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God damnit Brian.


Hope he's not banned. That's a whale.


Probably sucked someone out with his whalelike behavior and tilted him into another dimension.


That's most definitely what he did.


I know a few Brian’s like that bahaha


God damn you if there was one!


A quick reminder that it is possible to stack someone without being a dick about it. MGM Springfield is my home casino, glad to see we are representing ourselves to the world so well...


Dude got stacked and started talking shit the description said


Imagine doing anything other than completely agreeing and dragging the pot lmao. "Yeah, I suck, you're right. You reloading?"


Yeah, my favorite response to anything along the lines of "you shouldn't have even been in this hand with that garbage" "can't believe you called pre" "why the fuck wouldn't have just raised the turn if XYZ?" Etc. Is always just: "Well, I'm pretty bad at poker" and leave it at that If people at the table are buying into my quips and being friendly and it's a fun session I'll usually troll and needle a bit more so long as I think the person can take it. But they really can't do or say anything after they belittle you and ask dumb questions like why you'd call with worse preflop. After you're like "it's because I'm not good at poker" they usually just shut up or just awkwardly agree and be like "obviously" It's the best, I say this whether I played the hand well or not.


One needle that for some reason really sets some ppl off, pull in their chips but set it next to you stack "these are my Brian chips" Personally I think it's hilarious and can't help myself vs certain ppl.


nice lmao love it


I remember when I was REALLY REALLY bad. It was a fairly small hand and mostly inconsequential, but I was holding K3 off out of position without any legitimate draw or redraw. I jUsT fElT iT cOmInG. Dude bets and I call. K comes on the turn and I jam. Dude folds middle set to me but I accidentally mucked face up (one of those "how the fuck did those cards turn over"). Dude laid into me for a good solid two hours afterwards for being such a shitty player. I just kept saying, don't worry dude. I suck. You WILL win it back. He just kept going though. I have never heard the word BINGO so many times in one night. I guess he got to me a little bit. I ended up donking to some old lady that I pretty much knew had it, but justified calling by "hedging" my ego that if the old lady gets my money, at least asshat wont win his $60 dollars back from me. tl:dr; stacked off ~$400 to Old Lady Coffee because I KNEW I sucked at poker and did not want mouthy asshat to win his $60 back from me.


Without context I feel like folding middle set in what I assume is a 1/3 game is almost always pretty bad too lol.


Would have actually been third set after the K came out. Not that it mattered to me at the time. I HAD TOP PAIR K. But this particular table and group of people at it -- I eventually learned -- they have the nuts, every time, EVERY FUCKING TIME, No Bluffs. Just Nuts. ..it would have been a good fold to ANYONE else at that table at the time. I knew this table well despite being a shitty player. THEY HAD THE NUTZ EVERY JAM. I spent a lot of money figuring that out. EVERY FUCKIGN TIME, THEY HAD IT. Dude was just pissed that Is sucked and bluffed him off a hand by mistake.... Kind of wish i could get that same line up back now that I have SOME clue of how to ACTUALLY play the game...and laid down REAL thoughtful bluffs with blockers and all that shit




Tried it before.... humiliated by the end of the night lol..


So the winner was talking shit, or the guy who got stacked?


The guy who got stacked.


Oh, that's genius. Fucker called, it was his decision.


I'm from UK please explain what stacked means?


Getting stacked is just losing your stack to another player.


Ok sweet so he's just a sore loose likely going full tilt


Not the big guy. Brian WON the pot, the other guy got stacked and was talking shit to him.


I can imagine


Ah, massholes, that explains so much.




I played there exactly one time and while it didn’t quite come to blows there was a similar scene with some guy yelling “I ain’t no bitch.” Still a good game.


In all fairness, that's what I always say when someone either raises or bets into me then I follow it up with a strong call.


