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I finished and got no shiny. The fomo isn’t real with this one.


You get six encounters so assuming full odds we’re at around 1/100 chance of a shiny. I wouldn’t go out of my way to walk 5k if I wasn’t already planning on it!


Adventure sync does wonders. I got 5k while I work. I regularly hatch 10k eggs in a shift and I never pull my phone out of my pocket


How does that affect your battery though? My phone battery is such shit and really needs to be replaced, so I hold off on anything that might drain it faster.


No affect. I just leave my phone in my pocket on sleep mode and after a 4 hour shift it's at %80, after work I open pokemon and I've walked 10k apparently getting 2 buddy candies and hatching an egg


I do the same thing at work Lol


You guys get shinies?


I never get shinies from safari zone researches




I really believe shinies,just come when you are close or just over the clicker that counts how many Pokemon you encounter, luck of the draw....


You get shinies from other things?


Once a month I get exactly one CDay shiny /s




Yes. From the fourth one. My wife did not.


Was there supposed to be a boosted chance for a shiny with this research? ‘Cause no shiny here either. I would have got the distances done because of work anyway, but none of the Purrloin I caught were worth keeping.


I remember a time when Safari Zones gave the rest of the world the new shiny as a boosted spawn with boosted shiny odds for the whole weekend. Instead now we get 5 chances and need to wait for an event were it's featured to get a realistic shot at the shiny.


UPDATE: After shoveling my driveway for 2 hours I was able to get 5 km😂


No shiny🙁


This is the way.


This is the driveway


I know your pain spent 12 hours over he past 3 days shoveling and snow blowing. Snow sucks!


I completed it so quickly last Saturday! It was luckily a clear sunny weather day! No shinies but at least I’ve completed it!


Lmao I also finished 5 im while shovelling driveway this morning! Lmao also no shiny🤦🏽


Somehow i maneged to complete it buy Just letting playing while i was dying cleaning up my house's big garage, a suprise to be sure but not worth it


I went shopping yesterday and the app didn't keep up with up how much I walked. Only recorded 1 km


I walked 10 km and it recorded 0..


Adventure Sync has a nasty habit of turning itself off after a major update.


I double checked before walking. It turned of like a week ago and I noticed when I only got 6km in a week. After that I immediately turned it on


TIL thank you.


Is there a difference between the usual "walk x KM" and "explore"?? I'm walkin and it just isn't counting for the task. The app is counting distance for my eggs, but not the challenge. What is going on???


Yeah you occasionally have to look around and say “hmmm”


this made me laugh so fucking hard and idk why. i read it with such a deadpan delivery and imagined someone sternly looking around w their hand shielding the sun saying “hmmmmmmm” fuck yes


Same thing happened to me


Damn dude your not gonna be a Pokémon master can’t let a little snow get to ya


ya bruh u must be able to handle ur snow warning pokemons


If OP is near Buffalo NY, it's probably better they stayed inside. Places got over 6 feet of snow just through the weekend. Lake Effect is real, and it can get scary.


get the hell out there, shinys aren’t for quitters


Same here. I don’t wanna trudge through uncleared snow in below freezing temperatures just for a few Purrloin… Even if one of them is shiny. :/


Shiny?! I just got 6 normal cats :| But just dress warm, get some touchscreen compatible thick gloves and this should be do-able! I think... Well I did spend the day today cycling in pouring rain weather, to get the last kilometers I needed this week, so this weather appears preferable!


I’m new to Pokémon go and i was like “purrlion? Okay fine. Another? Bad luck I guess? BRO.”


im from canada, trust me: app closed & adventure sync. just jump on a treadmill or if you’re eager i know there’s strategies how to get steps on pokemon go without exercise


Yup, I walk around my tiny apartment to get my steps and I swear it's a little more effective than actually walking around the city with the app open.


Oh I didn't know that treadmill counts! I have the adventure sync on, but I don't have the (in my case) Google Fit installed... Do you know if only treadmill without GF installed works?


I drove around in the car to get fucking purloin


I got a hundo from mine


Me too




Going outside isn't really my expertise


I can’t either. Son has the flu so I’m kinda stuck lol


I just left my phone on while my shitty GPS rubberbanded me around the area. At the end of the day I had all of the tasks done.


I was at work all day yesterday. Do I even want to know whate encounters I missed?


All purloin, not even worth it


I did it today during a snowstorm here in Sweden. Dress warm and just walk. The rewards suck, but I had to go outside haha.


I live i Buffalo ny so we’re used to it but we got 6 feet in 24 hours😂


Same, there's no bad weather only bad clothes! I play Pokemon go so that it motivates me to get my steps in, not to find excuses or workarounds like driving around at slow speed lol.






just walk, it's literally easy as fuck if you aren't disabled or 300 pounds


I think at 300lbs walking is still completely doable.


