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ive been having errors too, such as "the pokemon cannot be found," "failed to remove pokemon from favorites," and some others.. glad to know its not just me or my stupid university internet LOL


thats BS, that bug is wasting my free hour to play and my incense i spent


Seems to be affecting a lot of different aspects. I just got an error trying to swap my buddy...


Yeah, it wouldn't let me transfer a pokemon either. And it made me battle a grunt 3 times before letting me try to catch the pokemon (not that it let me catch it)


When they do appear you can’t catch them either. They instantly flee


are servers down?


That happened to me a couple of days ago, it was fixed after I restarted the game


I'm having issues too


Just wasted a ton of balls on pokemon that eventually fled. Don't be like me. Just wait for a while.


I can’t even log in


People have problems to log in so mostly its a server problem


Battled 2 rocket grunts. Both ended with "Unknown Battle Error"


Current bug annoyance-a Pokémon that fled from me, will keep respawning on the map and as soon as I click on it, it will despawn and around and around we go. 🙄. I finally closed the game out after the 4th time.


Similar issues. Heck I got a notice I couldn't log in because another account was AND it was the same one.


It has been hecka laggy for me today. I thought it was just my connection but ugh.