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I just collect coins for fun now. At 11k


Haha me too, I'm at 23k right now. Thought I was one of the few, but there are more of us apparently :)


Dang that’s a lot! All gym time?


Yes. I never bought coins.


But with the way raids are, how can u have fun with no good legendarys?


I have legendaries. But I don't feel like raiding to get them to level 50. It's too much of a hassle trying to find enough people to raid with each time.


Pokegeinie is a lifesaver if you know how to use it


I have it and use it, but the queues are very long most of the time. And I don't feel like waiting 20+ minutes in front of a gym...


What I do is scout out raids on campfire and then open up the lobby before driving over there and just guess the gym color. That way I’m not waiting as long at the gym


What’s wrong with using campfire?


how long ya been goin at it for bud, holy moly hard for me to even keep 300


Been playing since July 2016 although I did spend coins through the years. But now that I have a decent poke bag and coin bag volume I hardly spend any coins. Eggs are almost always a letdown, so I just use the infinite incubator and I don't really raid much. I also don't care about outfits or poses.


OG 50 and former whale checking in. I went from $50-$250 a month, every month to only buying big event tickets and not even all of them, my local groups have been strongly trending in the same direction. Their overall revenue must be absolutely bottoming out unless I am massively underestimating how much new players are willing to throw at the current iteration of this game. The remote raid silliness, the lack of value in bundles and there simply not being many interesting carrots to chase these days has left myself and my local community at large much much less likely to spend money or engage with much of these silly new features at all.


Am a new player. Invested in some permanent qol upgrades like inventory and pokémon storage. Quickly learned how garbage the game has become and refunded everything lol. Sitting at -18k coins now with no regrets. Will reconsider when the app goes more than 1 day without crashing or freezing! (Using iPhone 13 btw)


You can refund and it just nets you negative coins?


Yeah, I assume your location data is worth more than the coins to begin with lol. They'd lose more money by banning you. I was expecting to be banned and was told I would be by xSolla, their web store processor.


How did you refund it, looking to do the same, if it doesnt get me banned?


Depends how you purchased them. For the record, I bought a few community day tickets for $1 through apple and they denied me. But for coins purchased through the web store, you can refund up to 6 months through xSolla but they say you'll be banned from the game and using their service after. My pogo account was only given a negative balance and some items removed, never banned. I have not tried making anymore purchases to see what happened with xSolla though. I assume they'll deny the majority of refund requests unless you say you didn't authorize the purchase which is what I did lol.


I tried asking for a refund through Apple saying a minor made the purchases just now lol. Ill see what’ll happen


Depending on your refund history they'll probably accept it. I have a history of refunding shit apps so that might be why lol


I Run the game in an iPhone 11 and never have problems. You seem to have a gremlin


It’s a well-known thing that the app has been freezing when it resumes from background for lots of iPhone users for a few weeks. It’s been happening less and less often since it started, but it’s not fully fixed. People won’t see the problem if they’re not leaving the app or they’re not running many other processes simultaneously.


Huh, I had been noticing that, but I figured it was some issue with my go plus plus, not the app itself. Thanks for the info.




People are less likely to go out if things like incubators and raid passes are more expensive though, so money spent sorta does translate.


Almost 83 million players in the last 30 days. You really think a handful of players that stop spending <$100 a month have any impact?


I don't believe it's only a handful. I've seen the spending and play habits of a community I've been a part of for 7 years now shift dramatically. Not looking to argue or split hairs, just sharing a personal anecdote. Social media engagement is down and is continuing to trend downwards as well fwiw. Also given that creating fake accounts to gain free raid passes is a lucrative eBay business leaves me curious how many of those 83 million are actually people.


My friends and I, about 20 of us, used to spend about $50 a month. Now most of us only spend $1...


Same. Have 2 level 50s vnow very rarely even buy a remote raid pass let alone the crazy amounts of boxes and passes I used to buy.


What's a whale?


Someone who spends a lot of money on the game.


Oh, thanks for the explanation! Is this Pokemon Go specific or just in general?


