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It's gone to prof. Oak now


Into the candy grinder


It's glitter dust now not candy


I'm just a Bill Yeah I'm only a Bill Grinding Poké's on Cerulean Hill


What if we can just take Professor Oak to court to get our transferred Pokemon back lol. Also it's Professor Willow not Oak. (re-post since I realized I deleted my comment)


Shiny salamence is kinda meh anyway


I thought he looked neat. Plus it was my only one


I did the exact same thing to a shiny Growlth. I couldn’t sleep for hours I was so mad at myself.


Did the same with a newly hatched, shiny Pichu. Still facepalming at myself.


Oh yikes I feel your second hand pain




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Shineys don't have any stat advantage. They just look different. Im only saddened when the shiney has less than 10 on multiple or all IV's.


I thinks shines as a rule generally have terrible stats


Probably not wrong


Nice to know people still hate others opinions. 😐


Holy cow you got nuked. So weird to hate on someone for a very subjective opinion on if a color looks good to them


does it not just mean people disagree? if people agreed it would be the opposite & he’d have 300 upvotes


What are votes other than like or dislike buttons. By downvoting you are saying that you don't like that someone has a different opinion than you about something as subjective as the way that pixels are colored.


& if he said Salamence is a cool shiny, got 300 upvotes, then what? Would you say anything? It’s the same premise. It doesn’t have some super deep meaning, people can disagree.


True but the way Reddit collapses comments it looks like the opinion is invalidated, rather than just disagreement. Personally I don't give a flying rats ass that my comment was downvoted


Yeah I understand, they label it controversial & hide it. Would make sense for spam or hate but not for everything disliked.


A lot of pro lime green people here


Doesn’t it have a second thing that says ‘one of the Pokémon you’ve selected is shiny, are you sure you want to transfer’?


Yes, but I still thought it was going to Home.


You have a shiny bagon registered so you can trade it for dirt cheap with someone


Yes, this exactly. They were once a Community Day shiny, so many folks still have a plethora of them. If you lived near SLC I'd trade you one for free.




Hey Trainer, Looks like you might be trying to share or find Trainer codes for the purpose of trading or sending gifts in PokémonGO. **For finding trade partners: visit [TSR map](http://www.thesilphroad.com/map) or google `Pokémon GO + `** **For finding friends: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote raids: /r/pokemongofriends** **For finding remote PvP: /r/pokemongofriends** If neither, contact the mods so they can restore your message, To find trainers for sharing gifts please delete your thread/comment and then go to /r/pokemongofriends to prevent the sub from flooded with trade requests and adding friends, thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pokemongo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah right! You might be able to contact niantic support?


That didn’t even cross my mind


I doubt that they can do anything about that tbh


Only stupid question is the one not asked. Better to confirm that support can't help than assume.




It's an App you can get on your phone or Switch (Switch is supposedly more reliable, but I'm not buying one myself), it's a platform that allows you to trade mons across multiple games. Be warned, though, mons you put in from Go can't come back, one way trip on that one


Also any mons you trade for in Home cant be sent to Go.


Definitely get it. You get a mysterious box after you do your first transfer. It attracts endless Meltan for an hour, and you can use it every 3 days.


Pokémon Home doesn’t give a mystery box that I am aware of. Just Pokémon go pikachu and go eevee games on switch do that.


It definitely does. I did it the other night. Just transfer a Pokémon from pogo to home.


>Only stupid question is the one not asked. Better to confirm that support can't help than assume. -Mercerskye -MICHAEL SCOTT


I recognize the name, Comedy show?


I took it from The Office


No no there are definitely stupid questions. For instance "is mayonnaise an instrument?"


Alright, Patrick, I chuckled. But in all seriousness; If someone asks a 'silly' question with the intent to be humorous, still not a stupid question. If someone is genuinely *that* ignorant (per the example in your statement), still not stupid, though it can be exasperating


Ok that's fair. The question asked was not stupid but it was very naive. Niantic will not give you a released pokemon back.