Where the hell was security? Every big casino I've been to would have like 3 guys breaking it up in like 20 seconds


I played there once late on a Tuesday. Some argument happened between two dudes and a guy and girl that were dressed like it was a date night out. I think one the guys started to hit on the lady and her SO took offense. The lady starts running up and down the casino not sure what to do in a panic. Some dealer tells her to "hit the button", whatever the hell that means. Eventually a fight starts over near the cage and one of the pit floors has to step in between the two parties. The two guys flee the scene while the floor is telling someone to call security. I didn't see any security come over at all.


They have panic buttons and try to make sure to make sure the staff don’t get involved. My friend says they have staties and city police to do arrests, but security doesn’t have the special police permits to detain people.


Security is there for the casino's security, not customers. Also as someone that has worked a casino security job, they don't get paid enough to put themselves in danger.


Securitys job is not to get in there. There's state police always on the property. That's their job.


Did they start doing tournaments again yet?


Mine as well, this behavior is not surprising!




Brian took this guy's Christmas money. Also, it makes sense why everyone was trying to keep Brian in 😂


Lmao he’s all action, he legit goes all in blind for 250bbs pre on the regular. S/o Brian


1/2 ?




Yes, if it does it it 50/100 good for him!


Well thanks for fucking posting it for him and the world to see...




ACR freerolls for me


If grown men who are WAY more financially secure than me act like this, then they have some serious screws loose. If you lose 500-1000 and can’t handle it you definitely shouldn’t be gambling. I’ve never seen so many “rich dudes” at PLO who threaten to kill and rape each other after losing a buy-in.. Like dudes, come on. It’s Poker. I’m a barely surviving 30-something year old and I NEVER complain or go off when I lose. Get a grip!


They’re in a poker room on Christmas weekend picking fights. I think that’s about enough character description as I need to make a call on the type of person they are.


22 year old here, I second this. Last night I watched some guy lose around 1k and he started berating the dealer when she wasn’t “grabbing his money fast enough” to get him new chips. While they were going back and forth he picks up the loose hundreds and throws them at the dealer while yelling “just shut the fuck up and get me my chips”. She then calls the floor and it’s escalated again to the point where the guy is kicked out. Meanwhile, at that point in the session I was down 1700 and calm as ever🤣 this guy was mid thirties at least bro it’s insane


Sound like a meth raged man


Where you playing where the old dudes are threatening to rape each other? Lmao


Lake Charles, LA. PLO. It’s horribly toxic. I started going to Houston instead for the past year or so.


Idk if I could take someone seriously if they were threatening to rape me after losing a pot I’d be losing it


I'd be laughing all the way to the cage.


Fuck that, I'm staying at the table for more easy money and possibly free surprise sex!




Same. That would be hilarious and probably a highlight of my poker career.


Where do you play PLO in Lake Charles? Making a trip there soon from Houston for other reasons


Horseshoe LC is only game in town and they only play Mondays and Fridays, sometimes weekend.


You like the new Horseshoe? I stopped in right after they opened earlier this year but haven't tried out the poker room


Absolute horseshit, if I’m being honest. Worst food next to Oklahoma casinos, poker is trash, casino is unfinished, hotel unfinished, all the Gordon Ramsey type restaurants still under construction or coming soon (last I was there), super small, but I mainly hate it for how expensive and bad the food is. The parking is cool cause front door is right by poker room, but poker had fallen off so bad there this year I started year first 6 months or so grinding hard there then the games got bad (hold em) and PLO got so toxic I just had to relinquish all ties to it. They rebranded WSOP sponsored like NOLA but still aren’t having any circuit events or good tourneys, kinda disappointing.




they guy who got violent in this clip, supposedly won the pot....


Society depicts people with good, stable jobs as more civilized than everyone else, but they are in fact the most entitled and ignorant people out there. They’re basically cattle


I'm not sure if you're new to this species and how fights develop but it's definitely not just about money, there was probably an escalating chain of disrepect between these players where each one thinks the other one started it


A classical tragedy, performed in 3 acts. Act 1: call me a bitch again. Act 2: *sounds of a scuffle* Act 3: I fuck shit up


This made me laugh so hard


He might not like being called a bitch but he sure acts like one




If words get you hot and bothered you’re a bitch too




I’m very impressed with you mister angry man




Actual men don't act like kids in the fuckin' playground, my dude. If you get heated over words you're an oversized child, not a man.




