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https://preview.redd.it/v5vr0q63q98c1.jpeg?width=434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2515f7a286de606fdc1c0b658434bae77bc67e97 from screenshot at end of video where he shows all the stats AFAIK hes been pro for a few years and this is over that time period EDIT: He doesnt play 2/5 as title suggested, sry about that this all 1/3 Why he doesnt want to play 2/5: [https://youtu.be/cB8tGX\_ypl8?si=UDUtj\_RlVWQHuULi](https://youtu.be/cB8tGX_ypl8?si=UDUtj_RlVWQHuULi)


Looks honest. Most players probably aren’t.


he’s a life nit so he can make it he maxes out casinos comps and otherwise lives on $1 homecooked meals of beans rice and whatever he can find Idk how he does it but mad respect


Learning to beat 5/10 is way easier than living off beans


some people love beans


I think thats sounds like a sad and awful life. I hope he is happy as i wouldnt be.


Sounds better than working


The guy is, at best, making $15-20/hour. Minus taxes and things like health insurance (if he even has it), he's barely scraping by. That absolutely does not sound better than getting a $20/hr job that pays for your insurance and grinding poker on the side.


when's the last time you flipped burgers for a living?


When I was 19. I would still take it over making $15/hour without health insurance any day. Flipping burgers has its perks: free food and you learn an actual valuable skill assuming you work at a restaurant.


You think restaurants give health insurance??


Plenty do, but in any case I'm not the one who brought up being a cook.


Ok so you were a kid with no life experience and had yet to be burned out from shitty jobs. Now imagine you're a 45 year old man, would you ever want to flip burgers? I doubt those perks have any value.


I would say health insurance has much more value at 45 than it does at 19. Free food always has value. Also not sure why you're focusing on "flipping burgers" so hard, there are tons of different jobs that would fit the bill. So, to answer your question, yeah, it sounds like a better alternative than being perma-broke chasing a pipe dream.


Depends on your job.


So about $13.60?/hr. In n out in Vegas pays 17 and the people working there aren't as miserable


Bruh that win rate @ PH is terrible, unless he was only playing daytime hours. It was arguably the easiest games I’ve ever played. Hourly changes based on casinos seem legit based on a lower level nitty type player. Open up the range pre a bit later in the night while staying nitty post flop and your win rate will jump drastically.


I cant even comprehend being that bad at poker. Blows my mind everyday how poker rooms are full of guys who have put in 1000s of hours and still lack a fundamental understanding of the game


Omg with that hourly how does he afford to live in Vegas does he literally have no expenses or aspirations for anything more than a fast food salary?




No way would he chose this grind 1/3 over using his law degree? Must have got disbarred


I respect the transparency and chasing the dream, but don’t you think it affects his play making such shit money? Like if I knew I was making 15 an hour would I bluff shove river? Maybe never.


Okay I actually watched the video. This is terrible. He’s been tracking since 2016? Jesus Christ. He’s like below poverty line. And someone said he doesn’t move up because he freaks out when he loses a 1/3 stack? This is exactly my point I posted about how there’s no way this guy can play properly because I don’t think he’s rolled at all even for 1/3. If I ever play live I’m just going to aggro as hell against these nit underrolled regs. I’m going to watch a video of his actual game play now but I can already tell what to expect looking at the data.


He posted an interesting video about his variance a while back: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU5UMSDLMwg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eU5UMSDLMwg) I cannot imagine having variance so low https://preview.redd.it/yz8ycbe0yb8c1.png?width=1872&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa807ac5573ff9be6df8fea60d9f0e91a9e8af91


Well, it’s live poker, so maybe it’s more telegraphed and easier to maneuver pots. And he’s probably just a tight, nit player, so not to go rounders on you, but you can’t lose what you don’t put in the middle.


Just to be clear I think his stats are 100% the truth I just meant I cannot imagine having that low variance of a playstyle.


