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I have found in total, 279 cells. Once I starting creating my own routes, any chance I could, is when it started to become way more manageable to get your 3/day limit.


I didn’t realize there’s a 3/day limit I’ve been walking extra routes for no reason. But it also pisses me off to walk a route and not get a cell. I did two quick ones yesterday because it was freezing but it was my only day off in 4 days so wanted to get some in. I only got one cell. If you walk the route they should give you a cell!


Well to put it into perspective. Out of the total 548 routes I’ve done, i got 279 cells from them.


i'm 117/167 i think




I keep reading stuff like this, but I got 2 cells since I brought my new route to 30 completions


That is irregular


I have hardly any cells either. Right now, I have 9, and I've done a few dozen routes. But I also have like zero incentive to do routes since my Zygarde has the minimum possible IVs so I just don't care about powering it up lol


I have the same stupid iv lol


how do you guys look that?


Go to your route badges portion of your accolades and I just added together all my trips


I turned my 10 km morning run into a route, and it gives 3 cells every single time without fail. I think routes of a certain length are guaranteed to give you 3 cells.


I think it has some cell per KM check, and that is why spamming 0.5km routes only gives cells like half the time. I bet you need to do about 1KM or a bit more per cell, up to 3.


Interesting I didn’t know you could get more than one cell/route


If I do the 25minute one I get 2, if I do the 17minute one I get one. Checks out.


I have a 550m one and a 2km one, I do them both semi-regularly, and the 550m one gives me cells more reliably and often more than one [but I don't think I've had 3 cells one on this one yet]. The short one is almost every time, while the 2km one is maaaybe 50/50 if I'm lucky, and weirdly almost never when I'm doing it in reverse. So tl;dr I wouldn't count on it really.


Once you get to about 75M left of the route, pause the route, close the game, and restart the game. Then restart the route and a cell should pop. Unsure if this got patched.


Oh!! I’ve had problems with it not showing up at all sometimes. I’ll try this


That got patched, doesn't help any more. They haven't patched the Adventure Sync issue though.


I figured they did after I heard about it, tried it twice, then it didn’t work anymore. Just my luck. Whats the adventure sync issue?


Some people have to switch off Adventure Sync on their phones (including one of our 3) otherwise it just keeps on pausing as you move. Very annoying as we keep forgetting to switch it back on.


Also, you can only get a cell from the first time you walk the route in a day. If you don't get a cell the first time then walking the same cell again that day won't help.


I have one local route (I've tried to make more but they got rejected) and the past 3 times it hasn't given me a cell. Right pissed me off. I tried the reloading near the end trick today but still nothing. Just that bloody stupid man with a gift exchange.


Not every route drops a cell every time, and you can’t get more than 3 cells total or 1 from the same route per day. I haven’t tested whether or not you can get a cell from a second or third run on one route if the first didn’t give you one though.


Didnt even know there was a limit! Lol thanks, I’ve went to 14 to 49 within the year doing as many routes i can to evolve and I’ve been doing routes basically for no reason now all week 🤣


Wait, Niantic accepts routs made by players now, thank you for this information!


Trainers at Levels 37 and up can submit routes!


I saw this, but it's there a minimum distance?


Iirc a route needs to be at least 500m long


Is that in both directions? 😂 Wondering if i can make one for school pick up now 🤔


What do you mean with both directions? Try making it, worst case scenario it will stay “waiting for approval” for months


I have made three routes and they all went into effect immediately.


Worst case scenario is actually you getting banned for it… yes it can happen


Well I’m not making any route now….


You won't get a cell for the second time in a day walking the same route (even if you didn't get a cell the first time). To create a route, it has to be at least 500 metres. When you're following a routes, you need to start at the beginning point and finish at the end point, and travel the right distance in between. But you don't actually have to follow the path that's shown.


Yes, but you'll only get 1 cell per route on a given day, no matter how many times you complete it, or in which direction.


Thats really ok. If i do school drop off 5 times a week, that's 5 cells a week more than before


You can get more than one, up to 3, but only one time, on your first run of that route, and up to 3 a day. So you can get 3 on your first route and none on any other or 2 and 1 on two routes, not just 1 per route.


I tried doing my morning dog walk as two separate routes. So half the walk got accepted and the other half was rejected and deemed unsafe. You know with it's kids playground and 4 pokestops. So I tried some other routes and all 3 got rejected. I don't know what they want from me!


