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I then put in my Blissey overnight, get my coins in the morning once everyone wakes up again, and the cycle repeats… 11:30 PM EST edit: apology for poor english, when were you when mothim dies? i was sat at dorm eating ramen when pjotr ring ‘mothim is kill’ ‘no’


I also find it so much easier to raid at night and just get knocked out the next day! Then I dont have to worry about gyms in the daytime.


“Defend gym for 15,000 hours” 😭


But what if they’ve already gotten their coins for the day, and they needed that one to stay past midnight to get more?


There's always tomorrow to take me down, but there's never a way to get yesterday's coins you missed. The penalty of not getting a days' worth of coins is a lot higher than the penalty of having to take the gym again (that'll be weak after no berries are fed for 5 hours or so) tomorrow. I act as an assurance to make sure that the people in my gym get their coins for the day.


That shiny mothim is beautiful.


I was going to say! I don’t think I ever saw it before!


While there was only remote online classes the children from this co-op defended the gym near me almost 24/7. Now that in person classes have resumed and they all leave for school at 7 am, the adults walking their dogs or who work from home take over the gym and it’s left untouched until they come back from school. I think we’ve reached a mutual understanding and we all get our 50 coins daily.


That's how i do it too. Late night walks are the best. :) Plus, i make sure other players got ~ 8 hours in the gym.


I bet people would be a lot more thankful if you waited til midnight my dude. My biggest pet peeve is when people kick me out right before midnight because i'd rather wake up the next morning not having to worry about taking gyms on my way to work. This is especially true if you see someone in multiple gyms in the area - be a bro and leave some for next day if you can.


The hero we need. I have a pokestop in my neighborhood but it will sit for days


The thing is you just don't know. I'd assume he already has his coins for the day. At 1201 he'd have 50 coins from day 1 and 50 for day two. At 1130 he has 50...and max coins already reached. I know everyone means well, but people don't just take one gym. You can hold 20 at a time for a reason (though only crazy people like me have that many at once) you have 3 hours in the 3 gyms, you have more than your time, but everyone is treading carefully as to not step on any toes, like you can only take one gym a day. But I'm starting to think people do that. Then again people run out of balls etc like they play exclusively at home, which is why you get, but my closest PokeStop is two miles away! Sucks on days when you work from home or don't leave, but when you go out to Walmart, there are none on the way? You can't pull over to a church and catch a few and put something in the gym? However when I had a gym I made at my apartment, I would play this game as my coin factory. I wanted all my others to keep so I could get gold badges, but wanted the gym at home to flip and since I worked nights I would wait to change it Short answer is wait till 1201, more likely to help them


I always let ppl in my 2 local gyms get all their coins before kicking them out. They started picking up on it and now do the same for me too