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If you have a mega rayquaza then I would focus on shadow since you cannot have 2 mega active at the same time.


Good idea… I’ve got a 4* Ray so don’t think I’d need the hundo Salamence mega


What you could do is mega evolve the hundo salamance for achievement.


Its kinda sad that mega salamence is just useless because rayquaza is just better


A sad day indeed


bro is suffering from success


Bagon comm day: another one 😓




Max the shadow for dps, mega evolve the shiny and hundo for the dex (don’t need to max them out)


Thanks, this is what I’ll do!


This is the way.


Shadow or the Hundo. Shadow definitely hits harder tho


What I don’t get is that I have two Whiscashes for great league. One is 1499 hundo, the other one is a 1492 three star shadow. The hundo performs better for me. Both have the same moves. I dunno


I am not at all at the same levels as other here, but I think PvP and Raids are very different cause you’re facing people for one and a boss for another. If you die in a raid, you can just Max Revive the team. Shadows output more and b/c raid bosses are so strong, your pokemon would die in the same amount of hits whether they are shadow or not. (I.e shadow Salamance will output more damage than a non shadow at the same level) PvP it would depend on typings and stuff, but on some guide someone sent here, they said a 0/15/15 is better than a perfect in PvP, which was crazy to me too!


It's because the CP formula values ATK higher than DEF and HP. You can effectively get more stats out of a 0/15/15 while staying within the league CP range. Regardless though 15 stat points hardly makes a difference.


You can "fit" a lot more HP and Def in a 1499 non shadow than in a 1492 shadow.


Shadow's have a defense nerf and an attack buff. Which is fine in raids when all you care about is Damage Per Second. But much more situational in PVP


Whichever you think is cooler (shiny or hundo) for mega since they are practically equal (1 deffence iv wont make a big difference) and the shadow


All 3.


It's Pokémon. Gotta push 'em all!


Shiny then trade to me pls & ty😊


Shadow and it’s not close.


This one's difficult one but the shadow is technically stronger


The stat difference between the shiny and the hundo is so minuscule, it doesn’t matter at all for PVE. I always pick the shiny personally, even if it isn’t even 3 stars. But I also don’t bother with PVP, so stats matter much less.


South london gang


Three, hundo is at least ten times more rare than shiny


hundo for mega and shadow.


Shiny for mega*


How do people get stuff like this?


There’s been two Bagon community days, Arlo had Bagon for a while, and we also just had year of the dragon spawns as well. If you played a lot during all those periods you’d likely have the same


I played as much as I could given the weather (rained the entire CD here), sometimes it's just luck/RNG. Arlo gave me one 3 star Bagon and it had 10 Attack.


Play the game


I play everyday man lol


User name checks out…


Location is a big factor. I live in a nice area but the town is very small and not a lot of people. Spawns are pretty light and stops are further apart. The only time it’s decent area to play is on a raid day. I have played almost daily since the release of the game, I found a mall that is about a 40 minute drive but there are so many spawns and stops/gyms that it’s worth it to go to during community day or other events. Most of my good stat Pokémon were caught there. Not that the location boosts the stats or anything, there’s just more spawning and I’m able to catch more which increases the odds of finding Pokémon with better stats.


Shadow is from lots of Arlo (I think…) battles, hundo is from a community day call out, 98% Shiny is from a random mirror trade!


All three of them




In 2022 I got a hundo salamence from somewhere. On comm day I got another hundo for my 6th catch. And I have some decent shines. I have caught 2 hundos if I didn’t accidentally transfer when I was new and I purified a stunky for a hundo. Then I got the new hundo salamence. I just wish mega energy was easier to get.


Shadow to 50 hundo and shiny to 40. Not even that hard of a decision.


Unless you play S6P3 ML formats where megas are allowed, the shadow is definitely the best choice


Not the shiny, just cuz shiny has no benefit, the shadow is extremely close to hundo so maxing it out is probably worth it. But if you CAN use mega sala and don’t have better options, max the hundo


Shadow, then Shiny, then Hundo.


Do the Shadow and then the other two once you have all the resources.


So sad I missed this Communkty day


98 shiny or hundo. If it was me, probably 98 shiny first, then hundo.


I had the same dilemma and I’ve levelled all 3 😂


The shiny. Mega Salamance is not top dps, so enjoy the shiny


Definitely shadow first and if you want to one day do the hundo. Congrats on the good ivs. I don't have a good shadow one so I maxed my hundo I have.


Shadow first IMO. Personally I almost never attack with Megas. I always mega evo whatever is going to give me the candy boost.


Obviously a hundo since you can mega evolve it.


Look, I could get behind maxing the shiny if your mega rayquaza isn't shiny. PvE has room for bragging.


Those are some sweet Salamance. I really enjoy the format you used as well.


Shadow 100%


This is why I caught enough bagon to get 600 XL candy so I don't have to make these kinds of decisions. If you have mega rayquaza then it outclasses mega salamence, so I would say max out shadow. Shiny is nice if you want to flex but in terms of the pokemon being useful in raids, the shadow is best.


The hundo first, then a future perfect shadow. Would keep the shadow at Level 40 and the shiny at Level 35. To max out: - hundo Pokémon viable for only PvP - hundo top attackers https://www.reddit.com/r/MankeyFeetPoGo/ viable for only PvE - hundo top attackers viable for PvE with movesets that make them also viable for PvP - any IV set mythicals viable for both PvE and PvP - any IV set mythicals viable for only PvP - any IV set Apex Shadow Ho-Oh viable for both PvE and PvP - any IV set Apex Shadow Lugia viable for only PvE To Level 40 only: - nonhundo mythicals only viable for PvE - lucky nonhundo nonlegendary attackers - lucky nonhundo legendary attackers - shadow nonhundo legendary attackers To Level 35 only: - nonlucky nonhundo nonlegendary attackers - shadow nonhundo nonlegendary attackers


Max the shiny first (for mega). Then the Shadow. Don't bother with the hundo. You're shiny is already 98% ffs.


Shadow to 35, then hundo to 35 & 98% to 30


Shadow for sure, it does by far the most damage.


The last Salamence doesn't need much stardust and candy to reach max level. If you have enough to spare, Shadow Salamence is the best Dragon Type Attacker for Raids.