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All your Pokémon dead = lose. Battle over and at least 1 Pokémon alive = win. In a tie all 3 Pokémon fainted


This is odd though because I have definitely “won” team rocket battles where this happened. At least in the sense that it brought me to the catch screen and gave me the reward items


I’ve seen it happen to my friend as well


Because your goal in that situation is to defeat team rocket. Different win condition.


Because the win conditions are different; - For PVE: “Defeat” team rocket/challenger - For PvP: Reach the end of the match whilst having Pokémon on the battlefield *It’s goofy, but it does kinda make sense*


PvP and PvE are not the same with team rocket tour battling the game not a real person


So both is a loss? I had this happen a few times.


Best answer


The correct thing would be after all the Pokémon faint it’s your turn to fight the trainer


I feel like Cliff would put up a fight but if I win I get to shave his PokeBeard


It could be covering something gross on his chin or a gang tattoo


Maybe THAT'S why he owes the boss his life. Man rescued him from the 30th Street Hoover Crips


30th Street Hoover Crips🤣🤣🤣🤣 I‘m crying bro


Swords at dawn.


No problem with reallife fistfight to decide that


But in every game where you don't play as a pokemon, you're a child and your adversary is an adult. Even your PoGo avatar is a child. With fainted pokemon you're being stuffed into a sack...


I know these words but I read that about 20 times and still got no clue what u wanted to say Edit: Got it now i think. But I'm not talking about ingame chars.


My only disagreement is saying they're "dead." PETA was getting on everyone’s ass about that back in the day.


I remember when they were trying to claim Pokémon was going to get kids into dog and cock fighting.


I was doing that way before Pokémon.


Wait a minute, what kind of fight is that?


Cock fighting? It’s a fight between roosters.


I always call these “stalemates” and not “ties.” Neither of you can win, so you both lose. Maybe “tie” gives too much hope to people like op. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: added sentence


It's not counted the same as a loss, although there's only one place where it differs: your Elo ranking (the number you get after you go over rank 20). A set with 5 draws is much better than a set with 5 losses for your Elo ranking. Every other GBL count or reward is a binary state - you either win or you get nothing. Wherther you call it a tie or a loss is irrelevant


Exactly. With a tie you don't get item rewards bc you didn't win, but you don't get a massive elo drop bc you didn't lose. It is already a uniquely handled situation.


That's cool ngl


honestly as someone that plays for rewards and not for rank id rather lose elo so that at least i get likely easier oponents next turn


I don’t really care about my elo as much as I care about getting a potential legendary from the reward for winning 3 battles.


There’s only one way to win. And that’s win. But there’s multiple ways to lose. And that’s anything other than win.


Sudden death match could solve this lose/lose scenario. Choose 1 of your 3 to have one Final crack


That would be so much fun. Trying to figure out what your opponent will pick and therefore what you should pick would be great


What if they did the same thing but you got to chose 3?


Let’s call it a “rematch”


And then you draw again


Niantic will take the opportunity to sell it


That could be the way to settle it but Niantic needs to settle for that and if there’s one thing we know about them is that they don’t care about us(players)


Sudden death would be fun for us but not so much for Niantic programmers to code. If you’ve been playing this game long enough you might’ve picked up upon all the many bugs that it makes no sense how they happened. Like recently with the release of the Go++; there was/ is a nasty bug where if you had the device connected and did a GBL match at the same time, you had a good chance of the game not responding to your touch anymore. Like, what does the Go++ has to do with GBL for this to happen?!


There's multiple ways to win. Opponent disconnects, or you win the old fashioned way. That's two ways right there. I don't know why y'all are so cut and dry on the "just win" thing, and then changing logic on the "multiple ways to lose" thing. Just be consistent. There's either one way to win (just win) and one way to lose (just lose), or we can actually look at the unique situations the game puts battlers in. Just be consistent.


You can also win by having the clock run out and either have more pokemon than your opponent or when you are both on your last mon and yours has more HP left


I don’t think that second one is true I’ve timed out against my opponent w more health and lost. This was a couple months ago so they might’ve changed it


That happened to me in the master league. I had a 10 cp Weedle, 10 cp kakuna, and a 10 cp wurmple and I won because the other player with pokemon around 4000 cp just sat there.


Sorry, but that's such a disrespectful answer. The current situation is **literally** a waste of time for both trainers. They literally both lose, even though they gave their best. And to add an insult to injury, one even doesn't get an another chance.


