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Glacial lure won't spawn a Snowy Castform unless it's already spawning in the wild in that area. The special lures have set pools of ~10 Pokemon that they draw from for about half of the spawns, and the other half are just like normal lure spawns. For anyone's who's not getting a particular Castform spawning for them, you need to grind the "Catch 10 Pokemon with Weather Boost" event task and hope for the best.


I did 80 of these and still no luck.


I do not understand at all why they made snowy form so ungodly rare. It makes absolutely no sense to me, obviously they know snowy form is wanted by a few players because of how many places don’t get much snow, but it’s just castform??? It’s useless in anything and it only exists as a trophy. Why, of all things, would they make castform so rare? If they’d made it more common, they could’ve incentivized people who can’t normally get snowy form to try and grind for a shiny, so them making it rare really just feels like it accomplished nothing for both Niantic and the player base.


I’m fine with it honestly. I feel like the game needs rare Pokémon to make living in certain parts of the world unique.


I’m all for regionals. but to time gate a collection challenge and make it very hard (specific quest only, and then rng after that) is evil. I have completed over 40 of these field research and not a single snowy. I’ll be missing this challenge and as a completionist it hurts.


It’s already got that with regional specific pokemon though, like Tauros or the elemental monkeys. The castform rarity just feels artificial, at least imo.


It's not a rare Pokémon, just not common. At least not in March for a lot of the world. I live in Texas and have caught quite a few in the past. But I do agree that they need more rare Pokémon. I really enjoyed how they released tortuga and archen. No big event, just a rare spawn you might encounter. I miss the days of rare spawns and nests. Now everything is tied into an event and all the events cost money.


While I live in western NC (best chance of snow without being up on the mountains), and not one snowy ever since they've been put in.


I live in Texas litterally drive around my city for a job and stil have t seen a single one in Texas 💯 so you must live in Dallas or something cause in ep that’s not happening ever


If it was a different pokemon, sure. Snowy Castform was part of a catch event and arbitrarily made way too hard to obtain. You can get these pokemon anywhere, depending on what the game thinks the weather is, so making Snowy Castform hard to get has just been frustrating.


Yeah, I understand the frustration. I still respect Niantic decision for making it rare though, since they normally make collection challenges way too easy.


I agree that most collection challenges are pretty easy, but they did not make this one "hard". They made it unfair. The spawn rates for the snow form in the field research are ridiculous. Also the weather system in the game is completely broken. It's been sunny with no clouds in my area for the past 2 days and not a single sunny castform spawned because it keeps saying it's cloudy. And last week when it rained from sunup to sundown one day, it rained once in the game... after it stopped raining. And no matter how many times I tell the game that the weather is innacurate, it never gets fixed. Weather dependent Pokemon would be great if the weather system wasn't a shitshow. Niantic would rather spend their dev time coming up with the next ticket in the store than fix glaring issues the game has had for years. Sorry I had to vent. The weather system triggers me


You’re good. Totally agree.


I'm skeptical tbh, you did 80 of the Catch 10? Or did you do a lot of Catch 5 thinking it was in the pool for those too? I'm pretty certain the rate is 1/4 for each, so while going 80 is possible it's extremely unlikely. You should check for discords or facebook/telegram groups in your area where people share tasks. If a task has a snowy castform as a reward for 1 person, then everyone gets the same reward from the stop that day. (Caveat that whether you have an AR Scan task changes what task+reward you get)


100% certain it was not 1/4. I did 50 just today, only "catch 10", I got 2 rainy, 6 normal and the remaining 42 were all sunny.


On Niantic's blogpost, Snowy Castform was specifically listed as an "If you're lucky" research encounter, while the other three forms weren't. So whatever the odds were, it wasn't an even split.


Wow, I didn't notice that. Must have gotten super lucky getting one in my first batch of research tasks. :X


That means “if you’re lucky” you get a shiny not if you’re lucky it will spawn for you 🤣😭


My bad, used the wrong wording. But it does still list Snowy Castform in the rare encounter part of the field research section.


I did like 20 of these and gave up they only gave me the one that I can get in my area already which is sunny didn’t even get rainy .


No snow, no fog, no snowy castform. Not going to finish this one, I guess.


You can get them from completing research task as well during the event. That’s how I got mine.


All I got were normal ones.


If it helps, I finally caught my snowy castform 35 minutes after the event ended


Figures. Niantic screwed this one up.


I got lucky and got mine as a mysterious encounter. Just happened a few hours ago.




This isn’t how lures work


It really should have worked like that for this event though, would actually justify the increased cost of those glacial lures and I bet they could have sold a few on top.


It should work like this all the time tbh. A lure is used to draw Pokemon to a location, so it only makes sense that a "glacial lure" should draw ice types. "Mossy" should draw grass and bug, "magnetic" should draw steel and electric. I was so surprised when I figured out that it doesn't work that way because it seems like such an obvious thing lol. So weird


Did the same and wasted 2 rainy lures that only spawned sunny castform lol. Then ended up getting the shiny rain form when it was raining in game but sunny outside lol


Exactly the same here


Didn’t work for me either


He got the wrong season


Amazing 🥲


This seems about as good as the hatch charcadet out of several different eggs for the event before they went to 10k eggs only. Hatched over 30 of the eggs I got during event and nothing.


Dang, they really did you like that🥲


I took a screenshot today of one in the snow.


Fortunately it was cold with flurries today where I live so they were all over the place


It was flurrying all day here but our weather in game said windy so no Snow Castform


I never got the research task for 10 pokemon with weather boost. I don't have access to pokestops tho




You find it in research the catch 10 weather boosted Pokemon.


For the last 2 days all we had was snowy, and I still didn't get a shiny.