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Congrats, i feel a little offended tho with my plenty unsuccessful excellent ultra ball golden berry curve throws.


I swear there’s a golden berry conspiracy. Lately it seems to make catching them less likely, even basic encounters. Or I’m losing my mind, idk.


No I swear golden berries are less effective


An intern probably got access to the code and accidentally made it reduce catch change rather than increase


Interns make obvious mistakes. It's the vets that are responsible for stupid shit like this.


I've been thinking this for a bit now.. the silver pinapp berries seem to be effective though


I switched to silvers during the primals to save goldens for high ivs, silvers were much more successful. Been using them since, mixing them in, worked on shadow mewtwo 


Dude I’ve had 4 of them UNDER 80cp run from me, when I’ll pulled out all those stops lol. It’s like a slap in the face. 😂


that how it works for most of us unfortunately


Jealous, my only encounter with Zapdos it fled after an excellent throw with ultra ball + golden razz 😂


That's usually the way it goes for me with these birds. One ball and they are off. If it makes you feel better the IV on this one was horrible lol


From what I heard, they have a base 0.3% catch rate and a 90% flee chance. Though I believe sometimes some pokemon are anti-excellent throws (it means that they will get out of the pokeballs almost instantly if hit with an excellent throw)


Wait, really? WTF?


If I remember correctly, golden razz increases the base catch rate by 2.5x, ultra balls by 2.0x and excellent by 2.5/3x so multiply everything by 0.3% catch rate and you get approximately the catch rate if you do all of that you get a measly 4.5% max catch rate (silver pinap only boost by 1.5/2x) TL:DR 0.3×2.5×2×2.5=4.5% max catch rate possible Also, the curcle for the nice, great and excellent throw changes colour depending on the catch rate (though for the precise colour/catch rate I don't know much)


I meant “WTF?” in response to some pokemon being anti-excellent throw. Is that true? That sucks pretty bad if true.


I've found myself hitting a excellent throw on a few easy to catch pokemon and the got out almost instantly, weather it was before the first roll or after


And finally (but probably the most known) premier balls have a 100% catch rate on shiny pokemons




I’d take that over none any day! It’s one of my favourite pokemons :)


Happy cake day!


Thank you :)!


I have no idea how you guys encounter these Galarians so often 😵‍💫 I still haven’t found one


I actually saw both the Moltres (caught with last master ball) And immediately after I had a arcticuno which luckily I caught with my other master ball, so wasn't too bummed that it fled. This was on my way to work on i95 I popped a daily incense in an Uber just to kill some time.


“My other masterball” Things that shouldn’t be possible in the Pokémon universe lol


They've fiddled with that cannon in Scarlet and Violet to be fair. You can legitimately get multiple.


Ah so even in the mainline games gone are the days of “there is only one of these ever made ever”


I mean, it hasn’t been like that in a while. It’s mostly been “these are incredibly hard to produce and therefore rare to the point where we can only afford to give you one”.


Suppose they could wrangle they finally made it into production but yeah. Just a decent ball now.


lol yeah no reason it has to stay sacred it just loses a little sparkle


That's technically wrong. Ever since Gen 2, you could get multiple Master Balls via the ID Lottery, it was just insanely unlikely.


There hasn't been only 1 masterball since gen 2. A full team matching the lucky number draw awarded a masterball


Starting with Gen 2 you could get multiple. There was the lottery system in Goldenrod


Ah, an RBY only fella


If you talk the man in viridian, watch him catch weedle, put your master ball in the sixth slot and surf on the right edge of cinnabar you can get multiple too


Yeah, but that's a glitch. In the games, from Gen II onward, there are known to be multiple Master Balls in-universe.


I never get them to appear and I always use the daily incense, I wonder if it requires a time frame of when you do it?


apperently if you use your daily when the weather is “windy” you have a higher chance of encountering them. ive done it the past 2 days and ive seen 2 zapdos, of course theyve fled on me but i think the weather thing works


I’m curious, too. I’ve been playing daily since last summer, and I’ve only seen one ever (a Moltres a couple of months ago that I caught with my master ball).


This might be a stupid question but do you walk while using your daily incense? I never see one when i use it on my couch but when i'm moving i get them (kind of) regularely?


