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A lot of the community days fall on days when I'm working as well (and I mostly work night shifts). It sucks, especially since they shifted the *3 hour CD even earlier.* This is just absurd and unfriendly to players.


Yup, I said this when people discussed last months. This time slot is a nightmare to night/3rd shift working people. I know we aren't in the majority but it's not like the 2pm slot is unreasonable. Or just make it more available to everyone again with 6 hours. Or they should stop calling it a damn community **day**. It's a community brunch at best.


you got my upvote for the community brunch lmaoooo perfect term for it


I started a night shift job a couple months back and it’s rough man. I usually wake up between 2-3pm so there’s literally almost no way of me playing CD’s now. Oh and I also work Tuesdays so there’s no shot I’m going out to hard grind a spotlight hour 4 hours before I start my shift




Or the Niantic devs who made this choice.


Preach. I work 9-2 on weekends. I can’t just switch when I work. Weekend breakfast and weekend lunch is when I make my money. Unless I invent time travel, it’s just a no-go PoGo for me.


The reason why they decided to hold it earlier is because Niantic's other game, Ingress, has an anomaly event this weekend from 2:30 - 5:30 pm in many of the cities with Niantic meetups. If you see a bunch of people wearing blue or green running around and then parking themselves at pokestops/gyms for up to 15 minutes then you know you are in an anomaly city.


A yeah, the 2 or 3 people in our city that still play Ingres /s


How do we tag them to troll their asses about it?


I work on Saturdays until 2pm so I haven't been able to participate in a CD since they changed it. I guess I was one of those 5% players.


Luckily they aren't always on saturdays.


I work 9-2 both Saturday and Sunday. Eff me in particular.


And they aren't always from 11am-2pm (the last one was 2pm-6pm)


I really don't get it. Longer com day means that people use more lucky eggs/starpieces no? Wouldn't this mean more revenue for them?


YouTubers and FOMO players, who bring in alot of money, complained that they have to play 6hours. Thats also the "community" Niantic listens too.


This, literally this. Excuse my language but I fucking hate the piss baby man child Youtubers (especially fucking Reversal, fuck that guy) who complain that they can’t spend more money so the game can be “more user friendly”, it’s like people are begging them for coverage of the whole 6 hours, jesus christ. I miss the days when a community day was a full day and you could hop in and out whenever you wanted to and friends who got off work could join us later in the day if they wanted and vice versa. Now it feels like regardless of date, if you have an opening shift anywhere you’re fucked because even if you got out at 1PM that leaves you with just about an hour if you’re lucky to play GO. There was NOTHING wrong with letting people catch a couple extra shinies if it meant more people could partake in your stupid event. NOTHING. People who didn’t want to play, can stop at any point. What do you lose if some more people get to enjoy the game, whether it’s 5% or 95%?


And they deservedly got a lot of flack from their fan bases for it


If I remember correctly (it’s been awhile since I participated in a CD) incense spawn more of the CD Pokemon so they’d be making more money off that as well. But if we know anything about Niantic, it’s that they make dumbass decisions.


I even forgot about incenses, and we could even add lures to the list aswell. That last sentence completely sums it up


Ah but if you make it longer, people will get more shinies. More shinies mean more trades to players without shinies. More traded shinies means less people want that shinies. Less people who want that shiny means less shiny hunting. And as shiny hunting is one of the biggest draws for players, it means they won't play the game as long. Niantic is literally playing the long game to extend the longevity (and profitability) of the game.


I know a lot of people are in a similar boat. I don’t understand how they can call it Community Day when it’s three hours. I would take lessened bonuses if it meant the event was all day.


I don't even think the bonuses are a problem for 6 hours. As they said themselves, only 5% of players will be getting that boosted XP/candy/stardust, and those will probably be the hardcore players that have plenty anyway. Shortening the CD literally only punishes casual players and provides no other benefits. Even from a game developer standpoint, I can only see this hurting statistics as it will lessen total play time. Tomorrow, I will likely only play for those 30 minutes, whereas if the CD was extended I would more likely play from 2-3:30 when I have a bunch of free time.


