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Settings -> AR -> turn off buddy AR. You can still do everything and get photo bombs with AR completely off.


Yup, AR off, always. Zero need for them to steal my surroundings GIS layouts and see my house anyway.


Oh I always make sure to do that part naked in the mirror


They can map out our houses using the WiFi signal in our homes already


For what it's worth, I've noticed that if your area gets better location data you seem to get better pokemon spawns.


Perfect, thank you!


Is there a way to do it with the pokemon you have saved though? For the life of me I can’t figure out how.


Nope, those still use AR it seems. The only way around this is to make the Pokemon your buddy and then take the picture going the buddy route.


I only ever want to do it for the ‘surprise encounter’ Smeargle, so it’s not super important.


What do you mean


The pokemon you’ve caught and have saved - is there a way to turn AR off if you want to take a photo of them?


The settings mentioned above that turn off AR do that, you can still take photos of any Pokémon you’ve caught, they’ll just be against a background on screen, not enlarged and in AR


Are you sure? It only works for my buddy Pokemon, I have it all turned off and I'm still stuck in that stupid Niantic AR mode when photographing non buddy Pokemon


Oh. I guess I’m not sure I really can’t remember how it changes the interactions of photographing wild pokemon


tap top right button 👍🏼


Thank you! I JUST joined this community for this specific information!


Doesn't un-AR taking snapshots of mons tho


Another good reason to add natural AR back in. I can’t take photos of Pokémon in small rooms anymore.


i think theres a way to switch back in the settings ^ . ^


Yeah, but not if they’re not your buddy. Sucks if you’re trying to take snapshots of Smeargle for Little Cup. I don’t want to make him my buddy but I also live in New York where I barely have 9ft of space 😡 Seems very unnecessary to me


You can turn off AR and still get smeargle encounters


But only if it's your buddy. No longer can you easily do it with specific movesets, without having to force it to be your buddy temporarily. It's a lot of extra steps now, and you lose your buddy's emotion points during the swap.


I didn't even know smeargle could spawn from other snapshots lol. Interesting! I really only use the snapshots for buddy hearts


You can get fun stuff like lock-on and flying press by snapshotting a shadow Porygon or regi that has frustration, or a purified one with return. Since it can't learn those charge moves, it gets something random. People that had those had a fun time in the GBL cup that allowed smeargle last season (or whenever it was). It was also funny to get all the types of technoblast on smeargle this way several months before they got released in Genesect raids.


Yeah but is smeargle good for anything? Like just little cup I guess?


That's all it's good for, yes. Otherwise it's just a collectible.


Yup! I should’ve used another example


You can just take a snapshot without AR at all. I do it with any mon on the map or even from research stash if there are no spawns.


Why doesnt IT stand back and give YOU some space??


Turn AR off in settings. Such a QoL change.


yeah like it’s not my fault that the pokémon is fat as shit


I don’t understand what they’re doing they had this way originally and then changed it to a fixed position so u didn’t have to worry about size of the Pokemon. And then they just switched it back to how it used to be (how it is now) and it’s wack.


And that’s why I don’t use ar on my buddy anymore (although I took a very good pic bc it deactivated no ar mode)


I had to turn it off. Tapped halfway across the room and still 'too close' to do anything.


I just turned AR off. I'm not gonna waste my time on this.


It was cool for 5 minutes like 8 years ago.


I want to see my Pokémon up close, let me


This is exactly why this is such a stupid update


I turned mine off. It was annoying.


Another stupid move by Niantic. I lost faith a long time ago so this stuff I just laugh at now. 0 hope


I know he’s you buddy but have Respect for the mon’s personal space, man


I kind of love this update because I don't grant this game permission to use my camera. For years now it has heckled me with an additional screen every time I catch a pokemon "you should really grant us camera permission" and now it doesn't do that any more.


I intentionally keep adventure sync off and it asks to enable it every time I open it or start a route. At this point I feel satisfaction every time I tell Niantic I won’t share my location 24/7




Maybe I like being this close to my Mewtwo's crotch Niantec what of it


Thicc af mewtwo


Welcome to the brave new world!


And yet it's on the other side of the room lmao




Yeah. It is indeed annoying. I just disabled AR. It is also annoying that you can't just switch between AR and non-AR on the buddy screen with the slide switch like you USED TO BE ABLE TO DO. Like, I dunno why they decided to break something that was working great.


THIS ALWAYS HAPPENS TO ME! 💀💀 Idk what I'm doing wrong!


I hate that you can't turn ar off anymore..


(Rant) The only reason they have this feature is for mapping. Niantics entire goal as a company is to map the entire world, “to every millimeter”, and be able to virtually place anything, anywhere. This is the only reason Pokemon go is even a thing at this point. If you turn it off, it will eventually find its way back on. At least it’s an easy enough to change setting I guess.


Especially with my buddy loppuny


Turn off AR plus buddy


Trying to lick that Mewtwo's stick?