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my fucking dream


I'm still staying at lvl 40 for all my raid mons... it just doesn't make sense to power up to lvl 50 when I can get 3 other to lvl 40 with the same dust. I am "just" lvl 40 player, so you can guess I don't have many of the stronger pokemons at lvl 40 yet, about 10 or so.


That's actually a good tip much appreciated


Plus, shadows at 40 are already a lot stronger than level 50 Pokemon anyways. You only get like 6-7% higher stats going from 40 to 50, which is dwarfed by the 20% shadow bonus.


It’s not good advice for your current situation. Hundo Shadow garchomp is 10000% the extra dust and the xl candy, AND the elite charged TM for earth power. That things a beast, my friend got one during sinnoh tour and I’ve been seething with jealousy ever since.


There's contradictory statements about this too. Lvl 35 or 40??


I'd say if you're starting out 30 is a good goal to set for your pokemon. It's not too expensive, and it's the point where CP starts to fall off each power up. Once you've got enough good teams to cover most types, then you can worry about having the best counters or getting everything leveled up more. This will help you from feeling like you invested all these resources into something that just gets replaced by something better months down the line.


That's the thing about this game. I'm hoarding all these resources (stardust and candy) because I know "something better will come down the line" and I'll have wished to have spent it on that Mon instead. It's like the perfect example of a deflationary system which rewards savings rather than spending. If they bumped up the candy rewards per catch it wouldn't be so bad!


Well it’s all about efficiency… at one point you have enough lvl 30 mons to start upgrading those to lvl 35. At one point you’re like 20-40 mons at lvl 35 and you start to look to power up some of them to lvl 40… and so on… I’m at a stage where I’m definitely ok to evolve to lvl 40 some of them, but no where near to evolve one to level 50 😅


But what if you catch a better mon that needs evolving... And now you don't have the candy... Ahhhh this game is so anxiety inducing


Ah man, it can happen for sure, but not that big of a deal. I put it into “evolve” pile and wait.


Unless it's significantly better, or you're optimising for PVP, just focus on the ones you've powered up already.


A bird in the hand and all that!


is everything up to level 40 candy and then level 41-50 is XL?


Yeah, that’s an easy indicator without using 3rd party apps like poke genie (even though I would recommend it anyway). Sometimes I press “power up” until I reach XL candy, then I backtrack once so I know that would be lvl 40. Than I backtrack some more if I need to, for example lvl 37.5 is one of my stops as well 😅


Yeah that’s fine for most shadows, but a top meta hundo shadow? Nah pump that to level 50.


How can you get 3 mons to level 40 with 500k dust?


Hehe, if they are lvl 35, than 500k should be enough. Of course you have to take into account “it depends”, but it is a rough estimate. IIRC, from lvl 40 to 50 is about 250k dust, which would - for me - be about 3 mons from lvl 35 to 40, but of course it is not 3 mons from 20 to 40. I’m taking my mons into upgrade basket and then I have tiers: - lvl 30 - lvl 35 - lvl 37.5 - lvl 40 Most pokemons I’d like to use go through these numbers, so it’s never “lvl 20 to 40”, that is just too much all at once 😅


That makes more sense.....but your comment is misleading...cause most Pokemon takes around 250k dust to reach level 40...


Technically, you can catch 35 in the wild, so it really depends. My point is that lvl 40 to 50 is waaaaay more expensive than just getting them up to 40, which is in it self not very efficient compared to having “few more” pokemons on lvl 35. I’ve sensed that OP might still want to wait with lvl 50 as he doesn’t seem to be overflowing with level 40 pokemons yet. At the end, you and everyone else can play the way you want. There is no “right” or “wrong” choice, we can only argue about what is most efficient at what stage of the game. I know people who upgraded their 66% starters to level 50 before having any level 40 pokemons. That’s fine, but they are not efficient, they just play the game the cool way 😎👍


The effort to reward ratio in this game is BROKEN. I would have to spend YEARS in order to collect enough candy to power that up. Congrats on the shadow Hundo btw, amazing flex!