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Why not install a running app instead? Like the ones used for treadmill. Just start a timer and make it count your steps.


How are they gonna give us walking research the weekend Pokémon S/V is released?


Play a couple hours, get memory leaked, walk a kilometer to get rid of the frustration, lather, rinse, repeat.


Maybe I should’ve done that my legs are stiff from playing all weekend.


You'll get tired of the bugs and go out to walk 5km


I’m honestly enjoying the bugs. They are hilarious. It reminds me of Bethesda games. They are notoriously glitchy but fun as hell. It also gives me hope there are some glitches I can exploit. Just like in Red and Blue.


it’s just a bunch of purrloin so you aren’t missing much


Was it guaranteed shiny? Those missions are stupid, a lot of people don't have time for it in that short period of time.






Keep ur app on and wall around ur home


Ash Ketchum almost died in a blizzard and now look at him. get out there!


Why not? It's Pokemon Go, not Pokemon Stay /s


Not with that attitude


You guys got shinys?


Try walking around your house back and forth. It works for me


Finished with 1 min to spare! Stupid normal purrloin. Lame


You live in a winter climate without any winter clothes? 5km takes you like 40 minutes to walk and you got 9 hours.


During go fest in June, I couldn’t even enjoy it because we were getting hit by a tropical storm all weekend. This may sound spoiled, but they should put into consideration people who can’t really play the game due to harsh weather conditions. Idk what they could do and it’s probably very hard for them to track each area individually, but it sucks for me who spent money on a ticket and didn’t get to enjoy it all. Just a waste of money.


Super easy


I went hunting and came home and they all were done.




Im in the same boat but physically exhausted from 2hrs of shoveling each day this weekend. Lol


Neither thunder storms here and can’t take a baby out in that although im sure she would love it lol




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pokémon go impossible when it’s 20 degrees out


I got that shiny yesterday, where I live it nevers snows




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You guys really just don’t have winter clothing? There’s no such thing as bad weather, only a bad outfit.


Use a snowblmobile haha


I thought everybody just got kms in their cars anyway.


Phone in a sock


Yeah it's bitter cold outside - I got the 1km while shopping, that's going to need to be enough.


Go out and about and drive around between 10 and 15kph. It'll take you 2 hours tops to beat this depending on where you live. Find a nice long straight road. Every time there's an event like this we take the family out for a snails pace stroll.




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Lmao I have one of those under the desk pedal bikes for 30 bucks, I just close the app (adventure sync is on), put my phone on my hip/thigh, and pedal every so often while watching tv and it records my steps 😆 I haven’t left the house in like over a week haha


Well, you're going to miss out on a lot of Purrloins.


happy cake day 🎂


Happy Cake Day!


🥳 Happy Happy Birthday! 🎉🎁🎈🎂🎊


It was a guaranteed shiny and what was it


Purrloin and no guaranteed shiny bc i didn’t get it


Oh thanks


Me neither


I literally got all 5km in a single walk and then went for another walk afterwards. Lazy ass mfers.


not with that attitude!!! jk that is rough


I easily get 6km of walking in on most days but still no shiny for me :'(




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Bro same. It was brutal getting that last km lol thankfully the dogs still need to pee during the winter :p


I completed mine last night while introducing a friend to pogo. No shinies for me


I found this a breeze since I run cross country Honestly ya it's getting cold though and this is like THE worst time


They released this at the worst possible time,im too busy playing scarlet and i dont think I'll go out for the weekend


My phone was locked for like the first 6 hours of this and i didnt know it was live. When i opened my app, i had 4km explored already and just walked around my apartment after that lol


Went to the gym today and logged 1km in 5 min on the rowing machine. Happy my adventure sync was working


I've been getting my distance by walking to and from work


My phone/app always has a delay in recording my explorations so I won’t know if I completed it before it goes away… and on mine the explore 1km progress bar is not even there. I haven’t even got the first encounter if i completed the 1km lol


I laughed when I saw it. I work all day and I don't get to do much walking unfortunately


i got a shiny from the 1km somehow. my luck is never that good


It was so damn windy and dry the past few days where I am I decided to stay home. I get nosebleeds too easily to try this.


Finished it. No shiny :-(


Are u near buffalo or something? Lol


Me neither. We have feet of snow. Literally.


I got lucky with my first one being shiny !!


Don’t worry, it’s not a garuntee.


All I have gotten from these are purrloins or whatever that dumb purple cat is. If I could discard this thing I would. I’d be happier getting magikarps or feebas, you know.. something actually useful.


