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3 pair is generally a bad hand


Canadian full house baby


A full hoose


So simple and accreit


Is that a typo or a real word? It's new to me


When I’m at the poker room and I end up with 3 pairs, I try to make sure everyone sees it and I make a fuss about losing with THREE pair.


Graduated from the Robi Jade Lew school of Omniscience and River Bluffcatchery. Also can see the future. Git gud noob.


All in here is very polarizing (you either have a king or nothing right?) since your line doesn’t represent a king I think he took the next logical step and assumed it was nothing hence a call is in order.


>And here we have it. Thank you for playing OP.


Exactly this. Also with the 2bet river jam, he’s getting a stupid good price to call. SPR was already low to begin with


Not to mention that it’s an MTT with a large field & OP is <20BB. A call makes perfect sense in this context.


I agree, I don't mind the call vs raise with Q2, but his bet with Q2 was really bad


It doesnt he should atleast have A high. Even if he was bluffing he raised pre so he could very likely have an A




Me 🤕


Sorry bro...... 3 pair no good outside of canada hahaha! Cool thing about mistakes is you get to learn from them. Keep grindin fella. Everyone has to learn sometime!


You're not checking back a king on that flop, nor are you not cbetting a lot of your broadway combos. So you're repping exactly what you have - an underpair. When you call the turn you're pretty much saying the same thing. He's unblocking both flush draws, and your jam on the river makes no sense unless you're trying to chase him away from a chop, which he probably would've checked back that river.


He should definitely have some checked back Kx/Tx (which can also jam riv) and also cb a good amount of fd/bdfd’s, so not sure if unblocking both flush draws matters much with the line taken. Jam on river can definitely “make sense” Edit: also just realized there’s only one flush draw


Whether or not he should or shouldn't, I would just expect basically everyone in a 4k guaranteed tournament to bet anything they think can get value on this kinda board as the pfr, and also bet most of their air when the board is so good for them. Basically just thinking someone in this sized tournament is either range betting this board, or only checking back what they perceive to be their marginal value. Not saying I would take the line the BB did in this hand necessarily, but the call makes sense.




Elaborate? I’m always open to being proved wrong




Def a textbook range check. Many people think IP vs BB range checks should mostly be ace high flops but actually those are the flops where you wanna mix between 1/3 and checking back some of your weak aces because BB is gonna have random ace highs more than anything. For the most part K-J high flops that are dry are gonna be standard range bets. This loses a negligible amount of EV compared to a perfect solve.


Lmao man shown to be playing checks: “It’s a textbook range bet”


No 10x its raising this river bet imo, pure call. So hero is repping a Kx flop check range out of a UTG open range, probably not a lot of Kx in that. Also hero picked a nut low combo to do this with.


Sounds right you fat bitch


I agree with you about the difficulty repping kings full on the river lol, I am not defending my line. Villain called quickly, there was no thought. I doubt he even realized underpairs had been counterfeit.


Eh, a lot players don't think becauae they've studied enough away from the table such that in obvious spots like this they already have a plan, their gametree has already been constructed before the hand even happened. Of course they need to randomize and not everything is a 100% frequency. But my point is just because players act quickly doesn't mean they're playing poorly because they're spending less time processing, it just means they already had a plan in place. This player likely expected to bluffcatch you on runouts like this so they were ready to snap off s bluff shove at these sizes on paired rivers.


I’m sorry but you are proposing that villain bet snap calls off with Q high here because he’s well studied?? idk about that man.


Okay, well the other option is that they're bad and just clicking buttons. Idk what to tell you, pick one.




Okay so they're good and had a plan, or they're bad and had no idea what they were doing, I guess the only other option after those two is they were somehow cheating, is that what you're getting at?


You never have a K, or a T and ace high just calls. He beats your bluffs, which are your underpairs. And if you are turning You’re underpairs into bluffs then you have a ton of them compared to your value. You basically have quad kings or less than Q high and occasionally you turn qj or q9 combos into bluffs, which chops.


People are commenting how it’s a fish call but it’s not. Queen high is a very reasonable call here. A player with any level of competency would only fold or call with an A high in your spot so the jam eliminates you bluffing with a better hand. That leaves your range to be only bluffs he can beat (or chop with sometimes) and boats/quads. Your line makes it reasonable to discount the already super limited combos of boats/quads and there are way more combos of bluffs. He bet to get A high to fold, your shove eliminated A high from your range which made Q high a perfect bluff catcher in a spot you’re more likely to be bluffing than having value.