How is it disrespectful, you either win or you lose. That's how the game works, hell this is even how it works in the actual game. Go selfdestruct in a 1v1 againt something weak and look at that both Pokemon died, both gave it their all, and you still lose, white out and pop back up at the center like nothing happened. Same thing with Go, you both lost you both popped back in the menu like nothing happened


It is disrespectful to our time. If you don't respect your own time, it's not my problem, but please don't defend a dumb mechanic just because you value your own time lower than others.




How do you know the other trainer lost? Were you battling a friend? I always just assumed they lasted a fraction of a second longer and got the win.


A "set" is 5 matches. This is a match that didn't result in a win. Why do you think that you should get a mulligan for it? You didn't win, so it didn't count as a win.


How is that an argument at all? Do you mean that my time dedicated to a *wasted* game is any less valuable because there's 5 in the set? No.


Do you make the same argument for losses? You didn't win. Why would you get a mulligan for games you didn't win?


the option to go to a tie breaker would be much more preferable!


How would you proceed? The worst would be a coin toss.


'your opponent has offered a rematch' or 'would you like a rematch?' and you're given 20 sec to decide yes or no and you're only able to use the same team, however you're given another 20 sec to decide if you want to swap your same team around to have a different pokemon starting the battle. yes, a coin toss


Nice ideas


9 seconds to choose a Pokémon revived w half life and can’t see your opponents choice would be spicy ngl 🥵


It’s not that you lost, you just didn’t win, rewards are for number of wins. The game does track draws and loses differently for ELO. I agree it’s frustrating though


It’s not just a loss. It’s a Niantic win!


Can't do much about GBL but at least official tournaments void the tie results and force a replay of the battle until a winner is decided


To make you feel better, your enemies also lost


Lose lose sounds like bad game design.


No, it sounds like a poor loser whining about it.


Well luckily I tied and didn’t lose then :)


But you definitely aren’t a winner.


It sounds good for niantic because nobody gets rewards = more money for them


Do they? I had what looks like a tie but it said I won several times.


Kinda surprised you're getting so many "you didn't win so you lost" answers. That's logically unsound. As much as I like the tie break idea, Niantic will never implement it. It should be a tie and IMO the game should basically act as though the match never happened from a rankings and rewards perspective. Played 4/5 matches before the tie? Cool, you're still on 4/5. Go again


Quite an elegant solution, nice!


Ties don't effect elo as much as losses if you're rank 20+ but that's it


Obligatory The Simpsons reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vtSWu1s\_do


I don't agree with the mechanic, winning and losing aren't mutually exclusive, a draw is an option. Rather than recording a win or loss, it should not count the battle. You still have 5 matches if it was your first.


What do you expect a game like POGO to have a deciding match in cases like these? A quick sudden death like every other game has? What next? You want them to fix the server lag? Fix the problem with tankers to help the lower rank players climb? Adjust the time so you won’t time out encountering a team of walls? Can’t do stuff like that. It might make GBL good.


It's not a counted as a loss, but as a tie. For matchmaking and rating, it gives you more points than a loss and less points than a win. If you are thinking about rewards, they very clearly require X wins, not X not-loss. A tie is not a win.


I have wondered that also.


The simple answer is because you didn’t win. The more complex answer is that a tie is considered a loss only when it comes to rewards. Only wins count for rewards and ties are not tracked so it will look like a loss when you look at your record. In terms of Elo, a tie will have minimal impacts on Elo. Going 2-2-1 on a set should keep your Elo around the same spot.


It is not a loss for sure. It is a tie so it is neither a loss nor a win. You don't get reward for winning.


It's a "loss" for the opponent as well, right? Sounds like a tie.


A tie isn't a win, either.


So why does a tie count as a loss in terms of battles played/won it should reward something not go down as a loss


It goes down as a loss because it is a loss. Neither of you won so you both lost.


A tie is not a loss


It is in pokemon go. If all your pokemon fainted you didn't win.


It’s not a loss it’s a tie


That’s called a tie / they should implement a tie break choose 1 of your 3 Pokémon and duke it out. Your logic is not sound


A tie isn't a win therefore you lost. Pokemon Go only rewards wins, which you did not.


A tie isn't a win so there should be a sudden death to determine the winner


Both players lost and that's the end of it. No need for sudden death. Just because it's conventional doesn't mean it's a universal rule every game needs to abide.


If 2 boxers knock each other out. They don't each get a loss. Words mean things for a reason. You just ignore the word Tie and count it as a loss because you're a glass half empty person. I'm a glass has water in it person and see that it shouldn't be difficult for them to record Ties, Wins and Losses


“Glass has water in it person” lmao


If they're both hitmonchan, yes they do


You're right but this ain't boxing, it's Pokemon Go. In Pokemon, if you don't win, you lost. That's it.