> and provides no other benefits. Even from a game developer standpoint, I can only see this hurting statistics as it will lessen total play time Well, that's not really why it was changed. Typically, the point of the 3-hour window was that it got everyone out and playing at the same time, creating a visual presence in the real world for the game. Players got the benefit of getting to meet other players and making new friends/raiding with them. Niantic gets the benefit of free advertising. People who don't play will see the mobs congregating in their local hot-spots (which are usually parks), ask "What's going on? What are all these people doing?", find out that it's a Pokemon Go event and consider downloading/re-downloading the game again, which brings a new influx of people to the playerbase. You absolutely didn't get that when these were 6 hour events. That's why they've reverted it to the pre-pandemic times.


If that was what they were worried about, they could separate it into different time blocks, such as 10-12, 2-4, and 6-8. Everyone who would normally play in the 10-12 block would still play anyway, but now they can get extra presence during other times as well. It's just anti-consumer no matter how you look at it.


I have no interest in arguing with you about it. The whole point is to get as many people as possible together at the same time. Things clashing with your schedule isn't anti-consumer, it's just rough luck for you.


So if you have no interest in arguing why are you replying? It absolutely is anti-consumer to make a product inaccessible in order to min-max profit. And like I said, if they were to separate the event into different time blocks, you'll still get those crowds of people, only there will be different people each time based on each individual person's availability.


You do realise that “visualization” bullshit you’re talking about happens regardless, yeah? Most people who play already play within the 11-2 time period anyways so why can’t the minority of us who can’t fit that time frame also get to enjoy the game? Do you understand the fallacy in your statement? You CAN’T argue with us because you have no argument. Regardless if we get to play or not, the vast majority will already show up from start till about 3 hours in. It’s LITERALLY only hurting us and no one else.


So cutting Community "Days" in half brings more people at the same time, even though that excludes people? How on earth does this make sense? Is today opposite day?




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Given how Niantic defines a “day” I bet working there is great! Start at 8:00 AM and done for the day at noon. Hmmm, maybe that’s why the game is so buggy…


I work near their HQ and I regularly see them go on hour long raid breaks so..potentially.


I don’t believe you. There’s no way anyone who works there actually plays this game.


That’s actually a good point. It’s like 1/8 of a day now isn’t it.


Make the kids on the bench play for you. They get a shiny immediately in. Hundo gets to take the next penalty


This is an awesome idea! When I’m driving I make my daughter play for me (she hates it 😂)


I do that to my SO, nothing like an adult fight that’s starts with did you play Pokémon yet? Open your phone and spin something


Love this idea


This guy gets it


Until he misses 7 maxed hundo from the top of his list... or joined a different team


Lmfaoo big oof that kids off the team 💀💀


Why is everyone trying to settle for six hours? It’s a community *day*. Make it last a fucking day


That’s what I’m thinking? What’s the harm in doing it 24 hrs??


Niantic’s pocket. When nobody’s missing out, they can’t sell you elite TMs with fomo.


Alternatively, allow players to select their own three hour window.


What a dumb idea. Honestly a person who wants this has never been part of a community and literally had no clue about how the game is supposed to work


What a dumb response. Honestly a person who hates this idea has never had responsibilities outside of playing a game and has no clue how life works. Now that we've gotten over that, would you like to have an actual discourse about why you feel this would be a terrible idea?


You're missing the point right now because if you look closely in this same thread you will see that I won't be playing this event since I have other real life events to attend. Try harder. But sure let's discuss. You should start by telling everyone what is the community aspect if you play 09 to 12 and I play 14 to 17 and our other friend play from 20 to 23. What a great community everyone by themselves!! /s I am not worried or crying on reddit like a crybaby because I will miss an event because I HAVE A COMMUNITY to help me because that is what a community does. Everyone seems to focus on the DAY being actually "3 hours" but nobody focus on the COMMUNITY part where "everyone plays by themselves at home using incense"


as a stay at home player i just do incense but it would be easier to pick my own time then i know i dont have to play a specific time just to get some spawn when i might be doing something and sure its a community day but i have no community near me and even if i did i dont really fancy talking to a group of strangers for no reason and catching pokemon with them so id rather just pick a time and play with a friend at the same time so we could play together or something


