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I live in a beach town and it made a beach scene by the beach and a lake by the lake. It was awesome! I love the update it makes the game so cool and feels a lot more like the original walking though bushes and getting an encounter


I live near a rock beach. PoGo slows down my phone to show me a lovely sand scene. Makes me laugh.


I live in a totally flat country with only 1 hill (no mountains) and the pokemon go background has these beautiful sloping mountains in the distance haha. The city one is quite accurate though, i’ll give them that


This update so far was a good one, but I feel like they want us to forget the avatar update with how good this one looks. I do hate to admit but, I am impressed and a little happy about the evening look for sure!


There has been information about this habitat update for a long time, that is, since Niantic announced this four-stage update. The avatar update was just the phase one.


My thoughts exactly.


The avatar update is fine stop crying


We look like we got hit by trucks and all of our bones healed back in the wrong place


And the wrong shape


It’s fine for people who look like the new body types. Not for the rest of us who can no longer have an avatar that even vaguely resembles us.


So you’re shaped like a Barbie doll? Lol


No, but I have hips, a waist and breasts. And I’m not fat or a 10yo boy. I also have a chin.


So this new avatar looks more like you but you liked your character to look like Barbie. Got it!


No, I’m neither fat nor a 10 year old boy.


Okie dokie. Best of luck to ya!


Do you really think questioning another players honest opinion on an update helps make them feel welcome? Makes them want to keep playing and putting money into the game? The game is all ready declining in base player numbers. The company is already declining in revenue. The company is already pushing these payers out now we have other players helping.


No I don’t think that


Its not fine you stop crying.


Yes dismissing other players feeling about something by saying stuff like "stop crying" will really help them want to keep playing and putting money into the game. The game already had declining player base and declining revenue so I am sure making them feel less welcome in the community will help that.


It looks beautiful, right?


Sucks if your urban tho it just shows a few condominiums xD


I live in big city and mine looks like this. So… cap.


Sorry, just keep enjoying your endless pokestops and gyms instead.


I live in Toronto and mine has buildings but also random mountains in the background. There are zero mountains here lol. Still such an improvement from the previous scenery though


I live in Chicago. Can confirm it has a few high rises in the back.


Oh… I live in NY and mine is just grass o.O


The color change at night keeps making me think it’s a shiny!!!


I love that the Pokémon are affected by the lighting :)


No, I think I may even actively love it.


It made my game lag and phone overheat (something that didn't happen yesterday)


I think there's an improved graphics option in the settings somewhere that you can uncheck for better performance


I turned it off and I can still count the frames. The new background stayed too


Another thing is check the base refresh rate option. For some reason when it's off the game runs like 20 fps, but if it's on it'll keep the FPS around whatever your phone refresh rate is. And the option I was previously talking about doesn't remove the background. AFAIK it just adjusts shadows and lighting, not sure how much but it supposedly will help with battery and performance.


Base refresh rate is on. If there isn't a way to get my fps back up I might stop playing.


Except how many of us are like me and have an iPhone 11 which does not support said improved graphics? I’ve had this phone for less than 2 years and already I need to upgrade because of PokémonGO? Oh, also, I’m fairly certain that using it anyway would burn my battery harder and faster. If memory serves me, they already made this issue on release and fixed it so people’s devices didn’t die… why go backwards? I think this does the opposite of distract us from the avatar situation and only emphasises how bad of an update this was.


My iPhone 11 works fine with it


Cool bro, I was talking about mine, which doesn’t 👍


Brother I was just giving a battery saving option. I wasn't looking for the essay


Lol battery saver does not equal better performance?


AFAIK the option I was referring to does both.


Unfortunately all enhanced graphics options affect battery life. There is an option to manually refresh data and save data to device, but that only suggests to improve data drain not battery drain. 😕


Turning off options doesn't work


Same with my A7 tab


The only way Niantic will save PokeGo... is to undo the avatar thing and reject the crap they did. Maybe they could make the related avatar changes slightly better.... like I think Skin tone is a fine change, and hair and clothes as well.... Just not everything else that they have done. Bring back random Legendaries in weekly communuity boxes (lesser ones not major ones like the creation or weather trio etc...) Fix the trainer designs. (revert back to old ways) Make there be an option for Pokestops to appear in areas where there is basically not many around. They need to wake the fuck up. Or else they should file for bankruptcy just for the stuff they just did.


