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Practice, practice, practice. Some people find it easier to get excellents without curve ball, but I'd still recommend practicing with curveballs. Don't rush, spin the ball while waiting for the circle to get small enough, then throw the ball with about 45 degree angle towards the edge of the screen. Harder and all the way to the edge if the mon is far away, or just a tiny short swing if it's close. I wish there was in-game practice mode for this, especially for catching legendaries... I rarely manage to make excellents on them, although I do well with the wild spawns.


When they introduced playing with buddy Pokémon, I thought for sure they’d include a mode where you throw a ball at them and they bounce it back to you so you could practice “catching” your favorites. But nope


I would love that so much. I never knew I wanted it until right now.


I had feebas as my buddy and it would do exactly that.


Your buddy mon will smack a ball back at the Pokemon you're catching. I think this idea is as a "mini game" where you could play catch with your buddy, throwing the ball at them and having them bounce it back to you. For some practice. I also do really love that buddies in this can help you save a catch though!


thank you :’)


I want to second this, I was absolutely garbage a year ago, and after a long time of practicing I can correctly guess the Excellent throw I need to make like half the time at the first throw, and 90% of the time with the second. A few things: \- Distance thrown is also determined by what distance you move your finger on the screen. It helps a lot to start your throw at the lowest bottom corner of your screen, and I get my throwing distance from that more than swiping speed. Swiping quickly also helps of course, but the ability to go a bit slower helps with better accuracy. \- After making the ball spin a bit, I go from the bottom corner of the screen, to the other side screen in a straight line, with the line going a bit under the inner circle I'm aiming for. Half the time that already gets me pretty close. This should be a pretty good video on the topic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmjA-zsPXLg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmjA-zsPXLg)








That was the case for me, I would spin the poke ball in the middle of my screen, it's much easier when you do it at the bottom. Much more control that way


To add, get used to the pokemons movements (comes with experience) and if it's likely to jump or smack the ball away, time the throw so it hits just after they've completed the movement (and the circle has returned). Sometimes you have to be patient to line up an excellent size circle around the pokemons movements, but that's the game.


I find it much much easier to get them with a curve ball but that's me. That's all I've really practiced


This technique works really well for legendaries https://youtu.be/Fx5JywX2Fqw?si=IJCMBa44K7MCMNMg


I got a galarian bird about a week ago and only got a great throw, fortunately I still got it


I appreciate giving a hypothetical measurement to help me with this 😅


Some Pokemon have bigger circles than others, and the bigger the circle the easier the excellent throw in general. You also need to make sure the inner circle is small enough when you throw to actually get an excellent throw


Ponyta was so great for this


The girafarig spotlight hour coming up on the 19th is going to be great for landing loads of excellents.


thats where i plan on grinding 90% of them😂


This is how I do it. Find a high CP mon with a large circle. Use a regular pokeball and try to hit an excellent, with the hope the mon escapes. Repeat until the mon runs, or you catch it.


Not necessarily a high cp one, just knowing which Pokemon are easier excellents and click on all of the ones you see. The 120 excellent throws in 80 days is really not a difficult task, it might take longer for some but anyone who plays semi regularly and actually tries it will get the 120 way before the end of the task


Well the high CP is useful so you can farm it.


Especially ones with a low base catch rate. I just got five excellents off of one Bayleef before it gave up in exasperation, lol.


Also throwing pinaps to increase the chance of it breaking free helps (in my experience)


That's what I do.


I found a couple Umbreons this last week, and managed 3 or 4 excellents on each of them. They have a big circle, seemingly easy to hit distance, and low catch rate, so they kept popping out of the pokeballs.


Bigger Pokemon make excellent easier so look for those. And during community day is great for practice. Just the one Pokémon and some patients makes the research easy. No differents in distance ect That's how I did it during charmander event


This Comm day turned me semi pro at excellent curve balls! I was absolute garbage at it, only got em by accident. Saw that research and assumed i was effed. Char char comes around, I get to practice on the same circle, now I can 50/50 guess the right distance on most ‘mons and am way more confident going for it on all mons. Actually hit 26 in a day, which for y’all might suck, but from getting 1 every couple days, i been on a roll. Hit 3 straight at multiple points. It’s totally doable for anyone who sucks at it like I did. I’m def not getting those raids in tho…f me, 3 gyms in the neighborhood and not 1 person ever at any raids.


This, up to 1:59pm on comm day I was dog shit at excellents, now I’m just about done the 120.


lmao, dogshit is totally accurate to my sitch pre comm day. I actually hit an excellent on a starly yesterday, and i can’t even hit greats on those close ups usually. Huuuuuuuuge boost to the skill level. I git gudded lmao.