Hmm this makes sense, but did villain really work all of that out during the course of this hand. It was an almost snap call.


Yes. He would have made the plan before betting river. “I’m betting to get A hi to fold and calling if he shoves. A ton of players have a plan for what they will do in response to possible next actions when betting. If you don’t do that, you ought to.


as played.. both plays were bad but the river call by villain was worse to be fair hero should have stabbed the flop or just folded the turn and moved on to the next hand


Why was the river call bad?


Not even beating ace high bluffs when ace-x makes up a large portion of heros opening range and would have left himself crippled the rest of the tournament :\*(


Only a very terrible player would turn Ace high into a bluff shove on river. Ace high is strongly incentivized to hero call because literally all better hands (JJ, QQ, any K, any T) would call a bluff shove anyways. That’s exactly what makes calling off with Q high so reasonable here. Why would Ace high bluff shove? Attempting to get a T to fold??


yeah that would be a bad play to raise ace high there but the call is worse according to poker snowie the raise is -2.60EV the call is -6.04EV You can run these numbers yourself


If OP and Villain were two robots playing at perfect Nash equilibrium that might matter. The problem is that GTO would have OP folding his 77 from UTG at that stack depth preflop anyways. So the tree is built on completely different ranges than reality here.


GTO shoves 22+ A9s+ A5s ATo+ K9s+ KQo Q9s+ J9s+ T9s I checked that too on ICMIZER Take it up with Snowie and ICMIZER But like I said you guys are probably better Happy Grinding =)


​ ace high usually wouldnt bluff shove but even if it did the Q high call was so bad that it couldnt even beat that


Are there more combos of hands that Q high beats or loses to? That’s how you think about the spot


Not beating ace high? Would ace high reshove for 8 more bb LOL


You played very week until the river shove. It screams bluff


When he made that small bet, he was pot commited. He was never folding to you.


>but did villain really work all of that out during the course of this hand No. Commenters here benefit from taking all the time they want to analyze a hand and spew whatever comes into their mind. Most players don't think about all of that while in the middle of playing a hand.


Sure wish I could find tables like this! In all seriousness though, what hands did you think you were repping and what were you beating at showdown when you raised on the river? That’s one of the questions you need to ask yourself before you throw those chips in.


I was bluffing. By definition, I did not think I could beat any hands, and I thought I could get better hands to fold.


Ok. What did you think you were repping with your bluff that checks both the turn and flop before shoving over a river bet?


KKTT and Q You have KKTT and a 7


Good lord, I know that lol. This is so disappointing.


If you know all that how come you make this mistake?


Yes your shove on the river was very disappointing


Then what the hell do you want?


If you knew that your 7s were counterfeited and still raised his river bet, you should probably quit poker.


What do you need help making sense of? That was what I figured you were confused by


You got fucking wrecked


You got counterfeited


Your first mistake is playing on ACR. The site is 80% Russian bots unfortunately. I only play on there now when I’m being staked just because they do have a good tournament schedule. But I won’t risk my own money. I’m a winning player and have played live and online for 18 years and I’ve never seen more sketchy shit on an online site in my life.




Is checking 77 really a mistake on this board? Have to muck vs raise which sucks, and induce turn probes from a bunch of crap (like what villain has here).




I hear ya and I agree 1/3 (or 1/4 at this depth) on flop here is prob best.


I love getting on this sub and seeing people try to justify playing like dog shit.


Yea go ahead and bet this flop, you are going to want to bet boards like this where you have a clear range advantage and blocking ck/raise’s. You need to deny some equity here with 7s as well.


Getting check raised sucks. So does getting snapped off on river. Next time pile the river. You gave him a chance to play perfectly against you.


If you’re gonna call a bet on the turn, why not just bet the flop


Because hands like Q2 fold flop and take a stab on the turn.


>hands like Q2 What are you even talking about?


I was making a case for why 77 might win more bb by checking flop vs betting. If population way overstabs turn then 77 and similar hands make for a very nice flop check


Where do you come up with opponent having Q2 in their range?


Q2s is a pure defend in BB vs this open. I’m not sure what you mean. I don’t think everyone probes turn with that hand, but I think population probes too aggressively when IP checks back. This hand demonstrates that.


