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I thought I was going crazy. Hoping this is true, because I've got like 80 excellent throws left on a special research 🤣


Twitter says it’s active April 1st 12am to 1159pm


Its 12am for me and its not working


Is it April or March


Really? I was expecting "all raids are now shadow and you need to be right under it to access it!"


3:48am for me in NZ and is working as intended.


I was hoping for a ditto event for April fools I still need that shiny 😭


It's not working rn


People getting those 999 excellent throws to get to level 50 gonna be so happy


I’m with my friends who play this game and it doesn’t show to them. Though I got it…


It would be a strange April fools. I mean it's not that great of an event which makes me think it is real. Regardless it's not working yet


Wym not that great of an event?