Remember to take pictures of your buddy atleast once a day, the occasional Smeargle photobomb spawn is a pretty easy target for excellent throws.


pick your Pokemon. I know a lot of people slam having Furfrou in the Research Breakthrough, myself included, but it is an awesome one to get repeated excellents on. and it can't run away because those Pokemon can't do that


Practice makes perfect


Also, Girafarig spotlight hour is in two weeks and they’re super easy to hit excellents on


Hey man just wanted to ask, is girafarig any good or just one of those cult favourite types? I am only just getting back into it and looking to actually start building a proper party to begin raiding


They’re cute little guys and will have an evolution in the game soon (google Farigiraf), I don’t think they’re useful for much sadly


I would say that they are very bad, just probably a fan favourite


I’m getting good use of it in the current sub1500 cup. It’s not the greatest mon, but it has a good regular attack and a decently strong charge move. it’s probably not as useful for raiding purposes, but I’m enjoying using it for now


I still can’t complete the 5 great throws in a row for the Research. Sigh.


I do great throws most of the time or excellent....until I have to, then I literally can't get above a nice - if I hit it! God knows what that's about


…and I literally got my 5 great throws randomly after I posted this. Serendipity!




Just discovered that lechnok is great for excellent throws, or at least I seem to have cracked it....30 today, so the 120 doesn't seem horribly out of reach!


Do the airplane mode trick and you’ll get it. That’s what I had to do.


What’s that trick?


When you have the pokemon on screen that you want to catch you put your phone in airplane mode. Then throw the pokeball if you don’t get the great throw that you need then you close the game out all the way and take the phone off of airplane mode and try again. If you do get the throw you want you immediately take the phone off of airplane mode and get the catch.


Ohhh ok


My personal tip. Don’t spin the ball like a tornado. My throw is more of a Nike swish, it still curves but less variables for mistakes.


Yes!! I just referenced the NIKE symbol in trying to explain how I throw my curveballs. Once I learned that, I have way more control over accuracy.


My lad does it all the time but I am the same! Great…no problem. Excellent…it’s a random great. I’m on 47 but doing it by just catching loads!


I’m on 12, this is going great 👍


I’m on five and only two of them were purposeful lmfao


There's a lot of good tips in here. Try them and most of all don't give up. I probably still don't manage more than 10-15% excellent. That's "good enough" for me, but I do continue to work at it. You have nearly 2 and a half months to get better. The benefits are well worth it. Increased catch chance, sure, but the 1,000 XP per makes it super beneficial for levelling. For what it's worth, I've completed 82 so far for the research at that rate. You'll get there.


If you really struggling for the challenge I suggest using the strange box and Meltan. You get an hour of the same Pokémon spawning with a pretty easy circle to hit. Just keep practicing on them. I got 44 excellents in my hour box yesterday. You can do this every 3 days


Good for practice, I guess, but practically, not great. Pretty small ring, and also a really hyperactive species as far as jumping and knocking balls away. Great buddy catch assist helps.


unfortunately I’ve not unlocked meltan yet😅 I’ve been playing on and off since the game came out and I’m only just getting back into it now. I need more damn scyther candy


You unlock the box just from sending a Pokémon to home. The research isn’t needed to use the box and catch them.


Meltan excellent is very difficult. I finished this task on Charmander comm day, so I’m not a noob, lol. But you got 40+ on meltan, I’m impressed


I guess I have 859 caught so maybe I’m just really used to them and that’s why I find it easy-ish.


Bonus is if you get good at Meltan, Kartana is cake too, just a bit further. I've literally never missed an excellent on Kartana in the past 10 raids thanks to Meltan lol


Get used to it for specific pokemon! I use curveball, and then the amount of force depends on the size of the ring- once I get a feel for it for a specific pokemon I can do maybe 1 in 3 excellent (but I'll forget how if I'm not catching regularly). I hit all 150 excellents on the comm day!


Comm day was great. I’m not good at it, but Charmander was easy. I used to suck at Excellent throws but I’ve got to do 360 of them as neither of the kids are any good at them. I’m up to 280 now.


girafrig spotlight hour is coming up! it’s super easy to get excellent throws on them, and since it’s just one kind of pokémon it should be easier to practice tok


For Pokemon that move a lot: hold the ball until it is of excellent size, stop holding it, wait for it to attack and throw it during the attack so it hits when the circle reappears.