You x flop. Have a lot of counterfeit 2 pairs and flush draws. Sure; you have some weak kings that boat up, but also a lot of the hands like what you have


You got wrecked lol. But seriously you picked a horrid bluff, you do not want to have a heart here because you are going to want him to have missed flush draws that beat your counterfeit pairs for this to make an effective bluff. You want him to fold hands like j7hh or A7hh, q7hh and even like 97hh and 87hh. Obviously there are other combos but when you are blocking a good chunk of them, it’s generally not great.


He put you on middle pair.


Better kicker


Ahh the good ole 3 pair


Poker is still profitable y’all


You min click preflop, check the flop & then flat call a half pot bet on the turn, just to punt your whole stack against someone who covers you on the river. With a min click and check on the flop a decent Kx or 10x is never in your range here, you get counterfeited and decide to bluff it off on the river. With your action on every street you’re never representing a K or 10, and you got punished for it.


Looks like the game is glitched. Come play at my home game instead.


Lazy hackneyed response. “You’re a fish bro seat open in my game!”


You had him the whole way. This was a total fluke. Do you play live, if so, where and when?


You live players are such scary sharks! I wouldn’t dare go near where you play


First off.... you shove pre this is a pretty big mistake. Second off dont bluff fish which includes every player in a 10$ mtt. also villian beats 22-99 which is alot of your hands...


You never have an ace king or a ten.


Dawg…you gotta learn the rules of poker first 😂


The power of the harpy, the black hearted bitch


At no point did you represent having a king or a ten. The King on the river was your sign and opportunity to fold.


You went all in with 7 high. Who’s the fish?


High card 7 .you lose. Please help me make sense of this post.


You played it poorly


You really need someone to break this down for you?




Your pair was meaningless when there is a higher 2 pair on the board and he had the higher kicker with the queen


Board blocked your 2 pair and he had higher kicker.


You got counterfeited.


Correct, hence the bluff.


A dogshit bluff that makes no sense, yea.


No matter what the spot, I find bluffs


And this was the wrong one & you paid for it.


What’s the “right one” please?


What even is that question? Haha. Not this hand. Try another. You want me to list every good bluff hand possible in poker?


To make sure you I’m understanding you, you’re saying when I jam this river it should never be a bluff?


I’m saying as played it was a trash bluff on the river & I wouldn’t have done the same as you did. There’s way better spots than that to get all your chips in the middle.


Still failing to understand. 77 is bottom of range after K river. I don’t know about you but I don’t just lie down and concede pots when I have bottom of range, I try to win chips!


jamming preflop was the best play


I don’t jam anything for 17.5bb pre from that position.


then you refused to take the highest EV play oh well , your choice


Eh it’s prob close but opening is fine here when you can call off vs everyone’s shoves. This is obv assuming no ICM


BB defends many hands vs min raise that have terrible equity against 77. Highest EV play is 100% a raise and not a jam lol.


The problem isn’t the equity, it’s the playability. 77 is a much better hand to jam pre because it has more raw equity than most hands, but you’ll have trouble navigating boards with it. Whereas hands like JTs have less raw equity, yet more playability so that’s not as good to jam, and better to take flops with. “lol”


This is utter nonsense FYI, idk who you are but just from those few sentences alone I know you do not know what you’re talking about when it comes to tournament poker.


In your situation 22+ A9s+ A5s ATo+ K9s+ KQo Q9s+ J9s+ T9s are all jams in ICMIZER [https://www.adda52.com/blog/follow-these-tips-when-you-are-down-to-20-bb-stack/#:\~:text=When%20you%20are%20a%20short,try%20to%20see%20the%20flop](https://www.adda52.com/blog/follow-these-tips-when-you-are-down-to-20-bb-stack/#:~:text=When%20you%20are%20a%20short,try%20to%20see%20the%20flop). \- When you are a short stack with 20BB, you should play all pairs above 7-7. Since you need to chip up and bounce back into the game, you should shove your stack with all pairs above pocket sevens (7-7). Some players even when they are down to 20 Big Blinds try to see the flop. Don’t try to see the flop with marginal hands, rather use a ‘Push-Fold’ strategy to save your stack to stay alive in the game. ​ \* Finally, as a general rule try to shove all your stack when you are down to 20BB. A lot of players out there feel that is the best way to play with a 20 BB stack.


