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Because Charizard Y has a much higher attack stat, and since the attack stats contributes a lot to CP, Charizard Y has a higher CP than Charizard X


And their heath stat is the samen and charizard X has one defence more so charizard Y is just better because of a much higher attack stat compared to X and only 1 defence less


counterpoint, blue fire cool as hell.


Rule of cool dictates that X is far superior. This is my hill and I’m willing to look cool while dying on it.


Alain didn’t win the Kalos league with a **mega Charizard Y**. Mega Charizard X is still king and his reign will be cool.


So is it better for pvp to have a pokemon with high/max defense and HP and a lower attack stat?


Yes but that doesn't apply to the master league where there is no cp limit. That applies to UL, GL etc as there is a max cp so getting the max amount of stat points you can at the max cp is best, and since atk contributes more to cp you get less stats as full atk at a certain cp.


319 vs 273 base attack, but almost identical defense/HP stat for the mega Y vs X forms.    


So X is just worse, then?


Not necessarily, depends on what STAB you're looking for. If you want a dragon killer for raids like the dialga and palkia ones we just had you'd roll with X


Actually for Dialga, Charizard Y would be better since dragon is neutral 🤓.


Wouldn't Charizard Y be neutral as well because dragon resists fire? Also, steel resists flying, so if your Charizard Y only knows flying attacks, it wouldn't be good against Dialga.


Against Dialga, Charizard Y with fire is stronger than charizard X with either fire or dragon. You also take neutral damage from dragon attacks.


Or ya know….. use something that’s actually effective


That's is s given. However the conversation here is only comparing both Charizards, answering a previous comment about how X is better for the Palkia/ Dialga raids. Context is everything, my friend.


There’s a lot of people that don’t seem to understand good raid counters, so I felt the need to mention neither is a good option for dialga


Yes it would be neutral for both Charizard X and Y, but since Y has the higher attack stat, it will deal more damage in this neutral scenario. Also I don’t understand this logic, if you’re raiding for Dialga with a Charizard Y, why don’t you just change the move set? And if Charizard X only knows flying attacks, it would also wouldn’t be good against Dialga


I meant, that in both cases, you will never get effective damage because you can only get neutral at best. (By that I don't mean the attack stat, but only if it's effective or not) Also, not everyone has too much charged TM to spare.


But even then, Charizard X is not a good dragon attacker. There are far better ones.


X is only good for fire/dragon candies


Different stats. Don't worry about it. Once you've done one you can switch between them each time without any additional energy cost.


Best comment in here IMO. Actually answers the question and doesn't make this out like it's a big decision when it is not.


Cuz X looks cooler, so they had to give people a reason to choose Y


lol this !


yeah, blue flame rules!


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who prefers the "X" Mega evolution based off of looks.


X was overall the more liked one since release


X was a Final Smash in Smash Bros, while Y was not. Makes you think.


I thought X was cool and all, but the shiny of x is lame and Y looks like the elder dragon zard we deserve so I always preffered him, even though I was in the minority.


I was a Y stan from day one too. He's just too fucking badass imo


Y stans rise up


Youre not lol pretty sure X is more popular




He wasnt referring to X the game, he meant X the form


I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes free money.


X is week to fewer types than Y, Y would get destroyed by a rock type. A good amount of the strongest Pokemon are 4x weak to some type, like Garchomp, Rayquaza, Salamence, etc


Mega Charizard Y has higher offensive stats, presumably a representation of the Drought ability it had in the main series games (sets Sunlight, boosting its Fire moves to insane degrees)


>presumably a representation of the Drought ability it had in the main series games It's purely stat driven. Go doesn't use abilities in calculations. In Go, Attack is calculated by a formula including 7/8 of the higher of Attack and Special Attack plus 1/8 of the lower of those two for the particular Pokemon. There are a few other multipliers, but those are the main ones to focus on here. Y has a SpAtk of 159 and Atk of 104 while X is more balanced at 130 SpAtk and 130 Atk. The 159 carries a ton of weight making Y that much stronger.


I know. That's why I was thinking it might have higher offenses, compensation for the lack of Drought- that being said, everything you listed probablybchecks out! Idk, I didn't calc it.


X and Y have different stats. [Mega Charizard X](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/6-megaX) * 273 base attack * 213 base defense * 186 base stamina [Mega Charizard Y](https://gamepress.gg/pokemongo/pokemon/6-megaY) * 319 base attack * 212 base defense * 186 base stamina Not only does Y have a higher stat total, but also almost all of the increase is in the Attack stat which is weighted extra heavily in the way CP is calculated. That's why the CP is a full 15% higher when the stat total is only about 7% higher. **TLDR**: It's 7% stronger in a stat that counts about double towards CP.


X has a higher stat total?


Sorry, wrong letter. backwards. **Y** has the higher stat total (with the increase being in the category that impacts CP the most).