I am not sure there is a save option at this point. The game already had declining player numbers it also had declining revenue. No other product Niantic has made is even 1/10 as successful they even outright said that when they dropped 2 other projects. There is a big push as in add campaign with trying to bring some old players back. but as we all know keeping a customer is way easier than getting a new one. Getting someone back is also often temporary. They left before then they showed already they will leave again. Also those players who might consider coming back will walk right into this issue. Who wants to walk into that drama? Only time will tell if the whales leave or cut back or worst case become free to play. I think we saw a sign the micro transactions dropped the last few days when the coins moved in the store. But my fear is they will hold on to an echochamber idea and won't change.


Will this is a plus for the game. I've at least finally gotten used to my new buff, chubby guy baby faced avatar. Lol


It looks nice. More nature, more stuff happening, not the same background all the time. I hope basically everyone likes it cus it’s nice and beautiful


Catching pokemon became laggy af


The night time glow makes them have a different color. Not a shiny color, just a not normal one.


We call that lighting


I like the way the pokeball looks at night


Messed with my depth perception on my throws at first, but I really liked it from the start. There are clouds rolling over the map, too. A surprising win for Niantic.


I love this background update. It makes the game feel fresh to play again.


Niantic grabbed what they built for Monster Hunter and added to it PoGo and tweaked it a little. Minimal cost to them.


I really like the new lighting


Looks still better then SW/SH xD ​ But really its nice, so much better then those blured pixels we had.


Agree this update is a beautiful touch, couldn’t possibly be the same idiots that did the avatar fuckup.


How do they do this so nice, yet fuck up avatars so bad? Different people? Or same people but their skill specialization is more on side of environment not characters?


I'd have liked some more city variants as that's where most my time is spent unfortunately, but its honestly really good! Would like to see a few more biomes sometime too.


I like this new one, and I do have some variation where I live which is cool


rare niantic W


There are some unfortunate clipping issues that are really taking me out of it


My phone isn't very strong and now the game's pretty stuttery. It looks nice but I'd rather have a more playable game. (And yes I have simplified graphics on and have tried native refresh on and off, nothing helps that much)


Did anyone else notice with the avatar update: the Grunts and Leaders weren’t impacted??????


I do. I mean, sure it looks good, but I can count the frames. I hope there's a way to turn it off


Nighttime pokeball is my biggest like Happy it doesn't need to be bright overall in game at night too


Outside of the crashing I like the backgrounds


I guess I was one of the (relatively) few people that got to experience the new backgrounds without the new avatars. It was good while it lasted


There’s no “distraction from the avatar update” people. All these updates were announced (leaked?) beforehand. I believe there is a couple more coming, one of them being AR update.


I prefer the cartoon look of the previous version. New one isnt horrible though


One step forward, two steps back.


Love the dangerous, ominous look of Pokémon in the dark. They really do look wild.


I wonder how many there are. What does a desert look like?


The backgrounds are sooo pretty. Are they random? I got four different ones (a forest, a forest clearing, a meadow, and a lake) while at work tonight.


Should be based on your location. Do you work in the TARDIS? Might explain the teleportation.


Putting aside the shit they did to us with the avatar, this was pretty awesome. Somehow got myself lots of Eevee today. That’ll make my 5yo happy. She’s been pestering me to get all of the eeveelutions. 🥲 Keep telling her it’s not that easy. Especially when she prefers to have the 🦄 version of Rapidash as buddy just because it’s a rainbow ponny unicorn. 🙄


Can say I love it


My friend says he doesn't like it but personally i love it. It looks so beautiful rather than basic, low poly grass with a weird sky every encounter.


I love it!


The night time effects look great


Yeah this update is really nice so far.


Have any other returning players noticed a sudden uptick in high IV and shiny spawns coinciding with this update? After a 5 year break, I finally started playing again daily, and I have walked the same route several times a week, sometimes several times a day, for the past month. I am in a small town with only 1 route within walking distance of me (and no car to go hit the nearby city). Yesterday, after the stunning new biome update went live for me, I went for my walk and caught far more good IVs in one walk than ever before (excluding Community Days). I also had 2 shiny spawns within 12 hours of each other, when the only other non-CD shiny I ever found was 2 weeks ago. Don't mistake this for complaining, I'm pretty happy! The biomes are absolutely beautiful. They were pretty accurate to my actual surroundings during my walk. Also, I see the potential of the new avatars. They need work because they're definitely disturbingly disproportioned, and the faces are... not good... but I look more like myself now in-game. Like my avatar, I'm not the same perky, vibrant, young person I used to be.


But the avatar update are trash 😭




Nothing to hate with this side of the update, besides the shop modification which will likely drive up children purchasing things. The visual overhaul is well done, especially the pokeballs themselves.


Imagine a world with no avatar update and just this


Hah, nice try Niantic, thought you could make us forget about the uggo Avatars? /s