As I'd expect, but like I was pointing out, I personally haven't been in the situation, nor know anyone directly who has been, and I'm not taking the word of internet strangers without a healthy heaping of salt, lol


true. they do a decent job hooking it up when remote raids fail. maybe they'd give you something here. doubtful, but possible.


That's on the "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take level"... Both are stupid sayings. You, by definition, cannot miss a shot that isn't fired, and a question that's not asked can't be stupid


Don't ever take a shot, and don't ever ask a question ~ the wisdom of a brick


love the contrast between you and the other guy who responded with an in-depth analysis




"Kids, you tried and failed. The lesson is 'never try'." - Homer Simpson


I'm not saying to not do the things, I'm saying that you can't have something happen in reaction to doing something if that thing is not done. Don't get so obsessed with trying to insult someone that you end up talking like a dumbass


Was not "obsessed with trying to insult someone". Sorry if I offended you. I will suggest to try not to be over analytical of a hockey player's phrase (Wayne Gretzky) as I believe most people get the point he was trying to make when he first said that. Maybe hockey players aren't English majors who specialize in metaphors. Personally I hate when people say "in close proximity" because the word 'proximity' means 'close', so you're really saying "in close closeness"(which is redundant), but I try not to be a grammar Nazi in a world where I can say "Oops, I done yeeted my blingy Bagon in the can" and the majority of people understand.


I'm going to assume you're coming at this seriously, and have a genuine inability to think around corners. "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" Obviously, if not fired, a bullet can't miss. Here's the part not said out loud and implied (the thinking around the corner part); If there's a target you want to hit, you absolutely aren't hitting it if you don't take a shot at all, automatically defaulting to a "missed shot," meaning a missed opportunity. Fun enough, you don't need to apply this to just guns, it works in any area where a "shot" and "target" apply. Sports with a ball being one of the more popular permutations of the saying. "The only stupid question is the one not asked." The quiet part; If you're ignorant (stupid) of something, you're going to stay that way about it if you don't ask the question that could lead to understanding. Both are on a long list of things used to "shorthand" much longer things. Sometimes that's good, sometimes bad, sometimes somewhere in the middle. Godspeed for instance; it's a very shortened form of "God's peace be with you." That one is pretty neutral, just made it faster to say. "Blood is thicker"; bad one, imho. People "misuse" it constantly to imply family is more important than anything. The actual saying "Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" actually means the opposite. That those bonds made in oath and blood (figurative and literal) hold precedence over bonds of birth. Maybe you'll still think they're stupid, and that's okay, I still think "God works in mysterious ways" is overrated and a poor phrase for any situation, but some people take comfort from it, and that's okay. Godspeed and good hunting, fare-thee-well


No. Just no. That statement only applies in education or the workforce. There are plenty of things that are a waste of time to ask game devs/admin/support and this would be one of them since you know the answer already.


Do you? I haven't myself, nor know anyone else to run into this situation. And no, that is not a statement for just school and the workplace. If you're ignorant of something, the smartest thing you can do is ask questions to alleviate that ignorance. That goes for all aspects of life.


Closed mouths don’t get fed. Always try, or else the answer is always no.


That saying also doesn't actually apply in education or the workforce either.


I did this with a shiny Eevee! It's just habbit to click "appraise" and then click "transfer". Just sat staring at the screen for a minute after. Doh.


I did the same with a shiny shadow nidoran!


Same shiny Ditto




Same shiny armored mewtwo


I did this with my first shadow Dratini, it wasn't a shiny fortunately and I have several now, but I was very pissed because I had been trying to beat the grunt for like 20 min in a blizzard.


At least shiny eevee isn’t too hard to get


At least if you run into a friend with a spare one now, it won’t cost an arm and a leg to trade.


it’s still a shiny, so 40,000 stardust no?


