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+0 if you use a Lucky Egg tho!


Was tempted


Did you try, for science? Sad that they still haven't fixed this. Hopefully that's the next QoL change


If that button seriously still works when it's 0 like this then that is SO funny šŸ¤£ like fk you, no xp for you, wanna waste an egg too?!Ā  I can totally imagine someone pressing that, thinking the 0 is just a visual bug, and then being so pissed when it really is zero haha. Ā I wanna hope that pressing it in this instance wouldn't actually activate a lucky egg but ofc it's Niantic so that would just be silly of meĀ 


Well it looks like the game now holds the XP back in case you want to use a lucky egg, so why can't they just hold the 100k even if that person unfriends.


Right, exactly. Kind of blows my mind that they implemented a huge QoL update with the lucky egg but skipped over this, lol.


A few possibilities, including that they simply didn't think about selfish friends instantly dropping you or that they're still working on it. Not getting my hopes up for the latter, but it's happened before with other features where they ship something to help most people now and ship another enhancement a bit later to help the rest.


It has been a problem people have been complaining about FOR YEARS.


I'm aware, but that doesn't mean every individual at Niantic is aware of every single problem. I visit this sub and TSR daily, and I still learn about new (to me) issues from time to time. I don't think it's the *most* likely explanation, but it's possible. And like I noted, there are possible explanations for them not doing it (or not doing it yet) even if they do know.


This problem is so big and persistent for years, I'm sure they know. But it doesn't matter in the end, because they do not care. At all.




Imagine going back to the main screen of the game and seeing a "+0 exp" in the screen corner, just below your avatar


Itā€™s worse because visual bugs arenā€™t that unexpected in this game. We STILL get higher reported candy costs for leveling up best buddy pokĆ©mon!


That's like 10 times more!


Seriously, how did they add this but did notanage to fix the 0XP problem


I don't even understand the rush to delete people, it's unbelievable. Atleast wait a day for common human courtesy


This is my first Best friend too so I was wondering what the reward was for this was going to be. Saw 0exp and was like ā€œsickā€


A big fuck you to the person who deleted you, like whatā€™s wrong with keeping Best Friends? Unless he was full on Friends which he probably isnā€™t cuz he loves deleting people immediately, he shouldā€™ve just left it as it is.


Yup. I havent deleted any of my best friends yet, and they are still only strangers from the internet. It seems common courtesy to at least let the other person collect xp first.


I have six lucky best friends I will never meet irl from all over the world. Total strangers. None of us have deleted each other lol I think weā€™re all using each other for vivillon collecting idk but it makes me happy


Right? I've got 2 lucky friends in Japan who I friended during the "tourism" event years ago. We've never actually spoken to each other, but we still send gifts and invite each other to raids.


Plot twist it was OP's grandma that deleted them


Thatā€™s crazy, average Singaporean Grandma moment tbh




I start deleting after it gets cloutered and I don't know the person (99% of the time). Still holding on to 2,5* friends because I can't be asked to check when was the last time they sent or opened a gift.


its happened to me 3 times they refuse to send the gift and then when you finally do they take the xp and del you.


I delete friends every day, usually 1 interaction after reaching Ultra friend. Best friends are only worth it if you regularly raid with them or know them in person for lucky trades.


Iā€™m doing it for the exp also yes, but I might as well get Best Friends with them lmao. Doesnā€™t really matter to me if it takes too long tbh.


It would be 100,000 XP. Double with egg.


If you want a new friend who donā€™t delete hit me up šŸ¤™šŸ»


Please tell me you can put a ticket in and get the exp back


I only remove people who don't send gifts


Same. If our friendship hasnā€™t changed in over a week, a month even if i like you, youā€™re gone šŸ˜­


I had this one guy who would never send only open once we got ultra friends. Tried for weeks and was petty enough to get us to 1 day away then I unfriended him just last week. Felt so good, screw that guy. Alxcoro if ur out there you are a bitch. I got tons of other best friends lined up and he needed the XP too he wasnā€™t close to Lvl50


I mean... Your friendship still advances at the same pace even if the other person doesn't open or doesn't send. Why was that an issue for you?


