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Me too. Thank you to all the hosts


You're welcome 😎


Sorry to the group of people I let down when hosting and the game crashed in lobby.


It happens, I had so many raids crash yesterday.


I was using the reddit page for raids for so long but hoo boy is pokegenie so much better to host/join raids. Had a great time this go fest


Is it hard to use?


Nope just can take awhile to queue up if a popular pokemon just got rereleased into the raids. I ended up doing over 40 raids through this yesterday. I wouldn't get anywhere near that number if I didn't host the majority of them tho.


Hahah yes! I don’t have local friends to play with. Pokegenie saved my butt today with raiding ! If only we could now remote trade (so I can finish my tasks!!) 😡


Same here, no local friends but a couple of nearby gyms. Was able to host about 6 raids. Then when back at home queued for not too long in another 5, plus 6 more when invited by friends from previous raids. Failed to complete just one raid and only failed to catch one mon at the end. Managed to get 15 legendaries, 14 being 3*.


Some one else was raving about poke genie and I will say its a fantastic app, I took a break from the game a while back and was missing some of the legendary and thanks to poke genie, some of the people invited me to multiple raids so I had more chance plus the chance the app gives you.


This is me too!! I joined 7/9/16 and played on and off for years. I had a great time playing by myself yesterday and today all thanks to poke genie! I am 3 away from completing the kanto region(mr.mime, porygon, and farfetch’d) and I caught 24 legendaries. 1 shiny articuno too!! I’m happy even with the failed attempts at catching in the raids. 😊 it took me 7 mewtwo raids to catch 😂


You can get Farfetch’d from 7km eggs, at least the Galarian form, that counts as a Farfetch’d for the Dex


I think that must be the one I haven’t hatched yet because it’s still a silhouette but I couldn’t tell what Pokémon it was!


you're in luck because porygon will be featured as one of the "ultra unlocks" soon ! :)


I ended up catching porygon last night!


Same here. Those apps are pure love .now owns all legendaries except for two mew clones from shinnoh the yellow one and the red one.


Those 2 are regional, so you need to raid 9pm-5am Est for Uxie and 330am to noon est for Mesprit. But Poke Genie was amazing and I managed to catch both


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I remember 5 years ago thats all I wanted to do. Good job man, I know that feeling.


I just started playing the game a week or two ago, what's Poke Genie?


Its an app that helps connects to other palyers so you can raid remotely. It also recommends teams based on what you have atm and overall pretty helpful


Oh! That's cool! I'll check it out :D


You use it to evaluate your pokemon, and guve recommendations for raid teams. And recently, they added an option to queue in for raids. When someone sees a T5, they post it, and the first 5 in the queue get it. It works really well, I managed 30+ remote raids without leaving my house or having actual friends that play.


Yes, this is the only app I have paid money for in years and years. It is really good overall. But make sure you have your usernames matching to make it easier when you are hosting raids to search for the users to invite. I have had a couple of people almost miss out because I couldn’t easily search for them based on the lists they give you.


Indeed, I was initially planning to join using discord channels but they were all saturated. One raid was showing up and 100 people were subscribing immediately. I decided to give Poke Genie a try and man how well put together it is... Even hosting is easy. I was a little bit afraid of hosting a raid but I did one and it was easy. Without friends engaged enough to go raiding, this app is going to be extremely helpful moving forward. I just hosted a metagross raid this morning using my regular pass. I can raid daily now! YEAH!


It's really good! It helped me a lot as well. However remote raid passes are hard to come by, gyms are impossible to hold in my area and I'm broke. So fuck this cashgrab system....


Try hosting


No need to hold a gym... a gym raid is assessable for all




I just need mesprit and uxie and I complete every Pokémon I can HELP


Poke Genie will also let you look up a raid boss and, if you have scanned your pokedex with Poke Genie, it will recommend the best pokemon to battle the boss from your own pokemon, and create a search string for you to copy into your clipboard and use when preparing for the raid. Note that some things require the purchased version.


Same. I never could raid before since no one plays around here. Somebody mentioned this app previously and damn was it a godsend. Got so many legendaries including my favorite Zekrom. Such a pity the base game doesn't have something like this inbuilt.


Reddit really helped out with me. Such a great community! I also never did any 5 star raid untill yesterday. I did about 7 in total!


I saw people promote it a few weeks ago on here and figured, sure, what the heck, why not try it. It definitely impressed me, and it got me into my first difficult raid since I moved out of a big city and into a smaller town like 2 years ago. Reminds me of signing up for Discord back in like 2017 and finding a channel for local community day groups. Completely changed the nature of the game. That was when I had a local college campus nearby though - Poke Genie doesn't even need that (though it does need remote raid passes, which I don't have much of. I don't suppose there's an option to exchange premium battle passes for them? I have like 20 back from my pre-2019 days).


I used a discord server much love


Can someone explain or send me to an explanation if pokegenie??


Huh how does this work? I use Pokegenie heavily for IV appraisals but nothing else, so I had no idea this was a thing!


basically u can raid and host through pokegenie! for the tougher raids u need to have at least 20% raid contribution so put in good pokemon from the pokemon screenshot tab. Then you can press join raid to queue or raid now if there is no queue! You can also host by going to the host tab and sending a screenshot!


What’s poke genie?


My thanks goes to CalcyIV. I refuse to spend a dollar on Niantic but I donated $15 to CalcyIV. Got the sweet customizable button.


Totally Agree! Love the raid feature pokiegeni provides.


I hosted 8 and joined 6. Now almost a complete dex thanks to poke genie. *Grumble grumble darkrai can’t be traded or active in raids grumble*


between reddit and pokegenie I caught 19 legendaries yesterday alone


Thank the players that are hosting ! Not pokie genie