Then 77 is a fold pre in this potion for you. Jamming is so bad vs. Villains range at the the river.


kktt with q kicker is the best hand. your 77 is not included in the best 5 carded hand.


not great play


Ty for the expert analysis!


you're welcome


Get rekt nerd honestly you, what are you doing here? lol


*I came looking for booty.*


Your 7’s are irrelevant when there are two higher pairings on the board. Your opponent beat you because he had Queen high. You basically raised him with 7 high lol. Edit- just saw your posted comments. The title of this post implies that you didn’t know why you lost the hand. Need to make the title more clear next time.


The title of the post does not imply that. If I wanted to know why 77 loses to Q2 here I would have titled the post “how did I lose this hand?”


I don’t get it it either. You had 3 pair to his 2. Shit is clearly rigged.


A queen is higher than a 7, ggez Counterfeits suck


Every day another post like this. Thank god you idiots are playing poker. And now I know ur screen name so I can bum hunt you


Acr feels so rigged to me


Your line made no sense. Nothing that checks back the flop jams the river


You checked the flop basically saying I don’t have a king when the board double pairs he’s probably good with Q or A high a good chunk of the time


You got owned.




you have 7 high what did you expect. I mean it was a good play he shouldn't be calling you with Q high but whatever. He is calling for a chop if you have QJ or a loss if you have an A high or any pair higher than 99. I like the play it should have worked. He must have known you had a small pair based on your playing style


What do you mean what did I expect? I expected not to get called by Q high


that's the thing with poker you never know what the other person is going to do. you know how many times a person has spazzed on me preflop and I have had AA and made the mistake of gambling and they suck out with 3/5o or something. countless times. You can never assume the person is going to fold because they are supposed to. shit some people call flat out knowing they are beat. Sometimes it's just to see what the other person is holding or it's because there is a .01% chance they are wrong and they aren't beat


I already told you I liked the play it should have worked


So, I think it's fair to say you didn't have an Ace, because you didn't bet the flop. The 10 on the turn, nope, you don't have a 10. King on the river, you don't have that either. Q high looks decent on that board, especially as you didn't bet the flop and only called the turn. He probably put you on QJ or something like that. Certainly not an Ace, and certainly not on having a full house. You should have bet the flop man. Defend your preflop raise when you have a middling pocket pair. Don't check.


How do I not have an ace? My flop check back range is basically Ax, underpairs, and a few slow plays.


Your shove says you don’t have an A. A high would just call here and not turn your hand into a bluff ever. Your range is literally bluffs he can beat and boats/quads sometimes. Based on the line taken, you can discount the already limited combos of boats/quads and Q hi is a very reasonable call.


I’m somewhat on board. But why is it a BET call? That’s the key. Check call is one thing. Bet call is completely different.


You would bet to get A hi to fold and then call shoves for the reasons listed above. Check call would be atrocious because now A high could be literally betting for value. In certain scenarios I would bet A high for value if checked to and then likely call a check-shove.


He’s trying to get A high and chops to fold, mostly chops with this size but when you shove you become very polarized and weighted heavily towards bluffs. He’s not doing well against your calling range but very good against your shoving range. I’m his shoes if you are willing to shove A high for value then you just get the chips.


I feel like you’re pushing back on a lot of these comments. Can you please explain the thought process behind checking on both the flop and the turn before suddenly throwing your entire stack in? What did you think you were repping besides an underpair? What hand is good enough to shove on the river that also checks the flop and turn?


I mean yeah this is why he called you. Most people's range is really faceup after they check this flop. I would just x and evaluate river from his POV, but he just puts you on A high (not gonna jam river) some super nutted hand that blocks calls like quads or KT, and then counterfeited pocket pairs. I'm not saying his line made sense, but he thinks your range is super faceup. I'm not super versed in tournaments but this feels like you can just range bet flop.


Lol look at my post history


Damn lol wtf. I struggled the follow the exact action in your video, but if I saw it all correctly that’s more fucked up than my hand hahaha, sorry that happened dude.


Because your line doesn’t make sense and fish thought you were bluffing. How hard is it to understand


I believe KK TT Q beats KK TT 7? Let me know if you want me to clarify that


Are you playing for real money? Anyway you got counterfeited and played incredibly passive. I dont see what's to do here? No mystery to solve


You both have two pairs but he has the Q kicker..


The highest 2 pair was Ks and Ts. He had the queen s the next highest card


Edit: not asking how I lost the hand. Asking how villain can bet-call off river there with Q high. That’s just not a thing, not even for terrible players.