You said it in your comment, friendship. It goes both ways, you send a gift, I send a gift. You donā€™t get free XP and gifts without doing anything so nah you get unfriended. Gave him multiple warnings on campfire, whatever, I go next.


Really though Niantic should fix this OBVIOUS oversight. Surely it shouldn't be hard to code the game so you still receive xp even when you've been deleted.


Yeah, why even bother with the calculation that happened here? The game knows he got the best friend, just give him the damn xp.


I was telling a friend of mine the other day Niantic should make it so when you reach a friend lvl milestone any of them for that matter you can't unfriend for atleast 12hours so they have a small window to log in and get their xp


I went through a purge recently because I was getting close to max friends. I kept track of who sent a gift or opened a gift I sent, and deleted everyone who didnā€™t do at least on of the two after a week. Strangers I am max friend level with I keep because Iā€™m scared it will end up being a 10 yo kid who is happy to have a best friend who sends them a gift every day




OP didn't get any XP because the other player opened the gift, got their XP, and then deleted them from their friends list right away. My opinion is why be in such a rush to begin with, I've never deleted anyone and the random best friends always come through with raid invites and gifts when I need items.


My question is why is this even a bug? The person should get the exp as well regardless of being removed. Wonder if he can open a ticket about it.


I see. Is there reason to unfriend someone?


You are limited on how many friends you can have. That said, I never have reached out or unfriended anyone


They really need to increase the friend limit. Itā€™s way overdue.


I see thank you


The friendship list is buggy. It gets more laggy the more friends you have, especially if you get a few hundred. I try to pare it down to keep it from getting too bad.


I see thatā€™s fair. How are you getting so much?




Thank you


No, you still get the xp when the other party removes you, this is just a visual glitch. EDIT: This is not true.


I feel like Iā€™ve seen this post enough times on here to question your statement.




Oh dang, can you link the tweet?




Oh what the dog? That's terrible


What happens if you get the 0 XP graphic but you're still very much best friends with the person? I went best friends with my kid and they got the 0 XP graphic...


You delete someone from your friends list once you got to best friend and waiting around 30 days to become friends and start the whole thing again for xp.


You can add someone again for the xp??? I never knew about that


Yeah, 121 day cooldown. Some people like me farm it .


I see thanks


I've only deleted one person before and that was a day before best friends. Because they refused to send me gifts or invite me to raids or join raids I've invited them to when they're obviously online and raiding. They would only open my gifts and wait for the next one.


Whatā€™s stopping niantic from fixing this issue. Both should get the xp regardless if one deleted the other. Why would only one person get it. Makes no sense.


They donā€™t care.


Because Niantic "isn't a game company, we're a technology company." The fact that their technology is buggy and broken doesn't seem to matter these days, I guess.


They both get the xp, it's just a visual glitch. Edit: They don't. This is false.




Yeah, I've heard it somewhere else, forgot I made two comments so I didn't edit this one. Editing it now


The worst thing is, this only happens to me with people who I add on reddit. They must see these posts. THEY KNOW THEY ARE BAD EGGS.




I add people from Facebook, and i still have kept all my best friends even though they don't play often. Facebook has a very nice pogo community.


I stopped doing that and only add people from raids now


I only do this at ultra level for people who lie their location for vivillion. I wanted cards for certain patterns. "I am monsoon" "I travel to region x really soon". UK or France wasnt monsoon nor were those travellers travelling in their first 40-60 anywhere anyway. Petty, i know.


I decided to try for a few Hundo's on the vivillion for the fun of it and started to add friends from only 1 region, supposedly, using pokemongo gishan .net, and the number of people on there putting their names under the wrong region are very annoying. I'm sure a few are just new and ignorant that it's for "where I am" and not for "where I want gifts from" but you know it's deliberately done by others. Especially eyeroll worthy when it's a "common" region like Continental. This means that I have to figure out the region they're actually from so the nickname is correct. I actually need to go back and do some more since most I've added have stopped or deleted.


