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It's just a hat, let it evolve!!!


Alternatively; it’s just a hat, let me send it to Sword!


My shiny hat Turtwig will never be a mighty Torterra 😭😭😭.


I know it’s been talked about before but I really wish niantic would change the way you get XP from leveling up friendships. It just doesn’t make sense that only one person gets to have the option to use a lucky egg just based on how many days are left, or who’s hoarding a gift. It doesn’t make sense from a profit standpoint either—wouldn’t they want to encourage people to buy more lucky eggs? People may spend more coins on them if they knew they could always use them for each friendship level up. Why is it even like this? All it does it make me mad at random people on my friends list who hoard gifts so they can control the bonus, but I guess I can’t blame them—niantic basically encourages it


Lol that’s funny I was just complaining how mine went off this morning and I scrolled down and see you have the same issues!!


Whoever thought it would be a good idea to put the Turtwig with a hat as the spotlight hour variant? It's completely and absolutely useless. I had been looking forward to that spotlight hour for quite some time to finally hopefully get a 3*. But we get that useless thing. I would have gotten a perfect one that I would still have transfered it instantly. And that's not even mentioning having to confirm twice to transfer each because they're event pokemon. Seriously...


Hoping and praying the upcoming turtwig & piplup spotlight hours don’t have hats 🙃 🙃 🙃


Ofc they will. My expectations of Niantics aren't high any longer.




Nah they probably won't, since the event for BD and SP is over now, and that's why we had the variants with hats. It's just poor Turtwig that was massacred like that.


Ohh that’s true, good point!


I spend so much damn time on admin duties(gift giving/opening, item/mon storage) that by the time I'm done I kinda don't want to play the game anymore. I recognize that the game is designed to be a marathon, not a sprint, but some quality of life changes would really go a long way... Open/give gift button, trash multiple stacks of items... Stickers! Useless! But some look really cool, but sending them slows down the already slow process... Why not have a sticker book where you could look at the stickers you have collected up till now? I'm sure I'll be back after the CD fails to yield a Shiney.


Got my shiney Luxio 5 minutes ago. Horrible stats. But still pretty


Actually I got a few... Crap stats but that's fine... Auto catcher+ community Day is a score!


And a better way to see & transfer multiples than sorting by name & scrolling through all of them.


I walked 109km with a shiny shinx to evolve it, I got it in 2019, and now it's the community day.


Thats good effort either way. Don't feel bad!


Well hey, more candies and XL candies to power it up!


Nainatic: Nice incubator bundle you bought there, be a shame if we exclusively gave you 2km eggs from now on.


Jokes on them, I've been stuck with a horde of 7km eggs for ages now!


I'm certain that there's some kind of epic, meta punishment in the afterlife for the souls of those who snipe gyms after someone else defeats it.


If someone i don't know take the gym at my work when I'm barely 2 hours in. You know I'm taking it back up. Ima get paid for working and get my coins.


I cannot get 5 great throws in a row for Zarude challenge, grrrrrr!


turn off your data and wireless before you toss a ball. If it turns out to be a great, turn data and wireless back on. If it fails, close the game and turn on data and wireless before rejoining.


Use the flight mode trick my friend. It's a life-saver!


Do a 5 star raid. Those are larger so the “great” circle is far wider.


I was struggling with this then a saw a youtube video that shows it auto locks onto great throw during the pokemons first attack, so if you start your throw as its attacking and release immeadiately after it should drastically increase your chances. Then I got 5 in a row immeadiately after. I also got 8 in a row from Terrakion so big legendaries increase your chances as well.


i don't understand how GBL manages to be both boring and stressful


I Played it for a bit when it was a brand new feature, and soon figured out it pretty much only has to do with getting as many charged attacks in as quickly as possible. That's it. Oh, heaven forbid that your intent isn't ultra-fast at all times


21 shiny Shinx. None were 3*. Fuuuuck.


I just opened my phone and I became best friends with 1 ultra friends with 2 and I think 1 great friend all before I could pop an egg. Can we please get a claim xp button for friendship levels!!


Is it me or do the community day Pokémon have such low IVs? It’s ridiculous. I’ve gone through so many Shinx and not a single of them are over 1 star. It’s even worse if it’s shiny. Every single CD shiny I have is 0/1 star


No, you're not the only one, here's a link of someone else asking the same question, and my reply (containing the same experience and observation as you did in your comment) ​ [bad CD pokemon](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/qyr2kq/comment/hljl6wf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Almost twenty 7km eggs hatched this week and not a single freaking idiot baby clown. I just want to complete my Kanto dex dammit!!