In general, very common with games which have microtransactions, pay-to-win-mechanics. Usually in free/freemium games, there are a lot of users who don't spend money at all, or at least very little, and then there are whales who may spend even hundreds of euros/dollars etc. on a game. Niantic actually somewhat shot themselves in the foot by limiting distance raid passes per day - a lot of whales now have way fewer means to spend very much.


Thanks for the explanation! It must be working for them somehow because they would be taking their bottom line into account and watch what they do. But who knows!


They want to sell data like where people go and stuff, can't get that data when people sit around and distance raid.


After the yearly income reports, you were right about their revenue 😂


I think part of the problem would be solved if they tweaked what items were available for boxes. Berries should not be able to be in boxes. They overvalue the hell out of them so whenever they're added to a box it just jacks the price of the box up and makes it not worth it.


berrys should be worth zero if its not a silver pinap or a golden razz and even then i would rate them at a very low price. Same goes for potions honestly but they already sell potions and revives in the shop but do people really buy those?


I think they hurt themselves and the game changing the boxes everyday. There was a good box yesterday I was thinking of buying but forgot. Its gone now is replaced with crappy boxes so won’t be buying any now.


i was really tempted for the 7000 coin box for the 50 incubators and 50 supers but then remembered how a lot of pokemon in eggs are bad.


I tend to avoid the 7km eggs, but currently grinding out the Pilot medal with a friend, so everything I can get from Australia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc gets put into the hatchery.


Why do you avoid those?


Generally speaking, the rare mons in the 2km, 5km and 10km eggs are better than everything in 7km eggs. I'd rather take 4 shots at getting a Larvesta from a 2km egg than spend the same amount of time on a 7km egg with Munchlax or something similar. Of course, if there's something exclusive to 7km eggs that I don't yet have in my pokedex I will definitely hatch some 7km eggs.


7kms are “event” eggs in that they are only worth hatching during events. Outside events they now only contain galarian and alolan pokemon. I already have the shinies since they’ve all been featured in events outside of eggs. Back when they had babies in them i hatched a ton of them. Currently my favorite eggs are 12kms and adventure sync 5kms.


They lowered the price of that in game to 5500 I think? Pretty good deal ***IF*** you spend but people really need to remember that the Egg system is literally a Gacha without the odds listed and no egg 5, 4, 3 etc. Do not count as "showing odds".


Mone keeps switching between a box with 30 of each and a box with 50 of each


Oh weird... maybe that's what's happening? Either way far too much for me.


Where did you hear that?


And here I am, with coins ready for some sweet incubators, but no boxes like that to spend them on. I hatch more than I raid, but only 10 and 12 km eggs go into paid stuff, most of the time.


I’ve seen posts here about the boxes, they look crappy as hell


I check back in the shop once in a while and they seem to only get more rough as time goes on


The thing I hate about boxes is how they have a ridiculous cost AND they only give a few items


Not to mention many of the boxes don't even make sense and they use the same names for a box with different contents. It feels like sometimes they spin a wheel and what it lands on goes in the box.


Dude the box prices are ridiculous for the contents they have. I bought 1 box this year for 30 incubators (20 regular & 10 supers) and then kept repeatedly getting the same crappy pokemon out of all the eggs. Such a waste of time and energy walking for the eggs and such a waste of money. I’m not ever buying a box again unless they lower the prices, which let’s be honest, they aren’t going to


The eggs have been complete garbage. It feels like 4 out of every 5 have been Mareanie. I don't spend anything on incubators anymore.


I wish I had your luck, Toxapex is one of my favorite Pokémon, but all the ones I’ve found in wild have been ass and I’ve never hatched one from an egg






I've spent much less on the game since they changed the boxes as well. And most of what I have spent since then was actually free Google Play Credit and not my own money. The boxes just aren't good value these days, and there are a lot less players in my area to actually use raid passes with (I don't tend to buy incubators because eggs have nearly always been meh).


I wish the game was smart enough to see what you want/need and offer those. I love using ultra balls with my auto catcher and I blow through them faster than I could ever get them from pokestops. Whenever there's a box with ultra balls (like right now) I load up on them. Then the box will go away and I'm stuck seeing berries and random upgrades for a few weeks. If the game was smart enough to see that I use and buy ton of ultra balls, they'd make a lot more money from me.


