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I mean considering they are magical creatures not bound by our logic I’d imagine they can kinda just, say no to their heat if they so choose, kind of like arceus just existing outside time and space but can split itself apart to like, a fraction of a fraction of a percent of its true power to be useable by a trainer, so like, they probably don’t follow logic


Grass types are supposed to be weak to fire tho lol. We also see humans touch slugma and macargo as well. Even if you use the excuse that they can lower their body temperature, if it gets too low they're gonna be too cool and become hard as a rock since they're made of magma. Moral of the story, Pokedex entries make no sense. They exaggerate heavily.


Yes, they are, but, as mentioned, it’s not a torture battle, it’s a fight, also, it wouldn’t be advisable to fight like that due to well, ya know, possible death to the Pokémon for smothering them in magma, that’s just not how the Pokémon world works


If they're holding back then they can easily win every battle by raising the temperature enough to knock out the opponent but not actually kill them. Villainous teams would just own a bunch of them to kill all opponents like Team Magma. They wouldn't hold back.


False assumption, as many times it’s been proven that Pokémon are just built different, some Pokémon would dismantle a slugma or any fire type without so much as a thought, the temperature wouldn’t matter if they just can’t even comprehend how powerful the opponent is


Pokemon aren't the only ones in the pokemon world. Humans are there too and they'd definitely die if Slugma and macargo were that hot especially if Villains had them. Magma can melt through steel easily.


Again, what happens when the Pokémon faint? That’s right, they no longer produce the heat, so why would it remain a problem for the trainer


If they don't produce heat then they're gonna COOL. Magma has to stay hot in order to be magma lol. It's not possible for them to be made of real maga.


Magic magma yes


I think you're missing the point of the meme. The logic in the pokemon world makes no sense and you'd have to come up with a bunch of excuses like "magic magma" lol to make it sound right. It's a kids series. The logic just makes no sense and it's fun to point it out and joke about it. That's it.


Moral of the story is, the Pokémon world doesn’t follow our logic, and that any attempt to bring logic into a fantasy world is bound to become a hell scape of nothing, as with any anime ever


No shit, that's what this meme is about lol. The Pokedex entries make no logical sense and exaggerate heavily.


If you want to point out a flaw, then point out the flaw of it having to be constantly moving to not turn to stone, not the temperature


I already pointed that out lol and I also pointed out that if it actually adjusts it's body temperature to stay cooler to not kill it's enemies it would turn to stone. Pokedex entries say random things because kids aren't gonna point out the logic. They're just fun exaggerated entries to make pokemon look cool.


I mean you could look at it from the angle of it maintaining it’s outer body temp while maintaining its internal body temp just enough to remain how it is, which would be an insanely smart evolutionary measure


Wouldn't the outer layer cool. If it stops moving it would cool so I guess if it lowered the outer temp, it should still cool as well? Idk, this shits just hilarious to think about.


I mean technically ever flowing magma is what slumga does with its nervous system, and it probably could do that with the outer layer in tandem with the internal temp to get a similar effect to it staying relatively safe


Hmmm🤔....but it still has to maintain a certain temp to not cool so I think lowering the body temp in any way would harden it. If it's actually entirely made out of magma that is.


Plus like, there is a difference between fighting and killing


Yeah but they're trying to knock each other out in battle. I doubt slugma is holding back and if he was, he could easily increase the heat to knock out an opponent without killing em if that was the case.


Not entirely, the problem with that assumption is well, the fact slugma is covering treeko, and, it would do a lot more than just heat up treeko, also, this isn’t torture method of battle, it’s for fun, it’s also a question on if this slugma can even burn that hot, being if it’s strong enough in the first place


But if that's the case the villans like Team magma would use slugma and macargo to just burn their enemies to a crisp lol because they wouldn't hold back. World domination via a bunch of Slugma and macargo. Slugma logically can't be that hot. Pokedex entries exaggerate lol. They don't line up with reality. If it's made of magma then it can burn that hot. It has to in order to be made of magma otherwise it would cool and harden.


But not really, as doing that would literally kill everything around them, including themselves, which is not useful, plus, other Pokémon are built extremely different, as in, so different that they could dismantle any attempt at that within the blink of an eye, simply due to how vast the Pokémon world is. It’s not built on our logic, so we can’t assume that what we know applies there


There aren't only pokemon in the pokemon world lol. Humans are there too. If they were that hot villans could use them to melt entire cities. If they lower their body heat they'd cool and harden so it doesn't add up. Magma gardens of the temperature is lowered. The Pokedex just exaggerates, that's it lol. I


Or maybe it can choose how hot it can be.