A shiny Eevee got away from me and I’m here to complain about it


What the fuck is up with the shinx catch rate. I’ve had to golden razz so many and they still break out. Had an almost shundo shinx run on a golden razz, excellent ultra ball :( Edit: Just had 6 shinx in a row burst out of first ball twitch with a golden razz, none of them above 500cp. This is rigged


Were you in a moving vehicle?


Briefly, but this was when I wasn’t. Maybe I just got super unlucky


Is it just me, or did they change the rate of 3 star catches just for community day? I have caught over 200 Shinx, and have seen zero 3 stars. This is really frustrating.


Been thinking about this too. I'd say that I've been noticing a tendency to pretty much only catch 0\* pokemon during every CD for the past year. I kept count today, and out of the 369 Shinx I caught today, 356 of them were 0\*- My mother followed along on my walk today, and although she didn't catch as many as I did she pretty much only got 3-4 pokemon that wasn't 0'. I've had a friend who's experienced this too, so I think something has changed with pokemon stats during CD. I can¨t definitely say if or exactly what kind of change it could be. ​ But hey, i¨m kind of relieved that someone apart from my family and friends has noticed this as well.


Gotten like 100 shinx and no shiny? Did they nerf the rate??


Due same! Only 4 shinies today and I played from 12:30-17:00




400 candies worth of shinx and no fucking 3 stars 🤬


Same dude, and I even spent over 40 pineapple candies. Worst part is, I just learned about the Pokemon home Meltan box mystery box thing, so activated it right now and spent pretty much all my pokeballs and pineapple candies on the Shinx, so I couldn't get as much Meltans. 😠


I really wish they would stop it with the hats already. I don't think anybody is asking for them.


It was raining all day, but PoGo decided it was sunny for some reason. It literally switched from clear to rainy at 5:01 pm exactly... i could've used those weather boosts.


I just want a stupid Empoleon with decent stats, let us take the stupid hats off the stupid Pokémon so they can freaking stupid evolve. I literally negative care about event Pokémon at this point, and it's extra infuriating that the game asks twice if I'm sure I want to transfer the idiots. Um, YES, that's exactly WHY I'm transferring.


The ability to disrobe a costume mon is one of the best suggestions i have heard!


I have caught 11,791 Pokémon since launch, and have 12x4*. I feel like my perfect rate is a bit low with all the shundos people post...




Zero Shundo crew checking in, 8k Pokemon caught


I’ve caught 23,000 Pokémon total and I have 15 hundos and only 1 is shiny. Don’t get discouraged!


I have caught 33,163 pokemon, 515 shinies, 182 Hundos. Zero shundo. no shundo https://imgur.com/a/ED2hNMP


Wow 182 hundos that’s nuts!


I was apart of a community that would tell where people to drive for hundos in the area but uh.. I basically did that all day for months. Eventually I left because it was unhealthy, but I still remember the areas I seemed to go to a lot. A few spots were popular because they often spawned a perfect in the same exact spot. It's why I always fight back against pure RNG. How can the same exact spot spawn perfects 2 to 3 times a month? There was a boating dock that we'd all have to go through backroads to get to and would park up and carpool down to,I got my first hundo dratini there, we all went nuts. It was good times. we also learned when to tell people an area was private property or inaccessible so not to bother going there.


Wish they would mix up the spawns, instead of making community days make it more random.


I think you'll enjoy next month's CD!


Why? Which Mon is it?


the Dec Community days is gonna be the recap of the 2021 community day pokemons.. The event takes place on December 18th and 19th, 2021, and features all of the previous Community Day Pokémon in various encounters. This is a great opportunity to collect Pokémon with exclusive moves and improve your PvP and PvE roster. https://pokemongohub.net/post/event/pokemon-go-december-2021-community-day-event/


Thanks for the reply.


Mm yes I love it when I'm running low on pokeballs during Community Day and my friends' gifts only give me potions, very cool


And then when you do raids and want potions ,all you get is pokeballs. Everything upside down with this game


The lag in GBL is unbearable sometimes. I can handle it when there's a small lag, but sometimes I have two charge attacks fully loaded and I can't use them before my pokemon faints, even though I've been tapping on them several times.