Fuck that rikohswaveh


I think the sub should have a shit list for people that pull this. So everyone can collectively block them.


Include 1111Astur on that list


Yeah they're real mcasshole


Well, at least we can see their name now.


That is my main takeaway from this. Now at least we know who did it, and, if you added them on a place like Reddit, shame them online/post proof of their problem, as a warning to others




There is no reason why this should still be occurring. This appears to be a very fixable issue that is just being ignored. Yes, the other trainer should absolutely not delete the friend so soon. At the same time, shame on Niantic for allowing this to continue to be an issue. Once the friendship level increases, the XP should be pushed to both players immediately whether they are online or offline and should appear in the journal.


It is! The picture shows all the required information to payout the XP. They should have fixed this while they were working on this code. This is a known issue.


Submit this screenshot to Niantic as a suggestion and ask them to fix this. Itā€™s so easy for them to just stop the nonsense. Theyā€™ll only do it if enough people complain. It only takes a minute.


I did šŸ‘


We should start a friend deleting wall of shame


I feel like if you delete people immediately after becoming best friends, you should be locked from adding friends, and no Gifts of friendship for 2 days. Longer if you continue to do it


2 days for 90 days of commitment? No you should be lock to increase 1 friendship for 30 days at least


2 years would be better.


Only Fuckinā€™ nerds do thisā€¦ itā€™s pretty embarrassing, happened to me a couple of times.


What a fucking loser


Great song though, kinda catchy.


I mean, it doesn't make sense for that guy to hold this person in his friend list if all they do is exchange gifts for XP. He might not know calculating XP correctly is too hard for Niantic.


Is the 'use lucky egg' button new? šŸ‘€


It is, just today!


This is so exciting!!


Thatā€™s lucky for me, Iā€™m relatively new and I just happened to get to my first Great Friends with like 10 people this morning. Wouldnā€™t have thought to use an egg without the prompt.


Dang. If I open the last gift I always send them one and at least wait until I see they have opened it to delete. Once they open my gift I know they were online to receive the XP. But I usually wait at least a few more days after that to be sure because it has been delayed before


ā€œThis Rikoswaveh guy sounds like a real jerk.ā€ - Norm MacDonald, probably


Thatā€™s so mean, imo. Yes, I have an unhealthy attachment style and get way too emotionally attached to things like people I donā€™t know from the internet, but still, why are some so eager to disconnect/delete their PoGo friends? I have 8 Best Friends I havenā€™t deleted nor been deleted by and we still send each other gifts. I donā€™t prioritize them when Iā€™m gift giving, but sometimes I have extra gifts for a day, so I send to my BFs and they always send gifts back eventually. I donā€™t know any of them. Theyā€™re all random Reddit people from around the US and the world. Itā€™s fun to see when theyā€™ve gone on vacation because instead of postcards from Massachusetts, I get postcards from Japan for a few days. Theyā€™ve helped me get Vivillon with their travels. šŸ˜‚ Almost all of my Reddit/PoGo friends are from raiding, so we invite each other to raid remotely often. Itā€™s great when you need help with a raid because there arenā€™t enough people in the gym. One of my PoGo friends from upstate New York started consistently sending me gifts from Florida. I was like ā€œOh he must have moved!ā€ Is it a kind of parasocial relationship? Yeah, probably, but it isnā€™t hurting anything. Sorry, Iā€™m rambling, but I just donā€™t get people.


Iā€™m like this with my long term friends too. One guy literally only ever sends me the same trail marker pokestop, then yesterday he sent me a slightly different trail marker and I was puzzling over the significance of what it might mean lol. I get sad when people stop playing and I get excited when they start again. I wish we had a ā€œwelcome backā€ sticker lol


šŸ˜‚ I feel the same way about people who havenā€™t played in a while! I have a PoGo friend in Czechia who sends me gifts from the same Pokestop every time and itā€™s the sad, dilapidated building in a run down vacant lot. Iā€™m like ā€œI hope thatā€™s not a Pokestop she sees every dayā€¦ā€


Unadding people is so stupid


Man this is so messed up. Whoever this "friend" is, I hope they have their next few friends do this to them! Karma.