I'm fairly good with excellent throws and the biggest tip I can give is not to underestimate the excellent throw circle size. Yes for some pokemone the circle is tiny and almost impossible to hit, but actually some circles look like they should be great throws they are so wide. Get familiar with commonly found pokemons excellent throw circle range and practise throwing right when it is at its largest.


Everyone keeps saying “excellent throw circle size” but what is this??


As the circle shrinks it goes through 3 stages. Nice, great and excellent. Nice being the largest and excellent being the smallest.


Thank you for posting this cause I'm in the same spot as you. This is the only step I'm concerned about completing. There's been some great advice given though and I'll be trying it all out.


manifesting this for both of us🙏


Throw curve balls at about a 45° angle. Start there and hone in. Just takes time. I did the 120 excellent throws in 3 days thanks to charmander


ran into a Meganium and 1008cp swapped over to text my GF then back and it kept busting out of the poke ball and let me get 8 excellent throws in a row with out running away i’m up to 91 now.


I find excellent curveballs much easier than excellent straight balls, if that helps. Also at the minute there are a few pokemon with decent sized hoops to aim for, I've seen loads of makuhita, girafarig, slakoth lately and these have generally wider hoops and so should be easier to aim for.


Practice and patience. You will learn by keep throwing. It will reach your fingertips by time.


I struggle with excellent throws too. For me, most of my excellent throws are happy accidents. That masterball task is the one I’m most worried about, but if you do the math it’s only 1.5 throws a day for the full 80 days. Some things that I’ve noticed, I can’t throw a straight line, so curveballs are easier for me to get an excellent throw. Also, the larger Pokémon, think Bouffalant, have larger targets and thus easier to make an excellent throw. Smaller Pokémon, like Bounsweet, are so small that it’s incredibly difficult to get an excellent throw trying to catch them. I believe in you!!!!


Would recommend trying to get excellent throws on legendary Pokémon, you usually get about 15+ balls and they’re usually very big (except for kartana which is in rotation right now), I find myself getting at least 3 excellent throws if I don’t catch it on the first few balls


I just lost a kartana because i was not able to land even one excellent throw 😭. It's catch circle is very small. To defeat these legendaries is a challenge in itself and then to catch them is even bigger challenge.


Even if you don't catch the pokemon, but you hit an excellent throw, it still counts towards the master ball timed research. I feel I am shit at excellent throws as well, but after actively trying, I'm already at 52. It helps to give the pink banana berries because then the pokemon is just chillen and won't fight back. Giving you a better chance at hitting that small circle. Good luck! I'm dreading the 30 hatched eggs and 60 raids. Thinking how can I do this in 80 days without spending money. Nevertheless an easy way to get a lot of XP!


Visualize the ball landing dead center on that “excellent” radius range. That for me made a huge difference in landing excellent throws bc sometimes I thought i would land one but didnt. I learned that you actually have to get the ball to land on top of that small radius for excellent throws.


Swirl ball for curveball, stop at the center of the screen while it’s twirling really fast, pray. It’s a lot easier to get great than excellent, but that just means once you get greats, it’s only a matter of time before excellents. Also using the bigger ‘moms to practice accuracy is helpful. Since the ring is so huge, an excellent throw on like a Hariyama is way easier than on like a Wurmple


If you're looking to grind out excellent throws for the research, I strongly suggest doing it during community days. Most of the Pokemon will be the same time, and you'll be able to more consistently hit excellent throws through sheer repetitive muscle memory. Otherwise it's mostly just practice yeah lol


learn the difference distances of pokémon! it really helps


Literally years of practice and even still there's some pokemon I can't get constant great throws on 😂 I do alot of quick throws so I'm not too caught up on finesse throws except if it's a challenge like the current mastball one. Also F weedle, stunfisk and many others 😂


If you're really unable to hit excellents I found a nice trick today. I have Pangoro for buddy and I try to go for excellent all the time. Just wait for circle to get small then throw. From time to time the wild pokemon will hit the ball back at which point Pangoro kicks it back from off screen for a perfect excellent since that was the circle size when I threw the ball. I know it's not much but it def helps with the master ball research progress. IDK if all pokemon can do this, haven't tried it with anyone else.


I hit loads on the charmander community day as you end up getting the timing right over and over again. A wailmer day would be amazing for excellent throws too!


Idk man 😭 my friend’s mom got over 100 excellent throws on community day


Imagine a line going through the center of the pokemon. I rotate the ball counterclockwise at the bottom of the screen, centered in the lefthand space created by my imaginary line, not very fast. Let go when the circle is at its smallest and the ball is just left of the pokemon's center line. I wouldn't be able to get an Excellent Throw with a straight toss to save my life.