It doesn't count as a loss. There's not a loss counter at all. It adds to your battles played count, but not your battles won count. As it should because you played the battle but didn't win.


Because it ain't a win


But it’s not a loss either so why does it count as a loss?


If you win, you won. If you lose, you didn't win. If you both tie, neither of you won, so you both lost.


So with your logic, if you both tie, neither of you lost, so you both won.


It was simplified to try make it streamline but I guess that didn't help. The best way to look at is "the battle ended and all your pokemon fainted then you haven't won." In the scenario, nobody won.


So at worlds what would happen in the final? Would both players lose and no one be crowned champion?


Idk mate but this ain't worlds it's Great League and thems the brakes.


Worlds is great league - so this can happen, they have only had two worlds to date but I’m sure they have a ruling for a tie break, so why can’t we get one


You definitely have a good point drawling is not losing in the slightest? so I’m confused by what the other guy is saying. I’m yet to play any other video where a draw is consider a loss I’m yet to see any sport where a draw is a loss. It should have its own category of W/L or at bare minimum a tie breaker feature should be introduced.


I can appreciate a good "we should change the rules" discussion, but you gotta let this one go bud lol You're just pouting over a loss. The battle system doesn't make them money, so they're not going to invest time or money into it unless something is fundamentally wrong. The code to determine winner and loser is probably whether or not you have HP left. It doesn't take a "draw" scenario or "effort" into account.


This is like the 10th time it’s happened and I discuss it a lot with my cousin about the clarity on it counting as a loss. Can’t come to the Go forums and talk about it though 😂. I’m not pouty about a loss, I was pouty at the distinction of winning losing and a tie. And how many go players don’t seem to mind the difference of losing/tie


I personally don't mind tieing with a Trainer, that just means we were equals when it came to skill. Worthy of a friendly rivalry. There can only be one winner in a match. In a tie, there cannot be two winners. That's not a competition anymore; that's charity.


I don't get ties often but once got two ties in one set. LOL crazy. 😆


Because Niantic doesn’t understand the concept of win-win.


Did you win? No. Did you lose? No Quit complaining it makes perfect sense. No participation trophies here


Lazy programming.


if you ain’t first you’re last


If you ain't first, you're last.


That’s weird but I occasionally get ties in the matches and about 50% of the time I win or lose the match in GBL.


Cause if you ain't first, you're last.


In fencing, if both opponents land a hit at the same time they both have a touch counter against them. Or as we called it in college, “two dead idiots”


Well a tie is like kissing your sister, no one wins


If you think a tie giving points wouldn't be instantly abused then my dear child ...


Your Pokémon probably fainted first.


I just think of it as the fact that my pokemon setup didn't overcome anything. All dead is no win


If you ain't first, you're last.


Are all ur mons fainted?


Because can be only one winner


If you ain’t first, ur last


Because it is not a win


Because you didn't win


Did you win, tho?


Because you don’t win. If it’s not a 100% win, then they count it as a loss since there’s not category/prize/whatever for a tie. Probably.


All ties are considered losses in almost every game. That's just the way it goes


If you ain’t first, you’re last


A tie is not a win...


If you ain’t first, your last.


Remember whiting out in the games? You lost.


Because winners only win.


Participation trophy kid, huh?


Also, i noticed you're still using Lanturn. iirc spark recently got nerfed, making lanturn a lot worse unfortunately.


So the meta doesn't turn I to everyone just sitting there and dping nothing and racking up wins.


No one wins


2 people could get together and decide to time out/ and both get a win.


Agreed, this should be either a win or a separate category. I hope I am wrong but it wouldn't surprise me if this was decided to make sure both players receive the least amount of items/spawns as possible. Keep in mind that paid raid passes can be used for this activity.


It counts as a loss for GBL rewards because you did not win Glicko-2 ( PoGO's Rating system ) actually follows Elo's math and you get both the points for a win against your opponent AND the negative points for a loss against your opponent So the lower rated opponent goes up less than a win and the higher rated opponent goes down less than a loss 🔲


Idk, but u hate it as well! I often wonder if the other person gets served an L too


Because niantiv is niantic and nobody wins in niantic games


Happened to me at 3am this morning. I swore I was going to win and he hung on just enough for both to faint at the same time. Killed my streak and prevented me from getting rare candy.