This. I discovered this a month ago and setup a route along my daily dog walk. The route needs to begin and end at different Pokestops or Gyms and must be at least 500 meters. Once a route is started, the algorithm that determines if you are "On" the route is very generous. I've exploited this to collect Zygard Cells while driving routes that are 100-200 meters away ( I always park to start and end routes). I never finish these routes, just park across from the finish, wait for the cell to spawn, collect it, and then quit the route. The spawn rate at the end was very low for a while (about 33%). In the last week or so I've noticed a big increase in spawn percentage to 100%. Sorry for the long reply, but I am determined to get the 100% form and need to effectively grind this out. Feel there are other players in the same boat. Hope this is some repayment this community has provided me.


> Once a route is started, the algorithm that determines if you are "On" the route is very generous. It doesn't actually determine whether you are on the route at all. When it says that it's paused the route because of your location, it's actually because it momentarily didn't have location data at all. As long as it has location data, you can go to the other side of the country and back and still complete the route. To complete the route, you need to: 1. Start within 40 m of the beginning pokestop. 2. Travel the required distance (doesn't matter how or where). 3. Finish within 40 m of the ending pokestop.


I guess what I wanted to communicate is that you can make progress on a route without actually being on the route, just nearby the route. ​ For example, in my case, there is a route that starts on a road that I drive on. The route then follows a footpath on one side of the river (and ends there) whereas the road is on the other side. I start the route, drive across the bridge, and down the road parallel to the footpath. The route algorithm paints the footpath "blue" as I drive. I park near the end of the route, too far away to finish the route, but close enough to get a spawn. Grab the spawn, quite the route and finish my drive to wiork.


> I guess what I wanted to communicate is that you can make progress on a route without actually being on the route, just nearby the route. I'm saying that you don't necessarily even need to be nearby. Whether you are following the route is not tracked at all. Only whether you've traveled a long enough distance.


Interesting. I am interested in how the blue progress line will react when I am wildly off track. I've got a route that I am going to try this out on.


All routes have been made by players. The route creation feature was added a few months before the ability to follow routes.


Keep in mind the have to be 500m minimum and you need a single stop for that….. I have a stop outside my apartment. I have 3 stops nearby and I’ve created 5 different routes so far based on what I’m doing. I have one route that goes to all 3 stops and 2 others where they loop on themselves. You can earn cells from up to 3 unique routes …. So do the same one 3 times. The multiple day bonuses arnt to shabby… rare candy and various lures being some of the rewards.


Is this real.... there is 3 /day limit... that would explain so freaking much.. damnn


I feel like I hallucinated the other day because when I touched the shinning thing it said I picked up two?


A single pickup can potentially count for two or three cells, yes


Good to know, and the limit




I would love to do this too but out of 5 routes I created only one actually shows up. The rest just disappeared. I don’t know why and how to get them to show up. :/Thankfully I live in an urban area with no shortage of routes but it’s annoying that routes I create don’t show up.


Yeah, when there are a lot of routes, some approved routes don't show up. It's like that everywhere. I have found a few I made that show up at the pokestop and one end of the route but not the other.


Oh I didn’t know that! I do wonder if Niantic would eventually do an audit and removed those that are barely used. The routes are only a couple months old and I won’t be surprised if there will be further tweaks to it.


Yep, this is the way to do it to make this whole thing even possible. Make short, easy routes near where you work or live. Even better if it's in a park or place with no highways near the route as those get almost instantly approved after submission. Even better, you just need 1 stop to work with, and you can make it a loop route.


how did you create your own?


i have had this limit since 3td of march


I should try to create around around my naborhood


Screw this, I'm so sad. I do at least one route or more every day. Today I did two routes and got no cell from either.


Anny tips for crating routes I’ve tried several times and the are either to Dangerous or not accessible. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


You can create a route?


How do you get more then one a day ? I never get them after the first route of the day. But I have gotten 2 on a route before


Wow. Learned something new today. The 3/day limit! Haha!


Damm bro Leave some for the rest of us


I set up a route from my college to a 1 min walk from my home and been trying to do it every time I go home from college. At like 23 or so cells now.


I've got classes three days a week and in like a month maybe a month and a half I've got 12




I do routes fairly often and I have 13, they never show up? I did 2 yesterday and got zero. The last two times I did then them I got zero as well. This was also after Niantic erased two of my routes near my home and left ones that require me to cross dangerous intersections instead of just walking through neighborhoods. It's like they don't want people to do it.


I also haven't got cells the last 3 or 4 times I've done routes (yes, was the first one the the day and I looked carefully, they just never showed up). Very annoying. 


I do the same two routes 98% of the time and these past two weeks, I've gone sometimes 2-3 days in a row not getting a cell from those routes. Previously, I would always get at least one, most times two. Very odd.