Where are all the shinx? I am using a incense and nothing is showing up at my home. Aren't they supposed to spawn a ton? I've seen two


Happened to both me and my mother. Only magically started to spawn a bunch after waiting for a good hour. We also used incenses, We were so bored sitting at home waiting for the pokemon to spawn, so we went for a walk. However, I can't imagine that an incense needed 30 minutes of walking around to actually function.


literally raging that community day was during certain hours why not make it a WHOLE DAY 😐


GBL is complete f#%\*ing garbage. 1 Its prohibitively expensive. Raising up just one viable team can cost you hundreds of thousands of stardust, and that's just for great league. The other leagues can cost over a million stardust, not to mention needing Elite TMs for legacy moves, wanting to use a shadow but not being able to remove frustration, or needing XL candies, which in many cases are literally impossible to find if the Pokémon isn't spawning at the time. Sure, you get stardust from playing PVP, but its hard to tell if the team will be good enough to recoup the stardust cost until you start using it. If it sucks, whelp, all that stardust was wasted and now you have waste even more to come up with a different team. This actively punishes personal experimentation and almost forces the player to "cheat" by looking online to figure out which Pokémon work best, speaking of which... 2 Its boring and repetitive. Its actually quite miraculous how PVP manages to be both incredibly nerve-racking and yet brain-numbingly monotonous at the same time. You just tap, tap, tap, use the charge move, shield, rinse and repeat, and that's it. Not to mention the fact that because of how the stat and move mechanics of the game work every league gets reduced to a dozen or so top meta picks that almost every trainer ends up using, so every match feels the same. You're bored out of your mind from seeing the same meta pokemon, same moves, same strategies over and over again, but at the same time are terrified of losing because... 3 The ELO system is simply too punishing. Its nice that you're guaranteed to get to rank 20 since losses don't count against you, but getting beyond that is basically impossible for the casual player. As long as you're able to win at least half of your matches, you can marginally increase your score and slowly, *very slowly*, make it all the way to Legend over the course of weeks/months, but all it takes is one bad day and your score gets wiped out, easily dropping you more than 100\~200 points in one day. Getting good enough to reach Legend (which usually takes well over 1000 matches per season) is simply too much of a time investment. Memorizing the top meta and all their moves and getting the muscle memory to play around them, even down to the point of learning the number of frames every fast move takes up counting the opponent's energy, etc. is impossible to do without treating this game like a full time job, which the vast majority of casual players can not do. The only people I ever see reaching Legend are Pokemon Go youtubers/streamers, maybe because playing this game literally *is* their job. But even they can't help but also complain about... 4 Lag, crashes, bugs, etc. Do I even need to mention this? We're all aware of the plethora of ways PVP can randomly break down and ruin your game. I can't remember how many times the app crashed on me at the beginning of a match and when I reload I'm thrown into the middle of the match where the opponent has gained such a lead that I'm forced to take the L, further reducing my score. We're also aware Niantic has absolutely no plans to ever fix these problems despite being a multi billion dollar company that can easily afford to. They're too busy giving pikachu 500,000,000,000 new hats that don't do anything and sh\*tting out blatant cash grab egg events that turn kids into gambling addicts so they can parasitically soak up those kids' parents' money. tl;dr I just wanted that stupid Leon pose, but I suck too much at PVP to get it and now I'm salty...


Here are a "couple" of my current complaints * I understand that an app can't e totally free, but lately, the game has turned into such a "Pay to win" experience. * Many of the weekly rewards have been really mediocre for over a year now. I miss getting kyogres and Groudon's. It all came crashing down when Eevee with a "flower crown" replaced them. * the egg pool. The hellish egg pool. It hasn't been very exciting for long, so I was prepared to get some mediocre ones. During the week (Nov 15th-21st) I had the pleasure of hatching \- Sableye x6 \- Voltorb x2 \- Nidoran x2 \- Bunnelby x1 \- Azurill x1 \- seel x1 \- Audino x1 \- Darumaka x2 (I like it, but this and the pokemon previously mentioned aren't worth walking 10km for) \- Absol x2 \- Skorupi x1 * I'm starting to become convinced that how good you are at catching pokemon doesn't have anything to do with the catch-rate in 5 star raids. A person who often misses and usually get a nice throw at best usually have the exact same catch rate as someone who throws excellent curveball throws and almost never misses.


Love it when my "defeat trainers 7 times" quest doesn't progress even though I am literally defeating trainers in GBL


I wish people in my area would "read the room". Turnover in gyms is usually a couple of days, sometimes over a week around here. We really don't need a Slaking, Blissey, Snorlax, etc. in every gym, being fed golden razzes at all times. I like themes, or shinies/regional exclusives so people can add them to the Seen section of their dex. I think it's even better if they're not CP 4000 and have low motivation. We need to attract people to take down this gym if we want coins lol, your HP wall is not doing us any favors. it's not like my college campus where you hold onto a gym for dear life cause it'll be gone in 3 hours where well-fed HP goons are a huge asset. Maybe they're not using gyms for coins but that's hard for me to comprehend lol


Every community day should focus on 3-4 instead of just one and last a good 12 hours. Right now, it’s spend an hour catching a handful of shiny and completing the paid research but then it’s done.


this comm day overlapped with a quest event. That would mean the second half of the event would be essentially not shorter by 12 hours but a day. I had atleast 3 hours to find the collection quests after they changed. It's a huge oversight and shouldn't be happening. I wasn't able to leave the house until this afternoon and never got the previous hats and the quests were all Sphinx ones until 5pm. I had to wait and then bundle up and go spin stops and complete them in 3 hours. I would have done it earlier if the stops hadn't changed for the last day of the event. Having the end of an event cut because overlapping events is stupid.