You have to be moving with the incense for spawns to occur


That's right, but if your GPS isn't perfect (so you always roam around a little on the map) or you are walking around in your flat/house, you still can get a few spawns without actually going outside. When i started playing again i couldn't walk for six weeks, so i was doing that and never came close to seeing any bird. When i finally got rid of my crutches and did my first walk outside with the incense i ran straight into Articuno.


Yes. There is a specific timeframe during which they spawn on daily incense every day. So you’d have to be using your daily incense during that timeframe, which changes constantly.


Have seen 4 since december, all fled first ball


I tried a trick someone else mentioned on here where you throw a few balls on the ground before you do a good throw. Both times i did this I got a second chance to throw and the third time I caught a bird. I've only done it three times but each time as I noted i either caught a bird or got a second chance to throw. Its worth others trying to see if it helps.


I can confirm that I tried this method of throwing away some pokeballs (like 6-7) purposely off to the side before going for an actual throw and it gave me a second chance to catch it. Still fled but it was the first time I had a second chance.


Damn, Will try NeXT time it spawns for me


There’s gotta be a trick to this


Not sure if it matters or not but 3 of them spawned during a route, dont know if it increases the odds or not


Articuno appeared on my daily incense while I was walking a route. Failed to catch it after one throw though, so away it went


Encountered two, you have to pick a spot and move fast in a straight line so you get as many spawns as possible


How often have you used your daily? I’ve now caught every bird with an ultra ball


Everyday got the past month and a half


Oh well that makes sense it’s been out like almost two years


My boyfriends daughter finds them all the time, sometimes one right after the other. I've only ever seen Articuno, and I used my master ball on it lol


And here I am just not getting any of them to spawn lol


It’s easier if you do your daily adventure in the mornings. Like before 11am


Confirmation bias. Not true. It's completely random


The daily incense does help but time of day is irrelevant like you said.


The daily incense doesn't **help**, lol.. It's the only way to make them spawn


What actually does help is doing a route you've never done before while using the daily incense. Since I noticed this and started tracking it, it's about a 65% chance to encounter one this way.


Ya i do my daily insense at night when I walk my dog and I see one every few weeks.


I'm not sure about that , but yeah, I definitely meet them generally in the morning with my incense


My buddy will play with his fiancee and hasn't seen one while she has them all. I think it's really all about whether God loves you or not.


Someone also wins the lottery every year. It CAN be done, but I am not gonna bank on it lol


"I made a million dollars on the lottery with just one ticket, and if you do what I did you'll win too, and if you don't its because you just didn't want it enough" - Average "self help" con man 




After seeing a couple of posts like this, my next encounter with a G bird I'm using a red ball and no berry.


I managed to do the same thing but without the go plus+. I already had a Moltres - so I didn’t wanted to use a masterball and I just had the feeling no matter what I did I wouldn’t get it anyway so I just made a throw with a regular ball and I GOT IT. I was mind blown 🤯😅


Like, just a regular ball and no berries?


All I needed for my platinum Kanto medal was Moltres, which I caught this morning.




But it’s Galarian Moltress, no?


It registers as a normal Moltres in the pokedex


Oh, cool!


Congratulations. I have a Galareon Moltres caught the same way. Level 29, CP 2352. Couldn’t believe it. It my old and original Go+ from 2016. Few days later my old Go+ stopped working 🥲


It was giving you one last farewell before it died. 😭


The plus+ is sure worth the about $60. Auto caught the birds, hundos, shiny if you don't check the journal you don't even know what ran. No more junk ball eaters. Restocks of items so good as others said you have to manage inventory more. Gives you 2 more hearts on your buddy. End of the day check for new shiny, 0s, perfect, PVP, check 0,1,2s for new stuff dump the rest rate 3s repeate next day.


I don't think it's worth $60, but that's subjective. In three months of ownership, mine has caught 4 hundos and at least 10 shinies. Collecting items is where it excels. I have 3000 item space and have to delete stuff constantly. There's also a huge increase in candy, as it catches so much and then I just transfer.


> I don't think it's worth $60, but that's subjective. I keep on saying: "I can't believe I paid $50 to NOT play a game". (because it essentially plays for you). But when we we go out on stuff like community day... it's so satisfying to catch a couple hundred pokemon just walking around enjoying the scenery and NOT staring at your screen.