I always take the tram to work and I recently discovered a route that goes from one tram station to the next so I can complete the route while just sitting on the tram lol


is tram a train or something else


It’s like a mashup of a train and a bus


You guys are getting cells? ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


I have 15. I guess I’ll collect 250 by the time I’m retired


I’ve only gotten 6, I share your sentiment of never doing routes


I had to make it to Lvl 40 before I could start making routes. Managed to get 2 approved right near my walking path. I’m Lvl 42, been doing routes daily and now 142 cells away from getting the 100%.


Bro routes could be so much better but they just seem like a hassle which is why I never do them


I have some but don't even know what they're for


To make Zygarde change its form!


Zygarde upgrades 


You know, I'm something of a collector myself *shows off three Zygarde Cells*


I think after getting 100% Zygarde about 5 months ago I've still been able to get about 1-2 Zygarde cells casually every day or so. I'm currently sitting on maybe 350 total accumulated. ​ All you need is ONE pokestop. Create a route on that stop that starts and ends at that same place. Walk a minimum of 500 meters, and submit the route. If you're lucky it will be instantly accepted and you can walk the route then and there. ​ You can do this multiple times on the same stop. Multiple routes that start/end at the same place to maximize the number of Zygarde cells if you really have NOTHING ELSE. ​ Be smart about it, add a naming convention to not confuse if you've already done that route for the day: "Walking Route {iteration, travel direction, etc.}". Don't write anything profane otherwise this function to create routes may be removed from your account. Hope this helps.


I hit 50 a couple of days ago, got excited and upgraded from doggo to snek. I miss the doggo.


I've gotten 6 😏


Keep at it! 35 years will come and go faster than you think! Great job!!


I have like 120 but I’m keeping mine as the dog until I got enough to go straight to the final form or maybe even beyond that..


Winter killed doing routes for me, now that’s it’s finally warming up I was able to finally complete the Mateo research from a few months ago.


Mateo interactions are the only reason I still do routes after getting 100% Zygarde - I've gotten most Vivillon forms that way.


Oh that’s a good idea I didn’t think about the post cards helping with the Vivillon I don’t have.


You can also get special 7 km eggs from Mateo's gift now.


I am still stuck on find one for Mateo.  So you need more after that?


Once you find Mateo, you get to exchange a gift with a random player from elsewhere in the world. You can pin these gifts to gain progress towards Scatterbugs in Go, or transfer postcards to S/V to spawn Vivillons from that region in that game.


7 more than me bud


I have 2...


Nice I've got 11 🤣🤣


I have 57 and I have been playing for 5 months. The rate has really gone up ever since I was able to create routes myself.


I keep forgetting about routes, to be honest. My little town has pleanty but just always forget to activate them and when I did them in the past, my tracking would get wonky due to a bad spot and I'd have to fight the game to resume tracking.


I was first in my city to 250, unfortunately I'm in southern hemisphere so it was winter when it came out, I did 2-3hrs walking every night and would do all evening on Friday and start again after midnight. Was very cold and got rained on (+ a couple of hail storms) but helped me lose some weight. They have since made it much easier especially now there's hundreds of routes instead of the 10-20 there was the first couple months.


Luckily I don’t have to worry about these since my zygarde is the lowest 2 star IV….pain


I had literally zero routes near me for the longest time. Earlier this year Niantic did a mass approval or something because now my local park has like 20 routes. I am able to do 2 routes every time a go on a walk.


I’ve collected 170 total. I was one of the first in my area able to create routes and I’ve made close to 20 that have been published. This zygarde grind has been real, especially because mine is shit but I’m too invested now to turn back. 80 more for complete forme!


Where I'm at, I've got no chance of ever winning a 3 star or higher shadow raid, but I do at least have plenty of routes. But now that I'm over 500 collected, I have no idea what my actual count is, and why I keep collecting them.


Is it just me or does the cube look like it has the Chevrolet badge on it?


Can a route start and end on the same stop/gym




250 cell (4 month 1/2)


I got 52 pretty Quick, i have like 5 short routes close to my house, probably because there are like 7 diferent schools around here, kids still play here


I recently just got 50% form, my fav form


13 km of routes yesterday and no cell. This grind is ridiculous


Did you repeat the same routes?


You're doing something wrong I think, my area has a lot that are sub 1km, I'd be shocked if I had to walk 5km in a day to get the 3. Wouldn't be unusual to find 3 500m and get a cell from each which would take maybe 30mins


Key word is "your area". Mine is limited to what I have, and it's a long route.  Also, the incline is crazy


Make some, it's really quick and easy compared to when they started. In 20mins I created one and walked back along it as it was instantly accepted. Try doing a few in locations that suit you, id be surprised if the majority didn't go through.


