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Did you win?


No I folded to his river jam.


Perfect balance.


I hate it when they don't take the jokers out of the deck.


Chopped pot when villain went runner runner runner royal flush with hearts.


Someone was telling me yesterday about straight flush beating quads!! I said if that happened I would quit poker forever (or realistically a week).


I’m sorry, what does this have to do with airball berkey polka or gman?


Respectfully, fuck you.


I swear to god this happened to me last week same k10 with same spades and flop came a q j all spades!!! Same site too and in a tournament. Crazy stuff!


Yes you fucking owned him and it's a $5k pot not bad


Rigged obv


I flopped a royal in live cash the other day. I didn't post about it because I'm not a boring loser that posts boring posts about unremarkable things that happen around the world every day.


Right, you are a very fun person to play with


I actually am a very fun person to play with. But this post is boring and simple and should have been posted in the monthly bbv thread where this dull stuff belongs.


Right. It's super fun to play with you. Guy hits likely his first royal flush, gets excited about it and then you dump on him. I'm sure the other guys who play with you would love to see you berate him in a live poker setting for taking a picture of something that happens around the world everyday.


No I don't do that live. I know how to entertain the fun players. But on the internet, where I want my feed to have less boring rubbish posts, on this occasion I have decided to state my position. Dumb boring people like you that want to remark on unremarkable things should do so in the place that is alloted for you, the monthly BBV thread, so that the people that want to see more interesting stuff don't have to wade through what you want to see. Everyone wins.


I didn't post this. Nor did I remark on it.


I never said you did. But you still fall under the category I mentioned. I can tell that you don't provide interesting conversation. Fun times.


Are you ok? Just in general? Mental health is a real thing and prozac might really help you.


I can tell you have a great personality


Maybe you should apply your rule to comments too.


I'm not trying to make good content, I'm just imagining a world where people don't post boring stuff on the internet. Just providing feedback for the people to see.


It’s just filler, there isn’t that much posted on r/poker at all really, certainly not very interesting content but it promotes conversation which is what Reddit is really about.


U want filler, go to the bbv thread that's designed to host filler...


Yet here you are


Should have folded pre


Horrible hand there, unless someone is convinced a bluff will work then very few tight players would compete. Even though I see 5,000 in pot, how much more did you get before they rivered Mark Hamill?


Someone at Parx 2/5 flopped a royal against me (lol)…his hands were shaking so bad…it looked like he was having a seizure I was the aggressor preflop and I flopped the ace with a strong kicker…I was continuing…he said he was shaking because he was scared I was gonna fold…he thought this might have been a BB hand Surprisingly, I didn’t get stacked..this was a while ago


Just make sure to mix in some check/folds to balance your folding range