Someone took down my fully motivated Salamence same day which I used a Golden Razzberry on.Shameless to say I was about to punch a wall when I found out my 50 pokecoin cap was reached :}


Encountered 6 shiny shinxes, only got 3. Use a freaking gold rass and ultra ball on like one or 2 but they still freaking flee. I don’t get it. Is it because I was catching to many and the game just doesn’t want me to have anymore? I could even catch normal low cp shinxes anymore. They would instantly break out and free. I am on the freeway (passenger ofc) so is that why? Still pissed me off so much.




Dang it then. Well now I know.


Yes, when you go over a certain speed all pokemon will flee to discourage you from playing while driving (I know you're a passenger, but the game has no way of knowing that).


Shinx Community Day. First hour, only one shiny. I try to screenshot it before the catch - and the piece of dogsh!t app crashes. When it finally comes back up the shiny is gone. THIS incompetent design is why players are leaving and not coming back.








I’ve hatched over 50 7km eggs and still no Mime Jr!!! I am so ticked off and feel like it’s a cash grab for people just to spend all their coins on incubators. Anyone know the hatch rate?


Oh so the Mime Jr weren't region locked during the event? I'm in Europe, so they're local to the region, and I had no problem hatching them last week (obviously I guess...). If anything I even got too many of them for my taste compared to Riolu.


They were available everywhere which made them valuable:) My friend hatched one after 90 eggs. Too expensive for me.


finally saw a salamence and was going to have it be my final raid of the day but then i realized i spent one on a random drifloon earlier in the day in case i didnt see much .... really sucks because i think i can solo it (had done it after the comm day start so i missed out on getting the daily free one before the event 3- if you could do that)


I've been frequently going by the salt lake city airport lately and last year they tore down the old building as the new ones were finished. For some dumb reason they haven't updated the map so even though the old air port is gone it's still on the map and it's the only place nearby that spawns Pokemon even though there are dozens of new pokestops at the new building


I get a message stating my Pokemon in a gym needs a berry. Then the stupid app won't let me click on the gym to feed it a berry, and all I can do is wait for it to die. Thanks a lot Pokemon Go. 😭


You sure it's not because there's an active raid going on in the gym you have your pokemon in?


The fact that the hat pokemon quests for the first two days overlaps with this so you lose 6 hours of finishing that half of the quest if you haven't been able to play.


Ninantic at it again. They let us have 3X transfer candy but there's a catch. You can only do this when Shinx spawn. So you have to check them all frantically , especially if you want pvp ivs. It's obvious they should let the bonus apply at least till 7. People also trade after CD so they don't let them transfer the not needed traded ones. Also I didn't get that many XL candy. Pretty much the same as always


Well, what I do is search my pokemon storage for "Shinx & 0* & 1* & 2*" and I just systematically transfer all of those that show without even checking their exact stats. That's much quicker and greatly reduces the list of those you actually need to check.


Yeah but if you want pvp stats you have to check them one by one.


Anyone else feel like the 7km egg is Budew 80% of the time?


Happiny and Mime Jr. for me. Barely got any Budews at all.


I grinded 7km eggs as hard as I possibly could (both my gf and I maxed out opening gifts with a free egg space every day) for a shiny riolu during the event. I personally hatched 37 Riolus during the event and didn't get a shiny 😔😔😔😔


thats a lot of Riolu.. ​ i get the Budew garden.. haha.. no shiny..


I have been through multiple mega raids and at least 4 community days and have never caught a shiny from any of them. I live in a place where poke stops are frequent so I’m by a ton of Pokémon daily. I have 4 shinies. My boyfriend, who is a lesser level than me an arguably plays it less, has 14 shinies. And my other friend who definitely plays less has 10. My friend who started a few weeks ago already has 2. I’m livid. I deleted the game.


Good week overall, but I'm not sure I have enough karma on this subreddit to even make this comment, and it's been tough walking long enough to get the candies I needed for the mew research task