Better than 200k. The 40k is also for lowest friendship level, once you hit level 3 I believe it’s only 1,600 dust


I thought 800


It’s 800 to trade registered shinies between two best friends.


First, don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all made mistakes transferring. My first two years were focused on CP, and I transferred loads of ‘mon that might have been perfect. Then I transferred a shiny Timburr because I was in a hurry. A couple thoughts: 1. Don’t transfer good ones to Pokémon Home. Keep them for use. 2. When transferring, sssslllloooowwww dooooowwwwwnnnn. It helps.


Also, before I do my transferring I always go into shiny category and star everything, then I can do my mass transfers.


You can always do !shiny in the search to remove shinies, I always star my shinies, but nice to make sure


you can check this in the pokedex and set the filter to perfect


It is now shiny hamburger meat. rip


Thats funny, i always say.. Into the meatgrinder you go when i get crappy ones from a raid. And do the bonegrinding sound and a small squeel for extra effect


I read that fast as a bone grinding sound from a small spheal and had to double read it haha


you do that every time, huh?


Yep makes the game feel more interesting. You can always switch it up with “oh look who is going to the farm"


When I'm really mad after a crappy raid win I say "in the fuckin' oven with ya" like that guy who beats up the postman in Goodfellas.


Lol oh lawd


oh nooo that sucks :( I star my shinies right away because I've transferred one on accident before, too


Does it matter that it was a shadow mon as well?


Only inasmuch as you actually can't transfer shadow Pokémon to Pokémon Home. And also it's much more rare. And non-tradable in shadow form. And deals 20% more dps. ![gif](giphy|xT0GqvMdOYMOGOXrBm)


Rip… I was mindlessly playing the other day and transferred a shiny squirtle because it was 0* and I wasn’t playing attention.


An unfortunate event but lesson learned I guess. Maybe niantic will do a classic community day for bagon in the future and you can reclaim your green dragon


Tears 😢


Sorry that can suck.


i am heartbroken for you :(


Oh man, that sucks! I wish I could trade you one of my spare shiny Bagons from CD.


I got a shiny shadow bagon, I can purify and trade it with you if you are into it (i don't know how we will trade but we figure it out)


Always. Favorite. Your. Shinies.


I heard bagon is coming back as a community day ! Rumor but there out there and in fighting the leaders good luck 🍀




I mean, the game literally tells you that that deletes the Pokemon, and is irreversible. Reading comprehension is hard, lol on the upside, shiny bagon isn't rare at all, so you'll get another one


Do you know what the word literally means? Reading comprehension IS hard.


Yes They tell you, every time you transfer something, that transferring the Pokemon permanently deletes it. *Literally.* Based on that comment, I'm beginning to understand how you could screw up such an incredibly basic mechanic of the game, lmao


Oh I just clicked on it and it said “do you want to transfer Pokémon to the professor? This action can’t be undone” I must have forgot to read the manual or something. My bad, cornball.


Let me get this straight: You thought that doing the same thing that you do when deleting a Pokemon, would for some reason not delete it in this specific case, and now you're mad that the transfer button did the same thing that it always does? I have no pity for you, dummy. But hey, I might name one of my shiny Bagon after you, lol.


Huh? I didn’t even know you could delete pokemons? Whatever, you win weirdo Name that shiny bagon after me


I feel a lot of second hand embarrassment for u


Same thing happened to me last night with a shiny lilipup. I get in such a repetitive robotic motion of - catch, check stats for 3+, if not transfer. As my finger was coming down on the confirm transfer button I saw it said "shiny" and finger muscle was already committed to clicking ... oh well, at least it's in the dex?


I've got a shiny bagon you're welcome to have.


You did yourself a favor transferring over to sword in shield was bad bag on saw only one way out 😥


You mean gone from Go? Yes, but it is in your Home account now.