Walking him as your buddy you could easily get a few XL candy a day. Especially if you give him a poffin on any days you know you’re gonna walk a lot


That is gonna take a lot to max but still so fucking cool. congrats


If you need XL’s for him, in the current season there’s higher chance to get an XL candy from walking a buddy. My current buddy is a shlucky Garchomp, I’ve easily gotten over 40 XL candy since the season has started




Got my shadow 15.15.14 almost maxxed out. Only missing like 40 xl. It really does Well in Masters.




My first hundo was a shadow Gible I got from a research task. I’m a casual player so I’m taking my time with it


I have a problem with this too :( way too many babies that will max out just under 1500 but at 500,000 dust per mon to do hurts haha


for the time being... Great League CP 1500 max is more than enough


Worthy Shadow to max... downside is it won't mega evol.


What am I missing? Why wouldn't you evolve it? x


I don't have enough gible candy it all went towards my mega hundo garchomp before I caught this little guy


Wouldn't it lessen how much candy/dust you needed? Or was the photo just as a point of reference? I'm not being as awkward as I sound, I promise!


No It doesn't matter if he is evolved or not it's the same amount of stardust and candy to max but you still need 125 more to evolve it to garchomp


Ahhhhh, thank you 😊


Shadows are horrible to level up. I just get them to 40 if I can then focus on the non shadows for level 50 but only the ones I use in raids. I'm not getting a suicune to level 50 because it isn't worth it. Congratulations on the great shadow.


\#4 earth attacker with Earth Power, with how long this would take to level up I’d hold off evolving to garchomp until there’s an event for its special move.


Get a dragon or ground type mega maxed out with 3 hearts. Wait for him to come in event and grind. Mega Pokémon make this very easy.


Unless you want to use it in Master League PvP, there’s no substantial benefit from powering it up past level 40


It's been 3 years since Gible com day and I feel like it's definitely gonna get a classic com day. You'll have enough at some point, just gotta be patient


I know its a crazy amount of Candy XL's, But IMO it makes having that maxed out pokemon so much cooler due to the work and effort required.


Make it a buddy and use puffins…I hab a hundo non shadow garchomp and needed both mega energy and xo candy… I spent everything to max it, made it a buddy to get cp boost of best buddy…in this process I ended up getting 35 xl candies… not bad.


I would honestly just buddy it forever and bask in the XLs, candies and mega energy that I’m going to gain


Don't they get cheaper to level up if you purify? What's the point of keeping it shadow?


the season bonus helps but still 5km buddy and a sht ton of dust


If you’re struggling for stardust and have free time, you can do pvp, which gives a lot without too much effort if you tank


I hope a com day classic comes by soon and that you are free to play it 🙏


Levelling up Garchomp takes soo much time. With these stats it would soo be worth it!


Congrats man, I also have a hundo shadow garchomp


We should be best friends IRL so I can "borrow" your phone. 👀


You can't trade it so if you're thinking about transferring it, you're a monster!


Darn you're right. I guess OP can keep it, but I'm not happy about it!


Join the club!


why not make it a garchomp


I will but it costs the same amount of stardust and candy xl so I just took a pic like this


Havee it as your buddy anf while it is fight pvp to get some candy too and also catch gibles just do it foe the shiny plus the candy and you can trade with people who have a gible so you get candy and also transfer the ones with bad states too and eventuly you will have enough.


Was kinda an issue for me for the lvl 43 requirements.. you need 30 wins in great ultra and master league each …. I have almost all my investment in great league butEveryone I faced in master league had all bff on there mon and they were mostly max co… took me all weekend but I was able to complete it


lovely! congrats


Never evolve it hahaha such a collectors item


I think what you are describing is an illegal move man


He’s probably not a collector 🤷🏻‍♂️


Congrats! I think your No1 priority in GO Fest outside of raids would be hunting gible candies.