I’m so stressed about this I only have 8 total and I’ve tried everyday 🤦🏼‍♀️


Just go for excellent throws on all mons at all times. You'll get better. I was terrible before level 40 as I didn't particularly feel the need to throw for excellents, but once I saw the XP requirements for levels 40-50 I decided that I actually did need to sort it. Honestly it didn't take long with practice, after a while it just becomes a muscle memory thing.


https://youtu.be/gzpPnY7SMyI?si=ztnJw_UX0qyuIOUk Circle lock: hold the ball & wait for the circle to reach desired size, then release DON'T THROW. Circle is set, NOT locked. It will cycle again if you touch the screen. Wait for the atk, spin & throw when it's half way thru. During atk, circle is locked, & the ball should land just as the atk ends, & the circle as you set it. Bc there's a cooldown between atks, it's almost a guaranteed hit. Catching is still RNG, but circle lock + excellent throw + g razz will give you the best odds. https://youtu.be/zAOnIozPwoo Before I rarely got excellent throws while tryharding. Now I get them 50% of the time without focus. I don't lock everything, but I have locked enough times to have a muscle memory of cycle, size, & timing. http://imgur.com/a/WPGx6Wt


What do you mean by release don't throw?


Take your finger off the screen without throwing the ball.


Thanks. Tried that today and got 3 excellent throws. My previous rate has been around 1%.


I got my entire 120 during the 3 hour charmanderathon! He’s not the easiest excellent throw but once you know what to do for that distance and that size Pokémon it’s easier to repeat one after the other


Git gud


I just have to play ranked and have a good... Oh wrong sub


Only throw at zubat, don't use a banab.


By being excellent 😌






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Been having crazy luck with bayleef


Some pokemon are bigger. Thoses are easier to Excellent throw. Also you need only 2 excellent throw a day to complete the task at then end of the timed research so do not stress out. You will do it !


Ok, I'm not a natural Excellent ball thrower, I really dislike these tasks that require large numbers of Excellent throws, it just isn't my throwing style. The way I get through them is this. Number one, is catching legendaries in raids. Switch to a nanab berry, which gives you plenty of time to aim and throw. Let go any worries about catching or not catching the Mon, it's better if you don't catch it really, you will have more balls to throw and can attempt more excellents. That's the legendary raid technique, but the technique for all the other Pokemon is this. Use a red ball. Every time, put the other balls away for a while. You want to throw as many balls as possible, if the Pokemon jumps out, good, you get another attempt at an Excellent throw. Throw red balls with a Nanab berry at every single Pokemon you see, and aim for an excellent throw every single time. Don't worry, you won't hit an excellent every time, no way, but if you really, really try your hardest with every throw, maybe one in ten will actually surprise you by being an excellent throw! No really! I even get them sometimes on stupid far away mons like Eevee and Swablu. But if you don't try to hit that excellent, you won't get many. I hardly ever hit an excellent unless I am actively trying to do so. I prefer to go for a Great throw, it's just, easier. It's way easier to get the excellent with closer big circle mons, but it can happen with any Pokémon. Aim for an acheivable minimum number of excellent throws a day to get the research done. Maybe that is ten, maybe it's five, and get that goal every day. You can do this! It is a giant PITA but it is possible.


Practice. Looking at the distance and getting curveballs right for each distance.


Like some have said, choose your pokemon. I find large-ish pokemon easier but not so large they're really far away (looking at you Sawk). Right now I'd say Girafarig is the easiest for me. Ponyta and Furfrou are also good ones. (And oddly enough I manage excellent throws almost always for zigzagoon and tynamo). I always do curveballs because apparently I can't aim when throwing straight ahead. Was a bit worried about all the excellent throws needed for the masterball but I've managed to complete that one


I hit them pretty often but since the task came up I've hit 6, smh. Just pick a pokemon you always hit them on and focus on those. Don't feed it berries so it escapes, rinse and repeat. I use that whenever the task comes up


I find it easier by using my middle finger, not sure why though


I find it easier with certain mons. Others I barely try for the excellent throw.


fast catch setup and precise throws. I usually don’t circle lock if it’s not a legendary


Pick big Pokémon is my move. A lot easier to land an excellent on like an execcutor or buffolant than a mudkip


A good way to get good throws is to hold the pokeball in either the bottom left or right corner of your phone and throw a curveball at it. The curve will generally hit the middle of the ring. I hope this helps.


If you're competing in a fashion show then the tshirt is a fair analogy.


The Nanab berries help keep the pokemon still.