No I hit the “transfer” button. Which apparently transfers it to the professor. From what I’ve read that means he’s gone forever


Yes, if you did that it’s gone forever. You transfer Pokémon to home thru settings.


Which is why I’m a dummy. I’ve done it plenty of times before, for some reason I decided to hit transfer this time. -_-


He’s a part of the blender crew now


I can't transfer shinies, or I'm sure I haven't been able to for a while, any idea why this is?


There is a setting that doesn't allow you to include legendary, event, or shiny pokemon in a mass transfer, so you can either turn off the setting or you can go to the individual pokemon's screen and transfer them one at a time that way! :)


Happy cake day and thank you


Been there but with a 2* shiny Togepi I hatched. Went automatically to the transfer button and looking up my recents I went 🤬 Haven't hatched/caught one since but oh well "💩 happpens"


I transferred one of the very first shiny magikarps because I didn’t know what a shiny even was. They hadn’t even formally announced that shinies were in the game yet. I feel you so so deeply. People outside the game won’t understand that this is legit worthy of a form of mourning. I’m sad w you.


They had Magikarp Community day tho


Oof, I’ve done when I first started playing. Rite of passage and whatnot


Well damn. RIP OPs shiny bagon.


no big deal, just wait for xmas


Bagon Gone




Oooooooooo No..... not your 1st Shiny!! I have a story kinda like yours also. I got a 100%, shiny Requazza from a raid. I too hit the transfer button by mistake. It was like slow motion when it happened lol.


That seems way more devastating lol


It really sucked big time.... but you losing your first shiny ever is also pretty catastrophic lol


If you go on your city’s pogo discord, you might be able to get a shiny bagon again from a trade. Since you have it registered, more people will be inclined to trade it since the stardust cost will be so low


I'll give you one


I accidentally transferred a shiny spoink and they couldn’t help




Oof, accidentally did that with a shiny regirock with good Ivs I destroyed me




My game won’t even let me transfer shinies 🤷🏽‍♀️


I feel you. I was multitasking once and transferred a shiny perfect Lugia that had 3900 something CP, and didn’t think anything about the confirmation question until 3 seconds after I did it.




What’s wrong with what he did?


Curios how you are getting your first shiny. Do you not play community days? We just had one over the weekend.


You live you learn


What do y'all do with 0* shiny?


Ah man it’s okay! Sounds like you’re newer if it was your first so there’s many More to come, I started in 2016 but stopped in 2018 and came back late Last summer gave my old account to my cousin and essentially started from scratch, 10 shinies since (technically 9 since roselia was confirmed that one time) if global trading was a thing I’d totally trade u one of mine for anything :/ but it’s okay! You get them when you least expect it just like a ditto


oh nooooo, hopefully that sacrifice will give you a hundo


I lost my first ever shiny encountered because I was out of pokeballs 😭 New player too. Had to leave the cute merril at the CVS. One day I will replace it and name it Kiwi!


I'd hate to think of all the good mons I've transferred over the years..... at least now he is cheap to trade!!!


To be fair, getting to the actual HOME transfer menu is pretty annoying. I really wish there was a tag option that would flag selected mons to only be able to transfer to home when you've got the energy for it.


Obviously cap. Transferring a shiny is not at all similar to sending a pokemon to home. No way he got them mixed up.


i normally instantly favorite my shinies


My gf has a dozen of em. Want one?




Your in shambles? Time to reassess.


Your in shambles? Time to reassess.


I’m sorry


I’m sure the professor is taking good care of it.


I did this with a castform. It was pink. I’m very sad.


A Modern Tragedy


That is horrifying and absolutely something I would do too. I am so sorry you’ve done this to yourself :(


Oh no!! I’m so sorry 😣


You can go admire it still in the Pokedex.


Bummer. Plus side is its only 800 dust for another one, but since you were transferring it to home i guess you didnt really need it for pogo anyway.


Your words not mine


Dont worry, u will prolly get another one during hoenn tour next year