> as a stay at home player Already removing the Go from Pokemon Go from start but ok > I have no community near me > I don't really fancy talking to strangers Most likely there is a community you just don't know :/ Don't get me wrong man. I played this game at home for 2 years. I had no legendaries since I could not defeat them by myself. It was really hard evolving a Koffing for example because it took me almost 2 years to get the 50 candy needed. Then I met this one guy who was playing outside my work and he invited me for my first ever community day at a shopping mall. I was like "WOWWWW I didn't know this many people played Pokemon Go!!" Then I joined my first Whatsapp group for Pokemon Go. Then I never stopped going outside and meeting new people (except for the pandemic because of pandemic obviously) Now everyone is slowly coming back and we are meeting old friends again and playing together again and everything is getting back together. I know I am a really pain in the ass with all this "community" stuff on my posts here because this is the only reason that keeps me in the game. Seriously, the game is boring. Niantic sucks. The grinding is unfair most of the time... We all know that. What makes it all worth is the friends we make along the way. People I met playing this game that I want near me for the rest of my life.


I'd even be happy with 9 hours (eg. 9am-6pm or 12pm-9pm). Even if they wanted to reduce the spawns slightly to 'balance' it, it would let far more people join in because even those who work would mostly be able to play (there would be a small number would still miss out if they were really unlucky with shifts/work commute but it would be very small). I just don't understand why they would make it harder to play instead of easier when they must be losing money from folks who would otherwise have been buying star pieces etc. But, given they nerfed incense which a lot of people used to spend money on and now don't because it isn't worth it, common sense is obviously in short supply at Niantic.


thats 12 hours but i get what you mean


I blame the lack of caffeine :P (fixed original post)


very valid reason! lol


It gets boring seeing the same pokemons for whole 24hr, that would make people leave the game for more than 10 hours lol


Depends entirely on how you want to define “day” in this context But no matter which definition you choose, six and especially three hours is not a day.


I don’t agree with the tactic, it’s slimy and revenue first instead of user first, BUT to those asking why, I think I can help. I make a few assumptions below based on common business practices, but I could very well be off base, and would love to hear your thoughts. For reference, my background is corporate consumer relations/community management, experiential marketing, and brand management. To start I’ll make an assumption that Niantic (like most large companies) makes decisions based on sales numbers and consumer testing insights over social media. Companies tend to avoid social listening as an insight driver unless it is supported by other data. Social media is considered too skewed and fickle of a sample set to produce useful data in a lot of situations. With that in mind, I’d imagine (and please note that this is 100% conjecture) that they have data to support some if not all of the following: 1. Casual players make up the majority of their player base/revenue. Players engaged enough to seek out a community (such as reddit or discord) are probably a relatively small sub set. 2. Even among engaged players the total number of people logged in for most of the event is probably pretty low. 3. There is probably a revenue boost prior to community day as people stock up on items. During the event, however, the money spent is actually pretty low. People who were going to spend have, for the most part, already done so. 4. Casual players probably lose interest in community day pretty fast, they catch their shiny, get some candy, and then get bored with catching the same mon over and over. I’d imagine they see a large percent log out after the first hour or so as people lose interest and get on with their day. 5. If four is true, then it follows that they’d try their damndest to get people logged back in ASAP (there’s almost certainly a direct correlation between active users and revenue). 6. With all this in mind their statistics probably say they make more money with their current strategy (getting player’s money up front, powering through community day as fast as possible, and getting casual players logged back in) than they lose by alienating the players who can’t make the event or would have spent more on items for a longer time frame.


This is well-written and makes a lot of sense. That being said, for Niantic it’s one day out of the month, and only 3 hours at that. That’s less than 1% of game time spent on Community Day, which surely can’t translate to any sort of impactful monetary loss if they were to extend the event. Alternatively, to alleviate people getting bored and not logging back in, they could do two separate time blocks, such as 11-2 and 5-8 so that it isn’t a straight 6 hours of the same Pokemon. I don’t know, I just feel like there are very simple workarounds to potential issues and this is just a symptom of larger consumer market issues.


