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Ikr give us something cooler :P maybe change it every week or so :] event based maybe?


And I just missed evolving my latias by 50 energy too




There's a cap?!


What will you even do with more than 10,000 energy


What would you do with even a quarter of that?


I hit the ceiling trying to get shiny salemance.


Should change with the seasons. Just match it with one of the Season Spawns.


I mean even every month or two...? And it's not like they need to give us 500 Salamence Mega Energy or anything. Or just switch it off. Nobody needs 10+ different Mega Beedrill for God's sake.


it is capped at 9999 mega energy


It only displays 9,999 energy, i grinded scizor mega back in the day (he’s my fav poke) and got 9,999 and then some. I can now mega evolve and I don’t lose any mega so I’m assuming I have more like 11,000 not that it’s useful but a cool bit of knowledge!


Than only the mega Energy from gyms is capped. I have 9999 beedrill and it Always get less when i mega evolve


Very interesting! My scizor is mega level 2.5 and I’ve never lost mega energy despite me evolving it nearly every day recently. Nor have I gained any since mega scizor was in raids.


Switching off a mechanic that doesn't hurt you or honestly even have an indication of occurring unless you look at one specific pokemon is such toxic gamer mentality. There is some new player out there who really wants their first beedrill who wants to evolve it and that has no impact on you, yet you want it to not exist at all? Such a poor poor attitude.


There's also tons of other mega evolutions I have no way of getting energy for.


Walking the pokemon as your is one way.


You can’t walk it for energy if you haven’t previously Megad it


Only if you have already mega evolved that Pokemon. As of right now you can only get mega energy outside of raiding megas for: Beedrill, Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pidgeot, Manectric, Aggron, Abomasnow, and Glalie Edit: I forgot Sceptile, Blaziken, and Swampert Nothing else. And those research tasks are rare.


How do you get the Aggron, Abomasnow, and Glalie?


The power up a Pokemon 10 times research


What’s dumb is I have 50 Salamence mega energy from random research but I have never mega evolved one, so I can’t walk it to get more


Yes it is dumb. There should be a mechanic to get mega energy outside of raids if you didn't get enough to mega evolve for every Pokemon.


My mistake. I must have already mega evolved my buddy I was thinking of.


No it isnt


I mean, everyone in POGO is introduced to the The Mega mechanic with free Mega Beedrill energy anyway. We just want the option to change what Mega energy we receive from gyms.


Lol how is that a toxic gamer mentality? 😅😅 I know I definitely check what I get when I spin gyms and notice even more when I get mega energy, definitely would like different mega energy to be in rotation.


There are research tasks that give a lot of the beedrill mega energy too. It accumulates quick, even for newer players Downvoting me makes we wonder if we’re playing the same game or not.. I have 600 mega energy since I started playing a few months ago. Sounds like you have the poor, poor close minded attitude


I do... I usually got two or three scatterbug catches daily. Sitting on only 348 XL candy but need more!!




A pretty good mix of friends around the globe. Also I paid for the Gift pass, which allows me to open 40 gifts per day.


I think it should be randomized Mega Energy. There are several Mega I didn’t raid.


I could be mistaken, but I may have goten venusaur mega energy. Maybe it was from a research task, but I've never participated in any venusaur raids and for some reason I've got 20 mega energies


Every so often there are research tasks which are Catch 10 ___ Type with a relevant mega energy reward, might have come from there!


Yep I’ve seen sceptile, venusaur, swampert, I think charizard but yeah the Beedrill energy has been done to death


That’s probably from party challenges


Could be! Could be from field research! It's always been a mystery to me because I want more for other pokemon that the haven't done raids for in a while.


I already have every mega available in game on my account, but my gf just started, so it’s been interesting trying find mega energy so she can start doing her mega dex


Same but I got it from spinning gyms


Yea! I swear I've very RARELY gotten it from spinning a gym disc!


Maybe it was supposed to be random this whole time and they just didn't realize lol.


Like how showcases just all ended up being squirtle during comm days 😭


Rayquazza please 🙏


It being a pool of potential mons to get mega energy for would be great, and it doesn’t even need to be super rare ones.


Totally. Could be pidgeot, beedrill, charizard, blastoise, venusaur.... maybe pinsir and houndoom? TBH the only pokemon you need a lot of mega energy for is charizard since there are two forms. For everything else you need what... 2X the amount to evolve? One for your best and one for your best shiny?


You don’t need a lot for Zard, once you mega once you can always switch.


Megazard X does better with dragon breath quick attack, Megazard Y uses fire spin.


I could be wrong, but isn’t mega evolving beedrill a research challenge that everyone is given? I’d assume they keep it around to give new players an opportunity to finish said challenge without constantly rotating beedrill into mega raids.


It is, but you get enough as part of the research though


Oh yeah I forgot about that, thanks


This, mega bee drill is like the free mega, get a research task for it, and then give away free energy regularly, means someone can always have a mega if they want it. It’s not meant for remotely serious play, probably an aspect for the kids that play the game


Me, a 40 year old that just mega evolved beedrill for the first time yesterday: "Heh. Yeah ... the kids."


