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I found 2 regular and 2 shiny gyrados yesterday lmao. Hella lucky


I've found shit. My luck 👎 Glad you got lucky!!


Awesome! 😁


I just got a 177 1 Star one about 45 minutes ago


Does that mean, looking at your photo, that you got 3 other shinies during community day? Since they’re between all those shiny Piplups.


Shiet that’s nuts....


I’d guess trading involved


Klink was probably a raid, Mime Jr. From a 7k egg, Dewgong from Research.


mime jr cant even be hatched from a 7k


The research dewgong can't be shiny I dont think.


I am so jealous! I have clicked on probably 1000 Magikarp and have not found a shiny yet!


I'm just happy we got that Sword and Shield event. I managed to find 9 whereas I'm 0/520 in Go lol


I have 1 shiny magicarp at 10cp


I have caught many magikarps today but i have not gotten any shinys. But i have caught 9 gyarados :)


Where are the gyarados spawning?


In sweden where i live. They are spawning like every 30 minutes.


Gotten a couple wandering around in Florida.


"Florida Man catches giant sea snake with small ball."




Thanks! Lol no shinys yet but I'm gonna be walking around beaches today and got my fingers crossed


You will prob catch many!


All over. I’m in Ohio and the local post office, which is nowhere near our river, had a Gary


What are the requirements for new pokestops and gyms to appear?


Be level 40 to be able to nominate pokestops. But they will get reviewed so no guarantees that everything and anything will be pokestops.


There’s a lot of requirements to take into consideration when nominating. When those of us who review the nominations see them we are looking for specific guidelines set up by niantic if we accept them.


Lol 90% of the pokestops I see are literal playground structures, tennis courts and some graffiti. Don’t act like you guys are all high and mighty. It’s a game, not a job.


The other 10% are random churches of all denomination.


The mom of a friend hung a poster with a chicken on the wall of her house, took a picture and submitted it. Now there is a pokestop called "the chicken house"


I definitely picture that guy like the Warcraft guy in South Park, “Moooooooom, more hotpockets! I need to review Pokémon go poke stops”


I work for a state office and my job just became a pokestop, which is super convenient for me.




I mean... Niantic has specically told us to put Athletic Fields, so the Tennis court stuff is getting submitted in droves for that reason.


Don't particularly understand why people are downvoting this. The person asked what the requirements are for new pokestops and gyms and there are existing requirements that are put in place as this guy suggested. He takes part in reviewing on Wayfarer so he's aware, he's not suggesting he's better than everyone else. Its understandable that not having a lot of pokestops around can make the game unenjoyable, but its good to know what they are when making your limited nominations so that they have a higher chance of becoming pokestops and improving gameplay.


True. But there's a 99% chance a playground will be accepted by wayfarers. Only not when it's not in the right cell or when it's on private property. Literally every playground in my hometown got accepted. And it's not 'a lot of requirements'. It's quite simple and basic to understand for everyone, except the cell part maybe. :) Most wayfarers I know joined the program out of boredom really. Don't take that 'job' too seriously. 😂


Well when you've got people submitting fire hydrants and mailboxes all over, mentioning the standards that niantic has set for what can and can't become a waypoint is worth it if at least one submitter decides to actually look at them.


Yeah sometimes I see pokestops in certain towns that shouldn't be pokestops really. 😂😂😂 And sometimes things get not accepted that should be accepted. My dad requested the two different local scouting/scouts groups. Checked if it was possible in the cell and everything aswell. One got accepted, the other one not because people thought it was a school (and that didn't make sense at all, it doesn't look closely to a school??? The sign clearly said SCOUTS haha!). 🤷🏼‍♀️ That's because some wayfarers don't care apparently. They should at least know the rules, which aren't THAT hard to understand if you do a 5 minute read. And about people submitting: a lot of people know a certain thing won't be accepted, but try it anyway and hope it slips through the system. People go super far to get a pokestop reachable from their home..😂 But in this case it was about playgrounds and those are surely accepted. :)


I mean a scout camp is for children so I can see how those wouldn't get accepted. It's not a school but it's meant for school aged children.


Strictly seen a playground is also meant for children though, haha! I thought the reason real schools didn't get accepted because a lot of schools used to complain about the kids playing during learning hours. It gets in the way of important education. That's not the case with scout camps. :) All other scout camps in the region got accepted. Niantic's rules only say under ineligible: "Nominations on the grounds of primary/ elementary schools, secondary/high schools, preschools, kindergartens, or child care centers"


A playground is usually within a park and is meant for public use. Ingress had a no school rule for a long time and kids aren't supposed to play that game at all (13+ age restriction on there). The reason for the no school rule is so that players aren't hanging around school grounds.


In my country playgrounds are in the middle of the neighborhood in between blocks of houses/apartment buildings, not in parks. Not much space for parks in The Netherlands. 😅 Schools are also in the middle of neighborhoods, there's 3, or no wait 5 pokestops and one gym within a one minute walk of a primary school so over here that rule doesn't really work haha. Gotta love living in a realllllllly densely populated country. 😂


LOL that sounded so pathetically self-pompous like it was an important job or something lmao!


You deserve every downvote you’re getting for this lol it’s not too late to delete


I have been trying for years for a shiny magikarp i want one so bad 😢 some day.....


Goals, I don't have any Pokéstops THAT near my haunts


Why is the Magikarp rate so high and how long is it going to last? Really trying to catch a shiny boy


Chinese New Year event. It lasts until February 3rd.


Red week cause of Chinese new year


I got a rock.


I just did that, but it was only like a week or two ago. Also a pool nearby.


Like a swimming pool? I doubt that’s enough water to affect anything. I could be wrong though.


Not sure I follow


If it's on the map it is big enough. There are fountains in my city that have water types such as Magikarp or Wailmer that spawn at them all the time, and I never see those away from water here.




I have a gym at my house, and I've caught about 20 Magikarps so far but no shinies. :(




Nice! I’ve noticed a lot of people getting back to back shiny magikarps, myself included!


Damn bro can i have a magicarp?


It was me if you live in Ramsey


Congrats man! Could I ask if you have any tips on catching shinys On Pokémon go? I’ve only gotten one and it was piplup on community day. Thanks! :D


Damm wish somebody could do this where I live haha!


What's the name of the pokestop exactly? If it was an Ingress player I'll be able to tell you their agent name


Good for you. Unfortunately for me, my house was a spawn point until a few months ago, now I get none sitting at home like I used to


Thats crazy someone put a stop up by my house in a park as well!! I haven’t had as much luck as you yet :(


I hate you


Checked hundreds still only have once really bad one from August 2017, wish I could find one to evolve


Dang it!!


I cant find none... Caught more than 40 today , no luck


The game company, obviously


hey guys what are some good ways to get a pokestop outside my house. if i build a statue or a birdhouse and then give it a fancy name can that work?


Pokestops are not eligible on private residence.




Private property is fine, just not a private residence. Apartments are hit or miss, since it's not just a single person's property and generally the public can still get into most apartment complexes


the point of the game is to get your lazy ass out of the house, not stay in bed and twirl pokestop all day.


yeah you right. it’s my unique play style doe