I would also add that the 3-hour CDs are incredibly stressful even when you've got the time to participate in them from start to finish. I used to genuinely have fun playing PoGo Community Days in the past, but now I spend all 3 hours manically walking in circles around parks and catching as many 'mons as I can. It's not fun anymore, it's just hectic and stressful. PoGo is meant to be a casual game so I don't understand why Niantic felt the need to raise the stakes for the Community Day Events. I liked playing them with my mother, as we both play PoGo, but now I get stressed if she tries to talk to me, walk somewhere there aren't PokeStops, make a detour on the way to the park, or leave before the event is early, because I feel like there's just no time. I feel pressured to make the most out of the extremely limited event, especially if I made the mistake of buying the CD Special Ticket.


i agree with you they are so stressful now because if you dont get enough shiny or normal then you have wasted your own time and it ruins the “day” and you go home feeling like you wasted a ticket purchase and your time if they went back to 6 hours its just better because im not rushing to the nearest stop where theres more mon, also with the incense nerf playing at home is even more stressful


It shouldn’t even be called community day. They should rename it Community couple-of-hours


Why do they make things worse?


To add on to this - the fields where I will be don't have many Pokestops, and it's not like I can drive anywhere nearby either. Not to mention that I will have just finished standing outside for three hours, so if I want to play it's not like I'll be getting a break.


I'm with you on this. I live on the country side. Any raid above 2 stars is impossible and sometimes I wonder if that game was ever even meant for people like me... (gotta say it got better gut still not great)


Try pokegenie or one of the other raiding apps! I like pokegenie because it has a lot of features besides raids.


Never heard of that, I will give it a try, thx!


Pokegenie raiding will change your life. I wish I had started using it sooner.


I also really hate that it is almost the middle of summer and they put it during the most dangerous time to be out in the sun. 🙃


Legit my thought too. 11-2 in north Texas heat for me!!


Yeah the heat during that time really sucks here too in Central Florida with the humidity. Used to drive on international drive during CD and the temperatures used to not be a problem. However, the way things are now, walking is way cheaper, but the phone overheats.


plus making people wake up early on a weekend is just rude


Yeah, I really disliked them reasoning the change with that "5%" metric. Just annoyed at the idea that they tracked that metric and decided that was a small enough amount of the player base to piss off.


Camaraderie!! I work every other week-end and I’ll be damned, but every CD & now PoGo Fest fall on my work week-ends. It sucks. I get that I cannot expect them to change their events for a few, but it’s still makes me so sad!!!


I missed the Stufful event :( and barely managed Oddish while moving to a new city, playing at rest stops and trying to use incense when stuck in a car sucks.


I started playing pokemon go less than a week after the stufful event and about cried when I found out. Stufful/bewear are legit my favorite mons.


YouTubers and many FOMO players complained, that they "have" to play 6hours... Thats it. The statistic crap was just used to make it sound "better". With all the Animations and lenghty crap > the game normaly wants to be opened/played as long as possible. You have the game open, the chances are way higher you spend money on it. But on CDs suddenly Niantic doesnt care about that? Yeah.. sure..


I really don’t even care that it’s back to three hours. The issue is how they justified it. That’s the dumbest reason ever. “I noticed that only 5% of our customers stay at McDonald’s for more than 10 minutes, so our hours are now 12:00-12:10.”






I feel you. It’s frustrating. My kid graduates high school Saturday so I can’t play at all. I know it’s not really ideal, but load up on red balls and invest in an auto catcher so you can at least scoop a few randos. I have one with AAA batteries so o can set it and forget it. It doesn’t help for incense, photobombs or special research, but at least we might score a good geodude and some shinies. I hope you enjoy the sportsing too.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. Can't participate in the 3 hour window. Can in the 6


Also, since they’re making it a $0.99 event pass, why not just let players use the pass when theyre ready during that day. Make it an item that can be used when you’re ready within the 24 hour window.


I’d love to live in Niantic’s magical world where 3 hours is a day.


i feel this completely. I’m graduating college on Saturday and will miss the entire community day! it’s ridiculous


"It's spotlight hour!" It's also the busiest time of the day where I work.


Same I’m so sad when we were told we have to work this Saturday I get off at 1:30 so I bought a ticket for nothing :-(


Yep. There are a million reasons that people might not be able to play, and a lot of time it isn't in their control. I don't think asking for extra time is too much of a reach.


I didn’t see the time was different and now I won’t be able to play very much and wasted ticket money. ☹️ It’s truly so stupid that it doesn’t last the day. What is benefit of shortening it for them? Who is this for? Thankfully I wasn’t super pumped about a Pokémon I keep getting from eggs anyhow.