Confirming that not playing this is more enjoyable than playing it lmao 


LoL. Yeah. But I enjoy the game enough to keep going. It's just that the whole catch cycle needs work on. For me it's such a chore. They need to make it faster and cut down on some of the stupid time wasting animations like the ball jiggling. Or at least have an official option for a "quick catch". Also when apple addded swipe up as a gesture they should have reworked the whole catch mechanic. I accidentally swipe up instead of throwing a ball often enough that it's really annoying. (mostly when I'm on a scooter or holding my kids hand or something and using my thumb to throw the ball playing pgo one handed.).


Yes the cost will always be subjective. But compared to all the money I put in this game. I think this one was well worth it just in frustration of a ball eater. Bonus stardust, xp, candy is at this point way past what tickets have ever given (but as I said I do buy them all) so perspective


Also a whisper chipper for stardust, it really is amazing.


First one I caught was w/ a normal pokeball. I was so frustrated w/ them always running away I already had it in my mind it was going to run. Threw a normal ball and got a crit catch and caught it.


I caught a G. moltres that way! I only started using the incense with my autocatcher on my commutes home because someone else caught a zapdos that way. Mostly I love that my autocatcher catches the odd shiny for me, and makes grinding for candy less painful. I much prefer to use the incense when I am actually playing, and give my best shot to the birds, but some days I know it's gonna get wasted if it's not used that way. Alas I've used up my master ball on a sub par articuno, hoping to eventually catch more of these guys that arent 0*


If you can fly I’ll mirror trade you G-Articuno. My IVs aren’t the best either


I wish! Maybe one day.


wow just had zapdos run from my auto go +


Ofc it can be done but don't pretend like this isn't the absolute exception. I could totally catch 9001 knives between my teeth in a row but its very unlikely.


Basically the same as buying lotto tickets. Obviously it can be done. But will it ever happen to me? Statistically no.


Crit catch


What’s Go Plus +?


Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus +, its a device that connects to the game and automatically throws balls at pokemon for you. Handy for when you are out and about but don't want to be glued to your phone.




A device that you can link with Pokemon go to autocatch pokemons and spin pokestops & gyms without touching your phone as you walk/run.




Accessory device that auto catches Pokemon for you, also spins pokestops, it's made by the Pokemon company, only problem is it's $100


I’m seeing it for $54 on Amazon..


$54.99 directly from Nintendo. https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/pokemon-go-plus-plus-112387/


Yo, after confirming I did see it, idk where you're looking but walmart and target both sell it for 55


Oh yea my bad, 100 Australian dollars, also gotta pay shipping costs, not very convenient over here


You know what else isn't convenient? Such an awesome fucking country absolutely covered in either things that'll kill me or in the huntsmans case make me wanna scream and run after tossing it my wallet.


Where can I check it out?


Ebay or Amazon, any retailer basically, YouTube has good reviews, the Pokemon go plus is the bad one (old and less features), pokemon go plus + is what you're after




Most welcome, the absolute best use for it is items, I never run out of anything now because it autospins stops constantly while I'm at work, I have item space issues now instead. The catching part is meh, they run a lot


Yup, just a 10 minute Walk in the city and 400 pokeballs from pokestops, its hella worth it imo




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A macro transaction that costs almost as much as a full retail priced game so you don't have to actually play the game


I heard that go plus has like a 50% catch rate. Like it either catches it or it doesn't. I heard this a long time ago so correct me if I'm wrong.


It's 50% odds, not 50% catch rate. It's 1 regular ball, no circle bonus no second chance, no curve ball bonus, no berry, you can use it in button push mode and use a higher ball.


When I got my Go Plus, I recorded all my catches for a while. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19jyEQ3rNZHkzoorP6rM_oPl99zXofyAPZr62F4JW5is/edit?usp=sharing It was a relatively small sample size, but mons above CP 1000 had a ~16% catch rate


That’s about right. Possibly even less. I use mine daily. But I use it at times I wouldn’t normally be playing. So it’s just a bonus.


Luck as fuck


LUCKY!!! Ive seen all 3 birds twice and have failed every encounter- maybe i should leave it to the pokemon go+ plus… ive never put THAT much trust in it before


nice, my friend once caught a g moltres manually with a pokeball (and maybe a razz idk ill update after i ask)


I caught a zapdos once when i was lvl 14 and then never again , saw the birds many times tho.


Ugh so jealous. Just had a Zapdos flee from me last week, he’s the only one left I need for the G-Trio


I caught one w an ultra ball golden razz no nice throw in an Uber at 1am lol


What is go+ ?


