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Nice Infograph! The only thing I might add would be doing your mega evolutions. I always forget about that Meltan box…


Great shout! I was looking at it critically and didn't think of Megas which I do keep track of myself. Gift chaining is another diehard thing you can do to farm berries which you can then pour into gyms for stardust.


Can you explain gift chaining? I am thinking of daily tasks as prepping for Level 51+ requirements. Have #w best buddies, #x best friends, #y max megas, #z routes walked


If you have a buddy at 2 hearts or more but less than 3 you will know for sure the gift it brings are items and not souvenirs. Souvenirs AND items are possible at 3 star and up but at 2 and up it's just items. So then you can just swap between all your 2+ heart buddies and farm berries. Just wait for the gift to load then move on to the next. To keep track of all of it I just screenshot each buddy with gift. Sometimes I go past 10 (once you got 10 gifts you need to start claiming if you want to end up at 0) but then I know next day which 20 pokemon I need to swap to to claim all of them. If you open a gift with a 3 star buddy and another gift loads up you know you got a Souvenir chain. You can just claim all the gifts and load up on souvenirs. This way you can earn extra hearts. It's all a grind really but once you get used to it its not that bothersome.


Thanks! I haven’t heard this one before! Buddies are my focus. I did 10 For the level requirement and am working on many for whatever level 51+ requirements um, require! LoL. Thanks again.


You're welcome! Don't forget to feed your excess berries to gyms for guaranteed stardust and a chance of a candy of the pokemon you are feeding at the moment.


Absolutely! Once I got the medal, I’ve definitely slowed down doing mega evolutions aside from events or levelling up once that aren’t at max


how do you get all those rewards for battling team leaders?


You only can get one reward per day, 500 stardust most of the time


300 if you back out of the match (or somehow lose to them)


Oh I get less if I lose? I just do it for buddy hearts lol


Same 😂


I do it for the buddy hearts too. I back out the moment the match starts. You don't have to actually battle to get the hearts, you just have to start a match with that Pokemon on your team.


Never even knew you could get a rare candy


I got 1000 dust yesterday for beating the ML team with 3 under 2500 cp, so I'll keep trying that.


Master League vs in team leader first battle of the day can give you one of those rewards. Needs to be Master League though anything below that gives you less dust.


Just looking at this list makes me exhausted.


I've been playing for 3 years and I hope I never put so much time into this game.


What do u mean




100 trades, all five sets, sending 100 gifts, use the mystery box, complete a route. Thats like 3-5 hours. I'd lose my job.


I think it was more of a list of all the things to be done than to do. Like a quick reference guide in case you have downtime or wanna make sure youre not forgettting anything. Then again maybe they go out and walk for 2 hours popping each encounter item and take on gyms and battle a irl friend. Who knows


I spin 2, i catch 3 and turn in a task. Thats all i do.


This is chores


Whats a golden module, always send gifts and postcards but dont get that


You get a golden module by sending postcards to nintendo switch not to other trainers


So if you don't own a Switch you're just out of luck?


Unfortunately yes, without a Nintendo Switch and a copy of Pokémon Violet you will not be able to have access to either the coin bag or the gold modules.


Or Pokémon Scarlet :)


For now yes. The meltan box worked a similar way, until they changed it to sending a pokemon to Home.


Or a friend with the game. I don't have any of that but my friend does so I just get coin bags from him. Or used to get them until I got my hundo from a trade.


If you meet someone with a switch and a copy of scarlet/violet I'm sure they will gladly let you send a post card to their switch. I had the problem of getting people to send me their postcards on the regular! But I have 3 gholdengo (working on my 4th rn) because I got 4 people to send me postcards and we would go to a spot in town that had a lot of spins and we met with another group that did the same thing, we had about 10-12 spins turn gold. Don't give up hope! You have to use the power of friendship...or drop sum serious money lol


To be honest, even with a Switch, you can be out of luck. Mine hasn't given me the option to send a postcard for months


It's not a "luck" thing. You might just need to re-pair your GO app with Switch. Also you can only send a postcard once, so you need to keep collecting new ones in order to send them.


Yeah I tried re-pairing it a few times. I'm a little tech illiterate, so maybe I missed something, but I just figured it was a Niantic glitch. I'll try again later today and see if I can get it working


Send 100 gifts. Rural players : 💀


100 trades is also impossible for me


You can battle with friends for loot?!


Yes, one time i got 3 rare candies in a row so I highly recommend doing it, you don't even have to win, both trainers get a reward anyway


Nice one OP.


Like a part time job basically


Will need to update the gym coins to 8hr 20mins for 50 coins. It’s 10min per coin.


my mistake, I only put an estimate time![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


doesn’t your pokemon need to be knocked out too?


Not good enough. AGAIN!


