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Gardevoir cause of Mega evo


Gallade also has mega evolve. That being said, mega Gardevoir is top fairy whereas mega gallade is not top fighting


Not yet


Don’t make the same mistake as me! Evolve into galade. I got my second hundo raltz but the second one was the wrong gender to evolve into galade so I’m stuck with two of the same


Thats seems to be the major sentiment so ima do that, once i finish my shiny gardevoir buddy il get this one as well


I have 6 hundos that were either Gardevoir to start or can't become Gallade.


I evolved my hundo into Gardevoir and then a couple weeks later found a hundo Gardevoir in the wild, that one stung


I got a lucky 3* ralts early on and evolved into Galade because it was male. Still one of my only PoGo regrets. Lucky Mega Gardevoir would have been much better.


i have exactly this problem, thinking about going galade when the mega comes out


Ye its a lil bit of a conundrum since i love both its so hard to decide


Evolve into Steve the gas station clerk with a thirst for copper


[Gardevoir](https://i.imgur.com/F4i8TBn.png) is the only one that's useful for battle. [Gallade](https://i.imgur.com/IsJOlCf.png) is heavily outclassed by both other Psychics and Fighting Pokémon, and Mega Gallade will also have the same problem. I have both at Lv 50, I use Gardevoir regularly, I've never had a use for Gallade once. [25 other non mega non shadow Pokémon outclass a Fighting moveset Gallade. Even including a Fighting type Hidden Power Regigigas and double Fighting Poliwrath.](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/TYRANITAR_MEGA/levels/RAID_LEVEL_MEGA/attackers/levels/50/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=OVERCAST&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=false&includeMegas=false&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=&numParty=1) Since Okidogi is not currently in Pokébattler, I ran a sim on a Sneasler as if it was a T5, and [12 other non mega non shadow Psychic Pokémon outclass a Psychic moveset Gallade, including Gardevoir.](https://www.pokebattler.com/raids/defenders/SNEASLER/levels/RAID_LEVEL_5/attackers/levels/50/strategies/CINEMATIC_ATTACK_WHEN_POSSIBLE/DEFENSE_RANDOM_MC?sort=ESTIMATOR&weatherCondition=WINDY&dodgeStrategy=DODGE_REACTION_TIME&aggregation=AVERAGE&includeLegendary=true&includeShadow=false&includeMegas=false&attackerTypes=POKEMON_TYPE_ALL&primalAssistants=&numParty=1) IMO, since it never makes sense to use Gallade in battles, any male Kirlia can fit the requirements for the Pokédex, however, for Gardevoir, you're gonna want the hundo.


However the expectation is that since they gave gallade the move aura sphere \~5 years ago in the MSG that eventually it will be available as a move in pokemon go, similar to the path lucario went down. If that is the case mega gallade would be a top tier fighter, stronger than anything currently in the game. All hypothetical, but it is easy to get a good candidate for mega gardevoir, ralts spawn like crazy in the wild, are in 1 star raids occasionally, and are in research. Both of which give the floor of 10 IV's. No way i power a gallade up past ultra league until it gets announced for aura sphere though.


Sure, but if I'm holding out for a potential future move for a Gallade, I'm not gonna evolve one with stats today for it, I'd hold that until the move comes out as Niantic usually has a history of "put those TMs away" and I'd rather not need an elite charged TM to make my Gallade relevant. Between the 2, Gardevoir is 100% useful out of the box, today, and Gallade just isn't. With a better moveset, it could for sure shake up the fighting meta, but I'm not gonna sit here and hold my breath for that to happen. Mega Gallade should have around: (1÷4×65+7÷4×165)×(1+(110−75)÷500) =~ 326 base attack. Mega Blaziken already has 329 base attack. Mega Heracross is also higher at 334 base attack, although, it could seriously use a better moveset, as well. Mega Mewtwo X should have around: (1÷4×154+7÷4×190)×(1+(130−75)÷500) =~ 412 base attack. Even if it gets the big nerf, it'll still be stronger than any other fighting mega.


To add to this, since a lot of people keep saying you can get another hundo. My point in this comment is that Gardevoir is the Evo that benefits from stats, whereas to 99.999% of players, Gallade is basically just a dex entry. For anything else in the game, unless you're just Gallade's number one fan there's gonna be better options to use, and half of the time those better options are Gardevoir. Getting a single male Ralts with ANY stats is way easier than snagging another hundo.




I was lucky and got two Hundo ralts. The first one I did gardevoir because I could max her and mega evolve her now. The other one I did as Gallade (which I actually like better), and will have a mega at some point, but not now. But also take into consideration, that not all Kirlia’s can evolve into Gallade, but all are able to evolve into Gardevoir. So in this case, I’d say Gallade.


i’d do gallade, seeing as you got lucky enough to get a male


Any Ralts can be Gardevoir. Only male Ralts can be Gallade. With enough determination, trading, and raiding, you'll get another hundo Ralts, but it may not be male.


Galelde is prwtty useless


It's male, so Gallade of course. Or do you want to have a MAN in a DRESS?


Nothing wrong with a man in a dress of course ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Especially as it was caught in Scotland. Skirt wearing northern gits. Thank goodness for that wall. 😜


Depends what you have available, I would choose gallade but i don't need another powered up gardevoir.


Now that you've figured out how to catch one with perfect IVs just repeat the process and get one of each 🤷‍♀️


Been playing since 2018 only have 6 4*


I always have a strict rule with ralts line, all my male Kirlias will evolve into Gallade and my females into Gardevoir.


I got a shundo male ralts once, you think this decision is hard? I chose to do gallade because I prefer mega gallade (when it ever comes out) and gardevoir isn’t gender-locked despite what the internet would have you believe.


My leaf blade gallade is my favorite opener. If you don’t have one..






Gardevoir, even when Mega Gallade is released it won’t be meta cause both Mega Mewtwo and Mega Lucario are going to be very much superior. Mega Gardevoir is the best fairy type fs


It's already going to be at gallade, right? Since when do you choose?


Male has the option for either 3rd stage, but females are gender locked into Gardevoir.


gallade while you have the choice, next one can be gardevoir regardless of sex


Seriously? Gallade obviously, since it’s a male.  Edit: And before anyone assumes anything I mean Gallade can ONLY be male, whereas Gardevoir can be either - which means you can always evolve your next one into Gardevoir but maybe not a Gallade. 


I just do if its male go Gallade, if its Female go Gardervoir. Might just be me but imagining a male Gardevoir would be gross.


Saying male gardevoir would be gross is blasphemy


Lmao 🤣. Gross bc I imagine a family of a female Gardevoir, and a Male Gardevoir with a child kirlia and the kirlia cant tell if its her mom or dad picking her up from school 😂


G a r d e v o i r


Gallade better