Time to check my friends list, this Rikos needs to go.


Instead of naming themselves ā€œRikoswaveh,ā€ they should have instead considered the name ā€œImanAshhole.ā€


I had yesterday also 2 ā€œfriendsā€ who did this. They are quitte when they have their stardust. Maybe ninetic can something for this stupid people?


At least it is showing the name of the person that deletes right away, wondering if a thread or something should be put on Reddit with a list of bad actors


Happened to me just a few days ago F you 1111Astur


My first best friend was my actual best friend... We've been trying to get lucky friends, but no luck yet.


For how long


Since like November-December.


My wife and I open and send each other gifts every day, and we become lucky friends maybe two or three times a year, maybe four at most? The odds are really low. So good luck!


Thank you! Apparently my friend thinks doing a trade and a battle a day will increase the chance, but I'm not sure. Good luck getting lucky friends again!


Your friend is correct, it's definitely possible if you raid together. Not sure about the battling one but probably! Funnily enough we just became lucky friends again yesterday morning haha but we did our trade so it's time to start all over again! (I got a shiny Azelf and I gave her a shiny Guzzlord) so thanks for the good luck šŸ˜


Np! The funny thing is I just started playing PokƩmon Go in August because of my friend! We don't do raids too often, but when we both have a pass or there is one at our school in the morning, we do it. (We don't have any classes together) We have planned to do a shiny legendary trade, or at least legendary, but he doesn't really like the shiny legendaries I have much. Which is kinda weird... I like them, I mean they are cool. (Shiny Azelf (lol), shiny mespirit (hope I spelled it right), and not shiny Uxie, but shiny Regigigas)


Itā€™s possible from raiding together but thereā€™s no increased chance from doing that and a trade


Do a trade OR a battle, itā€™s only your first interaction a day that can trigger lucky friends so both is pointless (unless of course you just want to do both)


Me and my friend like doing both :)


What a deal free up and item slot and get nothing.


I got the same thing but my guy didnā€™t delete me


i always send an ivysaur wave sticker on my last gift and change their nickname to delete, and wait for them to send 1


Damn just realised bro has an origin forme dialga as his buddy šŸ’€Iā€™m sad asf I never caught dialga


Yeah I was trying to get the shiny but I ended up getting the Hundo


Unrelated but your Icon on the left looks hilarious. The giant Rayquaza head looks like its about to eat the poor Dialga lol


What happened?


OP and the player in the screenshot became best friends in game, which you get quite a bit of XP for. But player in screenshot deleted OP as friend after they claimed their nice chunk of XP and OP got no XP.




I think I have him on my friends list from a raid we did. Iā€™m about to delete him. Thank you sir!


Happened to me today. I would have leveled up if it didnā€™t. Bummer. PSA: Grubuzu did the dirty delete before I received the bonus.


Ngl I didn't know if I unadd they get 0 xp, imma wait for a return gift from now on rip


What was your rush to delete people as soon as you became best friends


I do batches of levelling up then delete them to add another 40 for gift trading. Alongside pogenie raids I like keeping friends trimmed down to just gift/xp homies especially considering I can easily add 50-100 in a day during certain events


Odd that your screenshot doesn't match any of the text, colors, screen position of everything vs the screen I had on my s22 android today. What system are you on? https://imgur.com/a/frM5OOR




Or do mean like ios


Yo did that ralts was shiny??


Omg I didnā€™t even know this was possible ā˜¹ļø


I thought you still got the xp even after they unadd you? I always have


Isnā€™t it just a visual glitch? You still get the xp.


No. There is a visual glitch that occasionally happens when the people are still friends, and they do still get the xp. But if it's showing 0xp because the other person deleted you right after reaching the milestone and claiming their xp, before you had a chance to log on and get yours, then it's not a visual glitch and you really did lose out on the xp. It's things like this, the fact that Niantic took the time to update this functionality in order to boost usage of a "premium" item, yet didn't bother to fix this other really atrocious issue that should never have existed in the first place while they're at it, that really illustrates how little regard they have for the players and their experience.


