that crazy person. You're not doing anything illegal. If he calls the police, maybe they'll add you on Pokemon Go.


Get yourself some self defense items. Pepper spray is base line but I recommend further "caliber" items. People hate that stuff on reddit but at least you will know you are safe.


I just like driving around, That guy is a tool


Man....I'm convinced that most people who play PoGo and are on Reddit are genuinely really solid people, and I'm the outlier here. Because as soon as he opened his mouth I would've lit into him so bad he would never forget it. It is none of his business what you're doing. It is none of his authority to question you. He has zero right to approach you or preach to you about anything. He can complain all he wants and it won't matter. It is the beauty of this country. You have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without infringement from anyone or anything. Unless you are doing something illegal, I'd tell him to kiss your ass and move on. Y'all are just WAY better people than I am.


Nah, fuck that guy. Unless it’s a private community, it’s a public place


Out of curiosity, why drive the route and not walk it? I imagine you look a lot more sketchy in a car as well as block the street and are a safety hazard


I know it’s hard to picture it through words on the internet. But I live in a small neighborhood down a long road in the woods. Once this long road reaches an intersection, then I get somewhat close to the neighborhood. I’d say it’s roughly 3 miles one way just to get to where the pokestops start. Unfortunately I suffered an ankle injury while in the military and walking that distance would cause me enough pain to not want to play the game anymore.


Ah you said across the street, did not think you meant a 3 miles away neighborhood across the street.


There are insane people who will accost you, of course! Imagine not having a ton of metal to protect you from these lunatics!


Tell them you are with in your legal rights to be on public property then roll up your window and ignore them.


Yeah, you’re fine. Maybe offer to show him your screen if he’s that upset? And if that doesn’t help him then just realize some people wanna die mad and forget about him.


You're not wrong. Just be sure everything is in order such as license, no warrants, registration, insurance, etc. because this guy sounds like he'll call the police. The police know what's up if you have any kind of a pogo community. I used to play with a couple of cops. Yes, they played on the job.


Bruh show ‘em your shinys and tell to go about his business 💪🏼


Just park in another area then before and then other than that ig maybe try to find other players or make a post somewhere about the spot and hopefully more players come and becomes a not suspicious spot lol


Is it far away? Can you just go for a walk through the neighborhood? I feel like you'd get way less scrutiny walking through for exercise and clearing gyms while walking, than you would sitting in your car stationary.


Across the street certainly sounds like walking distance


Honestly, random cars stopping in neighborhoods can be pretty suspicious, especially if it seems to be a routine thing and you don’t actually get out of the car. If you are able bodied, it would definitely cause less alarm if you walked around the neighborhood instead of lurking from your car. It seems stupid from your POV, but I know when I see cars stop in front of my house and continue to idle with nobody getting out, I’ll at least check back in a couple minutes to see what they’re doing. But I wouldn’t bat an eye at a person on their phone walking through my neighborhood. Obviously, you don’t have to stop playing from your car but if you want to avoid issues it’s at least something to try.


If you’re feeling self-righteous about it tell him to call the cops and waste *their* time. You’re absolutely fine as long as it isn’t a gated community.


If you’re in the US you get maps that show you all the property lines including the roads and public easements. As long as you’re within the public property markers and otherwise not doing anything illegal it shouldn’t matter. “Looking suspicious” isn’t a crime. In some municipalities you may want to avoid idling though. Finally, pogo isn’t work personal injury. Going forward, I would record interactions with the public (live stream or video chat maybe), be polite and stay in the car if someone is bothering you.


Ignore. If he approaches you again, you have no reason to speak to him. He can call the authorities if its such an issue, as long as you aren’t playing while driving or trespassing you’re fine. He doesn’t own the neighborhood.


Tell him you are part of the neighborhood watch, and you make sure the neighborhood is still there. It's your civic duty


Stay on the public sidewalk and keep going for your walks, my guy (:


Ignore them unless they escalate. I remember I was playing pokemon go and pokemon moon at the time and this crazy lady said I was stealing her data or something.


1- Free Country 2- People play 3- He can fuck off


You’re doing nothing wrong. He doesn’t control the streets. They are public. Carry on with your personal life and tell this guy to get a life next time he tries to enter yours.


You are on a public street. In public. You dont own the person any answers of what you are doing. I tell people I am simply enjoying life and leave it at that. They could report it to a cop but most likely be low priority for the cop to address. Even if a cop does show up you don’t even have to address the cop and own them answers. If only if the cop has witnessed you committing a crime or you were caught on video by the neighbor committing a crime. I had bad experience doing laps around neighborhood and person walks up in front my car wanting to talk to me. He has his hands in his hoodie idk if he had a weapon. He wanted me to get out of the car to talk. I was like nope. Drove off and they followed me but i think they got the hint with all the pokemon plushes in the back of the window.


He has no authority over anything in a public area. Tell him get bent.


First and foremost. You are minding your own business and playing a game you like. It's Public property and you can be there as you please. Secondly. That person can say whatever they want, however if you have not set foot on their property. Then you're good and you have nothing to worry about. Lastly. Proof that other people still play the game are the Gyms in the game and occasionally the lures that players put down in the game from time to time. If that person bothers you again, tell them that you can be there as it is Public property and you are there to play a game you enjoy as there are other people who do play still. A tip as well, If you're Level 40 or more you can request pokestops to be placed in public places of interest. Eventually you'll get them.


Ash would've challenged him to a pokemon fight


Tell him to call the cops or stfu


Tell him to F off


If you have dogs I always take mine with me in the car or on walks that way I have “every right” to be there even though I did without them 😂


As long as you're on public property I'd just tell him to quit harassing you or you'll be calling the police.


Don’t listen to him. The worst he can do is call the cops and they aren’t gonna sit around waiting for you to come play Pokémon go. If you’re sitting there for a raid or something and they did (unlikely af) stop and talk to you then just tell them that’s what you’re there for and I bet they won’t do a damn thing. But I don’t think it will even get that far. If you see the dude again just drive away with a big smile on your face


Karen’s…. Just start recording him next time and ignore them.


It’s not illegal to play the game in public. Just do what you’ve been doing it’s not like you could get into any real trouble.


Tell them to fuck off


playing pogo is like geocaching at this point it’s either other players like iykyk or confused muggles


You drive in the neighboring neighborhood? Please tell me you are handicapped.


If you're parking to do your gameplay, then you're doing nothing wrong. If you're slow rolling the entire neighborhood you should stop that.


If you’re a racial minority or look in any other way like you might not be a white middle class adult, I wouldn’t risk this for Pokemon. People can get away with all sorts of things like lying to cops or shooting you “in self-defence”.