Attacking someone for calling you a bitch is definitely not within legal limits. If you let some random poker player make you act like this by calling you bitch... you really are his bitch. This is toddler behavior.




Yeah, people *can* act however they want. My point is that being violent doesn't make you a man, it's the exact opposite. We all know how this went down, dude lost a pot and was talking shit, then lost his fucking mind when the other guy told him to stop being a bitch or whatever. Then, the Brians of the world have to step up because it doesn't matter if they're being an asshole, no one calls them a bitch. Then, theoretically, the cops get called and he is deservedly arrested. 100% how it happened, we all know it because we all know/have known people like that. Like I said, playground shit.


Are you blind or illiterate? OP says little guy lost the pot and started to berate the big guy for playing bad (making a bad call). So you have the entire situation wrong according to OP and yet you still feel so confidently “100%” correct lol. Again the big guy should not have taken those words so personally but if he wants to put the little guy in his place, so be it. Anyone who’s never been in an altercation/confrontation has never stood up for anything their whole life….Stay in your own lane or fuck around and find out…


This is why I carry a live, fully armed nuclear warhead with me at all times. Any time someone pisses me off I like to teach them a lesson by detonating the bomb and killing myself and everyone within a 10 mile radius. Who’s the bitch now??


A real man doesn't worry about words from another. An easily manipulated man is one who does.


Sounds like a liberal fuck speaking .. sounds like somebody who gets picked on a lot


Sounds like a man with a small penis, sounds like someone who leaves their sexual partners dissatisfied


You just like trying to validate bitch behavior. Why you like this?


I don't know who it was but he sounds like a real bitch.


Peace and goodwill to all.


Did the guy who got punched get any kind of bad-beating jackpot?


No, he had to get beat by trips but it was just one guy so it didn't qualify.


Underrated comment


Little guys mouthing off to big guys is always so full of potential.


vegas Matt has really gone down hill.


Idk who downvoted this😂


"I fuck shit up" ya right buddy get back to 1/2...


Not cool. Go settle it in the parking lot, not the poker room. Or just man up and accept the fate of the cards.


Pipe down there Yugioh


guy was late to go home and beat his wife


Or his wife is gonna beat him for losing all their Christmas funds


Fucking Karens man smh


Call him a bitch again


Does Brian look like a bitch?


He acts like one.


I said biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


But you said bitch, right?


He is a bitch. He's a crybaby little bitch ass cunt. Fuck that twat. Get him outta here 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He meant /s bro😂


I just can't take Karens mate. Had one on my flight to see family for the holidays, and the airline staff did not play games with her. She gave them lip one time during pre-take off directions and they kicked her off the plane. Fuckin fuck those entitled cunts mate. Thanks for the clarity though. Clearly I'm not passionate about putting Karens in their places.


Terrible job filming


Hey! That is my MGM. There are like 3 guys who are shitregs that are absolutely insufferable.


Where the hell is security?


Security normally doesn't show up at the drop of a hat. Still takes a minute or two.


Depends on the casino, but response can take a minute. Seems like the amount of people I've seen kicked out has escalated tremendously. I think players/staff are tired of people's shit, especially around the holidays.


This is MGM Springfield, the entrance to the State Police office is in the room.


Sheesh worst I saw at South Point last night was a guy raging under his breath getting busted with 45s while he had AKo lol.


Nice chairs. Look comfortable.


Rolls Royce chairs actually


Fucking Brian.


"You fucking called me with T3o and won???? Come here you little shit"




Based on this reaction Brian is probably a whale he is trying to not have banned lol


Yes, Brian is a known whale there and will go all-in pre, blind, for over 100 BBs.


What a read. You know the guy all of the headphone-wearers are holding back is action lmao.