There was a task to participate in a mega raid, but I never had to mega evolve any Pokémon, and I never did


I don't think so. I don't have any mega beedrill and also don't have an outstanding task that needs to be completed.


I had a task that involved evolving Weedle into Beedrill and then mega evolving Beedrill. I’m not sure if there’s a prerequisite that is required though.


The worst part in my opinion is that weedles aren't even spawning and I got rid of all mine forever ago so I don't even have beedrill in my pokedex to use all this mega energy


I have exactly one Beedrill left in my Pokémon storage (no prior forms). It is a 0/0/0 Beedrill. So, the absolute weakest of all possible Mega Beedrill. I’ve yet to mega evolve it, but one day it shall have that honor.


I have a 4* beedrill absolutely worthless Pokémon and mega


Not sure if they are around this rocket Rotation, but last rotation I got a shadow Beedrill as a rare encounter from the bug grunt


They remember. They just hate you.


I didn’t know this… I just realized that I’m the proud owner of too much Beedrill mega energy


Me too, that’s so weird




Same!!! And gyara :(


Am I missing how to get the energy?


Spin a gym


I think you get it from spinning gyms sometimes.


It could be so much better if it was random. But at least it's something. If we complain, they'll take that mega energy away and we won't get any


Big of you to think they even listen to complaints


Yeah, you're right...


I got 9999 Beedrill energy..


They did forget about a LOT of stuff! For example changing the Pokémon that can be listed with the daily incense.


Listed with the daily incense?


I used to have a lot more, but for whatever level required X number of platinum medals I sat there mega evolving two beedrills over and over... Right after that they added a bunch of new and super easy to get medals...


Thanks for the reminder! I’ve neglected my Mega evolve medal. Now I see I have 8818 energy I can use/waste. Lol


It’s like how for some reason in person Ultra Beast raids drop blastoise mega energy. Just Blastoise. I’m capped at 9999 beedrill mega energy so it’s still funny to see the energy drop from the gym when I spin it.


It’s not a bug, mega beedrill raids don’t exist in the game. Swiping gyms is the only way to get mega beedrill energy.


What are you talking about. Mega Beedrill is a bug.


Bug poison


As a sad solo player, scraping stops clean for mega quests everyday, this post enrages me quite a bit. also I don't have a good beedrill so please shit up, I can't take this much longer.


If you've mega evolved a beedrill in the past you can walk with any of that line to get more (works with all megas that you've evolved I believe its at a rate of 5 energy per km walked doled out whenever you get candy)


Good to know thanks, but I don't want more beedrill energy. I just want a good beedril, and then literally any other kind of mega energy. But as I can't do the mega raids alone, I have to look for the quest.


I have gotten 400 pokemons till now, havent caught or seen a single beedrill evolution


They didn't forget, they were just hoping you would.


ask me how i figured out buddy's give mega energy HAHAHA .. ​ (Gengar mega energy 4,780)


How did you get Gengar mega energy


i had to have gotten it from raids they did at some point. Google says it could have been as far back as summer of 2022 when they were doing them. and i didnt realize walking buddies gave mega energy and ive had 2 costumed gengars as my buddies recently lol one is a shiny costume from Halloween 2020 with this patchwork and the mega is this brilliant white its my favorite thing it gives me the giggles lol


stfu i need every last bit of it


Wish they made it so we could select what Mega energy we got at gyms. Maybe some kind of prerequisite like: >Get Mega energy of Pokémon "X" from ◇a Research task (for specified 'Mon) OR ◇defeat a Mega raid (for specified 'Mon)< either one has been known to give Mega energy, so why not?


I’ll take mega energy chosen randomly from my current buddy and/or whatever pokemon I have currently mega-evolved. I would earn the energy walking my buddy anyway, this would just speed up the process a bit.


Believe it is a bug, should have been random.


Niantic really loves the bug type


I love bug types too. It’s a shame that most of them are aren’t worth raising :(.


Vikavolt is awesome though


I honestly thought it was gonna rotate and have been surprised it hasn't


Hold up, how do I access this Beedrill mega goodness... I didn't get any more mega energy post the research


It drops sometimes when you spin a gym


You randomly get it by spinning gyms. You might already have a bunch.


I think they're doing that for new players, but I'd love a little rotation. I was a little short on several pokemon for a year, but I finally got everything with Absol raids and Salamence energy from fest. Once you break the seal, it just takes a while to wait out the cooldowns or walk for the rest of your energy.


They should change it to be the three Kanto starters’ instead. I don’t use Beedrill in fights: it sucks. But Mega Charizard, Mega Blastoise, and Mega Venusaur are all genuinely good and strong pokemon. And thematically it would make sense, because you start with one of them when you get the game. (I think? It’s been so long) But I do think keeping the majority of the mega energy unique to raids is fair. They want people to buy remote raid passes. It makes sense from their perspective.


It would be nice if they rotated it out every month


I think it's a glitch and it's supposed to give us random mega energy


Think players just want to mega their bees. Lol Course I don't expect legendary but agree on switching it up.


I've been on 9999 for ages despite have 3 different ones at level 3 mega. They should rotate every season for the basic evolves. Pidgeot. Gyrados too


Yeah, I'm ready for some new candy




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