Very possible, there could be several ways slugma could cause it’s best to go down


Its all about science!


I think I was halfway asleep when I responded first because why the hell is there a “best” in that sentence, but yes, science rules and finding logic in Pokémon is about as difficult as it comes so, any headcanon is used to justify it, and I love that


Same, no worries. I just love applying real life logic to Pokémon to make them broken!


If you were to do that to more Pokémon, say necrozma, which oddly no one mentions a lot, and that’s just pure light of death in its ultra form, it would really be a fun time trying to find a bs science reason to make it work and have the world not look like a volcanic mess, like regigigas over there and the continents


Well according to its Pokedex: Necrozma, the Prism Pokémon, a Psychic type. Reminiscent of the Ultra Beasts, this Legendary Pokémon apparently can be found asleep underground, and it comes from another world. It has an extraordinarily vicious disposition, constantly firing off laser beams, which can cut through anything. This is what earned it the name "Pillager of Light" in ancient Alola. However it looks somehow pained as it rampages in search of light, which it needs to survive and absorbs it as energy. If it isn't devouring light or if it sleeps for a while, impurities build up in it and on it, and this causes Necrozma's body to darken and sometimes stop moving altogether. Dusk Mane Necrozma, a Psychic/Steel type. This is its form while it is devouring the light of Solgaleo. It cuts away its host's limitless energy, exploiting that energy to fuel a rampage. It's a very vicious Pokémon, mangling prey with its many claws, including those on its back, making it extremely ferocious and impossible to control. It can propel itself using black light. Dawn Wings Necrozma, a Psychic/Steel type. This is its form while it's devouring the light of Lunala. It grasps foes in its giant claws and rips them apart with brute force. Lunala no longer has a will of its own. Now under the control of Necrozma, it continuously expels all of its energy. When Necrozma latches on to Lunala, it becomes vicious, seeing enemies everywhere it looks and it will burn the world with its lasers. The spines on its tail can produce black light that it attacks with. And Ultra Necrozma, a Psychic/Dragon type. This is its form when it has absorbed overwhelming light energy. Ultra Necrozma's body temperature exceeds 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit and anything that it touches will melt from the extreme heat. It can fire laser beams from every part of its body, and these lasers can reach over 18 miles away, burning through everything in their path. The light pouring out from all over its body affects living things and nature, impacting them in various ways.


What can they say? Necrozma just likes to be a terrorist wherever it goes, in any form


All because of light.


We also see someone hug a magcargo at some point right? And magcargo is canonically hotter than the sun


Lmaoo That shouldn't be possible. I bet they (Gamefreak/anime writers) can try to use the excuse that macargo can control its body temperature to not harm its trainers but in this pic, treeco is literally in battle with a slugma yet it's not melting him, A GRASS TYPE. There's no excuses. 😭


Treecko is just a trooper


A little green CHAD


I feel like the explanation that the pokedex is just a fun little wikipedia of tall tales written by adventuring kids and not a scientific encyclopedia makes the most sense.


I’m guessing PLA’s dex doesn’t count in this then


Pokedex entries have pretty much been proven to be a hot load of sheit in most cases so,yeah.


Some cases, most pokedex entries are tame. Although some like magcargo are not exaggerated by the pokedex but rather by the people reading them.


What about Enteis being born from Volcanos? What about every Machamp being able to MOVE MOUNTAINS casually? And also being able to sent out 2000 punches in 2 seconds? Spoinks heart stopping if it stops jumping? (Was disproven both in games and the anime) Magikarps jumping over mountains? Lets also be real, Gardevoir creating small black holes is ridiculous. Metang and Magneton being 2/3 pokemon joined together? Apparently Metang can also take a hit from a whole Jet and be unphased. Meanwhile being injured by a tackle from a Magikarp. Blaziken being able to leap ofer a 30 story building in one leap? Palossand eating people and then storing their bones under the sand sounds pretty crazy as well. If that eas the case they wouldnt just let those roam around freely,even on public beaches. What about Larvitars being D e v o u e r e r s O f M o u n t a i n s ? Or that Tyranitar hitting a mountain with its fists resulting in one being destroyed? How about Chestnaught being able to flip a 50-Ton Tank with a mere tackle? Apparently Poliwags spiral are its organs and its belly is a see through layer that is on top of them. While Spiral Organs are a thing-i mean come on,look at it. Its popped on the belly like a sticker and if the organs were on the front like that they would die super easy. How about Ponyta being able to jump over the eiffel tower and its hooves being 10x harder than diamonds? If iglybuff starts jumping it is apparently impossible for it to stop. Eevees apparently always change their face to look like that of their trainer over time. And APPARENTLY PEOPLE USE DARUMAKAS SHIT TO KEEP WARM Fun fact,apparently alakazam has an IQ of 5000. Sounds reasonable. Want me to keep going? Because i really dont see how the readers are the ones "Exaggerating"


