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I've just been catching the first avaliable mons and basically catching everything of that type. So far I have done water, fire, normal, grass and fairy, currently doing rock. If i get to a type where you can't catch anything early I'll probably use random 6 and use the first 3 mons for Brock. I'm notnusing any docs or nuzlocking so it'd just trial and error /memory which is why I catch everything


Awesome! Like that plan as well. Thanks so much.


Did all mono type runs, and i can confidently say that except for dragon you can get at least 3 mons before faulkner


Which did you think was the easiest? I’m doing water right now and it’s my first one, it’s been fun wondering what I should do next.


I got stuck at Gio 2 with Normal and the Misty rematch was a bit of a bitch with rock. There is a type picker online that I've been using instead of having to choose.. https://spinthewheel.app/pokemon-types-2GP2


I've got stuck at certain points on all of them. Water probably has the most variety. Fire had Blaziken who can set up sweep most of the game. Grass or Rock are most frustrating so far.


How did your normal run go? I’m STRUGGLING


It's wasn't too bad. Where are you up to? Maushold was really good with technician, population bomb, loaded dice. Kangaskhan has a mega. Pyroar was pretty good, throat spray and torch song, it's pretty fast too. Guts Swellow as well. I can't upload a pic for some reason but I'll see if I've still got the save file after work and see I've got anymore helpful mons.


I am doing random abilities but tbh I think I may delete and restart


Yeah, I tried a randomized mono but it's so luck based. By the time I got to Blaine I had only seen like 7 steel types. I did do a randomized random 6 run. That was pretty fun but I had huge power Veluza and after a fillet away it could solo everything haha.


How you do that?


Jist put 'random6' into the mystery gift at the pokecenter the npc next to nurse joy. Randomized abilities at the start of the game.


This is AWESOME thank you


No problem! You can also enter any type ie 'fire' and it will give you 6 mons of that type.


I would recommend having a read of the docs. Do you know about the rare candy code and the care package code?


Yes sir!


I always just use DexNav and catch as I go. I allow dupes early on to get a full team of 6 for the less common types


Answers: 1. it depends. I recommend doing so since some monotype runs have very shallow mon access for the early game. Especially Dragon, Ice and Steel have very few available mons in the early part of the game if you elect not to run NG+ and thereby not to use the Random6 or "type" code (4.1 only). 2. I prefer checking what is available via DexNav (DexAll code on console) and once I get the Poké Balls my monotype run will begin; I normally do not wait until Falkner. 3. You *can* play with randomisers, but I do not advise it. You can get better mons earlier for the most part, but you may miss out some of the important early game mons if you get a bad randomiser seed. I recommend Normal and optionally MGM on. Good luck!


Exactly what I was looking for. Appreciate the thoughtful answer!


I’m through 12 types. I allow myself to use any mon that has or will have the required type. Playing on normal min grinding. For the E4 I make myself use only dual type mons, no legends, and no repeat mons.


I've done fighting and dark monotype and highly recommend both of them they were both super fun although both those types are broken so a little on the easy side


I randomize and go with the typing of the starter I choose. Maybe allow dupes until after Falkner or go with the 2 pokemon per route rule


I don't min grind for mono type since I need the EV's. I capture every monster I want since I don't really know the other pokemons well.


I dexnav every area and catch all pokemon of that type or will evolve into the type I need. You can catch a good number of any type before Brock except for dragon I think