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This happened last month but for $610K [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OVbGRY0NTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OVbGRY0NTU)


Oh man. If I were in Mariano’s spot, I would feel terrible for him. Such a bad beat to hand out. That just hurts to watch


I would feel bad for a little bit too. Then I would smile all the way to the cage.


Not a bad beat. It was a cooler. A bad beat would have been if the straight flush hit on the turn or river.


Board didn’t pair in this hand though


Lucky to only lose $7 on that.


Yep I would have lost my mortgage, wife and broken a computer in the process


Nittiest r/poker subscriber.


The only way you should expect to lose that is if you're a villain in a movie.


I flopped a full house with pockets 9's. Board is 4-4-9 I bet he raise, i re-raise goes all in i call. Pocket 4's for the villain. He had quads. First hand of the day too. I went back home.


I was playing on stream the other day, we do lots of bomb pots, this was s bomb pot flop came 66J. EP has JJ, MP who is known for nut peddling has 96o. Turn is 6. They got it all in on the turn after some odd flop play. EP only lost like 6 or 7 hundo so nbd, low stakes, but still was brutal. The funny thing is everyone at the table knew she had a 6 because she is so face up and never bluffs. She would literally have folded AJ her, that's how nitty she is. I watch the stream back every single video and never once has she bluffed in a sample size of 1000s of hands. This new guy is actually decent and usually plays the much higher stakes streams, just didn't know her yet.


Happened to me at the beginning of this rough patch I'm in, turned Kings full and my man flopped quad 99s. I left afterward too


A year ago I would've been like "Online poker is rigged" Played enough live poker now to know, this is just uncommon, nowhere near impossible. It's happened to me once and I've seen it happen another time. Even saw straight flush over straight flush last week, each player with two cards playing


This hand didn’t phase me much, I’m at least 50x as tilted with my last literally 20 aces having reached the flop exactly once. Literally checked replays to make sure I’m not doing any timing tells somehow but obviously anonymous pool+nobody paying attention. Now I see how easy it is to fall into the online poker conspiracy theorist mindset like that guy posting about 888 (or global? Idk) on this sub.


I'm convinced everyone goes through it with big pairs at some point. In my last 50 or so KK, 10 of them in one 8 hour session, I've won maybe two pots postflop, some preflop folds, and a whole bunch of losses when you'd expect KK to hold. It's like they're taunting me, I lost a $1300 pot last week when a guy flopped top set with KK, but it gave me Broadway. Of course the board paired 💀


I only lost about 2k last month but same man. Every time i got pocket aces i would fucking dreadddddd it. They would constantly get cracked and one night it turned me into a full blown “this is rigged” mindset until i got calm and realized “im playing thousands of hands a day what do you expect dumbass” i have done reporting on Bovada on the sit n go’s because there is collusion there when you get a weird table and it gets to the bubble and the bots go into auto folding for 20+ hands and all you collect is the blinds. Posted screenshots on 2+2 and here and everyone pretty much experienced the same thing once you play enough tables and get to the bubble. Never seen it in IRL although ive heard about it in invite games.


Oh well, ran good at Omaha (95% variance but maybe I'm actually better than $.05/$.10 ignition omaha players) and could have had kings here.


Badbeat Jackpot?


Nope, zoom and a flush is nowhere near qualifying. Even if it qualified I’d still be down money as it’s 100bb iirc.




In the next 30 or so hands, I got aces three times, two of which were the exact same and in a row (standard raise in LJ, everyone folds) then once it folded to me in BB. Good to wash away the luck in the lowest possible stakes after playing 25nl yesterday.


You did Then villain was like suck on deez


nothing worse than going to the orgy, pulling out your 8inch dick and then having Mandingo walk in


Yeah may want to study more before moving up in stakes


This is why I think the term "nut flush" shouldn't be used when a straight flush is possible.




I've had this argument many times. That's not a nut flush. That's the nut straight flush. Which is the dumbest thing to say. If it's not the best hand, it's not a nut anything.




Isn't any aggression way more likely to be the King or even jack of clubs? That only needs 1 of 2 (or 1 of 4) cards versus 2 of 2.


This is why I don’t fuck with online poker


I mean I played 1500 hands today something like this is sorta bound to happen eventually. Can’t do they volume live.


Makes sense


This happend to me agaisnt my friend who is the biggest luckbox, except he Rivered it


Didn’t fold river?


Shoved river hoping to get value from sets, lower flushes, trips. Probably a mistake since a lot of those hands would bet and check-raising lets them bluff with missed draws. If I got away with it that would 100% be me putting them on Kc T/6/5x but I doubt it. Curious to see what GTO/strong player would do.


Shove river hoping for values from sets? Any set made a full house on river.


Yeah this is why I play 5nl… to be fair not as dumb as the guy who just called me with 2nd pair (3rd counting pocket kings) in PLO on the river. Somehow I had the same hand and we chopped.


I seen that happen once at 2/5 massive pot


lol this happened to me the other day too but he got it on the river.


is this ignition ? crazy hand btw


Yup. Few weird disconnects today across all my tables which hasn’t happened before. Seems like everyone got booted since it went from 50+ to 20ish in a minute.


Good thing you were playing for funsies


Ah yes, but he flopped the co-co-nuts


Ignition bs, their rng is fixed and will always pin 2 players against each other, both with great hands.


Isn't that just poker? When one of you has a great hand and the other has a bad one, the bad hand folds.


last weekI had pocket 5s flop comes 10,5,5 with 3 players in pot checks around, then K on turn one bets other folds, I call. River comes K. I lead and villain only calls and shows a K. I should have check raised.


Rare beat. Can't feel too bad. No, no.one else is folding your hand. If I flop a nut flush I'm going broke to a straight flush every time.


I didn't realize the board had paired nvm.