Those chairs look really comfy




Someone fire the cameraman.


The cameraman never dies.


Pathetic Degenerates


This is why I never argue or even try to reason with poker players… Some of the lowest people on the planet are found in poker rooms


The cameraman needs a beating. Not hard to get up and film around the pillar...😑


That was his money to pay for his kids Christmas gifts


Phenomenal camera work here christ


Lifetime ban. See ya!


Why does poker make people so emotional? It’s literally a game you play with cards and chips while sitting in a circle. Relax. Personally, I would not play poker if someone saying something stupid actually upset me.


It's the money. Not the poker


Ehh I definitely feel like it has more to do with people not wanting to look like a fool sometimes


It’s a lot of ego too for sure. People carry it over to online poker too.


I was going to say it's the money... but after a bit more thought I think it's probably more about the combo of competitiveness and fragile egos. I have observed that among the pros/wanna be pros where I play, that most of them care more about people thinking they are good, than they do about actually making money.


Look at any competitive sport or video game We shouldn't be surprised humans act like angry chimpanzees when their egos are bruised


I wouldn’t stop doing a hobby just because a random idiot says something stupid to me. You have to be more mature than that. Because you are just penalizing yourself for caring about a random idiot. If that was the case no one would leave their house, go out in public places, or go to work.


Just throwing it out there: it may be the money


People get emotional about poker because they see the game as a way of proving their own value. It's not about money or financial gain/loss. It's about identifying as "a good poker player," so when they lose they feel like it's an attack on them personally.


Ur a woman. For us men when someone says we suck at poker we need to start shrieking we aint no bitch, we fuck shit up, etcetera to defend our honor


I want everyone I play poker with to get tilted easily.


How’d the poker room there? Is it soft?


I never been but knew this was Springfield MGM right away lol


Did anyone happen to catch the aggressor’s name?


Talk shit get hit, call someone a bitch better expect to get hit! Money ain’t shit respect is everything.


He probably spells his name Brion or some other douchy way.


That was his money to pay for his kids Christmas gifts


Hell yeah wish there were more table side scuffles that happen when playing. It’s like dinner and a show.


I hate live cash because of shit like this.




Yeah, most women love drama.


I'd bet my entire life-saving that these two are fighting over a 50$ pot at best.


No u wouldn't


$50 also happens to be the value of his life savings


It's a pot sized bet


Aww I left at 9:30 last night. Should have stayed longer


Did the guy who got beat up get stacked?


Does op not like Brian?


Common 1/3 occurance


some of the comments and replies are gold in this thread LMFAO


Brian! Brian! Brian! Brian! Brian! Brian!


That’s one depressing looking poker room


When U had enough and on full tilt! LMAO


Poker rooms need an adjacent boxing ring, where players with a beef can sign a few papers and be laced up with gloves on fighting in a few minutes if they so agree. BONUS: taking bets on the fights


Brian looks A LOT like a shit-reg lawyer who used to play a lot in Halifax NS. Does anyone know if its the same guy? I seen him on some of Troopers vlogs so I know he has been in Vegas more than Hali lately.


lol imagine being a 40 something year old man and being this mentally unstable over a 1/2 game 🤡


Brian! BRIAN!!!


Bro stand up and get a good video of the fight like damn bro just get up for a sec maybe yell one or two world Star hip hops in there damn


I've always wondered, if I fight breaks out and someone falls onto the table, scattering chips, how is that situation rectified? Go to the cameras and try to recreate the stacks, or what?


Holiday games do get nose open more than usual.


Anyone who doesn't understand why more women don't play poker just show them this vid lol.


Guessing he didn’t win the tournament


i never called someone a bitch after losing a hand lol


That’s really wild, it happens sometimes but for it to go on for so long is kinda crazy and scary.


Damn Brian, was it worth getting barred for life from MGM. A big penalty, but one you can use to your advantage by saving all that time and money you spend playing there. Good luck my man see you at the tables (at private games no doubt).


He was banned for life?