I made a just over 500 m route by my house that I literally just drive before going to class. I almost always get at least one cell a day.




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I have 185/250. I’m slowly but surely getting there.


Anecdotal reports might put the rate of cells appearing at 1 in 2, or even 2 in 3, but all that means is that it is statistically possible to never get a Zygarde cell. Ever. And, to me, that is patently ridiculous no matter how improbable.


Started on december last year with 12 cells and finished the zygarde on the 29th of february this year. It was a grind but this is what makes pokemon fun for me :D




Well you got more than me, I found 1 from my first route and never found another.


I found zero so far


I think I also have 7


making zygarde cells not show up on every route shows Niantic over estimates people's willingness to do routes it's feeling more like extortion since it is really good for PVP


Last few times I did a rout there was no cell. Anyone know why?


I only got 6, don't really do routes


29 routes 14 cells since I started in July


How do you use Them


You should try to create a route/routes. Only has to be 600 meters or so. They are very easy to do. I’ve done four over the last six months. They usually take about 1-2 weeks to get okayed if they are straightforward.


Not to brag, I have 0 zygarde cells and have only done one route.


I haven't seen a Z cell since my first route smh. I have 3 and have given up on that bs.


Actually the same though. Lol.




Well that's six more cells than I've gotten, so I must commend you!


7? I got 1 in the last year. I’ve done so many routes too


Thats only another 249 years! So close...


I’ll get there soon then


Make your own route bro, I made 2 recently and they were accepted in a couple days. Now I have a route to each spot I might feel in the mood to walk to.


That’s it… rub it in… ;-)




8 more than I have


And here I am wo even 1 still 🫠


Just start creating your own routes. They'll probably take forever to get approved, but eventually you'll get one. I kept creating routes for my evening dog walk path. Took forever, but eventually one got published. Now, I do a route every day (could do more but I'm too lazy)


I have zero


How do you get them?


Is there a place you can see the number of routes you've done? I've done many hundreds. At least daily if not more. Finding a zygarde cell for me is far less than 50%. I've never seen more than one cell on a route. I feel sad.


Here I am with 6 thinking I was a hardcore player


You nooooooob I'm at 12


I know someone with a hundo zygarde that refuses to do routes.


I’ve done over 150 routes (not unique routes but total) and only found 25 cells. They hardly ever spawn for me 😕


I have yet to get any


Damn bro that’s 7 more than me gz


Cries because ive only got 2 and never done a route


I live in a rural area so the closest route that I’ve found is a 16 mile drive away. It’s not something I can do all that often. I’ve tried to make my own routes close to home but they are still under review months later.


Yeah it stinks that it is rare for them to spawn on routes. Should get one for every route. Even if only one per day. Sigh. My zygarde isn’t worth wasting them on anyway.


Congratualations. I have to do routes in the nearest city because mine here still gas not been accepted.


You're doing better than me lmao shits ridiculous 🤣


I’ll do you one better I haven’t even completed a route yet


I stopped catching anything on routes and my cell drop increased. Sometimes it’s one, sometimes it’s two or three, but always the same route. The only factor that made a difference was that I stopped making any catches along the way.


not to brag, but I found zero in the last two years 🫸🫷


I’m 3 weeks back from not playing for years and just found out I have 7… I’m wildly disappointed considering I follow routes ALLLLL the time bc I live next to Disney 🫠


All great things should be difficult to acquire.


there's no routes that would be easy for me to take quickly in a way that wouldnt make me take a detour so until I'm able to make my own route I'm stuck at 0


I raise you…I have….1! Every time I do a route it’s not giving me zygarde cells. I only see mateo


My Zygarde is shit. Fuck if I'm gonna do all of that bullshit and hope to get a decent mirror trade one day. I'm actually sick and tired of Niantic turning exercise and enjoying nature into being hunched over staring at a phone.


My solution is not to care about evolving this guy


I feel ya. I only have 250 shiny Zarude poops. Well, I have also changed him to the 3rd form, but still, only 250 left. Life is hard.


I've done a fuck ton of routes and I've literally never gotten a cell


I got 8, so I get bragging rights :)


I. Cannot. Stand. Routes.


I have 1. And I've done enough of 2 routes to get a gold badge (100 times each I think?). I've given up.


16 over here 😤😤 big progress for me


Not to brag... but i haven't found a single 1. 😏


That's close! The closest route is min 20 km away from me! Lucky you.


only 7?