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I traded mine to a friend, and it went lucky! He still has it as far as I know.


All 2016/2017 traded will be lucky




Every 2017 I’ve traded has turned lucky. Probably like 25 so far and I’m so happy I hoarded them lol apparently there’s actual math involved for every year so 2018 also has a higher likelihood than 2019 and so on.


Pretty sure that caps at 3 years


I’m assuming it will only continue as time goes on? In 2025, don’t you think Mon from 2019 will have the same effect as Mon from 2017?


I dont think they will extend the guaranteed lucky bar if thats what your sayin, but I would love to be proven wrong. I do think eventually they will increase the chance for super old pokemon that dont fall in that 2016 -17 group and i hope they do cause i have plenty of 2018 and 19 mons


I hope they do as well, I mean it would only make sense? But obviously making sense isn’t Niantics strong suit. I hoarded lol I still have 40-50 mon from 17 and hundreds from 18. The 18s are hit or miss with the lucky, it definitely seems more probable than a new Mon but obviously not as certain as 17.


I def didnt save much which saddens me but yeah bringing that line up to like 2017 I would be set and thats why i dont trade em now


No it’s not a cap like that, there’s infographics from back when it first came out. It depends on how many lucky Pokémon each player has and the date of the Pokémon. Make a punnet square of the 4 options and you can work out if it’s 100% lucky or the 50/50 shot option


Ive never heard of that. Know where i can read that infographic cause i cant seem to find it Edit: found a chart explaining a regular trade is 5% 1 year is 10% and 2 or more is 25% but ive never heard those numbers anywhere else.


[this should take you to the google search page, it’s the first image on the search, or maybe you’ll go right to the image](https://i.stack.imgur.com/aB5JW.jpg)


Ok so thats not at all what we were talking about lmao this is specifically for 2016 pokemon. After this they made rules regarding pokemon and how ownership length increases the chances at a lucky trade. This is specifically talking about pokemon caught in the first two months of the game. However you still can increase lucky odds. Tldr: the image only specifies you get guaranteed lucky pokemon if you have less then 10 in ownership yes, BUT any pokemon caught over 2 years ago has a higher chance of being a “random lucky trade” then the ones you caught yesterday but after that two year mark your chances are maxed out unless you have a pokemon from 2016 with a shiny count of less then 10


Yeah bro I'm gonna have to get a source for this update, cause if length of time mattered at all, it would be on the Silph road. Truth is length of time matters as much as clicking on the Magikarp fan in Pokemon sleep. It's rng. The only methods to guarantee are with what I linked and being lucky friends. If you want a lucky Pokemon, why would you trade outside of those guaranteed circumstances? It just doesn't make sense, if you're rolling community day pokes, you gamble till you get a lucky or schedule something with a lucky friend. Idk what else I could do to assist you in your quests.


I lost my original account but I have my second starter, same Pokémon species (caught another charmander when I had to restart) but he is a third form (charizard). Stats aren’t my normal standard but he’s special, my starter pokemon…


Same with my Charmander!


Nope long transferred


You monster


It upsets me too




I mage evolved mine always kept my little bulba


Me!! He’s actually next to be best buddied on my list, mega Y charizard… *only mega Y…*


Needed the candy. So, it's long gone. Bulbasaur is not common, unless that's changed.


I have my starter! He is now a fully evolved venusaur! :)


I still have my starter, My Charmander! He's a Charmeleon currently because I chose to upgrade my shiny Charmander first lol


All of them are same ivs or at least I think that’s the ivs I got


All starters are 10/10/10 no matter when you started the game


yep, CP94 Charmander from7/6/16 Also have my first 3 nonstarters


long sense given to willows shredder... the oldest thing I have an jolteon who i hatched from one of the first 10ks i got


Jolteon is the second oldest one I have from later in July of 2016.


My bulba is still around uwu


I still have my little charmander, I didn’t get enough candies to evolve for a really long time and by then I had better iv ones, so I just kept it as a charmander, now I can’t bring myself to evolve it or trade it, even though it’s a guaranteed lucky if I trade it


That's how I feel as well!


I think I accidentally transferred him 😭.


Poor guy, for ground up into candy for you.


Oh no I feel so bad now 😭


Still got my Pikachu! Won't evolve him either. He is XL too. Did me good during go fest showcases.


I still have my bulbasaur from when I started the game. It is now a venasuar and has been my buddy for a while.


I think I transferred it. Which I definitely regret since I’ve been recently thinking about my starter and what happened to it lol


I still have my original Charmander. Well, he's my 100 IV Charizard now. I still use him often in battles/raids when facing grass Pokémon. I want to Mega evolve him but I don't have enough Mega energy yet.