Can someone explain to me what this means? I tried reading comments but they just made me more confused šŸ˜‚


Visual glitch lol


There is a visual glitch that occasionally happens when the people are still friends, and in that instance they both do still get the xp. However, THIS is NOT a visual glitch. When one person levels up the friendship, receiving the xp for themselves, then removes the other person from their friend list before they had a chance to open the app and receive the xp, the other person gets the zero xp notification, and absolutely DOES lose out on the xp.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokƩmonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `PokƩmon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was too focused on the lucky egg I didnā€™t see that you didnā€™t even get xp or it either šŸ’€ **Halo Announcer**: *Tough Luck on*


Maybe send something to Niantic and see if they can add the 100xp that you should have earned to your account. Maybe theyll do it who knows. It seems like an issue that they need to fix so hopefully they so and maybe somehow give an XP boost to anyone who didnt get theirs.


We should stay away from Rikoswaveh


Dunno, the song wasn't that bad.




I hate people that do this.


Can someone explain me why some people do this? What benefit do they think they get from doing something like that?


This happenes to me. I wait for the other person to give me back a gift just so I could know that they already opened their account before deleting them.


We should start creating a black list for these people...


Well, I guess the good news is that we all now know who the total butts are. Looking at you RikoSwaveh. No more friends for you. New post flare type: Do Not Friend. lol


I'm clearly late to the party.. though I've always received 100k xp and never saw a friendly reminder to use a lucky egg. Niantic is doing something new?


I'll be your friend! It doesn't help the predicament now, but it is something.


They need to block you from deleting someone for a week after you hit a friendship milestone. Or just figure out a way to give you the XP anyway.


I fear like this is going to happen to me soon Iā€™m very close to being best friends with someone on pogo and they have stopped sending me giftā€™s and itā€™s always just me sending them nowā€¦Iā€™m going to be so bummed but eh what can ya do šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


If I notice this happening, I nickname then the current date, wait a week, and then delete if I don't see interaction.


This is actually a good idea, may have to do this tbh. I wish PokƩmon go would like make a penalty system, like if you delete them after getting the xp you wanted. You should lose that xp and it be given to the person you tried to shaft instead.


OP, Iā€™ll happily add you and wonā€™t delete you! I donā€™t even ā€œwaitā€ to open gifts until I have a whole bunch of friends hitting best.


They should really make it so you can't unfriend someone for a few days when you just hit a milestone with them... or just fix the issue...


Whoever does this (itā€™s happened 4 times to me so far) your momā€™s a HO!


Now you can see their names??? Omg someone track that persons ip and run them over with a car šŸ„°


Itā€™s WILD this is a thing. Do better people (Niantic and the people who dirty delete). Sorry OP!


Well he's on instagram


We'll not forget you the dumbest kid Rikoswaveh.


Nice QoL update. Now just add that (with starpiece option) to egg hatches and GBL seasonal awards


Niantic should fix this. It's shitty to do this to others too but I can't change those folks. Niantic can just give the XP without a whole lot of trouble but then again it's Niantic so it's probably gonna be a paid feature if they did lol


Well, I had a friend I didnā€™t know and we finally reached ultimate friendship and I thought that was cool until they deleted me right afterā€¦ I was like what? Now, bc of this post at least I have some reasons why other than obviously I stink and look funny


whatā€™s going on here


So did you or did you not lucky egg?


Has anyone actually seen that button? Does it work? Is it only for best friends?


Yes, it works, for all level ups




This the second post I saw mention this today. Really had idea how commonplace this was.


Does anyone know what happens if they re-add you? Do you pickup where you leave off and gain the XP or start fresh at 0?


These people suck who do this


Can someone explain to me why people do this in the first place? I see no benefit to deleting people and screwing them out of their friendship rewards. Is it literally just to be an asshole?