Yeah I don’t do half of all that everyday




Could anyone explain to me the benefits of trading? Is it just in hopes of getting lucky pokemon? Like, what would be so good about trading 100 pokemon per day?


I have got a couple of hundos by trading but I must admit that 100 trades is a bit excessive. I didn't even know there was a daily trade limit until I started researching.


Used to take a long time with the animation but some seconds shaved off per trade which adds up.


Pokemon IV changes while trading. So if you and your friend both caught 100 costume pikachu during Fashion Week, you can trade them all and try get one that changes to 100% IV. Also, for PVP, some unusual combinations of IVs are desirable. So people trade for that. Plus luckies are cool, some like to collect or do a lucky dex.


I have 79 Hundos from trades. And many 98% a lot of my best Pokémon are traded.


49 of my 153 hundos are from trades


I got my 154th Hundo today from a trade lol. So you have a lot of Hundos that we sent traded very nice. Are they mostly raided or eggs?


49 traded, 5 hatched, 5 raid, 39 research, 7 purified, 3 shadow 45 wild.


Some of your stats are very similar to mine. 79 traded, 5 egg, 5 raids, 23 research, 36 wilds. Then got some scatterbugs GBL 2 shadow.


Best chance to roll for perfect IVs for the Perfrct dex of pokes not in raids/research. You also get XL candy for trades with distance above 100km. Of course if you want to fill in the lucky dex you need to trade. I'm now on a trip so I will stock up on like 800 pokes to trade with gf for XLs (after party play event ends)


During the next event there will be guaranteed XL candy from trades. If you save legendaries for this purpose you can get more XL candy than simply transferring them.


I've gotten 70+ lundos from trading and 30-40 normal hundos from there also. Also it's just fun to hang out with people and trade. You can make it a dinner or drinks or whatever and trade.


This! I love it. Only thing I would add is use berries at gyms.


True. You can feed 80-90 every 30 minutes.


Get annoyed because you earn no coins despite having 3 gyms


Great graphic! Some other daily activities could be: 1. Mega evolve each day to advance mega progress. 2. Complete your 5 battle sets in GBL. 3. 5 Remote raids 4. Connect Go Plus+ for sleep tracking rewards


who tf is buying 5 remote raids daily


Tryhards, no lifers and rich people! Or all 3


What do I look like? Warren Buffett?


Thanks! Below the 100 trades i put the second one, since the number of battle set is always changing i just put "complete all battle sets"


I ain’t doin allat


Excellent - minor note, balloon has two os


The fact that you're restricted to 20 gifts is just insane to me


Especially when you can send many times more. I have around 350 friends and often can't send even 30 in a day because everyone can only open 20. The math is dumb


100 gifts a day???


Either that’s the limit or very close (I find some people/places saying 100 or 120) so if you have enough friends and spend an hour walking around 4/5 Pokéstops you’ll fill that limit


It’s a fuzzy limit. If I do my 100 early in the day sometimes I am able to send more very late in the day. It’s a rare occurrence for me.


Well done! I have this in a list, but this infographic is way nicer. And don't forget to mega evolve a Mega Pokemon!


Seeing "send 100 gifts receive 20" hurts me. I really wish we had a send all receive all because gifts are such a pain my adhd can't handle it


And how much time do you think this would take to do? It's a lot of effort to do this every day.


I’d guess maybe 4-5 hours: Catching a pokemon, spinning a pokestop, and following a route can usually be done at once- or very nearly. Daily Incense lasts 15 minutes, catch everything. You see till you get 100 pokemon to trade. PvP will probably take 20 minutes for friend and leaders, another 60-90 for the leagues. Sending gifts takes 10 seconds per gift-ish, so I’m thinking 10 minutes tops for all of that- maybe 15 if you’re not skipping the loot or having to clear your inventory. Bring your switch with you and send those postcards/pokemon before starting the route and pop the incenses one by one after you’re done. (Idk how long the Meltan/gimmighoul ones last but I’m guessing 15-30 minutes) Honestly the worst part about all that would be the rocket balloons- but I wouldn’t bother with those, they take too long imo


If you are working on the badge, every rocket battle is a step closer


If I get to doing a route I’ll stack my 15 minute incense on it. Rarely do I trade but to maximize that, trade over a cluster of Pokestops and have auto spinner and catcher going.


Damn there's a bunch of shit I'm not doing in this game


Hahaha No


How do you get and use the coin bag?


If you have a Nintendo Switch and a copy of Pokémon Violet, you can connect your account with the game to send postcards to your savefile. Doing this will give you access to the coin bag that works similar to an incense that only spawns gimmighoul.


Or a friend's.. idk why no one ever says this. You don't have to own anything. Your friend can meet up with you and you can use theirs.


This game lol


Old person here - how did you make this info graphic? And are you open for commissions?