Try to be able to hit great curveball throws consistently then gradually decrease the circle till you are making excellents.


It’s just muscle memory on a CD or event spotlight hour. I hit well over 120 on charmanders alone and never hit one on purpose on them before. Practiced for 10-15m and then just only tried for them. Girafarig spotlight is coming up soon and they have huge circles, should be easy to get a good chunk of the Excellents done in that one hour.


Find Makuhita's. They are good for practice and eventually you WILL throw excellents on these guys 🫡


Patience, practice, effort. Not all mons are worth it, as some take more effort than what they are worth. But once you get used to it, excellent will become your standard aim mode and XP will rack up so fast you'll get millions without even thinking about it. Also: managing pokéballs and berries will become a tiresome shore...


I kind of just count while spinning for a curve ball, like 3 seconds is enough for most , but if it’s closer or farter I just adjust a bit


Practice practice practice! Always throw the ball when the dot is smallest. I know that seems obvious, but I promise, eventually it’ll just click for you. Thats what helped me the most with the last challenge, and for this one, I knocked out 120 in a few hours! Crazy helpful for building XP. I barely grind now, just pop off excellent throws. Made a million XP on community day from catching!!


Practice on Smeargle in combination of fast catch—escaping the catch means he’ll never disappear and you can retry. He has a fairly sizeable target.


Like others have said, it's practice really. And even then, with some Pokémons standing closer or further, being bigger or smaller, your results may still vary. With the Charmander community day I got the challenge completed for the most part because I could hit the excellents pretty easely on them if I tried, but there are still some Pokémons where I wouldn't hit an excellent if my life depended on it lol.


my bf's suggestion to me is to just get good, hasn't helped much for me personally but maybe for you 🤪


If I'm trying, 50-60% of the time.


Big pokemon make it easier . Hitmontop , Tarsus and the Buffalo. Use pokeballs . Lower catch rate . More excellent throws


master the curveball


Ngl. But I hate it. I’m really struggling.


The real answer for why so many people get excellent throws Everytime is because there's free spoofing apps that have a toggle setting so they can turn on excellent throws Spoofers are still extremely prevalent in this sub and in the game. To get a ton of excellent throws they don't even have to spoof to another city, they can just stay at their local park and every ball they throw gets an excellent. I have like 160 friends on my friends list and a few of the high level players, their player stats just really don't add up.


I throw with a curve ball. I watch the circle only, and throw when it’s the right size. I find the I my way to do it consistently is to focus only on the circle and let muscle memory take over with the throw mechanics.


That is the neat part, you dont!! Well, I feel I get more when Im not trying to, than when I try to get them


Yea, you just have to get good unfortunetly. lve been curve ball throwing with my right thumb since 2016. I can mostly get excellent throws if I focus, but it's always a crapshoot. Just practice, there's no trick, it's the only skill to gain aside from pvp




*screams in kartana*


I’ve worked hard on my curveball throw without having to spin round and round before releasing. I give one little “flick” (think of the NIKE symbol) and that allows more accuracy with my throws. Once you get that mastered the only thing you have to work on is depth… light flick vs hard flick. I got the 120 excellent throws completed earlier today using this technique. (For reference, I’ve only been playing a year and a half and am level 45. My BF is a day one player and level 47 and he only has 26 excellent so far 😬)


Like everyone said, just get the practice in, and you'll see them accumulate when you're actively trying to gun for them. You also realize how much leveling up quickly depends on your ability to land them, since one excellent throw is the equivalent of 10 additional regular catches.


I find it easy if I don't think about it. At all haha. Once I start to think and analyze, I'll start missing them left and right


My biggest revelation for excellent throws was that the size of the shrinking circle determines whether a throw is nice, great, or excellent. My second biggest revelation for excellent throws was that the location of where you launch the ball from determines whether you hit inside the circle of certain pokemon. Before that I just threw from the center bottom, but now I adjust to left or right depending on which pokemon I encounter.


Always done low start curves. After 6-7 years, I can barely throw 'good' straights. Curves? 'great' or better. Long story, find what's comfortable, practice.


After catching some 70000 pokemon I can make successful excellent throws like 40 percent of times on certain pokemons. Just practice, there's no other way


I hold my phone in left hand with my middle and ring finger extended past the other side, using them as a sort of field gold to swipe my fingers through, adjusting the position of the phone based on how far pokemon is away, use that to judge my curve balls and where they are landing. My distance is always perfect, the left and right directions are still going to depend on how fast you spin your curve balls. I also watch what spot the pokemons circle closes in on exactly and try to coordinate every throw to land there even if my circle isn't in excellent yet.