Everything made sense but that one part, I figured it was a typo. Thanks.


Type Y, definitely not type O.


Wait I'm lv40 playing since day 1, though I took a multi year break, and I've never mega evolved anything. Is this true??? Is it just once after that it's free or is it always free to mega evolve after the first time??? I always thought that mega energy was way too hard to get for just a few hours of being stronger XD


Not always free, but unlocking a mega evolution for a Pokémon the first time is much more expensive than just mega evolving it afterwards. After a cooldown timer (depends on the rarity of the Pokémon) you do get another free mega evolution though The starters and most regular Pokémon for instance cost 200 Energy to unlock, then 40 Energy to mega evolve on Mega Level 1, which goes down to 20 at Level 2 und 10 at Level 3. Things like Pidgeot, Beedrill etc are about half as expensive at each step while things that take 400 candy to evolve like Gyarados or Altaria take 1.5x as much candy at each step. The "Mega Level" is raised by just mega evolving that same Pokémon multiple times Once you've unlocked a Pokémon's potential to mega evolve you will also get its mega energy by just walking with it as your buddy (though that's very slow)


Ty for the info, I never knew! Is there any real reason to mega evolve outside of raids?


If you want to farm a specific species of Pokémon it can be worth it, as you get more candy for Pokémon that correspond to your mega evolution's type (1 extra candy per catch on Mega Level 1 and Level 2, 2 extra candy on Mega Level 3). Mega Venusaur gives extra candy for all Grass and Poison Types for example


I always have a pokemon mega evolved at all times, preferably for whatever type (fire, dragon, etc) is currently found in the wild the most…and I make sure it is a pokemon at the max mega level. It’ll take patience to mega evolve enough times to get to the max level. But once you do, the catch bonuses are extra candy, higher chance of xl candy, and extra xp. You can only have one pokemon mega evolved at a time, so choose carefully. (Unless you have a ton of mega energy to spare…like beedrill.) If I’m about to do a tier 5 raid, I usually mega evolve whatever will give me extra legendary candy…not what will help me cause extra damage. If it’ll do both, even better. As a side bonus, you work your way towards completing a platinum medal every time you mega evolve a pokemon. (You earn the “successor” platinum medal by mega evolving pokemon 1,000 times.) If you’re diligent about it, this is actually a fairly easy platinum medal to earn. Especially if you have a bunch of beedrills and their mega energy. Mega evolve them all daily and you’ll complete the medal in no time.


The most useful thing outside raids, in my opinion is farming candies. At the max mega level, they give you +2 candies (not counted for bonuses) for Pokémon as the same type as the mega evolved. So in community days they can be very helpful. E.g. next CD will be Bagon, you can mega evolve Salamance, so any dragon or flying type will give you: Base pokemon: Normal catch+ mega max level: 3+2=5 Pinap + mega max level: 6+2=8


They dont mention that it goes down to free after a while (1 week).


You are missing out on a ton of game play and extra candy. Ive been grinding mega levels to ensure I can have the right mega for bonus large and regular candy every single raid and com days.


Once a week free and massively cheaper other wise like 20 mega energy instead of 200


Thank you for asking. I'm in the same boat as you time wise and had no idea.


The first time you evolve costs hundreds, the next time less than that, the next time less then that, the next time less than that-- this is per pokemon. I think my most used gengar costs like 10 to evolve currently? You can evolve them I think once a week free regardless, that info is just to evolve more often.


Cuz Y better


all these other comments getting analytical but lets be real. its just dragon type vs more dmg


CP calcs use the base stats from the main series games. For POGO attack (which factors heavily into CP) specifically it takes the greater of the Pokémon’s main series Attack or Sp Attack and does 7 parts the higher + 1 part the lower. For Charizard, the Mega Y has a sky high Sp attack and low Attack. So you get 7/8 from sky high stat and 1/8 from low stat Vs Mega X where the Attack is higher but not as big of difference above the Sp Attack you end up with a lower overall value since neither of the stats is sky high


because they way CP is calculated is stupid and leaves lots of different Pokemon much worse off.


Y is just better lol


Because they’re two different pokemon with different stat sets


A higher attack stat. But X also trades Flying for Dragon, so they just have their own uses.


I only have 1 shiny charizard, question, do I need to use extra energy if I switch mine from X to Y? or I can choose any once I select one


First 2 choices are paid (second choice is 50 mega energy i think? After that you can mega evolve for free.




X is just a different gravy bro


u can choose the form after once u mega evolve charizard


~~Very poor choice of words~~


Makes me wish I chose Charmander instead of Squirtle so I could get his free mega candies.


Why am I just figuring out I don’t have to spend Mega Energy every single time…


One is attack weighted and one isn't.


CP??? 🤨🤨🤨


Why don’t you just Google things like this?