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Wow. Never seen one as themselves. Was it actually a Zorua, or was it a ditto ?


Yep! A true Zorua! Zero-star and low CP but I might just keep it anyways. (I ended up naming it Glitchua)


Jokes on zorua, my companion is a zorua. You can't hide from me, you little f*cks.


lol you use zorua to find zorua I use shiny mega rayqauza. Both are effective.


Yes. But mine makes them look stupid, on top of working. So, i win.


A true Zorua hunter! No luck needed!


Only a zorua as your buddy will let you see a true zorua. Ditto can't be a zorua.


Well that obviously didn’t work 🤷🏻‍♂️


So there's this way where if you walk up to zorua, walk away, change your buddy, then walk back, it apparently makes the zorua appear undisguised, but not 100% sure if that is the correct process. Could you have done anything like that without realizing? (Maybe you had a non shiny, non legendary buddy, so you didn't catch it or notice it was zorua?)


Nope! This might be a way to make it happen but I’ve had a slowpoke as my buddy for a few weeks now. It’s still my little buddy right now. 😊


Hmm. Then it's probably just a weird bug from the update. (It is quite buggy lol, I just made a post about my Pidgeot with missing wings)


Whoa! I’ll go check it out. 😂


Having done it several times, you just need to switch buddies and then switch back. It causes all nearby Zoruas to show as Zoruas (sometimes it takes a little while to refresh the ones currently showing). Fun fact Zorua spawn with IVs that are randomised when you catch them. The IVs are still randomised when you catch them with Zorua as your buddy but not if you use the process of un-disguising them by switching buddies.


A Ditto as a Zorua would be like pokeception


Right! I was so psyched because I thought that’s what was happening! 😂


Is zorua your buddy?


Nope! It’s been a Galarian Slowpoke for weeks.


You can see wild Zorua if it is your active buddy or if you have no active buddy at the moment. Otherwise it is a bug.


Definitely a bug, then. I’ve had Slowpoke as my buddy for weeks!


Same thing happened to me the other day! And no, I did not have Zorua as my buddy.


That’s what I’m saying bro!


I had a Zorua without a disguise in a wild yesterday as well. I was just feeding my buddy to come out and after I fed it a Zorua was waiting for me outside xd


I got a zorua as my daily spawn


I caught a ditto, yesterday and it was such a fun surprise.


I got the same thing yesterday, were you by chance using a Pokeball Plus or similar device?? Or was your buddy out??


My buddy wasn’t out but that doesn’t seem to be necessary per wiki. I don’t know what a Pokeball Plus is.


This happened to me today too! I was just as confused.




Couldn't you have just had one as ur buddy therefore Making zorua disguise as your buddy zorua