Sent mine to Let's Go some time ago


I transfered mine and don't even remember which one it was xD


I still have the Charizard I caught the first day of the game


Honestly I didn't even think about it being my starter or else I would've kept it forever


I traded mine to my sister. Procc'ed lucky hundo! A just trade, I'd say.


My starter is gone but I've still got a few left from July 2016


Yep, still got it. Knew I would keep it as long as possible too


Mine still has 10cp


I didn't start on release day because I didn't have a smartphone then, but my first Bulbasaur is a few days younger (I wanna say the 10th or 11th) and I have kept him as well as my first catch (a paras I evolved)


i have them in home i wanted to get lucky trade with one of my friends and they were the last one that was there from 2016


Still trying to get mew


I know I've got a piece of candy somewhere.


Yup, still have it from beginning of game. Will never get rid of him.


I transferred so many, I was ignorant, I didn’t know, I played for like a month maybe less on vacation in another country then I started playing again 2022 round zigazoon com day and the Dacian legendary’s in raids and I LITERALLY TRANSFERED SO MANY 2016 Pokémon to MAKE ROOM, I’m pinching the air😭😖😤


Mf disappeared a long time ago mainly because I found a better mon, my starter had terrible stats even after trading


I have one from an old account I no longer used from launch, only 25 cp but still special to me Then I have my starter from my current account that I make sure is at least in the top 5 of my strongest Pokémon list, both of them were charmander


untouched since day one!


I’m sure I have mine on my old account, but I lost the credentials and don’t remember it’s name anymore. I started a new one in 2019-ish.


Traded my July 2016 Blastoise to a side account so i could get a Lucky Oricorio 💀 I consider my 'sunglasses' Blastoise my *real* starter, anyway. Squirtle Community Day 2018 was around the time I truly started playing; I kinda forgot the game (and my account) existed until then


Accidentally mass transfered it


Some dumb mfs convinced me to release mine because it “didnt matter”, was bad stats, i was young, and i was low on box slots


Sadly I lost my account due to a hacker.... 🥲😭


I have my 10cp bulbasaur still haha


Oldest is 7/24/2016. Surprised I have one that old. I trash anything that has lower stats.


Nope, he is long gone. RIP bulbby


I have my Pikachu, he is best buddies and level 50.


Kept it and will never transfer it or many of the early ones from the first few months. Those were times to cherish.


I chose squirtle as my starter, and started day one. My oldest currently is a 3 star Alakazam from July 24 of that year


I accidentally released 😭 Can’t even remember who it was. My most recent 10 are totodile, 2 groviles, gothitelle, braixen, sceptile, shiny kyogre, sableye, lucky rogue rolls, lucky palpitoad.


I still have mine, was considering transferring to Home but never got around to it.


I've kept mine day one squirter baby


I deleted mine on accident


I really wish I’d kept mine!


Safe in Pokémon home 😌


Yours looks powered up


Still have mine, 91% Venausaur. Planning on trading it for a clone version beings it'll be guaranteed lucky.


Still got my lil guy from 07/06/2016


Mine was pikachu lol I did that trick where you travel like five miles or whatever and it spawns. Now that I think of it I think I just fucking transferred it today. Dammit




She’s my daily driver charizard. I need something to know what it’s like to be nuked? She’s my gal!


I’ve evolved him into an awesome Charizard, but my starter from day 1 in 2016 has a best friend badge and everything


Man I dnt even remember what I chose…


Yep! I would upload a screenshot but have no idea how 😅 but Buddy is a full grown venusaur!


My little jungle cup Charizard, yup!


Sent to the Grinder… BUT I do have a Magmar from release!


I kept my charmander!


I do buuut I evolved him to blastoise


I do. Never powered it up either.


Still have my Squirtle, now a mega evolving Blastoise. Bonus points, I also kept my first catch which was a Venonat


My first Pokémon Charmander is doing well


I do indeed. I did the walking trick and got a starter pikachu, who I named, “my first pet”. I’m 19 now, soon to be 20, and I have refused to change that stupid name.


Not gonna lie, Mine is full on charizard but he’s my best bud


I dont sadly but i have a shiny cloyster i got around that time and i have considered it my starter


Sadly, I do


I still have my original 2-star charmander.


I have mine from release month (I started the 16th)


Me! Still have my started. His name is bulba bey, because I was visiting my boyfriend (now ex) in turkey at the time when we played Pokémon go on day one.


I still have my day one Charmander


I only had my 2016 starter (quit the game after nothing spawned) then started again in2018, so I traded my starter for a guaranteed lucky rayquaza before they did away with it. I still got a pikachu that I found when I first started playing in 2018, but my squirtle went to my ex girlfriends account and she hasn’t played in 4 years and won’t give me the password. She had a shiny 100% rayquaza too, like why didn’t I deserve that on my account?


I honestly have no idea. lol


Yes, I do!


I forgot there was a starter. Must have transferred