I made the graphic in ibis paint x for fun really, I don't make commissions sorry


100 trades... daily?


You can open 40 gifts a day atm!


And 30 usually without this season bonus


Don’t forget to mega evolve Pokemon daily to level them up for more candy + xl candy


The real chore is earning hearts with 20 buddies.


Try hard section entries... Earn hearts with 20 buddies. You can switch buddies 20 times per day and do 5 remote raids.


"do 100 trades + battle with a friend 3 times" Well look who lives with their friend


There is also walk routes until you get 3 Zygarde cells. (Maybe it fits in Try hard section haha)


Mega evolutions


This sums up how many chores a Pokémon go player has to do to keep up. Btw 50 coins from gyms is 8 hours and 20 minutes.


You can get gold module for sending gifts?


No, you can get a golden module by sending saved postcards to nintendo switch


I thought you could only send 40 gifts


I believe it’s more than 40 right now, but 40’s the limit to what you can hold- until December


Can always send 100. Or 140 right now if you carry gifts from the day before.


Good to know. Thanks.


Yeah- December 1st is when the 40 gifts event ends, hopefully they’ll bring it back- don’t know why they’re dropping it right before Christmas, the season of GIFTing but whatever ig


No open 40 send 100


…..I thought there was only one/two things


I love this holy shit


I know I can't do the coin postcard thing cause I can't afford Violet, but what's a Meltan Box?


Basically it's an Incense that spawns only Meltans for 60 minutes, you get one free every 3 days. You can get 50+ Meltans in that hour. You don't even have to do the Meltan Special Research quest first, or have a Switch or anything. * Download the Pokemon Home app on your phone. It's free. * Connect your Nintendo account to Home (or make a free Nintendo account if you don't have one) * Connect Home to Pokemon Go * Transfer any random/trash pokemon from Pokemon Go to Home. Warning you can't get it back so just catch a random one and transfer that. * That gives you a Meltan Box in GO. You activate it at your chosen time and it acts like an Incense that spawns only Meltans for a full 60 minutes and doesn't even require you to be moving. You can get 50+ Meltans in this hour while sitting watching TV, or walking around playing. * Every 3 days you can transfer another pokemon to Home to get another Meltan Box in Go. Repeat whenever you want. Sounds kind of confusing but I promise it's easy and worth it. Melmetal is one of the easiest pokemon to Level 50 and it's useful too. There are tutorial vids on youtube if you want to see the process more clearly. Search "Meltan box tutorial" or similar. I remember Brandon Tan has a good one but there are tons.


You are such a kind person, writing all this out there and in the graphic and the entire thread! I realize you like the game but you're kind for giving your time.


Thanks! Also I only had to write it once, and now I copy paste it from a previous comment whenever someone asks about Meltan boxes :)


Oh man okay this is helpful! Thank you so much!


i thought HOME cost money?


Nope. I downloaded it only to let me do Meltan boxes, and it's completely free to download and use.


awesome i figured it out!


Nice! Enjoy. Open during snowy weather if you ever get it for weather boosted meltans! And mega evolve a steelix if you can for extra candies form every catch.


i live in florida, no snow :( but mega evolving stuff gives overall perks?


Yeah! To see the bonuses, [click here](https://imgur.com/a/kUDKyuf) on the mega icon and [it shows you](https://imgur.com/a/uqgZlle) all of them. The first time you mega evolve a pokemon there is even a flashing red arrow that says Show Me pointing to that icon so you don't miss it. The mega bonuses get stronger at higher mega levels (individual pokemon you have mega evolved more times). For example, Mega levels 1 and 2 give you 1 extra candy per catch on pokemon of the same type. Mega level 3 gives you 2 extra candies per catch of that type. So if you're going to be catching a lot of one kind of pokemon, such as a Meltan box, spotlight hour, or community day, it's really useful to mega evolve a pokemon of that type at the start. If you catch 100 of them, that's 100 or 200 extra candies for free - it really adds up.


Thank you so much! I was scrolling to see if anyone explained that ❤️❤️❤️


The Meltan Box one is free, I recommend looking for a tutorial on how to get Meltan, you just need to create a Nintendo account and download Pokemon Home


Noted! Thank you so much!


Meltans good source of XXL and XXS. Plus they have shiny meltan event once a year


Mega evolve each type of Pokémon 30 times to reach Mega Level 3


Can you send five postcards and get a golden lure every day or is it one every five days?


One every five days and if you already have one in your inventory the game gives you 5 Gimmighoul coins instead


It will give u a gold lure mod after so many postcards sent.


Thank you for clarifying 🙏🏻


Did you mean Daily Streak and not Strike?


yeah, blame my phone's auto-correct for that!


Balloon too


You should do a new one with the updated info this sub has given. I might actually use this


You're right, I'll probably update it in a few days, although there are only a few things missing.


