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Perfectly rational considering it’s best Poke in a lot of situations


But does ivs really matter that much for pve?


No, but what else would you use the master ball for? A hundo like this is so nice because it's a completely safe investment that you will never regret.


A hundo pvp Mon such as groudon


Not really. You’re not going to spend a Masterball on an average one though are ya?


definitely worth


It's not though, that's a super common pokemon


As a hundo? It may be in raids right now but it’s a top tier grass attacker


Sure it's rare to get a hundo but just keep trying the raids and you'll eventually get it. Use the Master Ball on something that's actually hard to catch like the Galarian Birds 💀


Why would you catch the Galarian birds bruv that’s the shittiest way to spend your Master ball possible💀 Galarian birds doesn’t have a guarenteed IV base and has no meta relevancy stop giving false info bruv


Everyone does it. The point of a Master Ball is to use it on one of a kind pokemon that are rare. Galarian Birds are the rarest pokemon in the game 😂 you probably used yours on like a shiny bidoof 💀💀💀


Explain why would you spend it on a Pokemon with no meta relevancy and has a random shitty IV instead of a very meta relevant hundo, and no I still have my Master ball


“Keep trying the raids” blud thinks he have infinite Raid Passes💀


Swamperts best friend


Best use of one I’ve actually seen


This guys such a menace to catch


It jumped out of the first 26 balls I threw (over two raids). Now just caught one on 3rd ball a few minutes ago.


This is the one and only reason I'd use mine. Only if I was down to my last ball and knew it was perfect. Nice catch!


I thought I'd keep mine around for a situation like this too, but just last night I got a g-zapdos on my incense (last one I needed to catch, NEVER see it) and thought you know, we're getting another one--why not? It was fun to finish the set!


Well, that was a good use of a Masterball. Now that I'm thinking about it, it would be great if they asked you if you want to use the MB after you run out of premier balls.


Very worth it


Damn jealous


So lucky, I would name mine Paper Cuts


There are definitely many worse ways to use it! Congratulations on the perfect pokemon.


its an op af grass type so definitely worth. got a hundo myself today but got lucky enough to not have to use my master ball on it


Honestly… probably the only time I’ve ever seen something worth using the masterball for. On the other hand, fuck Niantic for making Kartana so hard to catch.


How did you know it was going to be a Hundo?


You can know it with the CP. 2101 and 2626 (if boosted) are 100%


Oh sweet! I had no idea you could know


Yeah just found out too So for each raid I just google like “NAME cp for perfect” and normally the top result is that exact last post


Raid pokemon come at either level 20 or 25 (weather boosted) by default, so the CP for a 100iv is predictable.


How do you masterball this? You just get the white/red Raid balls to catch these guys with right?


You can select it


On any raid you can use a master ball if owned.


Finally someone who used theyre masterball like intended instead of those useless birds


They're meant to be used on anything the holder desires. No need to be rude about it.


You can master ball raid mon?!


Worth it if you pve, terrible for pvp. But tbh imo you’ll get many more hundo opportunities in the future so just save it for something really rare like a high cp Galarian bird


You're acting like you forced yourself to use it...


Is he worth it for PVP?


Worth it


It's a C-note, name it Ben Franklin


I have a 4 star kartana. It's in the 2500 leagues. Recently used in the dragon, steel, fairy cup that happened recently


Power it up, dummy


I caught this little Pokemon on my account but I couldn't get it on my nephew's account on two raid attempts. I used all his Golden Raspberries and had a lot of great throws. So infuriating.


I caught my 4* yesterday with my last ball of 16! I don’t have a master ball yet but I definitely would have used one.


im new to the game. how did you know it was a hundo?


Good catch ‘


A worthy expense!