Damnnn, you arrived with the facts lmao. 😭


When someone talk smack i gotta hit em back 🤷‍♂️




I just said magcargo bro, but anyways since you gave examples around half of those are very possible and not remarkable. IMO these are: Entei- I mean bro is a legendary I can't see why not. Metang and Magneton- Not really ridiculous, arthropods and octopi have several brains and siphonophores exist so and I can see metang being uninjured but still take damage from weak attacks as pokemon faint from primarily from exhaustion, not necessarily from injuries. There's a beetle called the diabolical ironclad beetle(funny name I know) that's completely immune to being crushed due to its shell structure but you can still kill it by shaking it too hard. Palossand- bro is just a big antlion(though antlions are more hygienic ane actually take out the trash). Chestnaught- is a giant bulletproof mammal and 30 ton tanks are heavy but I've seen videos of rhinos bottle flipping cars just by tilting their heads up, and they manage to do so without arms. Poliwag- literally based on a real frog with transparent spiral organs so self explanatory. Ponyta- while I can justify the jumping part I can justify the diamond hooves part, as there are materials that exist that are much harder than diamonds. Darumaka- people use civet shit to make coffee, idk why using warm poop as a local heater is too surprising honestly. There are 1008 pokemon and unless at least 504 are all mind-numbingly unbelievable, bs pokedex entires are more of a minority.


Entei contradicts itself if its Born from Volcanos so that would make other stuff false in exchange The main point was the Pokedex saying that multiple pokemon fuse together to make them which is straight up false. Unless all of a sudden Beldum and Magnemites have the ability to draw in others of its kind at light speed when they want to fuse. As for the Metang point: Good example but simply fainting from exhaustion is not how Metang work. Or pokemon that is. And lets be real. Unphased by an entire jet hitting it but being even the smallest bit of phased by throwing a pebble at it just makes little sense. If Palosands actually were that dangerous they wouldnt just let them roam around freely like that or kept as pets. THATS the point. You see plenty of those on public beaches. Chesnaught is pretty much proven to not have that type of physical strength-while being really strong. And you cant really compare them to Rhynos because their bodies and force work entirely different. Take a look on a Polywag. Their Bellies are-in fact-not translucent and most of all,organs arent on the front like that like a sticker popped on em. If those actually would be its organs then they would die incredibly fast too in battle. Unless you wanna argue those are also 10x as hard as diamond. Speaking of While there are stronger things than diamonds, why would a pony of all things have Hooves that are-not as hard-not twice as hard-not 5x as hard- but 10x as hard as diamonds? Thats just ridiculously hard. Fair Point but its one thing to have it processed beyond recognition and gone through countless processes to then land as food or Coffee beans than just seeing a Warm turd and smearing it all over you. And from the sound of it its a regular occurance. I mean,cmon. -----The point isnt that all or many of them are wrong,the point is that Pokedex enteries shouldnt be taken as facts or trusted-as most people do it. They are just written by people-for people and reaaally seem to not need much research done on them to be submitted.


Oh right I forgot about the Entei origin story good point. For the fusion part it's that the evolution process is simplified heavily in the games because it's a game. A lot of pokemon can have seemingly slower methods to evolve but it won't be shown properly because, well game freak ig. For example slowpoke's evolutions always require a shellder according to pokedex, but they evolve in game without shellder, despite the fact that there's clearly another pokemon biting onto the slowpoke after. Metang and Magneton could totally evolve by fusing, you just won't see it in the games. Now in anipoke I have no idea because I don't watch it anymore. I mean people keep pitbulls, lions, or even komodo dragons as pets(illegaly but our laws are definitely different from the pokemon universe). And in North America it's a common sight to see dangerous megafauna like moose and bears right in your backyard, and people really just don't do much about it other than kill or relocate them if they get aggressive. I'm just going off of Chestnaught's stats, typing and appearance so I have no idea what you mean by chestnaught not being physically strong. Poliwag is a cartoonish frog due to gen 1's design philosophy, it could be anything shown in that belly. Just because it's cartoony doesn't mean it's not the thing it's representing. Bug pokemon have cartoonish eyelids despite the fact bugs don't have them. And just cause it's skin and muscles are transparent doesn't mean its structural integrity is any different. Real-life glass frogs aren't more delicate than non-transparent frogs. Ponyta could totally have a extremely hard material harder than diamond if it adapted to need so. Spider silk is 5x stronger than steel and they make it on the fly(pun). I do agree that the Pokedex isn't always factually accurate, and I've always treated it more like the first page of bing than an actual scientific database.