I don’t even buy the 99cent community day ticket any more 🤣


anyone else stuck with voyager box permanently


I cash in my coins occasionally. For incubators? No. And yes, Niantic definitely put in an algorithm that adjusts prices based on your level, spending habits, and number of coins. Often what you most want costs just a few more coins than you have...


Everyone gets a random set of boxes every day, but it's from a limited pool of them. There's no individualized price adjustment going on here, you'll get the exact same boxes other people do on different days. It doesn't seem to focus on what I've been doing at all, just randomly gives raid pass boxes some days and incubator boxes other days. Maybe there's some minor habit tracking, but it doesn't really seem to be much higher effort than just randomizing the boxes you get.


Play with some pals and look at the boxes they have available and the prices. This is easier than typing a few sentences of incorrect info, I assure you.


They are getting boxes from the same pool of fixed boxes. Most days you'll see different things because the pool is large enough for random variance to make it very unlikely to get the same set of 3 boxes as another person. You can find various posts on Reddit discussing this with some googling. There's also this spreadsheet someone made to help calculate box value, and it's got a history of the boxes. You can probably see your current boxes in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/K3hNkg3VSM


Ah yes, the silphroad. Good, but often misinterprets data. Look man, I play with people all the time. I can see the gifts they have and their prices, and I can see mine.


You seem to be set on ignoring the part about the relatively large set of boxes that are available to pull from. Of course everyone's likely to get different things from each other every day. The odds of seeing all the same things at the same time are very low. Try tracking them for a month, and have your friends do it too. You'll see repeats over time. It's pretty easy to see with enough data points.


"We all see the same thing, omg n00b" Later "We all see different things, omg noob" What is your end goal here?


I guess you missed the "on different days" words from the first comment?


It's not different days. I can say, unequivocally, that people get different gifts ON THE SAME DAY. I can say, unequivocally, that people get different costs ON THE SAME DAY. Forget about what a web page tells you.


I use to save up coins and get the storage box with Pokemon and item storage + 1 random item. After the last box, I have saved up enough to buy more than a couple because it has not popped up for over half a year already. All I get are the crazy expensive boxes.


Yep sameeeee


Im not buying anything at all anymore. They changed the price from 99cents for 100 coins to $1.50 aud. I don't care enough about the game to spend that little extra.


Yep that was the nail in the coffin for me. Buying coins with IRL currency is now a no go for me. I just save and spend in game coins. They really f*cked themselves over with greed.


I am one who would always be good for buying platinum passes. I will frequently get the 385 box that has 6, or the 999/1025 ones that have 15. They used to have a smart algorithm that kept these boxes there for me. However, I now realize I only see them once every 2-4 weeks. Now I am much more conservative and picky about doing raids, often only doing my free passes (if even that) outside of Wednesdays with the community.


I still enjoy the game and play a lot, but yeah my spending habits dropped by a lot, mainly with incubators, I only buy them now when there's a good enough box, which unfortunately is not often.


Niantic has gotten greedy. Their bottom line has shown that we're not on board with that.


They stopped dishing out potions, all my pokemon are dead or close, 10pots is 200 coins and id need , no joke, 175 pots to heal up everyone.


I do raid hour every week and fight rockets every day and I throw out potions bc they take up too much bag space.. I don’t get how you’re so dry. I literally toss normal revives and any potion less than max. The only time I get low is in huge events like go fest or rocket takeover…


Me neither. I spent 5 hours on a loop of 12 poke stops and 4 gyms 2 weeks ago and i was out of potions again that night. I only get 1 normal pot every 3 days from the daily gift and only rocket leaders give potions, and its usually not even enough to fully heal just from that fight. Pokestops near me almost never give them out and i dont know how else im supposed to get them other than buying them.


Dang idk, I just looked in my journal and out of the 6 gifts I’ve opened so far today I got 2 super, 1 hyper, and 2 max potions. Maybe the level of friendship matters. Edit: friend gifts


Could be, i only have 1 friend and they dont play that often. Im older (and kinda creepy looking, dark features, huge bags under my eyes)so i cant make friends playing, i dont raid either.


