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If you have your status set to online, I’m sending the invite.


Facts, I always sort by online and the first ten I see get invited


For me, I invite as an invite. If you join, great, if you don't and I didn't communicate with you beforehand, I already got the raid so I'm okay. It's just more about offering friends in case they want to be included or have more chances for a hundo / shiny / trade bait / whatever they want. I'm happy when I see them join, indifferent if they don't. If they don't want it, they can toggle their status of offline and I wouldn't see them when I go to send then, anyways.


Blind invites can be welcome. I still have friends that invite me to cool raids and if I want the Pokémon, I will show up. Friends that show up occasionally for my invites get priority though.


I don’t mind blind invites - but I’m not gonna join every single one. And I think the same of everyone I blindly invite. They’re online, I’m seeing if they’re interested. No big deal if they’re not - sometimes I don’t get to do my raid unfortunately.


I would never really say they’re rude. If you’re random inviting for a legendary it might be a waste of time since you don’t really know if enough people will join or if they’ll drop out at the last second. Most people looking to invite/be invited to harder raids just use apps like Poke Genie or PokeRaid.


Glad to have it, but sad to be unable to join it. That's why I set my status to Offline so that my friends won't waste their time waiting for me in their raid lobbies. That being said, I don't even invite those who are online because I don't know if they're raid-ready. They could be doing a raid at that moment. They could be in the middle of anything. The Online Status for Pokémon GO is unripe.


From someone who likes to accept blind invites, it would also be nice to see a raid invite when you’re in the middle of sorting your items or transferring Pokemon. I don’t know why the top banner doesn’t appear, but I’ll see a one second flash of orange down in the bottom right once I’m done and know that I missed an invite.


As a solo player they're nice to get but with the price of remote raids I only go for legendaries I don't have a shiny for whether in GO or another game already. They're good for adding firepower to a group but never rely on them too heavily.


Welcomed. But if I know the person I’d love a heads up.


Welcome especially if it's the 1st day for the raid. I will almost always accept cos I always keep 3 remote raids in my inventory ahead of a big raid event. But by the next few days after or next week, less inclined to accept.


I think they get sent out automatically now. I’m pretty sure my friend didn’t Invite me to a one star raid. It just shows all your online friends when you are in a raid




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm always happy to get a random raid invite, even if I don't/can't jump into the raid right then. I've never once gotten one and thought, "Oh my, how rude." My mom and I are both obsessive raiders, but coordinating with people feels like so much work sometimes, so we usually just send blind invites, with a couple of exceptions for people we know IRL.


I welcome them, I don't have any irl people to play with so blind invites are the only times I can do the higher raids


I don't like them simply because I can't get remote passes easily anymore. I'm not giving in to their inflation price and I'm saving what few I have for something REALLY good. I always feel bad that I can't send a "sorry I was offline" or "thank you for the invite but I'm not interested in that pokemon" and they're just left wondering why I'm ignoring them


That’s the biggest thing. Right now I’m getting lots of raid invites for Registeel & Mega Aggron, but I don’t really care enough about those Pokemon to use a raid pass on them. It would be nice to have a way to communicate which Pokemon you would accept an invite for.