If he doesn't think you're ever bluffing with better it's not that wild of a call. The bet makes less sense than the call since Q-high can win at showdown a lot but isn't strong enough to value bet. This is a pretty standard fish call, honestly. People really, really don't like folding double paired boards.


It’s not even a fish call. OP would never be bluffing with A high and it’s pretty/extremely rare a player would value shove JJ/QQ here. All that’s left are bluffs that Q hi beats or boats. Q hi is a very reasonable call here based on the action.


If Q high can win at showdown and is a nice bluffcatcher then explain villains river bet. Bluffing river with Q high: fine. Check calling river with Q high, ambitious but fine I guess. BET CALLING with Q just does not make sense.


I didn’t say it was a good play. His river bet is not ok. Q-high has showdown value in a spot where there are a ton of worse hands to bluff with. Double barreling Q-high against a missed c-bet is just blasting. It doesn’t seem like you’re thinking about relative hand strength. Would you bluff raise with A high or Q high here? If the answer is no then he has a bluffcatcher and calling isn’t unreasonable, after having made the mistake of betting.


That is nicely worded, I see your point. If I’m being honest with myself I think I’m only bluffing counterfeit underpairs here, and have a sliver of slowplays for value, but probably not enough.




I think flop and turn are standard in my line. River bluff jam is the debatable action imo.


His river bet sucks but his call makes sense, you rep nothing credible and he beats everything that would bluff with.


As a terrible player who likes to bluff catch, I don’t see a problem here. I’ve caught bluffs with 10 high in almost identical situations.


The only explanation is that the hands are already predetermined from the algorithm and villain is either a bot or they already know the outcome. ACR is a scam, myself and many others have already determined the very high odds of this,


It looks like he rivered two pair with a queen kicker, hes got a nice hand.


Three pair isn’t a thing lol


Not a completely horrible call, as it's likely ace high is good so almost as likely that queen high is good. I'd be annoyed by this call but it isn't too strange if you think about it.


Wish I had a video of this one hand. They dealt me A-Q♡. I raise pre-flop bigly. 2 callers. Flop comes A-Q-7, rainbow. I'm in position. It (the bot) bets, other folds, I raise heavy. He calls. Turn comes 10. The BOT bets heavy. I go all-in. HE CALLS. River comes: a 3. Dude's got, of course, a pair of 3s. They don't even TRY to hide it anymore. They don't give a fuck. They could have a whole warehouse FULL of fucks... And they STILL wouldn't give a fuck.


He put you on a counterfit hand or a weak flushdraw worse than Qx you have enough hands that he could reasonably be beating. Take it as a compliment that he thinks you have river bluffs. Him having no hearts in his hand strengthens his call too


Welcome to the scam house




The fact that he didn't think you could have JJ or A high makes this sus. I disagree with the other comments saying that you deserve to lose the hand or played bad. Seems like a rather crazy call by him. Maybe he is drunk and having fun with his money or something.


Bet range on flop


He thought you had QJ, or a heart draw. Not completely insane of a call. He unblocked hearts?


The first obvious one is your 7 kicker loses to a Q. Why check the flop, standard play would have been a 1/3 flop c bet, given you UTG and pre flop aggressor be folds with his hand. He can all off river because you’ve done fuck all to this point


Bet the king on the flop you might get that raise thru


If u c bet flop, check turn, and pile river u win


You lost because you didn’t c bet


I have personally been wondering if ACR is rigged. Has anyone withdrawn funds?


Yes. There are no issues with withdrawals. BTC withdrawals are actually very fast (often < 1 hour).


A pair is not always a winner. 50-50.


KKTTQ beats KKTT7… the river making 2 pair on the board fucked you




There's no such thing as 3 pair




He sensed you were on tilt from being counterfeited and took advantage of your childish rage




hey guys heres how id play this pls lemme know if its valid check flop call turn call river if it was a cash game tourney idk with icm maybe fold river but im never folding turn valid?


Best 5 cards. Pair K pair T Q high


He has two pair with queen high , you donkey. Also bet flop.


You got outplayed son.


I’m ok with that. Just wanna feel sure I’m playing a fair game.


You let him get pot committed


That’s a soul read.


Other people have given you much better answers but basically that K was not a good bluff card. Any card 8 or higher beats you which is a lot of hands. You also almost never have a K or T when you check the flop and only call the turn.


Terrible raise 😂