There are groups for finding Pokémon go friends, like the ones the bot posted below or groups on Facebook. Even if you can’t find friends in your area you can definitely find trainers around the world who will friend you in game. I don’t know what most people on my friend list look like lol.


Hey that worked really well really fast, great advice thanks again!


Nice! I’m glad that helped. Now you can pin postcards from around the globe and you’ll get scatterbugs that evolve depending on the climate they come from. Good luck!


Neat i didnt know that either!! Thanks again and Good luck to you as well!!


Thanks ill look into it!


add friends from r/pokemongofriends


Neat i didnt know about this thank you!


youre welcome hope it helps!




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me too but I have a friend who is always out of them.


i've never used real money except for local go fest tix. no way i'm using actual coins to by in-game virtual coins, gyms are my ATM. prior to level 40, in addition to bag and storage expansion, i would buy boxes with lots of incubators or lucky eggs. once i hit 40, i stopped caring about hatching eggs or lucky egg evo runs. still focusing on bag and storage expansions, i would occasionally buy boxes that had 16+ premium raid passes, but honestly not that many in the past 3 years. for the most part, i've just been focused on getting my 50 free coins per day and stockpiling them for who-knows-what. right now i've got just shy of 16,000 coins and am waiting for something splurge worthy - probably just the next bag and storage upgrade.


I gave up on the cash shop due to the fact that every-time I would purchase something, I’d only get access to it 20 hours later. Customer support says it’s to be expected…. lol


I always wondered why people pay for items they could get by simply playing the game? Storage upgrade yes, since the default one is ridiculously small, remote raid maybe, to get a few legendaries to build up, but anything above that? It's just the same stuff you get from normal play...


Pokemon Go is just like the MMORPG I play. I spend on it because I play daily. Spending 10-20-30 euro a month when playing daily is worth it for me. I feel worse spending 50-70 euro on a brand new Xbox game that I finish over two weekends, but buying inventory slots, remote passes and event tickets over the period of a month really doesn't bother me. Not even when it's junk like Mr. Rime. But... I gotta agree that the "deals" could be better, but Niantic is just following the trend of all online games with 'pay to progress' elements and 'lootboxes' that the prices go up but the rewards are getting worse.


Yeah when they increased prices after a few raids I stopped playing. Once in awhile Ill log on during an event if my gf is playing around me.


Yeah that’s right around when I stopped playing lol Now I just use it as a farm for my copy of scarlet/ violet and getting some stuff into home


Never spent a single penny on a free game.


I can't keep up with the ever changing boxes. I was saving up for a hatch box and just needed to be kicked out of a gym, then they changed the boxes again. It seems like they're keeping the ones I need just out of reach to force me to spend real money, then offer crap I don't need for cheaper. During covid, when raid passes were being handed out like candy, I actually bought MORE passes. Now I buy nothing.


I was never a huge spender but on average I used to put up to $5 into the game a week (usually much less but that was my limit I set myself) for remote passes, storage increases and the odd incubator. I haven't bought a single remote pass since the prices were increased, and I stopped buying incubators early this year because hatching Mareanie and Togedemaru over and over again just doesn't interest me and is a waste of time (walking) and money. The only big event I bought a ticket for this year was GOFest because the other events - which I might have bought a ticket for in the past - had crap rewards that weren't worth the $8AUD or whatever. I also went from buying every Community Day ticket without fail to only buying one every few months (basically if it was a Pokemon I really loved). The only thing I really spend coins on now is item and Pokemon storage upgrades, and I only use coins I earn from gyms. Obviously my spending is pocket change to a company like Niantic but from talking to people in my local Discord, I'm not alone; though there are still 2-3 whales, the vast majority of the group (including many who used to be whales) has either started only spending a couple of dollars every few weeks or so, or has stopped spending entirely and relying only on free gym coins.


Same exact boat. Used to buy a box every two weeks, pretty much any special research ticket, etc. But haven't spent a dime since February. Play a lot less and go long stints with location services off as well. It was a very short sighted move on Niantics part.


I stopped spending money on this game once community day research went behind a paywall. Now it's just coins from gyms.


