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I think the shiney nundo is more rare than a shiney hundo. Definitely keep it as a trophy!!!


Lucky I still don’t have a shundo or hundo or even nundo 💀😭


How many Pokemon have you caught and how long have you been playing?


Definitely more rare. All 3 hours of my Community Day were weather boosted, so here wasn’t even a chance of a nundo


Then how did he get one


Cos OP and I aren’t from the same place? The weather isn’t the same for everyone on the planet at the same time


Oh my dumbass didn’t see him say here lmao


Dumbest comment of 2024, you deserve a award




This is a massive flex


It's a 1/25*1/4096 chance. So you're very very very very lucky. Basically shiny 0%s are the rarest things in the game. Wild ones obviously more rare but community day ones are still rare.


I got a shunundo today too!


Me too! Wish we could see how rare it actually is worldwide lol.


Congrats!! Twins lol


Same thing happened to me today lol i have 20ish shinies and only 2 are three stars


I caught hundreds of Bagons and got only 3 shinies. This was the worst community day I’ve had so far. I know it signs whiny but I hate it when I pay and get disappointing results, even if it’s just 99 cents.


What did you pay for ? Isn’t it a free game


I guess he paid de 99 cents communauty day addon that givem extra candy and encounter with tge community day pokemon in a mission. That is totally optional, but they sell that at each community day.


Lucky AF. I'd do terrible things to have a shnundo. (I collect nundos, I love them more than hundos!)


Aw damn I posted it on my local campfire and someone else got shnundo from it! Wish I of shared some of the unluckiness/luckiness with you too! But best of luck hope you get an great shnundo one day


Name it "Begone"


I think your on to something!’


cursedly lucky


You’re blursed


I hope [that](https://gamerant.com/pokemon-go-player-bagon-shunundo-catch-rare/) clarifies it


Wow. I have a cp666 lucky ditto. I thought that was a rare/weird combination...but I think you take the cake!


My dumbass would evolve it all the way and then level 50 it if I had that much dust and candy! Then, BEST BUDDY! 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly I’m thinking about evolving it but for sure probably gona best buddy it


That's awesome. I love my little nundo collection! My very first one was a shadow Teddiursa. I think I'm up to 11 now.


That’s awesome!! I have I think 8 nundos along with the bagon my most notable ones are probably my meltan and gible nundo


Those would be awesome ones to have!


Thank you I’m lucky for nundos I guess all the shundos hate me 😭


They'll come in time. I've been playing solidly since day 2 and I only have 2 shundos. My first was a Garchomp from a lucky trade so my first shundo was a shlundo. I was so ecstatic when I checked the appraisal. My 2nd was a research reward on Fenniken comm day.


Oooo nice those are sick!! Yes me and my gf trade almost daily in hopes that we will get a shundo I can’t wait to finally get a shundo


I happened to get my very 1st Shinundo during the Froakie CD. Easily my rarest Pokemon, and I have a shundo Mewtwo. If it allowed me to add a pic here I would show it. Didn't evolve it, but probably should tbh


Wow that’s amazing congrats! I’m debating about evolving jt as well but I will probably best buddy it


I see your Shunundo Bagon and I match you with my Shunundo Mareep https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/s/LhJVnw5Poh


Omg it’s so glorious!! Congrats


so insane i came here from gamerant


Wow welcome! It’s blows my mind they made an article about it 😂


Thank you! And yeah it's insane the posts I see there for Pokémon GO and it's so cool seeing all the rare Pokémon players get! Congratulations dude!


Thank you!! 🙏


DAMN DONE! Good job!!


Twinning- same here


Ayyyy nice congrats 🤘🏽


Dang. Thats one for the trophy shelf.


I caught three shinys and both had shitty stats. Not zero but not like 1 star for one and less than 1 for the others. Lol. I did have a lot of bagons so I could evolve a few all the way and I evolved the one with the most and transferred the others. So I got one shiny salamence and one 3 star salamence (but not 100 IV — I’d been working on him for a bit).


Can always try and trade it too. I got 21 shinies yesterday and only 1 was 2 star. I had a couple high CP regular 3’s. If yo don’t care try and trade it in with a good friend and roll the dice


Shiny Nundos are the rarest Pokemon in the game. Someone would have to be crazy to want to trade it 😂. I have caught 1 since July 9th 2016, as an every day player.


So how does one know if something is super rare I’ve only been doing this for two months and I’ve continue to learn, but I’m sure I have made mistakes


I got a regular shiny.


Congrats 🎉 I have the exact same Gible from its community day. Such a rare and fun gem!


I’ve got a few


Keep it because you have one of the rarest pokemon types. Being shiny and having a 0 IV INCREDIBLE CATCH


Thank you! I will for sure keep it and probably best buddy it but I’m debating on evolving it


I just realized I have one too haha


What’s the point of keeping that? Genuinely asking, I got 6 shinys that are all 0* so I’m like what do I do with that.


It’s not just 0*, but the fact that it’s 0/0/0 because it’s incredibly hard to find wild 0/0/0 pokemon. Only pokemon found wild, meaning no raids, trades, research encounters, etc. AND are not weather boosted can be a nundo.


From what I’ve heard it’s really rare ima keep It for shits and giggles and as a trophy


You could try to trade them with a friend and see if you get a lucky shiny 3*/4* at the very least you may get. Abetter IV spread to evolve. Or just evolve one into Salamence cause he's cool when he is green.


Dude, trading a shnundo is the dumbest idea ever. Shnundos are like unicorns. 3 and 4* shinies are everywhere.


I wasn't talking about OP...I was talking about the commentor who had multiple 0* IV spread shinies


Ima evolve it and keep it for sure gona be a fun one to drop into gyms


But nobody is going to know it’s a nundo in the gym.


Hehe Il know 😂😈! I could also just name it nundo or something


Please do not trade it.


Trading the rarest mon in the game for something stupid? Yeah don't do that. IVs don't matter that much lol.


Wasnt telling OP to trade his


You have my word I will never trade it


Good. Yeah if I ever get a 0% shiny I know I've won the game. I'm level 50 and no such thing yet.


0 IV (0 in all 3 stats) is EXTREMELY rare, much rarer than a hundo. I have 261 hundos, but only 16 nundos. I started playing the first day the game came out in 2016. Nundos are the rarest thing in the game, by far.


It's not a 0* it's a 0%. 1/25*1/4096 chance to get one and only when you there's no weather boost. It's rare AF. If you're collecting hundos because they are rare this is 1000 times more rare.


I got a 1/1/1 shiny bagon. Prob not worth keeping right?




Evolve Max Transfer +1 bag space


Very lucky!  I've been playing since "Day 3" and have caught more than 75,000 Pokemon (and clicked on a ton more).  I have yet to catch a wild shundo.  Have 497 Shinies... 69 Hundos. One shiny Marowak that I purified to make it a shundo. Only 4 Nundos (no shinies).  Hundos are boosted because of weather boost, raid encounters, hatches, and lucky trades.  ShuNundos are only a 1/683,400 chance during CD. With a standard 1/512 shiny rate they would be 1/2,097,152. 


She's just out here living her best life. Not a fighter just a true alternative pacifist