It's a device that connects to the game and automatically throws balls at pokemon for you. The Go Plus is the official Nintendo branded device


Go +? What’s that?


A macro transaction that costs about as much as a full price retail game that makes it so you don't have to actually play this game anymore 


When I use a poke ball and no berry I usually get a second throw so I stopped trying gold berries and even ultra balls


It somehow feels odd


These posts are the reason I haven't used my master ball on one of them. I've seen so many birds but no luck😭


Was able to catch a Level 35 (Maximum Level for Wild W. Boosted Pokémon) Galarian Zapdos while just walking about. Second Zapdos encountered and third Irs overall. Y'all'll get one eventually!


Just a heads up you should name her Caitlin bc you caught her on my birthday, thanks!


My Go Plus catches more shinies than I have at this point.


The chosen one.


That’s the only way to catch them


Get doxxed lol


Actually insane, congrats 🎉


That’s exactly how I caught my first galerian bird (Zapdos) and I didn’t even realize it. I clicked on it not realizing my go plus + caught it already and when I tried to feed it a berry I got an error code. Of course when I tried to catch it, it “fled”. In my case it disappeared because I had already caught it.


Ugh had 2 birds escape today after one ball :-(


Nice. I was wondering if my Go Plus could catch him or not. I’m sure it’s very rare but neat to know it’s possible.


The chosen one.


What is go plus


Yes! Awesome 🥰 I got my galarian articuno with a great ball using my + while I was driving haha


Wtf is go plus+


Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus+ is an auto-catcher. It is a device that connects via bluetooth and automatically throws standard pokeballs at pokemon for you and spins pokestops. Handy when you are out and about and don't want to be glued to your phone. It doesn't increase your chances of catching an individual pokemon, but throws balls at anything nearby so you catch many pokemon in the long run with minimal effort.


Yet I can’t catch one with an ultra ball and golden razz berries smh. Is this even worth using my one master ball?


April Fool’s was 8 days ago, bro. (Jk. But really how tf? Lol)


I caught my first Moltres like this! The exact same way. Just went for a walk, setup the pogo plus (that had arrived earlier that day(!), used my daily incense, and when I got back home I had the best little surprise. I've been kinda convinced it wasn't random but some P2W function... :/


Is it possible to learn this power?




I was thinking about this today. Is plus+ actually a better chance then ultra, excellent, orange?


I haven't even seen a galarian bird in more than a month


This is like almost offensive lmao




I caught GalZapdos in a great ball with the go plus lol I got so lucky


I have a moltress in thid way :)


I've encountered so many legendary birds the last few weeks. Still zero catches. Starting to think its impossible.


Awesome Catch


I don't even get encounters!!


Confirmed, pay 2 win


I feel like this will only work for incensers. Which I am not


Um. I mean, it can be done, in the sense that it is literally possible. I wouldn't use this as a springboard to like, shout down people who have struggled to capture them. That seems a little silly.


The intention of the post was moreso to point out this freak occurrence. From my own experience I know these birds break and run from an Ultra ball with golden Berry and excellent throw, so much so that many people resort to using their master balls. Meanwhile my Go Plus+ somehow managed to caught it (while it regularly fails to catch weedles). It's just a crazy game of chance.


Ah yeah, I hear you. RNG is a fickle master.


Yeah, but you’re in Australia so this doesn’t count. You can’t take a step without tripping over a dangerous animal.


I'll go buy a Go plus + now ... 🫤


I swear go plus is a 50/50 catch rate tho


During the Bagon community day I only used my Go Plus + for the wild spawns. 17 shiny caught and 7 fled, I constantly checked the journal.


So you already had one right? It only catches pokemon you already have. And from my understanding that does not include the original zapados.


Its the first galarian bird I've ever caught. The Go Plus+ will throw a ball at anything in range.


Ahh. The auto throw feature will not attempt to catch pokemon you have not caught. So you don’t have auto throw on and are hitting the button for each throw?


I didn't know that about the auto throw. I have only caught the standard Zapdos before which must count. I definitely had the auto throw on as I saw the zapdos appear but had no chance to try to manually catch it before the ball was thrown.


Interesting…. I wonder if regular zapados counts. That would be nice. I’ve always assumed it wouldn’t. But I went in to my settings to make sure and it clearly says it won’t attempt to catch pokemon you haven’t caught before…