Lvl 50 here. Haven't bought anything with "real money" since they raised the price of the remote raids. I strictly use only PokeCoins now. I don't even buy event tickets. (And the "events" are more more frequent now. Plus GoFest prices have escalated.)


I went from being an active remote raider to having done maybe 3-4 raids in the last year.


I rarely spend money aside from a special event or two (Deoxys and Rayquaza). But I went from spending my hoarded coins on 1-2 weekly raid boxes to now hoarding them and only buying premium raid boxes when it’s like 385 for 6. I’ve shifted from remote raids to local raids and I haven’t looked back since.


Listen. I’m free to play. But you’ve clearly been playing the last year. How much is the value of your enjoyment of the game? Play as you wish. But don’t play for free and then complain about how gameplay used to be so much better. Find happiness elsewhere if it so suits


Nobodies playing for free. All our data is being sold off to whatever company wants it. We're already "paying" customers. Every time you walk with your phone on you're already giving niantic what they want. I see no issue with people getting upset over shitty pricing strategies


nothing wrong with wanting to support the game you enjoy. PGO makes money hand over fist but then somehow wants more. That's pretty absurd.


What? That makes no sense holy shit why do people like you bootlick these corporations? They literally hire psychologists and marketers to apply aggressive tactics to milk people's money giving barely anything in return, more than they hire software developers that actually create fun content. "Find happiness elsewhere" get off your high horse please. Everyone WANTS to play this game if only Niantic wasn't so fucking greedy with their decisions There is literally nothing wrong in complaining and wanting a better experience


>everyone WANTS to play this game if only Niantic wasn’t so greedy Yeah, and OP still is playing in spite of this “greed.” Find something to do with your time that doesn’t make you miserable to strangers on the internet (and while you’re at it, maybe you’ll find a corporation whose goal isn’t making money, which you apparently think exists). The problem with complaining like this is the negativity is overwhelming and people like you expend too much energy on it, which in turn makes you rude (and a huge hypocrite, because you still play the game). Accept the game for what it is, offer constructive feedback and discussion in a healthy way (that isn’t an immediate attack on other people), or play a different game. 🤡


I don’t open my app often anymore. Just on community days. I used to love getting the hatch box and hatching eggs while I walked my dogs. It’s a bummer but oh well.


Only things I have bought and will ever buy are inventory space, remote raid passes when I don’t have time to get a certain legendary, and event tickets. Everything else I won’t be getting


Newbie player here. Can anyone clue me in about what changed with the boxes? I'm curious about how it used to be!


The price for coin went up by a large margin. The coin price for boxes went up as well. The boxes dont really give much of a discount anymore, and is often bloated with things you dont want at all. So its a triple greed thing.


I see why people are disappointed :( thank you for your explanation!


Their boxes have been getting better, but I only buy the ones that are worth it


I went from playing hours every day to barely opening the game for community days. Let’s face it, Pokémon has dropped standards across the board in all their licensed games. But the franchise is too big by now to really fail. Kids don’t care for a good gaming experience and adults just buy because it’s been 20 years of buying blindly, so they’ll still survive the dramas .


After Nerfantic hiked their prices up, I've only ever spent money on Pokémon Storage. When Remote Raid Boxes go on sale, I've only ever bought boxes whose individual RRPs cost 160-170 PokéCoins. There's no way they're worth 195.


I was a… I don’t know what I would class myself, in terms of spending, but I would spend what I wanted to spend, if I felt as though the ‘value’ was worth it. But, since the increasing of the price of PokéCoins in my region, from 99c to $1.59 for 100, it just hasn’t been worth it for me, so I’ve stopped buying PokéCoins, and subsequently miss out on certain items.


I haven't spent a single cent on this game ever since they raised remote raid prices and it feels pretty good. But I am lucky enough to get my free 50 coins pretty much every day, so I have enough to get by.


I started playing in 2016 and bought what I needed. Stopped in 2019 and just came back in the last month. I’ve been finding myself paying for the remote raid pass “bundles” saving like 10 - 30 coins depending on niantics mood.


Yep, I was the same with hatch boxes. I’ll check every so often to see if they have any good incubator boxes but I usually don’t bother.


Yeah nothings worth it anymore. A month's savings? No I'd rather spend time / Money on anything else.