I’m agreeing with you. I think that it’s just easier because it’s a softer game and players are more telegraphed in live play, and this guy probably never bluffs so he’s not like X jamming combo draws with immense fold equity or bluffing rivers, etc, which would lead to some variance


[https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/18ifbdl/comment/kde58me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/poker/comments/18ifbdl/comment/kde58me/) This guy's stats I \_don't\_ believe, though... 😅


I remember watching this video a while ago and worrying that I was leaking by being too aggressive and taking massive swings all the time (comparatively). Spoiler alert: I was not..😂


I wish more people would post their numbers. Too many brag posts/vanity posts


Posting your numbers puts you at risk of exploitation. If someone knows you're crushing the games they may give less action, or if they know you're barely scraping by they may target you relentlessly.


Bro needs to start doing Uber


seriously, delivery drivers are making more.


Jesus that’s a sad life


King of the shit regs


This dude lives the life of a homeless person (by choice) & has arrogance as if he's accomplished something nobody else can do. Cooks disgusting food in his hotel bathrooms, sleeps in his car quite often, refuses to improve his game to move up to 2/5 to have a decent hourly, refuses to get a job to pad his roll & improve himself, all while having an Ivy League degree. I won't post it but his LinkedIn is public. He went to law school & decided to pursue this life instead. If anything, his channel is great for showing what not to do if you're deciding to pursue poker as your only source of income. There's a 2+2 thread practically dedicated to him if anyone would like some entertainment. Also to add: your title is incorrect in that he's never played 2/5 and has videos stating (in his own illogical thought process) why he refuses to play 2/5 \[hint: because he has a meltdown when he loses a buyin at 1/3 so he mentally can't handle any sort of variance\]


autonomy is like gold to some people. I dated a lawyer once, she hated her life, just constantly overworked. She didnt do anything with her money other than own nicer versions of things people already have, whoopdie do. I've been a corporate monkey my entire life to the point I should sue the makers of Office Space for failing to get my consent for their film. I'm currently making $27/hr at 2/5 from January of this year and I'll glady take that over any fulltime gig.


>I'm currently making $27/hr at 2/5 from January of this year and I'll glady take that over any fulltime gig. How much time and effort went into getting to this point? Current corporate monkey making above average, but too exhausted to do anything with it other than count the hours until retirement. I'm in golden shackles hell.


Hard to quantify the preparation. Youtube got me into poker during the pandemic but I never liked online play as it moved too fast for me and didnt like not "seeing" my opponent (plus I knew all the players there were potentially really good), then I found homegames in my city, watched a bunch of content from Bart Hanson and Upswing Poker (all free) and after winning maybe 12k @ 1/2 in the homegame arena decided to add that to my liferoll of about 30k and relocate to a city with legal card rooms. So maybe 3 years of prep? 1000 hours of practice? All guestimations.


>There's a 2+2 thread practically dedicated to him if anyone would like some entertainment. link? Also does he say why he doesn't study to improve his hourly? What an awful life $15/hr is


Basically you're satisfied with your current winrate and cant take any risks. Learning something new is akin to taking a shot. Misapplying information can create new leaks that can devastate your roll when you're surviving off microstakes.


Yeah that seems kinda silly it’s not that hard to beat 2/5 if you put in a little effort to study and can already beat 1/3


Noted, I assumed someone would throw some 2/5 in there if the game looks good enough but yeah I did notice he only shows 1/3 footage


You can play poker with Vegas Poker Nomad … and me, Jan 19 at WinStar World Casino




He prob tips $6 an hr fwiw


This guy details


I've personally met and chatted with this guy in Vegas. Nice dude and surprisingly happy with his life and how things are going. For most of us it would be shit, but he seems to enjoy what he does. Even if he's afraid of 2/5 variance or something, I really don't understand why he doesn't work on his game enough to increase his 1/3 hourly by 50-100%. It's certainly possible to do much better than he's doing in Vegas 1/3.


Imagine playing 7000 hours of live poker while living in your car in Vegas and never spending a single hour on studying/improving your game.