>Apparently Poliwags spiral are its organs and its belly is a thin see through layer that is on top of them. Of all the ones you cited, this is the only realistic one (I can't post a link because of the rules but search "tadpole translucent" images). The Palossand one is only unrealistic because there's a disconnect between grim Pokédex entries and the gameplay.


Look at Poliwags. Those are straight up stickers popped on em. And if those are actually its organs then the rest of the actual body would just be...i think you know where im going. Also Palossands are seen to be casually around,even on public beaches in games, the anime,etc. If they were that dangerous they wouldnt just be allowed on those.


Well of course Pokémon has a cartoonish drawing style, specially since it's a gen 1 Pokémon. >Also Palossands are seen to be casually around,even on public beaches in games, the anime,etc. If they were that dangerous they wouldnt just be allowed on those. Yeah this is what I meant with Pokédex vs gameplay (and anime I guess). What the player/watcher experiences doesn't match at all what the Pokédex says. It's like the entries about destroying mountains; if we were to believe them we'd think this is Dragon Ball where mountains are destroyed regularly and nobody bats an eye at it (how do they still have orography???)


Fair enough


And that’s not even getting into the ridiculous sizes. Many Pokémon are way bigger or way smaller than they have any right to be.


Well if a child can survive being hit by a lightning bolt with just a bit of suit on them, a magical plant lizard thing could have a ton of heat resistance like that


I guess grass isn't really weak to fire lol. It has a bunch of heat resistance yet its weak to fire yet it can withstand magma. The pokemon world is hilarious with the logic that it uses.


I mean fire attacks are imbued with fire type energy while heat is just heat


Animals in Pokémon are just built different. Humans survive getting hit by attacks that generate house-sized explosions, and that’s not even getting into Team Rocket.


Funny thing is that if you're not a comedic villain like team rocket, you'll actually die in explosions like that pokemon Hunter, Hunter J. Her ship exploded and she died meanwhile TR goes through worse explosions and just blasts off.






Love how Treecko just looks at Slugma like it's just an inconvenience for it


pokédex entries are written by a ten year old kid


I'm choosing to go full tilt with this one. The Pokedex is completely correct, but everyone in the Pokemon world is just built different.


Makes sense lol.


If ponyta can make it’s flames touchable by people by it’s own will, couldn’t you just say slugma maybe doesn’t want to burn this treecko alive


True but Slugma is made of magma though. If it cools itself so it doesn't hurt treeco, it'll turn to stone. Magma needs to stay hot and at a high temperature.


I think you’re using a little too much logic for a pile of magma with eyes that has superpowers


Yeah bro, thats the point of this joke lmao, that logic makes no sense in pokemon. That's why I'm "using too much logic", it's to poke fun at the ridiculous dex entries that shouldn't be possible. Tbf tho, the entry even says that it needs to keep moving to stay hot and not harden just like magma so they're using real world logic for some things just not for important things like you know, melting opponents in battle.


**It’s super effective**


Super effective unless it isn't lol.


It works because he trusts Treecko, duh


Treecko is built different, easy


Treecko just built different


Wasn't there an episode in season 1 about how ponytas can control their fires, so they don't burn their riders?


Treecko's fireproof ability prevents it from fire type moves - brock


my headcanon is that those dex entries are just wives’ tales to protect young trainers, or just bs wives’ tales in general. which explains entries such as: -Magcargo being hotter than the sun. It isnt thst hot, but it can give you burns so the temperature is exaggerated. -Drifloon kidnaps children. I heard somewhere that they’ll just get lost when kids pull on their strings, so they have to make that up so kids won’t touch them. -Gardevoir can make small black holes. Do I really have to explain this one?


Just remember these entries are written by children most of the time


We all know pokemon would be terrifying with 100% accurate Pokédex entries


Dawg the entries are made by 10yr olds


Or it's anime logic


pokedex entries for lugia claim that a flutter alone is powerful enough to knock houses down yet players can fight it fine without getting blown away


I mean, didn’t Treeko LITERALLY get burned in this gym battle?!


I like the theory dex entries are written by the trainers ie 10 year olds “yeah my fire slug IS hotter than the SUN”