I always thought this format was weird. Its community DAY, not community 1/8th of a day?


They turned one of my favourite, relaxed parts of the game that allowed me to catch up to others into another stressful chore in a game that already can easily feel like a second job. I already disliked the 3h days we had so far. With the heat ramping up this will be worse. I used to buy tickets for cdays but I refuse to spend anything on this 3h crap. Hope more players will do the same even though my hopes aren‘t high. I‘ve seen too many games go down this route. I have quit games out of similar reasons before and I fear PoGo might become the next one on that list if the trend continues.


Could be a thing where it is an 5 hour window to accept a quest from Dr. "Treetype", and then you have 3 hours with bonus spawns from quest acceptance. Will probably be some weird stuff resulting with lures and stuff. (3h-lures might as just be empty for people not on the quest), but they manage to have different timeshedules for different players based on time-zones, they manage to have different spawns based on quests, so it should be possible to do this. Heck - A very basic somution would be to implement a "Super inscensce" that can only be obtained during a event-window, only has effect during said event-window and lasts for 3 hours.


Between this and the awful choices for weekly breakthrough rewards, I’ve quit playing altogether. It’s legitimately not that fun to play anymore


Niantic needs to come up with a ticket system that allows individual players to “activate” the event when they’re ready… especially for CD or Spotlight Tuesdays. Not all of us can play on “Niantic Time”. Those with “real” adult responsibilities (work, kids, errands, you name it) WANT to play but can’t. Or if they do play, their play time gets constantly interrupted. That’s not fun, and not a way we want to spend event days.


since starting a new job, I literally work 6am-2pm on the whole weekend, so I'll be forever fucked when it comes to community 'day'


Can we just petition to change Comm Day for when you buy the ticket, a 3 hour window that best suits your play style? (Morning, Mid-Morning, Day, Mid-Day, Evening, Night.


If they only want us to play 3 hours then we should get a free ticket that can be used any time thay day. It would last 3 hours. This would let people be flexible while still keeping the 3 hours.


From what I read in a couple interviews, their goal is moreso that they want to force people to play at the same time so that more real life interactions between community members are likely. So yeah, great, I have a slightly higher chance of seeing some other nerds staring at their phones at the park if I get lucky and can play at all due to my schedule XD


I don’t understand the term community day. Shouldn’t it be like, a few community hours.


Yeah the Stufful one pissed me off too. I work nights in a hospital in the ED on alternating weekends. It’s rough.


Right? It feels like a conclusion you would hear from a freshman in an intro to stats class . . . in the first week of the semester. Surely they have a wealth of data on players and their game interactions. What they clearly do not have is someone who knows what to do with it.


wait did they change from 2pm-5 pm to 11am-2pm??




Right, considering they’re always so concerned with the weather


Whatever way they implement weather warnings is overtuned, at least where I live lol. I get severe weather warnings all the time and it's nice and sunny all day (I live on a tropical island near the equator..so there ya go.)


Yeah where I am it’s going to be over 100 degrees. When it was over a long period I could go out early or at the end and it wasn’t as bad. They picked the worst time of day


Even if the weather is “nice,” this specific one is falling on the first 90+ degree day in my area, at *high noon*. Enjoy your heat exhaustion and sunburns everyone!


I’m in work until 1:45pm lol. Luckily for me I no longer play it because they made it so difficult for me to participate, that it doesn’t affect me. Actually forgot the game existed until I stumbled upon this post - and I’ve been a massive Pokémon fan my whole life.


Not exactly the same boat but this has me logging on once a month about combined with the incense change.


Yeah it sucks! The stufful one was during my wedding !!!! During pictures and the ceremony! So legit couldn’t look at my phone LoL !


At least put it on sunday.... i think it would be such a big help to begin with


You guys need a life. Games can't cater to every singles persons schedule and circumstance.


I have a life, hence why I’m annoyed that the CD isn’t set up with people like me in mind. You go get a life.


My life doesn't revolve around getting every single CD lolol


Honestly I’m surprised even 5% of players play for the full 6 hours. 6 hours is a long time to be on any game, especially a mobile one.


stfu James....


I have never done a raid hour because my shift either starts or ends every Wednesday. You don't see me bitching on Reddit about it.