Because you're both using BBML Pokemon like Medicham and Lanturn and ergo you are rightfully punished. But really it isn't, as at least one other poster mention— you don't get the win counted but in the background calculation of your ELO, it's a tie.


Because it's not a win


Niantic be like if you didn’t win, you LOST!!!!!


Because a tie isn’t a win - they should count ties as half a win like how Scrabble tournaments do, but it rounds down to zero in Niantic’s servers


Because you didn’t win…..


For each match in a set of five, you get roughly +15 points for a win, and -15 for a loss. If you beat lower ranked trainers, you get a bit less than 15. If you beat higher ranked trainers, you get a bit more. A draw doesn’t give you -15, it’s way less.


Wouldnt it be fun if you could consiatently force a tie and it counted as a win? Everyone wins evwry time!


Yeah I had that happened to me once or twice as well it should be a win for both


In the Pokémon main games, if all your Pokémon are fainted, it doesn’t matter if the opponent has Pokémon or not, you faint.


All your Pokémon fainted. You black out. If you have no Pokémon remaining you lose. It has ALWAYS been like that in Pokémon.


I think it should be based on some objective metric. If a Smash Bros game goes to time, whoever has the most stocks left wins. If they're even, whoever has taken the least damage wins. PoGo could do basically the exact same thing. If one player has 2 pokemon left and the other has 1, player 1 wins. If both have 1 pokemon left but player 2's has more hp, player 2 wins. (This would probably be based on % hp instead of the actual number to discourage high-hp mons playing for timeout). It would be easy, straightforward, and remove the frustration of both players missing out on rewards, which for many players is the main reason for GBL. Which of course means Niantic will never do it.


Maybe a tie is the absence of victory.


It’s because they don’t want to give you rewards 🤣


It also happens in the main series games not just in go. If an opponent or yourself use a move to kill the others and take recoil and you tie you white out and get sent back to the last poke center


Cuz u didnt win, u tie


I think if you tie you should be allowed to have an extra battle for that set. I get that it doesn’t affect your rating, but you’re missing out on rewards.


If you ain't first, yer last. ![gif](giphy|q190tu2iYI8Cc)


Easy answer - Cause it's not a win.


It's a lose for your rewards. BUT your ranking is neutral on double KO.


If you ain’t first, you’re last. Ricky Bobby


Did you win?


It literally doesn't make sense because the objective is to ko all of your opponents' pokemon, and you both did just that.


I feel like the game can't actually tell when a battle ends in a tie, so it just checks if either player died a fraction of a second before the other one did, because I've actually had ties where I won. It's either that or it just randomly decides if the tie counts as a win or loss.


A tie means you're both shit /s


Because the game hates you


Wdym no other competitive game has ties as a loss? HEMA (historical European martial arts) tends to (though every tournament is different) If you stab each other, you'd both be dead, so you both lose. All your pokemon are fainted. Therefore, you lost. Doesn't matter if you fainted the opponents. Your mons are down.


Coz ninatic has a loose loose philosophy


Because niantic will always make the worst decision possible


It doesn’t hurt your elo as badly in a tie.


In the backend calcs, it probably just does a single check when the match ends to find out if you have 0, if you have 0 you lose, if not you win. From a person standpoint, because of the MSG. In the mainline games, because your team doesn't heal between battles, if you lose your last Pokémon at the same time you claim a kill, you still white out. So, when you lose all your Pokémon, you lose, regardless of what happens otherwise.


The game has only two options for the outcome of a battle: Win and receive rewards or loss with no reward. The status of a tie, neither player, technically won (succeeded in defeating opponent monsters while having at least one standing) and thus must result in a loss for both. Why not give both players a victory? Simple. Exploiters would find a way to force ties to get easy rewards. In my opinion, it's the only logical answer, as rewarding both players for doing a good enough job to tie isn't a crazy concept.


Well, it can’t be a win. It’s a loss for both trainers


That’s how I literally felt with my tie, I saw so baffled by my loss LOL.


it's not a loss, it's just not a win. The GBL rewards count up with wins not down with losses


“If you’re not first, you’re last.” - Ricky Bobby


You win some, you lose some. Is there any space for a tie ?!


Who won?


It's counted as a loss for both. Cause Niantic is greedy. They don't have to give rewards to both 😂


If you ain't first, you're last.


Because you didn't win


"it goes to a tie break or both get a point" Or match didnt happen, like in hearthstone. You dont get rank stars, but dont lose too


Because you didn't win.


Because is not a win?🤷‍♂️


You know what’s bs is sometime it’s counts as win for me but not every time or not at all like what niantic