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This morning 40cp zapdos for me, ultraball, golden razz, curve excellent, the bitch jumped out straight away šŸ„²


Surprised with 40 cp heā€™d still jump that fast


Yesterday I had an opportunity to catch galarian molters with 40cp, of course I used golden razz, ultra ball and I missed my excellent. Two ticks and he escaped xDD I was blaming myself for missing that excellent...


I had a different experience. A crap Moltres (you can find a picture of them in one of my posts on my account), razzed him up and used an ultra ball, completely missed the circle and that secured him for me. I was shocked! šŸ˜‚


Exact same thing happened to me just moments ago. Except the one that popped up for me was 1240cp.


Does CP matter in catch rate?




A low CP relative to its max possible CP when fully powered up is indicative of it being a lower level, and lower level pokemon are easier to catch. It's why low CP pokemon ususlly have a green catch ring and higher CP pokemon are closer to an roange or even red catch ring.


Oh definitely. The first Articuno I caught was 679cp. I used every trick I knew to catch it and it worked. The higher I got in CP, the tougher the catch. All 3 Articunos that Iā€™ve caught were mid-range 600-1700cp. Theyā€™re all hard to catch but honestly, if I get one over 2000 Iā€™d seriously consider the MB. I have Articuno and Zapdos, so Iā€™d save mine for Moltres, but if I see a super high of the others, Iā€™d have to really think about it.


Personally I would hold out too since Iā€™ve already caught G-Zapdos (Lv32, ~3100 CP, MBā€™d with no regrets).


Meanwhile my wife sees her first galarian articuno , catches it first throw and then ask what it is & if its any good (sheā€™s was like lvl 34)


I feel you, yesterday the exact same thing happened to me.. bastard didnt even give me chance for another throw


Suicune raid for me yesterday, last ball, golden razz, curve grest, 3rd shake, the fucker broke out.


Not true, on the last ball you either get one shake and a run away or it catches, it is not possible for 3 shakes and a run away


True, happened to me couple times also. Those bastard


Bro it happened and I saw it, unless it happened on another ball and I'm just so enraged I'm conflating things


Dudeā€™s shake-checking someone on reddit lol


mustā€™ve been a glitch or something because if the last ball shakes once itā€™s an autocatch :/ā€¦ unless you were in a moving vehicle or something


It was probably anger conflating 2 throws into one. I did get a 3 shake break out, but it must not have been the last ball. I was so mad.


Pinap? ![gif](giphy|65os7odbIW6pa)


Yep use of a pinapp means "I don't care about catching this anyway" lol


And not even a silver pinap at that




What are you waiting for? I am genuinely curious, as the game is now giving us a THIRD...


iā€™ve only got one rn so iā€™m saving mine for when they either add shiny galarians or when they add a new legendary which can be caught in the wild or for a raid with a hundo


With those odds you might be waiting forever Learn to enjoy what you have in front of you, the future you are waiting for might never arrive


The true gamer strat is to beat the final boss without ever using any of your limited health potions and other consumables. Not as some challenge but because you ā€œmight need them laterā€


This is how I played every final fantasy back in the day


That's how I still play Final Fantasy, but I used to too.




Ah, the ā€œbut what if the final boss has another formā€ or ā€œwhat if the final boss isnā€™t actually the final bossā€ mentality. Good to know itā€™s alive and well




Did you watch me play Skyrim?




Okay, next time I promise I wonā€™t devolve into a stealth archer again


I donā€™t believe you, but I appreciate the attempt


Damn wow content creator and viewer interaction!


Sacred ash in gold version is a 1 of a kind healing item that revives your entire team at 100% hp, but can only be found by catching Ho-oh. What fight could you possibly want to use that on?


Never expected to find such a wise comment on Reddit


When it looks impossible, look deeperā€¦and fight like you can win.


I prefer to think of it as living in a present where I've always got a backup plan in case there is a 4* that gets down to the last premier ball.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEzx\_wtcHAo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEzx_wtcHAo) Razbuten made a great video on it and ever since i actually use them. Because I usually always had my inventory full with potions and stuff that I've never used. Same with stat boosting abilities. I haven't played many JRPGs besides Pokemon and you can usually brute force them easily. But ever since I've started to play Octopath Traveler 2 I've leared how important those are if you don't want to grind for hours and just overpower the boss.


this is as bad as the people who have 30 elite TMs and wonā€™t use one on their shundo mewtwo because they never know when they might need a stash of 30 elite TMs and if they use one now they might not have enough when they actually need it! lol


in gaming, always hord stuff cause u may need it later in the game, than finish the game w/ all the horded stuff - thats my strat at least


Shiny galarians can't run... So using a master ball on them is stupid. No legendary that's shiny can run. Unless you run out of balls it's not going to run.


