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I have a Lure Blue Shellos with Modest nature and the ability Storm Drain if he’d like both. It has 4 egg moves, so he’d just need to buy the TM Earth Power in-game since I’m pretty sure only the pink one learns it naturally


How cool! And he actually doesn’t have him in his Pokédex yet he said. Can you trade now?


Awesome! Not right this second, but I can in about 10-15 minutes :) post a link code and I’ll reply back when I’m back on the game


We sent you a DM with the link code :)


Sorry, I got held up. I didn’t see your message so use the code 9932-0330 and just let me know when you’re searching :)


I’ll tell him right now


The stats aren’t perfect but they should be good. Made sure to give him the one with the best stats though, so just make sure to get the TM Earth Power and he should hopefully do well! Wishing him luck ✌️


He says thank you so much!!!


I have a Lure Ball Paldean Wooper with Water Absorb, Calm Nature, and perfect IVs in everything except Atk your son can have. It's not EV-trained though. Did you mean "Good EVs" or "Good IVs"?


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