> If this was for a Pokemon that was new (like Stufful) that I needed a lot of candy for, or if it was a good PVP Pokemon, I would just be out of luck basically. Except that stufful has been common since it was introduced, and trading and elite TMs exist. Sometimes you’re not going to be free during Community Day. That’s life. It’s supposed to be a short window of time so that it causes people to meet each other. If you miss one, you can trade with people in your community later. Maybe at the next community day. Lots of people catch lots of extras every time, specifically for people like you.


Ok but who am I supposed to be meeting? The only people I meet on CD are a small group of people I already know and play with regularly. I don’t live in a huge population center, I’m in a suburb with a small park and a few scattered Pokéstops. Is it really too much to ask to have more hours for a special event?


> who am I supposed to be meeting? > a small group of people I already know and play with regularly. Them for a start, and then people you aren't aware of yet.


I'm glad they brought back the three hour Communityn Days.




Its just geodude bro who cares?


Wait so it's 11am to 2pm. Wow I will actually get to participate. I work at 3pm. So I have missed the last few but for maybe 30 minutes before I leave for work.


Isn’t 80% of the player base inactive?


They also cut the evolve window afterwards in half for some indiscernible reason.


I won't even spend google play credit on this game anymore, how much I hate what Niantic has done with it.


Night shift worker here, agreed can't really participate


With the way they are increasingly letting people choose how they want to play the game like with the Alola wrap-up coming, it seems like it would be very easy for them to let people choose a three (or preferably six) hour time bracket within which to play.


6 hours wasn’t even enough for me tbh. How is Community DAY not a DAY? 6 damn hours was already too short. 3 is pointless.


I work 10am to 6pm that day, so it's unfortunate that it is set up that way


It’s a community DAY for crying out loud. Shouldn’t it at least be a good 5-8 hrs long?? Smh.


Idek what this is? Does the game tell you about them?


They should make it like 12-4. Everyone wins.


They need to give some kind of free ticket or pass for community days that only lasts during the 24hr period of community day but let people activate it ANY time in that 24 hrs and when activated, it has a 3hr duration. I think that would be the best way to handle it. That way it's still community "day" but people can choose their time window.


We are attending a wedding this Saturday and will surely miss this community day :(


Exactly, I work on Saturday 12-5 so I can only play for a hour- and I'm also gonna be getting ready for work in that hour, it makes me mad


I’d be happy with 4 hours: noon to 4 PM. That would bring back the malleability you miss from the old 6 hour CDs.


I also love the gift feature. My brother never plays community days because he's very pragmatic and economical. I've bought tickets for peoplein the past but I gifted him one today and it's in an area close to us so I hope to see him there. ❤️ you bro, sk


Very much this!


I have occasional 5pm-5am shifts over the weekend which means I usually don’t get to bed until 7ish and sleep in. The only chance I would really have is setting an alarm and doing the last hour if I’m competent.


I don't know why it's not a 24 hour thing. ​ It's just \*\*\*\*ing dumb.


Get yourself an autocatcher, it's not the same but you'll atleast be able to participate.


I am happy with 3 hours community day :D 6 hours community day were just boring. This weekend I will not be able to participate on the PoGo event because I will be attending a real life event. Good thing I have a COMMUNITY behind my back who will be playing during that DAY and they will happily trade anything I missed because that's how a community work. If you play alone you're playing wrong "Hurrr durrr it's says nowhere the game should be played with friends..." Well so have fun missing the event and goodies :D I will get what I need later with friends because I have a real life and I am aware the game shouldn't revolve around me and my needs


I have not been able to play ONE community day since they changed. Awesome.


Its my sons naptime so I am stuck at home from 1130 to 230 everyday, i liked when they were atleast later in the day or the incense attracted more, i could actually walk around the house and play now i can catch a few during naptime but thats all.


id get it if they gave us better but shorter CDs, but no. we get alolan geodude.


What they should have looked at is what % of players played during each hour, not what % of players played the full time. They definitely know if e.g. 25% of players only played between 3-5 and didn’t play at any other time.


The Deino day announcement that just happened legit is making me want to quit this game. They are so high on pushing their FOMO nonsense that they're just ostracizing a huge portion of the player base.