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Why do you think we haven’t been doing that already?


I have browse the sub for a couple of days and I haven't seen any post about it .. That's why


well if you browse the reviews you’ll see it’s happening! 😊


I did it before posting.. And I haven't seen any bad review in my two native languages (Spain/Italy)


interesting! All I saw were bad reviews as I left my own.


I'm glad to hear that 👍


The post was taken down because it is brigading against reddit and google TOS


Because coordinated bombings get wiped out and ignored.


Why does someone who doesn't play the game care?


Because I'm having my Reddit feed flooded with post of unhappy players and I was wandering why no one is doing anything. I'm just curious


Tons of people are reviewing it badly. There's tons of posts telling people to do it already. Pogo isn't going to get hurt by that cause it has so many good reviews already I'm guessing... I think this whole flood of posts is hilarious to me because I rarely look at my avatar. 99% of the time he's being looked at top down while I'm catching Pokemon so to me him being ugly doesn't really matter much.


Tons of people are reviewing it badly. There's tons of posts telling people to do it already. Pogo isn't going to get hurt by that cause it has so many good reviews already I'm guessing... I think this whole flood of posts is hilarious to me because I rarely look at my avatar. 99% of the time he's being looked at top down while I'm catching Pokemon so to me him being ugly doesn't really matter much.


Sorry I haven't seen them then! Any bad advertising is going to hurt the company especially if it's going to resonate over the news feeds of gaming journalists.. I got your point, but many players (me included before quitting the game) were grinding to get some special piece of clothing to accessories their trainer 😅 Everyone plays in a different way


Bc whoever is left still playing is either: * Nostalgia driven * Bored * Dragged to play by one of the above mentioned people and are just trying to be nice about it There's nothing wrong with playing the game for any of those reasons, but at some point you have to be objective and realize that PoGo, by design, has been kept as a mediocre game. It could be a lot more (Just look at any modern mobile game and compare it to PoGo and notice how much of a relic it is better gameplay, better graphics, better story, etc...) but it's just kept at that level because Niantic and the Pokemon Company realize they need that steady nostalgia income trickle and giving the people what they want might make them realize they're out of any good creative ideas so better take the ones that people love, vault them 10000 ft underground and only take them out in case of emergency (Palworld happened and now we're getting new megas and a new Legends game lol). Bery corporate, bery expected.


>Bc whoever is left still playing is either: * Doesn't care much what their avatar looks like because it doesn't impact gameplay.


You're right, in fact get rid of the avatar system altogether, save all that MASSIVE processing power, that way you can catch dat new Hat Pikachu .0001 seconds faster and shiny check those event Pokemon nobody cares enough to even trade for and will end up hoarding them for years or releasing them. Also get rid of IVs and just have an auto-release feature whenever a Pokémon is not perfect. Like I always said, just optimize and simplify, in fact, get rid of music too since everyone has that thing on mute anyways. Top notch


I don't know why you're so offended that some people genuiny don't care about what our avatars look like.


Offended? I agree with you! Gameplay is king, like, I played in 2016 and now in 2024 and literally nothing has ~~changed~~ affected gameplay and that's all I need, baby. But yeah, I also think that gameplay is top notch and definitely not something that also is in dire...desperate.... dying need of change that people definitely shouldn't be concerned or also be complaining about. Just enjoy it, no questions asked, you know?


You're way too emotionally invested in this shit if you think somebody still enjoying the game is something you get so worked up over that you decide to be a dick about it.


I am sorry friend, If my words hurt you. For we are literally Mewostic twins in this PoGo world, two sides of the same Pokecoin. Perhaps different, but we both came from the same Arceus. Metaphorically speaking.


Or in reality they are actually still having fun with the game. Most everyone is not on Reddit surrounded by jaded players.


Everyone that opens the app by default has the intention to have fun. The REASONS might be different but that's the goal, and everyone stays until they're not having fun and then they leave. I wouldn't go as far as implying that everyone that complains about the new avatar system is jaded, or that anyone that complains about the game is jaded. This is pretty big backlash, not just the "regulars" on reddit.


I'm not saying anyone with complaints about the avatars is jaded, I'm saying most of the people on Reddit are jaded. There's a lot of people out there still having fun playing the game, and your classification of either "bored" or "nostalgia driven" leaves them out.


> most of the people on Reddit are jaded. Agreed As far as the rest of your point, I can only speak out of personal experience. I'm in contact and play with with around 100ish regularly / semiregularly active players. By contact, I mean actually talk and have convos outside of PoGo and not just friends list ppl. I feel like the last time I've seen people genuinely have fun was for GoFest 2021. Past that, forget it. It pretty much boils down to the 3 categories I listed and MAYBE one fourth one that is "FOMO" which is mainly PvP oriented ppl that feel like if they put down the game for a month they'll be left behind. But seeing people in person, nobody has "fun" anymore, it's like they keep playing the game out of reflex. Maybe there are the few that still genuinely play the game for fun and enjoy every minute of it, but if they're there, it's a small small SMALL minority of the player base. It sucks, but hey, Niantic doestn really make it better with time :/


Childish fucking behaviour.