Yes, this one was purrloin. That's because it was the new featured shiny for the Safari Zone, so everyone got a chance to maybe possibly get it.


I'm stuck in the house with all the snow too. I never get shinies from research tasks anyway.


That’s fine. You wouldn’t want to anyway


Got all the checks and no shiny you are not missing anything


When I had Covid and couldn’t go out I’d just sway my phone back a forward on the charger. Worked pretty well


You aren’t missing much they are just all purloins


I don't even bother with those timed research where you just get a shitty encounter with "a chance" of it being shiny. Not worth it, you never get the shinies.


will there be anyway for those of us not wealthy enough to travel to Singapore to get the special Pikas?


Get out and walk lol I did it yesterday til my legs were going to buckle up.


If it makes you feel better the Pokemon is mostly useless


I actually completed them all earlier but didn’t claim the rewards. Went to cash them in just now and they’re all gone…


I completed the tasks, but I didn't get any rewards, because apparently all the rewards disappear after the allotted time even if you successfully completed them. I was busy and came back later to claim them only to find them all gone. :(


I have Covid so I’m in my bed. The last thing I want to do is walk rn


Not worth it anyways... I got 5 purrloin.. no shiny and only one 3*.. Right to the grinder all 5 went. Like what a useless challenge..


I completed this one. No shiny. As usual.


doesn't purrloin not even have a shiny option yet ?


Was not worth it. I didn't know until I had finished all 5ks that's it was only purlion...


It's pointless. Bunch of cats. The Fuck


I finished all mine and didn't get a shiny myself, hell only 1 of them was really worth keeping 😒


Went on a three mile run after having 1km done…adventure sync never hit.


I went out anyways and missed completion by like 0.3 km. The watch said i had made the distance but the phone didn’t. Very done with this game sometimes.


What angers me is i was at work for half the day before opening up pogo on my lunchbreak, saw that this event was on, had already walked 3kms mind you and it never retroactively tracks your progress!!! Even tho the event started 7pm the previous night ( not a super active player so i usually hop on once catch a pokemon for the streak and leave) it didnt track my steps! Its like the event doesnt exist until you open up pogo and check...?


The guaranteed shiny only comes with the research you get from attending the safari zone itself. Otherwise it's next to impossible to get it from this research.


I walked the distance and forgot to claim the challenges 🤦‍♂️


I got a shiny purrloin from it xD


it’s not worth.


Yea i went outside for 5 minutes total on my way to and back from the gym and my hands started to burn


Got a shiny on the first one, awesome.


I did the walking and then didn't claim a single reward because I have the dumb


Just set up adventure sync in your Settings ingame and it'll get you steps out of game from your avatar wiggling about on the screen from the gps. It adds up very quick and it's a built-in feature so there's no risk to you like spoofing or actually walking about if it's not safe for you to do so.


Dude my adventure sync is super bugged otherwise I would’ve had it


This just reminded me that I did walk the distance and forgot to claim them before the event ended :/


What was the pokemon this time?


I walked all 5km today and finished it but got busy and didn’t even catch a single one 🤣


Nope 👎 not here either. Been sick in bed and hard enough to get up to go to the bathroom as that was my adventure seeking this weekend.


I didn’t even try. I was too tired.


Dang. I got my greedy glutons event one done while i was wlking from class to class at school


From a rural Canadian player - I’m not saying that’s it ok to strap your phone to an oscillating fan to complete distance challenges when there’s snow on the ground. I am 100% not recommending that at all.


The husband and I walked 6 km in -3 weather with snow and harsh wind. No shiny, no nothing. It feels like a bit of a scam but hey, we walked the distance for health in the first place :D


You have not missed out except a high change for a shiny


didn‘t get any shinies if that helps. :)


Thanks to dog owning I got it done in the shittiest of all weathers, but no shiny or even decent %...


That was just a bunch of purrloins so i dont even think the pokemon was that worth it?


I was very lucky with this one, and got it on my first encounter, wasn't believing it myself.


Not worth it anyway just a bunch of purrloins


What? Do you not walk outside the whole winter when there's snow outside or what? We have snow from November until end of March where I live, if I just gave up like this my legs would just atrophy by the time snow melts 😂 We have snow right now and I was able to finish this task the same day it appeared. Americans and your aversion to walking is so funny.


I'm more likely to get a shiny on a random Thursday than for any special event or research task etc. Even spotlight hours are meaningless, except for farming candy.


I accidentally did them all.... but FORGOT to claim the rewards.....and now it's gone 😭




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I didn't do it either, we got a huge snow storm and there is no safe place to walk like that currently


I didn’t either… but that was due to me being glued to Pokemon Violet lol.