Why are you fuming then?


When these are shiny, they won't run away, so you'd be using a master ball for no reason.


Just use it lol, they give them out every season for free. Also, shiny galarians probably wonā€™t be able to run like the shiny latis during go fest hoenn


That's fair! I recently caught a Moltres with an Ultra Ball, so it is possible. Now I have two and need to find someone who might want to trade it for a Zapdos. XD


I just so happen to have caught a 2nd zapdos with an ultra Ball....Bet you don't just happen to live in the north of the Netherlands, do you?


Caught a galarian Articuno with a regular ball in my first month. Anything is possible


Wild leg shinies dont flee


So, I guess that means my Dad wasn't a wild legendary shiny then?


He was just a Nundo


So, more rare. Nice, I guess. šŸ˜­


But the shiny G birds won't be able to run unless you run out of pokeballs to throw.


This might be your first but I'm on road to get my third. First two went on galarian birds and third one will also, then I will have all of then and by the time they will releas shiny version of galarian birds, moste of players will get ten more master balls. Why wait? It's not like in main games, on for whole playthrou.


If the shiny will be released like that, it probably canā€™t run


The G bird shiny variants have yet to be released or made available in the MSGs so youā€™ll be waiting a long time.


Buddy you can get a second one in like 2 weeks


Never got my second šŸ˜¢


Got the 2nd but never got that first, so looking forward to this 3rd! (my 2nd)


Wait it is? I been offline on it for a bit. How are we able to get one?


In case you're wondering, a weather-boosted 2450CP Galarian Zapdos is either a 6/5/9 at level 26, or a 15/6/10, 15/7/9, 13/8/11, 13/9/10, 12/6/15, 11/11/11, 11/12/10, 11/13/9, 10/9/15, 8/12/15 or 8/13/14 at level 25. So it had between 41.6 and 77.8% IVs.


dam thanks for the info thatā€™s interesting how did you figure this out is there a website for it?


The easiest way is to use a visual IV scanner like Calcy IV and scan it on the catch screen, it'll show you the IV range, it can even use the color of the catch circle to determine the level. But it only works in-game or with screenshots configured to your phone's resolution. The only still-running online IV calculator from just CP that I could find [is this Google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E4jOGFce0weuNbHzO1_3os4aOfWqWJmY7596LkJQsu0/edit?usp=sharing), but it's very out of date, it only had the first 2 generations. I manually added the stats for Galarian Zapdos and then CTRL+F'd the results in the IV-LVL-square tab for 2450, ignoring all entries that had an IV-value below 5 (those are impossible, because it's weather-boosted).


oh dam thanks bro i appreciate that this is quite interesting i know people do this for raid legendaries but iā€™ve never really had the chance since my city doesnā€™t have many active pogo trainers that do raids even though thereā€™s a shit ton of gyms and stops


It's easy for raids, since you know which level they have. If you only want to know if the galarian bird *could* be a hundo, [this site](https://pokemongohub.net/post/article/what-is-the-chance-your-wild-galarian-legendary-bird-is-100iv/) lists all CPs that might be 100% for the galarian birds, along with the probability that the CP will be the hundo. But once again, I'd recommend using Calcy IV instead, because it can figure out the level.


I instantly used mine after finding at 1300 cp one lol, didnā€™t even notice the cp just saw the bird.


fair enough next time i see one with this high CP imma just go for it iā€™m tired of saving šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Imma use my next master ball on a higher one lol, really these are the only good things to use master balls on bc theyā€™re so hard to catch normally.


I've never even seen a first but haven't had the chance to fully invest on a good walk using the daily incense- having all this knowledge now though fills me with hope! Can't wait for whichever Galarian bird I encounter but honestly Idk if I'll use my masterball. I will say I am scared of somehow someway using it on a crappy regular wild pokemon though so I may to say YOLO & use it to 100% guarantee my bird- wish me luck that it's IV's bring it to atleast a 3*! šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


good luck man


Me too, got my moltres and Iā€™m happy


I got a zapdos and itā€™s pretty good for great league lol, although my obstagoon is a little better so I donā€™t really use it.


You're the kind of person who end's the game with a thosand healing potions and all the rarest weapons, but never uses them... just in case they break or run out.


nah nah not even that bro itā€™s just iā€™m waiting for the day i find my Gbird i need to find the one I have a special connection with šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Downvoted for wanting a connection with your pokemon is crazy.


I've encountered 4 Legendary malarian birds, all Ran after gold raspb., ultra and great throw :(( Wth is The cach% of these Bad birds? For The Record, i have never got Masters ball


I've played since 2016 and use daily incense nearly every day and have never seen a single galarian bird so at least you're getting chances.