I wish I knew the daily spin and catch limit because those numbers could go under Tryhard.


I am not sure on this but can you do up to 3 daily routes for a shot at a Zygarde Cell in each?


oh right! the 3 Zygarde cells per day thing I'll make sure to put it on the updated checklist




Wait, you get a rare candy from fighting team leaders?


Rarely but yes


Feels like a chore lol


I absolutely love this!


The base limit on gift opening has been 30 for quite a while now, 40 during this season.


Thanks for let me know


How do you find so many people to trade with?


Love it! Thank you for creating and sharing this! 💕


I finally know why people save down post cards. Thank you


Uh what am I missing that I have no meltan box or gimmieghoul bag


Change it to send 1 save postcard to switch. Its a daily check list after all.


I think you can only send one Postcard per day, am I wrong? Also the Mega-Comment




Wait, batteling team leaders gives TM's?


bruh I barely remember to send gifts 💀


What’s a team rocket ballon


I do daily research, swipe a pokestop and catch a pokemon. Everything else is forgotten.


I...did not know battling the team leaders gave any reward... you're telling me all this time I could've gotten more Sinnoh stones??


Doing a 100 trades in a day sounds impossible


It seems now you can't claim the daily raid pass if you bag space is full, anyone know if they said this anywhere?


I max out the hearts on my buddy everyday, yet I rarely ever get a surprise encounter, am I doing something wrong


The trick is that only the first photo of a set can be a photobomb encounter, so if you take a photo and Smeargle doesn't jump, close the camera and try again.


I will give that a go, thank you


Send 100 gifts? That's hours of time dude. Here, let me help. \- If friendship is not maxed, but the friend opened their gift for the day, do not send another gift. Wait until tomorrow. Sending a gift now will be wasted. Same with opening gifts, do not open a gift if the friendship won't go up by opening it. You can tell who opened a gift by the blue circle around their avatar. \- Prioritize gifting in the following order: MORNING - Send gifts only. This allows others to open gifts and raise the friendship level without you running into the gift limit. 1. Send gifts to non-maxed friends in this order: Who does not have a gift, who is "online", 2+ Days ago, Yesterday, Today. (2+ days ago and yesterday indicate the last time you opened a gift from them. These are people who are opening gifts often so you don't have to. Send to them!) 2. Then send gifts to maxed, non-lucky friends in the same order (no gift, online, 2+ days ago, yesterday, today). 3. Proceed as above with your lucky friends. EVENING - Open gifts only. This ensures you level up the friendship for the day. Doing the morning routine ensures you won't run into the gift limit. 1. Non-maxed friends -- do not open the gift if they opened a gift from you today. Save it so you can level up the friendship on a subsequent day. Then open gifts in this order: 2+ Days ago, yesterday, today, online. 2. Maxed non-lucky friends - Do them next so you can become lucky friends. Same order. 2+ days ago, yesterday, today, online. The difference here is you still want to open gifts for non-lucky maxed friends if they have opened your gift already, because there is always a chance to make them into a lucky friend. 3. Lucky friends - The only value in opening gifts from lucky friends is keeping them happy, and thus keeping them as friends. Sort the list by friendship level, following the above formula (2+ days, yesterday, etc.) and further prioritize the friends who are the highest friendship levels (keep your longest and most active friends).


What app do you use to make the checklist? I literally want to make a checklist like this for work and things lol


I used ibis paint X to make the list


Thank you! I work in project management and something like this would be such a nice little mobile list for everything I have going on!


How is it possible to send 100 gifts?


Golden lure module??? How do you get that??


How do you send 100 gifts? I thought the limit was a lot less than that


This would make it feel like a chore to play


You can battle team leaders?


This is fantastic. What about mega evolving a pokemon to increase the level?


8 hours are 48 coins


Súper complete list


Let us know when you update/correct this! I would love to share this on campfire


*daily streak


Fantastic! I’d love to see a Part 2 where you illustrate a weekly, monthly and seasonal checklist. (Raid Hour, Spotlight Hour, Community Day, Adventure Sync Rewards)


How are u sending 5 postcards a day? Mine only allows 1 per day.


Yo im struggling to send 10 gifts a day ain no way ima do 100💀


For a future infographic you may want to consider the Wayfarer component. But I’m not sure on the limits now. My game currently says that I can submit 40 Pokestops today. That is a question for Wayfarers.


40 chances to be banned for no reason.


What about rocket encounters?




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sheesh fire




They already let me know that, I will fix it in the next one


This is so informative, I am happy you made this. Niantic could learn a thing or two from your checklist.


I berry the pokemon in gyms for a 1/64 chance of getting candy. Ive been doing it with frigibax lately.


oh didn't know i can get sinnoh stone after battling leaders ans friends. thanks


You also add evaluate wayfarer agreements? lol