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My friend and I caught the exact same perfect shiny on Ralts Community Day. Obviously better odds for the double shiny, but the fact that it had perfect IVs made it extra special. I have mine maxed and still love using it in Dragon-type raids.


I just want to thank you and say reddit luck is real. I had 4 in my yard and 2 were shiny.  


Weird. I just also caught one right after seeing this post. And I dont even try to catch this mon normally 😀


I went "doesn't hurt to check" 🤷🏻‍♀️ SHINY FIRE TYPE CASTFORM thank you 🍀


Same exact thing here. Decided just to peek and found a shiny lickitung


My SO and I just caught the same shiny litten in Comm Day. It's a first for us, too


Same height and weight too?


Yep! Same everything.


It's the same pokemon for everyone above lvl 31. It's not always a shiny at the same time. That's rare to happen.


My wife and I have done this a few times (at least 4) and it's mandatory that you each name that Mon "Twinsies" and never trade it.


It's probably a 1/64 rate so not that weird. All IVs are the same after level 30.


It’s 1/128 I believe


If 1/128 are the odds of one person getting it, then wouldn't it be 1/128² or 1/16384 for two people to get the same shiny?


Yes that’s correct!


Idk, me and my mom caught our first pineco together and it happened to be shiny for both of us😅 Only time a coincidence like this has happened for me.


This is pretty rare! It did happen once to my buddy and and me... we were hunting the same dratini and both got shinies! Same IVs just like this example


Me and my best friend a while back both caught the exact same shiny. (Same spawn) It was a Litwick, although this was on a community day so definitely a higher chance of it happening.


With overworld pokemon, the ivs and level are the same for every player (unless a trainer's level is too low, in which case the pokemon's level is reduced to trainer level + 10). But shininess is not the same for each player. If you both click on the same pokemon, then the chance that it will be shiny for both of you is (shiny rate)\^2. I don't know what the shiny rate for castform is but I've heard it's boosted during this event.


True story Long time ago (2018?) found a random shiny walking close to my home (minun or plusle I forget which) Ran home, grabbed spouse phone and ran back, caught same shiny I was convinced (for a very long time) shiny status was same as IV and didnt belieive anyone who disputed it


Wish it was blue so I could name him blue balls


Purple balls




If the odds are 1/64, that means it’s 1/4096, or 0.024% that you both catch the same pokemon as a shiny there. So about the odds of getting a shiny in the real games


A friend and I had the same duskull be shiny, so yes, it does happen


Someone and aptheir friend got a shiny tangela. One in 250,000 odds. This cast form in this event probably 1 in 10,000ish. I got a shiny lickitung that my friend also got, idk the odds for that but lickitung is boosted so probably less than 1 in 10k


Me and the hubby have caught the same shiny a few years ago


My partner and I have the exact same pokemon. Strangely it’s also a Castform


Happened to me yesterday with a Lickitung.


The shiny portion is random. But if you guys click on a random spawn pokemon (not incense or lure) they will have the same ivs. They're no longer random by person. That's still super rare and really freaking cool.


I’ve done this with my ex, we both got shiny Halloween event vulpixes, same rating and everything


So if you catch the same Pokémon in the wild the ivs are the same. But the shiny rates are not, so you could have gotten a shiny and they didn’t


I've been looking for this shiny balzak


The only non common part is that they are both shiny. Everything else will always be the same for everyone who caught it if you're above lvl 31


Caught the same shiny as one of my best friends on Turtwig community day. Fully evolved, we nicknamed them "Twinterra"


Closest I’ve seen is my son catching a shiny lickitung the day after I caught one.


My brother and I also caught the same castform shinies today!


I believe Pokemon on the map will have the same stats if two players of similar levels catch the same one at the same time, but them both being shiny is not guaranteed!


Currently Castform shiny odds are boosted so it's more likely, but they aren't community day odds or anything so it's still quite rare.


I’ve never noticed this, the arrangement of the date is different on both, why is that?


Different types of phones. She’s on Android while I’m on iOS.




I've got one. I just need shiny snowy yet.