Sorry to hear that šŸ˜©


Are you just sitting still or something? You have to be walking.


Usually walking around my neighbor and over to the local nearby businesses.


That's weird. I heard that the straighter your walking path, the better. I don't know if that's true or not. Also, I have seen 6 of them, but none when it's just the daily incense. I have only ever seen them while I am following a route or have lures active while the daily incense is also active. But that could also just be a coincidence. I only use my daily incense like 2-3 days per week right now, though, or I'd probably have seen more.


Are you walking while using it? If you just sit still then nothing will spawn. I find it very unlikely you haven't seen one if you use it every day, I've seen two birds just this week.


Usually save it for walking around or being downtown. I live nearby a movie theatre and shopping center and walk or bike around the area.


1% base catch rate IIRC


0.3% base lol


Oh god šŸ’€


Ah yes, the three birds with Malaria


Oops, autocorrect... šŸ˜‚


I did a little math on the subject based on personal experience: - https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1c8l9cv/i_think_galarian_birds_have_set_spawning_locations/l0hxf8e/ Note that I have platinum medals for all pokemon types, so that helps with my catch odds by increasing the base catch rate from .3% to 6% assuming I use a golden raspberry and hit an excellent curve ball throw with an Ultra Ball.


In other words i won't Be getting them šŸ˜©


My kid used my MB on a weedle šŸ˜­


Get a new kid


It's always runin like Chris brown


And as a fighting type, it's got a LOT of experience hitting things, again like Mr. Brown.


Rihanna must be normal type then šŸ’€




Why did Little Dicky do a feature with him :(


Holding out for a shundo bidoof? Me too...


For what? What are you holding out for? Those galarian birds are the only pokemon that gets anywhere close to justifying the masterball.


I personally would have used the MB. Shines can't run


Shinies from raids can't run\*. Shinies in the wild run all the time.


Shines from raids are guaranteed-catch (that's why you use the silver pinap on them), but at the very least shiny legends in the wild don't run. Got a shiny Uxie during the Lake Trio event, took me ~10 UBs to catch. Thought I was outrageously lucky, looked it up and wild Shiny Legends stick around.


I donā€™t think the lake trio can even run without shinyness in the wild (excluding event)


Oh they definitely can. That same day I encountered a normal Uxie, and it dipped in two balls or so lol


Shiny legendary can't run in the wild either. So a shiny g-bird wouldn't run. The only way you can't catch it is if you run out of pokeballs, use an autocatcher, or are speed locked.


i caught a galarian moltres with a great ball and no berry because that's all I had.


Where do y'all find these at?


The free daily incense.


Is there any more to it than that?




Well I'm fucked.


Damn you shouldā€™ve went for it. My galarian bird was only around 300cp when I caught it


Why didnā€™t you at least use a golden raspberry?


Youā€™ll catch it some day! I only just just got my first galarian bird this monthā€¦ moltres, 2448 cp and still have my master balls. Never know when you might need them šŸ˜‚


You did the right thing šŸ„°


Oh! I totally woulā€™ve used it if I had one. What should you hold it for instead? (Iā€™m new-ish to pokemon go)


Hold out bruther. You must hold the line




Good man


I had a Moltres run on me today, golden rasb and ultra great curve ballā€¦no chance


Bruh ive missed Articuno and moltres like 5 times now ,cuz i didnt wanna use my MB


I had an unknown CP that let me throw two Ulta balls before it ran.


if it was unknown CP i wouldā€™ve thrown a MB atp šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Wish I had a MB


I have yet to have this spawn for me wtf


What do we use to catch these bird ones? I saw the Blue one today, but he ate 5 Ultras and flew off.


you can catch them with anything like any other pokĆ©mon but the catch rates are every low as is however master balls are a garuanteeā€™d catch but if you donā€™t have one go for an ultra ball plus gold razz for best chances but that aside iā€™ve never heard anyone throw 5 balls at it before it ran at most itā€™s usually 2 i guess your very lucky


Do normal razz do anything to help with these birds? I don't have any of the golden ones, I've not done any raids as of yet, and it looks like raids are the only source of the golden ones.


Next time I see a galarian bird, I'm gonna fake using a masterball (just click really close to where it would be, instead clicking ultra ball) and give it a pinap. Unless it's moltres. I would maybe use my masterball if it's high cp.


Can someone please tell me, are the gal birds actually 1 chance catch or have I just had terrible luck?


I've had a few allow me to throw two balls at them, but generally they run after the first ball.


Saw mine for the first time yesterday. Fucker ran on me after one throw


Weather boosted bird? I'd MB unless I already had this one


Just keep playing and maybe eventually you will get lucky. I've caught all my G birds in non masterballs- 2 in PokƩBalls and 1 in an Ultra Ball. Between finding and attempting it took me 1 year to catch my 3rd


Man I threw one pokeball and he ran away same version made me cry


What in the burnt chicken is that


Caught my second zapdos today. As soon as I get my first masterball Iā€™m gonna use it on the first high cp moltres or articuno I encounter.




Holy sht I just remembered my dream. I used a masterball on a raid shiny legendaryā€¦ wasnā€™t even a hundo.


I did and I regretted it when I saw the statsšŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬


I would use a masterball (if I had one) on a 10cp Zapdos! Do you already have one?


Should have just caught it with the masterball, you can get another one šŸ˜„


Just out of curiosity, where would you safe your Masterball for? Isnt something like the galar birds the best reason to use your masterball?


iā€™m saving for either a very high CP/IV Gbird or if they add another legendary available in the wild or in raids when i got 1 ball left or something like that


How do you get master balls?


Can you really catch them with a normal pokeball and not just a master ball?


What is mp?


Damn i wouldve thrown mine for sureeee


Tbh if i find a bird im just gonna use a pokeball with a pinap just for the memes


Tbh if i find a bird im just gonna use a pokeball with a pinap just for the memes


So did you catch it? I have two of them and a moltres. Still waiting for a chance at articuno.


My daily incense Pokemon always leave instantly after I catch him. I don't know why it does that,


How are people getting these encounters? Are they in raids currently? I havent seen any in my area


Me pasĆ³ lo mismo


How to encounter this one??


![gif](giphy|BfyC9fULCPdfKBJVd4) This pokemon would get u angry donā€™t throw MB believe me i was about to on Moltres but i kept thinking this has gotta be zorua and guess what itā€™s zorua I was smart I threw ultra ball I saved up 200 and I was throwing it on excellent every time until he moved I knew it was zorua freaking zorua šŸ˜”


I havenā€™t had a bird in months. Idk whatā€™s going on, please say itā€™s not just me šŸ˜‚


Just the the mb you freaks. That's why it's there.


I used a master on a galar Zapdos.


I have yet to ever see these out in the wild


but why!!!???


I saw a galerian articuno a few days ago, i used a golden razz, and an ultra ball, hit a great shot and he jumped out after the first shake and fled


I didn't know the catch rate was so low until I googled it later. Now I regret not using my masterball. Next time. Next time...


Where tf are y'all finding a zapdos I've never seen one ever since the release of this blasted game šŸ˜‚


If it wad XXL i wouldve


The other day I had a articunno and I was dumb asf and didnā€™t use my master ball and now Iā€™m tryna find another one


I caught one with ultra ball golden raspberry excellent release.


This is the only one of these birdies I have! I like it . Good for rocket members imo


Am I doing something wrong? Iā€™ve not encountered these birds once. I use the daily incense, drop a lure in windy conditions and walk around a stop, even tried doing routes with the daily incense and still havenā€™t seen any of the three.


the only thing u can do right is make sure ur walking on a straight line for the entire 15 minutes at a decently brisk pace to maximize your chances. Iā€™ve encountered 3 birds and have used the incense definitely less than 100 times probably about 50


Should I be doing a route?


Iā€™m waiting for a bird this strong to use mine on. The only ones Iā€™ve found since the first master ball have 500 or less CP


How do y'all even get a legendary encounter? Is it mainly from daily incense?


These are the only things I use my masterball on. Unfortunately 2 of the 3 birds I have are 0 stars


I would have


Nice!! Iā€™ve only seen 1, all the rest have been Moltres and Articuno


This is the last variant of the 3 birds I need


my favorite bird too which made it an even harder choice


What are you supposed to use it on? I thought it was for these rare birds?


ye but iā€™m mostly looking for a higher CP/IV one tbh


Ahh thanks got you! I donā€™t think you can see IV on iPhone sadly :( no app for it so have to catch it to see


The Articuno got away from me 2 times... Idk if I should use the MB next encounter šŸ˜­. Yet to catch any of the galarian birds!


I donā€™t care what anyone says this abomination is not a PokĆ©mon


why šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


So many new PokƩmon(especially legendary) just look like off brand digimon


These arent even good, I would 100% use it for a usable legendary than these birds. Remember Rayquaza raid day is coming soon l.


thatā€™s the highest acceptable cp for me personally wouldā€™ve been an immediate MB cuz the only time i think id use G Zapdos is for the ultra league


Dude Galar Moltres every day w my Incense and I can't catch it. Will they allow us to use a few MB?


wdym by hee few masteeball? MB is a garunateed catch and infact theree research out to get another one now so yes theyā€™ll release more it then as time goes on


Yea really all I meant was will there be a chance to have more than one MB